Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Aug25,06 New computer virus " Amazing picture" Don't open+每日飲奶減心臟病中風+內心交戰The Ba

If you receive any Email or MSN of " Amazing picture"
don't open it........
It may contain virus....Be careful!!!!!
靈命日糧 - 2007年8月25日
讀經: 加拉太書5章16-23節
金句: 「因為情慾和聖靈相爭。」(加拉太書5章17節)
全年讀經: 詩篇119篇1-88節;哥林多前書7章20-40節

天父上帝,讓耶穌生命住我心;賜我力量,好勝過肉體罪性。D. De Haan

August 25, 2007
The Battle Within
READ: Galatians 5:16-23
The flesh lusts against the Spirit. —Galatians 5:17
-->About this cover

My doctor noticed a small spot on my skin—one that he thought needed some attention. It was a tiny problem that had to be treated so it would not grow into something worse. I hadn’t known it was a problem until he pointed it out.
He prescribed a special cream that, when applied, helped the good cells in my body to come to that spot and fight off the bad ones. In other words, the medication started a little battle between the diseased cells and the good ones.
There’s a similar battle going on inside each of us as believers. It goes like this: Sinful thoughts dwell within us. They need to be treated by the Holy Spirit, who helps us to fight off the bad ideas that are fed by our flesh. The flesh introduces things such as immoral thoughts, impurity, discord, hatred, and jealousy (Gal. 5:19-20). But if we call on the Holy Spirit to come to our rescue, He combats those ideas with the fruit of the Spirit: “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (vv.22-23).
Are you taking the treatment that calls on the Holy Spirit to fight against the flesh? That’s how we win the battle within. —Dave BranonDave Branon-->
O God, may the lifeOf Jesus withinGive strength to restrainOur urges to sin. —D. De Haan
God’s Spirit knows no defeat.
For similar resources, search these topics:Basics Of Faith > Holy Spirit > Ministry Relationships > Relating to God > Power For Living
Bible in One Year: Psalms 119:1-88; 1 Corinthians 7:20-40
但信還未來以先,我們被看守在律法之下,直關到那將來 的信顯明出來。(加三:23直譯)

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