Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Nov1,07英研製人造神經 修復受損器官artificial neural repair damaged organs +兩個國度Two Kingdoms

靈命日糧 - 2007年11月1日
讀經: 馬太福音22章15-22節
金句: 「凱撒的物當歸給凱撒;上帝的物當歸給上帝。」(馬太福音22章21節)
全年讀經: G耶利米書24-26章;提多書2章


November 1, 2007
Two Kingdoms
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Matthew 22:15-22
Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. —Matthew 22:21
-->About this cover

In a report in USA Today, Rick Hampson wrote: “The young generally don’t have the old-time political religion. They look at voting and see a quaint, irrational act.” One graduate was quoted as saying, “I don’t care enough to care about why I don’t care.” I wonder if this is how we as Jesus-followers sometimes view our civic responsibility!
The insights of Jesus in Matthew 22 helped His followers think clearly about their civic duty in the world. The Jews were required to pay taxes to the Roman government. They hated this taxation because the money went directly into Caesar’s treasury, where some of it supported the pagan temples and decadent lifestyle of the Roman aristocracy. They may have questioned whether they even had a civic responsibility to Caesar. Jesus reminded them, however, that they had dual citizenship. They lived in a world with two kingdoms—Caesar’s kingdom (human authority) and God’s kingdom (spiritual authority). They had responsibilities to both, but their greater responsibility was to God and His kingdom (Acts 5:28-29).
As followers of Christ, we are commanded to cooperate with our rulers, but we are called to give God our ultimate obedience and commitment. —Marvin WilliamsMarvin Williams-->
We live today as citizens of two worlds,And this demands a duty to fulfill;But greater far should be our heart’s desireTo honor Christ and always do His will. —Hess
Government has authority, but God has ultimate authority.
For similar resources, search these topics:Christian Life > Our World > Human Governments
Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 24-26; Titus 2

英研製人造神經 修復受損器官
~   |  ~閱覽更多新聞,請看世界日報。
Development of the British artificial neural repair damaged organs
【- - Manchester University scientists will be drawn from the recent successful adult animal fat tissue stem cells induced to differentiate into neural cells, and plans to use the technology developed artificial nerve to repair damaged limbs and organs. Manchester University, said that this study was conducted by the University "British biological tissue regeneration centers," a study group completed.
The researchers next plan of adult volunteers from the adipose tissue extract stem cells on human stem cells and animal stem cells and experimental comparisons, and then use biodegradable polymers to create "jacket" to transplant stem cells. This polymer "jacket" vol% can be tubular, insert fault of the fracture between the two, so the stem cells into nerve fibers from the canal through which extends from one end to the other end of the fault of the final link.
Paul is responsible for the study. Gingham that this technology can be used to limb or organ damage by trauma patients and organ transplant patients. Researchers hope this technology in the next four or five years will be applied.

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Read more news, take a look at the World Journal.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Oct31,07 一氧化碳 可助器官移植Carbon monoxide +寧靜之路The Quiet Road

靈命日糧 - 2007年10月31日
讀經: 馬可福音6章30-46節
金句: 「你們來,同我暗暗地到曠野地方去歇一歇。」(馬可福音6章31節)
全年讀經: 耶利米書22-23章;提多書1章


October 31, 2007
The Quiet Road
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Mark 6:30-46
Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while. —Mark 6:31
-->About this cover

Fifty miles west of Asheville, North Carolina, I turned off the busy highway and drove the remaining distance to the city on the scenic Blue Ridge Parkway. On that late October afternoon I drove slowly, stopping often to savor the mountain vistas and the last of the brilliant autumn leaves. The journey was not efficient in terms of getting to my destination quickly, but it was effective in restoring my soul.
The experience caused me to ask, "How often do I travel the quiet road with Jesus? Do I exit the fast lane of my responsibilities and concerns to focus my attention on Him for a time each day?"
After Jesus’ disciples completed a demanding period of ministry, He said to them, "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while" (Mark 6:31). Instead of a long vacation, they had only a short boat ride together before being thronged by the crowd. The disciples witnessed the compassion of the Lord and participated with Him in meeting the needs of the multitudes (vv.33-43). When the long day finally ended, Jesus sought renewal in prayer with His heavenly Father (v.46).
Jesus our Lord is always with us whether life is hectic or calm, but there is great value in taking time each day to walk the quiet road with Him. —David C. McCaslandDavid C. McCasland-->
There is a place of quiet rest,Near to the heart of God;A place where sin cannot molest,Near to the heart of God. —McAfee
Time spent with the Lord is always time well spent.
For similar resources, search these topics:Relationships > Relating to God > Growth/Sanctification
Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 22-23; Titus 1

一氧化碳 可助器官移植
Carbon monoxide can help organ transplant
[-] Is the general sense that carbon monoxide gas, but the use of it has micro-organ transplant benefit. British researchers recently invented a new method, carbon monoxide can be used effectively to help organ transplant survival, while avoiding the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. According to the British Broadcasting Corporation recently reported that the British Ice Rumsfeld University researchers invented the use of vector elements to the release of small doses of carbon monoxide fixed-point method. Known as the "molecule of carbon monoxide released," the carrier can be oral or injected into the patients body, such elements are water-soluble and can enter the blood quickly, easily absorbed.
Leading the study Brian Cayman said that the new method has two advantages, while patients can easily control the dose of carbon monoxide intake, can be accurately positioned injection on the other hand, or adjust it at the molecular design specific location, the other parts of the body do not have an impact. Laboratory tests show that this method promising, the researchers hope that in 2010 before beginning human trials.
Inhalation will lead to excessive carbon monoxide poisoning people died, but in organ transplant surgery, micro vascular expansion of the use of carbon monoxide helps to reduce inflammation, thereby improving the survival rate of organ transplantation.


Monday, October 29, 2007

Oct30,07慢性乙肝 chronic hepatitis B+一路順風 Bon Voyage

靈命日糧 - 2007年10月30日
讀經: 提摩太後書4章1-8節
金句: 「我現在被澆奠,我離世的時候到了。」(提摩太後書4章6節)
全年讀經: 耶利米書20-21章;提摩太後書4章


October 30, 2007
Bon Voyage
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: 2 Timothy 4:1-8
The time of my departure is at hand. —2 Timothy 4:6
-->About this cover

Paul’s word departure in 2 Timothy 4:6 is freighted with significance. It means "loosing" or "unmooring." It’s a word he uses again when he sighs, "I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ" (Phil. 1:23).
Departure is a nautical term that suggests "shipping out"—weighing anchor, slipping the lines that tether us to this world and getting underway. It’s a marvelous metaphor for dying.
For believers in Christ, death is not an end but a beginning. It means leaving this old world behind and getting to a better place, completing the purpose for which we were made. It’s a time for joy and excitement and a hearty "Bon Voyage!"
All voyages, however, are fraught with uncertainty, especially those that pass through waters never sailed before. We don’t fear death so much as we do the passage. Who knows what dangers lie ahead?
But the journey is not uncharted. One has taken it before us, and He has returned to bring us safely through. Although we pass through the valley of the shadow of death, God is with us all the way (Ps. 23:4). His hands are on the helm as He guides us to the heavenly haven He has prepared for us (John 14:1-3). —David H. RoperDavid H. Roper-->
Say not it’s a dreadful journeyWhen the Savior leads the way;It’s but passing through the shadowsTo the land of endless day! —Bosch
Those who fear God need not fear death.
For similar resources, search these topics:Christian Life > Personal Crisis > Death
Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 20-21; 2 Timothy 4
Small chronic hepatitis B: 560,000 (October 30, 2007) HK Ming Pao - the so-called chronic hepatitis B, hepatitis B virus infection is that, if the immune system unable to eliminate the virus within six months, they defined as chronic hepatitis B carriers, patients from 25 to 40% chance to evolve into liver cirrhosis or liver cancer. Chronic hepatitis B may be no symptoms, about 8% of the population, that is 560,000 chronic hepatitis B carriers, of which about 25% due to cirrhosis and liver cancer death. In Asia, mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B is the most common means of infection, other channels for contact with the blood or body fluids, such as unsafe sex, injection or blood transfusion, such as wearing耳孔and tattoos. Because hepatitis B virus in the human body, the survival of seven days and above can be family members sharing toothbrushes or razors can spread. Viral hepatitis B infection through blood tests found that if patients become lifelong carriers should be checked regularly to monitor conditions and reduce suffering from cirrhosis or liver cancer risk. In addition, vaccination can prevent chronic hepatitis B, the results of over 95%.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Oct29,07 美酒紅肉易致癌Good wine red meat-carcinogenic +一顆鉚釘 Only A Rivet

靈命日糧 - 2007年10月29日
讀經: 雅各書3章13-18節
金句: 「惟獨從上頭來的智慧,先是清潔,後是和平,溫良柔順,……沒有偏見,沒有假冒。」(雅各書3章17節)
全年讀經: 耶利米書18-19章;提摩太後書3章


October 29, 2007
Only A Rivet
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: James 3:13-18
The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, . . . without partiality and without hypocrisy. —James 3:17
-->About this cover

Scientists have determined that faulty rivets may have caused the rapid sinking of the "unsinkable" HMS Titanic. According to researchers who recently examined parts recovered from the wreck, impure rivets made of wrought iron rather than steel caused the ship’s hull to open like a zipper. The Titanic proves the foolishness of spending resources on fancy equipment and public promotion while neglecting the "ordinary" parts.
In a sense, churches are like ships, and many of their people are like rivets. Although rivets seem insignificant, they are essential for holding the ship together and keeping it afloat.
Feelings of insignificance are rampant these days, even among Christians, and some do hurtful things to make themselves feel important. James says, "Where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there" (3:16). People corrupted by worldly desires for beauty, wealth, and power can bring down great churches, but people who are pure and undefiled (1:27) hold churches together.
As members of God’s church, we need to be "rivets" without defect. When we are pure (James 3:17), strong (Eph. 6:10), and steadfast (1 Cor. 15:58), we will be used by the Lord to keep His ship afloat in times of crisis. —Julie Ackerman LinkJulie Ackerman Link-->
The task Thy wisdom hath assigned,O let me cheerfully fulfill;In all my works Thy presence find,And prove Thy good and perfect will. —Wesley
It is a great thing to be faithful in little things.
For similar resources, search these topics:Christian Life > Church Life > Unity
Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 18-19; 2 Timothy 3
【明報專訊】世界癌症基金報告 指增腸癌乳癌風險
有美食不可無美酒、紅酒要配紅肉,以上全是基本飲食「知識」。然而,世界癌症研究基金(World Cancer Research Fund)將於本周發表最新研究報告,指即使進食小量紅肉、飲用酒精,也會增加患癌風險。有專家更形容,紅肉的危害和吸煙一樣,會增加患腸癌風險;酒精則會增患乳癌及其他癌症的風險。專家將會提出十大「避癌」建議 ,例如每天應只吃80克(2.8安士)紅肉,即約三分一塊牛扒,以保健康。
研究「安全飲食量」 勢惹業界反對
其中一名負責研究的專家指出,酒精、紅肉及過重皆會增加患癌風險,「現時已有很多證據證明進食紅肉會致癌,大量研究亦已證明飲酒會增加患乳癌及其他癌症的風險」。同樣有參與研究的公開大學教授David Shuker指出,紅肉會增加患腸癌的風險,「紅肉像吸煙般,增加患癌風險」。
牛排只宜三分一塊 酒只宜一兩杯
但進食多少紅肉、飲多少酒才會危害健康?研究報告指出,每天進食100克紅肉也增加患癌風險,世界癌症研究基金將於本周確認每天應只吃80克紅肉,即2.8安士,約三分一塊牛扒,以求健康。而食品標準局(The Food Standards Agency)則沒有指明「安全食量」,但發言人建議市民只宜適量進食肉類,並選擇吃較瘦的肉。
Good wine red meat-carcinogenic (October 29, 2007)
HK Ming Pao: World Cancer Fund reports that the risk of breast cancer by colorectal cancer
Not without a gourmet wine, red wine with red meat should be, above all is a basic diet "knowledge." However, the World Cancer Research Fund (World Cancer Research Fund) will be released the latest research report this week that even a small amount of red meat eating, drinking alcohol, would increase cancer risk. Some experts have even described as red meat and the harm of smoking, would increase the risk of colorectal cancer risk; Alcohol will be affected by breast cancer and other types of cancer risk. Ten experts will propose to "avoid cancer" proposals, such as daily should only eat 80 grams (2.8 oz) red meat, or about one-third a牛扒to keep healthy.
Research on "safe diet of" Anger opposed by the trade potential
21 experts from around the world, spend five years to complete on diet, nutrition and public health reports, re-discussed red meat such as cattle, lamb and alcoholic drinks and the relationship between cancer, and will study the "safety of food or drink," I believe that it will lead to the livestock industry and alcohol industry strong reaction.
One of the experts responsible for the study, alcohol, red meat are too heavy and will increase the risk of cancer, "there are already a lot of evidence that eating red meat cancer, numerous studies have proved that drinking will increase suffering from breast cancer and other types of cancer risk." Also participating in the Open University Research Professor David Shuker pointed out that red meat will increase the risk of suffering from colorectal cancer, "as red meat like smoking, increase cancer risk."
A piece of steak only to one-third should be taken only a glass or two of wine
However, the number of red meat eating, drinking liquor before the number of health hazards? Research report, the daily consumption of 100 grams of red meat also increased cancer risk, the World Cancer Research Fund will be recognized every day this week should only eat 80 grams red meat, or 2.8 oz, about one third piece牛扒so healthy. The Food Standards Agency (The Food Standards Agency) is not specified "safety appetite", the spokesman advised the public to appropriate only eat meat, and choose to eat more lean meat.
The report also suggested that men should not be a day to two glasses of drinking too much alcohol, the President is not more than a cup a day। In addition, the report will be on physique, exercise, fruits and vegetables, meat, alcohol, such as the preparation and handling of food by 10 recommendations to educate the public on how to avoid suffering from cancer.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Oct28,07骨鬆症年輕化Osteoporosis become earlier+ 我不想做I Don’t Feel Like It

靈命日糧 - 2007年10月28日
讀經: 馬太福音21章28-32節
金句: 「他回答說:『我不去』,以後自己懊悔,就去了。」(馬太福音21章29節)
全年讀經: 耶利米書15-17章;提摩太後書2章


October 28, 2007
I Don’t Feel Like It
READ: Matthew 21:28-32
He answered and said, “I will not,” but afterward he regretted it and went. —Matthew 21:29
-->About this cover

Have you ever faced an unwanted chore and felt as if it were the last thing on earth you wanted to do? Mowing the lawn, doing the wash, cleaning the house, or even preparing a Sunday school lesson after an exhausting week can make us feel like procrastinating.
When this happens, my wife and I have a motto we repeat to each other: "I don’t feel like it—but I’m going to do it anyway." There is something about recognizing our lack of motivation and then choosing to be responsible that helps us follow through.
God’s value on faith and obedience can be seen in the parables of Jesus. Christ spoke about two sons who were asked to work in the vineyard. The first said no, but "afterward he regretted it and went" (Matt. 21:29). The second said yes but did not follow through. Then the Lord asked His listeners, "Which of the two did the will of his father?" (v.31). The obvious answer is the one who finished the task.
Our Lord’s illustration underscores a key spiritual principle. God is interested in our faith and obedience—not just our good intentions. Next time you are tempted to shirk your duties, why not say, "I don’t feel like it," and then ask God for the grace to do it anyway. —Dennis FisherDennis Fisher-->
O help us, Lord, to heed Your Word,Its precepts to obey;And give us strength to quench the urgeTo do things our own way. —Sper
Obedience is faith in action.
For similar resources, search these topics:Relationships > Relating to God > Obedience
Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 15-17; 2 Timothy 2

骨鬆症 補鈣並非萬靈丹 走向年輕化 經常喝咖啡、抽菸、喝酒都是誘發因素

同時,… ,專家特別強調了年輕白領女性普遍存在的、容易引起骨質疏鬆的兩大生活弊端:缺乏運動與缺乏日曬。
頁數檢索: 1 2 上一頁
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Osteoporosis become earlier, only take calcium is not panacea To younger regular cup of coffee, smoking and drinking are predisposing factor
There osteoporosis measurement, the use of mobile ultrasound bone analyzer, measurement of the density of the calcaneus as a reference. 【- - Originally seen as the elderly "patent" of osteoporosis, is now undergoing attack young people, in particular was particularly prevalent in the white-collar group. Smoking drinking, lack of exercise, not sunbathing, these white-collar workers have grown accustomed to living life in the state, have become impact on bone health "stepping stone." According to the Shanghai Youth Daily reported that the prevention of osteoporosis from a young age started calcium, but to remind that, as long as calcium supplementation is not on the "everything is all right now."
Improper diet, attracted osteoporosis
"I倒楣, the fracture." The year is already the second fracture very fact lying on the bed, complained in some fate. The doctor gives the answer, she revealed the real reason for the so-called倒楣: osteoporosis.
"I am over 30 years of age, however, how to osteoporosis?" The doctor explained that the very fact of the muttering from the heart guilty. In inquired about their living conditions, the doctor further and remove the very fact of age must not the root causes of osteoporosis, "and you are likely related to improper diet."
Originally, many slimming products have inhibited the absorption functions, along with some women excessive weight loss caused low body fat content, making it easy for endocrine disorder, reduce estrogen levels, osteoporosis was found on the door came. In addition, weight loss is often to vegetables, fruits instead of the normal diet, while the crude fiber intake will cause too much calcium absorption barriers, it is also one of the reasons for osteoporosis. Foreign study also found that women in the year after slimming diet, weight loss of bone density also will be dropped.
Doctors said that osteoporosis is a very hidden disease, usually almost no symptoms, but patients once fall, or even just碰着,扭着are prone to fracture.
Data show that patients over the age of 45 fractures in 75% of the fracture and osteoporosis-related.
This reminded doctors, if hidden behind the fractures occurred in osteoporosis, so patients should not only to the treatment of orthopedic fracture, but also to injury after endocrine treatment of osteoporosis, otherwise, would have occurred after the fracture risk.
Osteoporosis also a feature of the incidence of distant women than men. Statistics show that the loss in the life of women in the whole body bone mass can be accounted for 30% of bone mass to 50%, while men lost his life only a quarter of bone mass.
White-collar life, burying many hidden dangers
What is worth mentioning is that in the past only to the elderly on osteoporosis now is moving toward younger. "Many young people and some undesirable lifestyles." Doctors said that regular drinking coffee, smoking and drinking are a predisposing factor of osteoporosis.
Doctors explained that on January 1, a diuretic coffee, and the urine output increase will increase urinary calcium drained from fecal calcium, so often a cup of coffee easily trigger osteoporosis; The ingredients in tobacco will reduce estrogen, and this tends to early postmenopausal women; Excessive alcohol consumption and liver damage, vitamin D synthesis decrease intestinal impact on the vitamin D and calcium absorption. "More of the matter is that when he was young, the bad habits will become much bone a hidden danger to health, directly led many people to middle-aged women after menopause or osteoporosis."
At the same time, ..., experts placed particular emphasis on young white-collar women widespread, making it easy for the two life osteoporosis drawbacks: lack of exercise and lack of sun. Go out to cars, working hours in front of computers sit in a few hours; To the rest day, to make up for peacetime insufficient sleep, but also no thought to running, playing and just want to hang on the sofa bed or Waterloo, many white-collar workers who may not know, lack of exercise less than their bone mass. As for the white-collar成天took office, the lack of sun is not difficult to imagine. "Also there was no time to wait until the beginning of brilliant sunshine on drilling the office, and from work, only about a drying moonlight." An enterprise IT executives, a case that.
Experts pointed out that in the ultraviolet sunlight can promote the synthesis of vitamin D, if not long-term sun will be directly affected bone health.
Doctors also said that many white-collar workers are now plagued by sub-health, the most typical performance is often felt myself weak. In fact, in the early osteoporosis, fatigue is the most typical situation. Thus, young people if there is prolonged weakness, the best timely diagnosis.
Bone health maintenance from the young
Experts say osteoporosis is reduced bone mass, bone degradation of micro-structure characterized by a systemic skeletal disease. As a degenerative disease, which is accompanied by the aging of the human body functions arising. Although osteoporosis is a natural phenomenon, but if our youth began to actively prevent, increase bone mass reserves, the loss of control of calcium and improve bone mass peaks, after the elderly will be able to stay away from osteoporosis.
"As we all know, calcium and bone formation are closely related, so young effective calcium supplement can slow the aging degree of future osteoporosis." Experts say people between 20-40 years of age, bone metabolism particularly strong intake of calcium quickly absorbed into the bones of precipitation, rapid bone formation, osteocalcin content was high, the most strong bones. Once the 40-year-old, the loss of bone formation rate exceeded the speed, decreased bone mass, osteoporosis变脆, calcium in the body is reduced year by year.
"趁年轻increase in bone calcium reserves that allow themselves to avoid entering the middle-aged prematurely after being entangled by osteoporosis." Adults daily calcium intake of 800 mg in the best around.
It is worth noting that, as calcium deficiency is not the only reason for osteoporosis, vitamin D synthesis shortage, lack of exercise, estrogen levels decline, and many other factors can cause the bone disease, thus, prevention of osteoporosis is not just rely on the Taiwan issue calcium supplementation can.
Experts said that the absorption of calcium in the body need to have the participation of vitamin D, some people paid great attention to the calcium in the diet or taking calcium intake, the end of the day, discovered that calcium deficiency, the reasons for vitamin D is less. It is therefore recommended that young people every day for half an hour at least guarantee the sun, this would "activate" the body of vitamin D, calcium absorption help. At the same time, we must do aerobic exercise, it can not only promote the synthesis of vitamin D, but also through muscle contraction and relaxation would provide a stimulus for bone, thereby enhancing the quality and bone density.
If it is due to the decrease of estrogen osteoporosis, should be supervised by medical practitioners using hormone replacement therapy.
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Read more news, take a look at the World Journal.

Oct27,07銀髮族飲食 把握7原則!Seniors ethnic restaurants grasp + 推人一把 Giving Others A Push

靈命日糧 - 2007年10月27日
讀經: 使徒行傳11章19-26節
金句: 「他到了那裏,看見上帝所賜的恩就歡喜,勸勉眾人,立定心志,恆久靠主。」(使徒行傳11章23節)
全年讀經: 耶利米書12-14章;提摩太後書1章


October 27, 2007
Giving Others A Push
READ: Acts 11:19-26
[He] encouraged them all that with purpose of heart they should continue with the Lord. —Acts 11:23
-->About this cover

When Jean was a teenager, she often walked through a park where she saw mothers sitting on benches and talking. Their toddlers sat on the swings, wanting someone to push them. "I gave them a push," says Jean. "And you know what happens when you push a kid on a swing? Pretty soon he’s pumping, doing it himself. That’s what my role in life is—I’m there to give others a push."
Encouraging others along in life—that’s a worthy purpose. Joses, a godly man mentioned in the book of Acts, had that gift as well. In the days of the early church, he sold some land and gave the money to the church to use for the less fortunate (4:36-37). He also traveled with Paul on missionary journeys and preached the gospel (11:22-26; 13:1-4).
You may know Joses as "Barnabas," which is the name the apostles gave to the "Son of Encouragement." When the Jerusalem church heard that people in Antioch were coming to know Jesus as Savior, they sent Barnabas because "he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith" (11:24). He "encouraged them all that with purpose of heart they should continue with the Lord" (v.23).
We too can give others a "push" of encouragement in their walk with the Lord. —Anne CetasAnne Cetas-->
Lord, I would be to othersA cheering ray of light,Inspiring them with courageTo climb some new-found height! —Bosch
A little spark of encouragement can ignite great endeavors.
For similar resources, search these topics:Christian Life > Attitudes > Encouragement
Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 12-14; 2 Timothy 1

銀髮族飲食 把握7原則!

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Seniors ethnic restaurants grasp seven principles!
Rough catering to the elderly should not be fine as high fiber intake of food. 【- - Seniors family nutrition requirements and adults basically the same, but because of physical, psychological and immune function and the changes are unique, therefore, restaurants, it should also change its Shun. According to market newspaper reported, nutrition experts suggest the healthy eating principles can be used as food for the elderly as a reference. Hunger eat moderate
The elderly and the change due to endocrine secretion of digestive頮reduced, the control of hunger eat less often when hunger hypoglycemia, cardiac过饱will increase the burden. Net vegetarian especially the elderly, all of which are due to the consumption of plant foods, less tolerance of hunger, it should少食多餐, on time consuming.
General eat at least three meals daily, preferably two or three additional deputy meal. Deputy meal optional fresh soy milk, tofu brain, jujube Neferine soup, peanut paste, Walnut casein,芝麻酱, various Xiantian porridge, soft cakes, fruits and other foodstuffs. Three main meal intervals for 4-6 hours, the Deputy meals on the main menu between one hour and bedtime. Elderly lower metabolic function, less physical activity, the Japan Society for八九分saturation, 70% eat better.
Protein to fine
The high protein content of soybeans, good quality. Fish fibers short, containing less fat, succulent fresh, protein digestibility as high as 87-98%. These are elderly people access to the ideal protein food. Four elderly people daily protein needs, but must limit intake of meat, protein sources should be part of beans and soybean products (such as tofu, soybean milk) to replace. Elderly diet, the main meal should include a protein food (such as lean meat, fish, eggs, tofu, etc.), especially not eat meat, or even吃蛋the vegetarian, and from various beans and nuts (peanuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews, etc.) access to protein in food .
Should less fat
For the elderly, such as unsaturated fatty acids linoleic acid should maintain an appropriate ratio of 1.25:1 suitable to the general, it should use vegetable oil and less saturated fatty acids of lean meat, fish, poultry, it is not appropriate to吃肥肉and lard, butter.
As the food intake of high fiber
Celery, mushrooms, vegetables, fruit, beans, potato and other food, rich in fiber, should be daily intake (but not too greasy). Fiber on the adsorption grease a certain role, if fiber in stomach, eating into the grease on easily fiber吸住, together with the excreta out.
It is not appropriate to small coarse staple
Older persons should be properly selected coarse grains, such as millet, corn, oats, sweet potato. Coarse grain bread consumption of fine white bread than with a higher nutritional value, which contain more vitamin B1, thus contributing to the maintenance of the elderly good appetite and the normal secretion of digestive juice. At the same time, the Food and fiber content can be increased to stimulate the intestinal peristalsis, fiber prevent food shortage due to而使constipated, and even constipation, and so on.
Raising the body metabolism
The elderly should be more calcium-rich food, iron and vitamin A, B2, C food. Calcium-rich food have dried small shrimps,芝麻酱and dairy products. Dairy contains a higher nutritional value of protein and calcium, but also vitamin A, B2 good source of iron is less. Fresh绿叶菜and red, yellow melons category (such as carrots, pumpkins, Xingzi, etc.) with rich vitamin A, C, but also to more consumption. Kelp, Laver in potassium, iodine, iron content more, the prevention and treatment of hypertension, arteriosclerosis useful. Regular consumption mussel, kelp, mushrooms, peanuts, walnuts, sesame, and other essential trace elements can be increased zinc, selenium, copper, etc. intake, and also helps control hypertension and arteriosclerosis.
Low oil low-salt, soy sauce less MSG
Steamed或煮possible way to cooking to reduce fat intake. If it is outside meal, will be what will happen in a cup of boiled water over the vegetables slightly. Eat less fried and starch after speculation or something, because starch easy oil absorption, as mixed, fried rice, Shuijianbao,葱油饼, etc.. Taste not sensitive to the elderly eat often feel索然tasteless, food on a端上来Meng added salt, soy sauce James frequency, it is easy to eat into excess sodium, leading to the occurrence of hypertension.

~ ~
Read more news, take a look at the World Journal.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Oct26,079種食品 儘量少吃! Nine kinds of food to eat less! +仰望上帝Hope In God

靈命日糧 - 2007年10月26日
讀經: 詩篇42篇
金句: 「我的心哪,你為何憂悶?……應當仰望上帝,因他笑臉幫助我,我還要稱讚他。」(詩篇42篇5節)
全年讀經: 耶利米書9-11章;提摩太前書6章

主是我們真盼望,他的話語是確據;雖然有時會懷疑,信實上帝永同在。D. De Haan

October 26, 2007
Hope In God
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Psalm 42
Why are you cast down, O my soul? . . . Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance. —Psalm 42:5
-->About this cover

Looking at the western shores of Sri Lanka, I found it hard to imagine that a tsunami had struck just a few months earlier. The sea was calm and beautiful, couples were walking in the bright sunshine, and people were going about their business—all giving the scene an ordinary feeling I wasn’t prepared for. The impact of the disaster was still there, but it had gone underground into the hearts and minds of the survivors. The trauma itself would not be easily forgotten.
It was catastrophic grief that prompted the psalmist to cry out in anguish: "My tears have been my food day and night, while they continually say to me, ‘Where is your God?’" (Ps. 42:3). The struggle of his heart had likewise been turned inward. While the rest of the world went on with business as usual, he carried in his heart the need for deep and complete healing.
Only as we submit our brokenness to the good and great Shepherd of our hearts can we find the peace that allows us to respond to life: "Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance" (v.5).
Hope in God—it’s the only solution for the deep traumas of the heart. —Bill CrowderBill Crowder-->
The Christian’s hope is in the Lord,We rest secure in His sure Word;And though we’re tempted to despair,We do not doubt that God is there. —D. De Haan
No one is hopeless whose hope is in God.
For similar resources, search these topics:Christian Life > Attitudes > Hope Christian Life > Personal Crisis > Trials/Tests
Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 9-11; 1 Timothy 6

9種食品 儘量少吃!

~   |  ~閱覽更多新聞,請看世界日報。
Nine kinds of food to eat less!
Fried food, cardiovascular disease is responsible. 【County in Ningxia - - Food and Drug Administration Deputy Secretary吴柏sea reminded, daily life, more than nine categories of food hazards, should be minimal food. Fried foods containing carcinogenic substances, destruction of vitamins, protein degeneration, cardiovascular disease is responsible.
Pickled foods easily lead to hypertension, renal burden is too heavy, resulting in nasopharyngeal carcinoma, affecting mucosal system (gastrointestinal harmful), easy to get ulcers and inflammation.
Processed meat products category (Jerky肉松, sausages, etc.), with one of the three major carcinogenic substances nitrite, with a large number of preservatives, heavier burden on the liver.
Biscuits categories of food (excluding low-temperature baking and the whole wheat biscuits), the excessive consumption of Flavor and pigments, creating a burden on the liver function, vitamin serious damage, excessive heat, low nutritional components.
Soft drinks cola products, including phosphate, carbonate, will take away the body of calcium; At the same time sugar content is too excessive, drinking after饱胀flu affecting main meal.
Canned foods (including canned fish and fruits), the destruction of vitamins, protein denaturation, excessive heat, low nutritional components.
话梅candied fruit products (Preserves), one of three major carcinogenic substances nitrite, salt too high, contained Flavor liver damage.
Frozen dessert categories of food (ice cream, Popsicle, etc.), containing butter, could easily trigger obesity; Sugar content too high, affecting main meal.
Barbecue categories of food, including a large number of carcinogenic substances, "March 4 phenylpropanoid pyrene," which carbonation protein denaturation, add kidney, liver burden.

~ ~
Read more news, take a look at the World Journal.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Oct25,07激發成長Growth Persuasion+五味不過 預防高血壓Don't take too much Five taste However p

靈命日糧 - 2007年10月25日
讀經: 希伯來書12章7-11節
金句: 「凡管教的事,當時不覺得快樂,反覺得愁苦,後來卻為那經練過的人結出平安的果子,就是義。」(希伯來書12章11節)
全年讀經: 耶利米書6-8章;提摩太前書5章


October 25, 2007
Growth Persuasion
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Hebrews 12:7-11
No chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but . . . it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. —Hebrews 12:11
-->About this cover

My Uncle Lester, who lived in Florida, was discouraged by the lack of fruit on his grapefruit tree. Someone told him he needed to whack the trunk of the tree a few times with a board.
Apparently, there is some truth to this unusual method of encouraging growth. One gardening expert says: "At times, the flowering hormone in the tree seems to get stuck and no flowers appear. Carefully persuade the tree to flower by shocking it. Hit the trunk . . . several times, [which will cause] small bruises in the bark." This advice may stimulate growth.
When trouble comes into our lives, we sometimes feel as if we’ve been hit broadside. We feel desperation and then we wonder, Why is this happening to me?
One possibility is that God is using a painful experience to get our attention. In Psalm 119:71, David wrote, "It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I may learn Your statutes." And Hebrews 12:11 says that chastening "yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness."
Is God using pain in your life to lovingly persuade you to change? The season of trouble may not be easy, but if we let ourselves be trained by it, new growth will result as we become more like His Son (Phil. 3:10). —Cindy Hess KasperCindy Hess Kasper-->
We shrink from the purging and pruning,Forgetting the Gardener knowsThe deeper the cutting and paringThe richer the cluster that grows. —Anon.
Affliction for God’s people can be the pruning knife to prepare us for greater fruitfulness.
For similar resources, search these topics:Relationships > Relating to God > Growth/Sanctification
Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 6-8; 1 Timothy 5

五味不過 預防高血壓

Don't take too much Five taste However prevent hypertension
Dishes taste too, hyper, too sweet, increased incidence of hypertension. 【- Chinese food - roughly divided into five categories: time of year, Xin and salt. According to the Guangzhou Daily reported that Chinese experts have pointed out that the prevention of hypertension, in the choice of food we must pay attention to the rational arrangement Five. Cardiovascular Institute of Guangdong Province Chinese Medicine, vice chairman of the Professional Committee of the provincial hospital the second vice president of the sea, said Wang Qing, large intake of high-fat food, dishes taste too, hyper, too sweet and a large quantity of alcohol and so on, and constantly raise the incidence of hypertension closely related. Wang Qing Hai said that the prevention of hypertension are eating a sharp angle, namely: "oil milk February 2 meat, vegetables 500 on August 2 grains. An egg five grams of salt, fruits, tea himself. Not pumping cigarettes less alcohol, optimistic, cheerful heart worries. Running treadmill every morning, the same rough-your belt. "Food, we must uphold the principles of "Five but" principles:
1, but a food: salt restriction
Healthy adults daily salt intake should not be more than six grams, including through the soy sauce, pickles, such as MSG seasoning of salt intake.
2, but sweet food: limit sugar
The high sugar content of food is rice, flour, cakes, and so on. Proposals to size with staple foods, such as maize, millet, beans, buckwheat, potato, and so on. Best to eat or eat less cake, bread, cake, butter cake, chocolate, ice-cream and other dairy products.
3, but greasy food: high fat food restrictions
Wang Qing Hai proposal to limit the life of livestock meat (especially meat), animal fat (such as lard), butter cakes, palm oil and high fat egg products, egg yolks, animal offal, fish roe and Gooseflesh, duck skin contour cholesterol food intake. Every day is not more than 250 grams of fresh milk or yogurt. Daily control in 75 grams of meat within, mainly lean meat, such as pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks and other poultry meat.
4, the Food However Xin: alcohol restrictions
Liquor also are "Xin" food, such as the fate of alcohol, Wang Qing Hai recommendations men drinking daily fine not more than 30 grams, or less than 100 wines from 150 ml, such as 2-3 two; Or beer is less than 250 ~ 500 ml, such as oil to 1 jin; Or Liquor less than 25 ~ 50 ml, about 0.5-1 two. Half of women, pregnant women drinking alcohol. Do not advocate drinking highly potent liquor.
5, but bitter food: Fresh off can cause loss of appetite
Bitterness from the Food and wheat is mainly vegetables, celery, mustard greens, bitter melon, coffee, and so on. Hard to Qingre, hot climate in Guangzhou, proper eating vegetables is a bitter taste good, can - hepatitis, Rancid. However, the bitterness, after all, Worth, is a fresh injury spleen and stomach, leading to loss of appetite, diarrhea or abdominal pain, affect digestion and absorption of food.
Need to call attention to is that many elderly people on the frowning eggs mention that their high cholesterol content, poor health, other than to try to eat less fats, high cholesterol egg yolk, the other people eat eggs not much problem.
To emphasize that the diet restraint, but also not excessive. "Since the times of eating, gastrointestinal injury is" precarious. If longer with proper exercise and maintain ease of mind on the better.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Oct24,07 哪些疾病易誤診!The diseases often misdiagnosed. +把燈點亮 Turn On The Lights

靈命日糧 - 2007年10月24日
讀經: 馬太福音5章13-20節
金句: 「你們是世上的光。城造在山上,是不能隱藏的。」(馬太福音5章14節)
全年讀經: 耶利米書3-5章;提摩太前書4章


October 24, 2007
Turn On The Lights
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Matthew 5:13-20
You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. —Matthew 5:14
-->About this cover

People often ask me what I miss most about serving as president of Moody Bible Institute. Without question it’s the students. I love their passion for Jesus and the way they demonstrate it to the world around them. Non-Christian employers often told me of the students’ exemplary work ethic. Chicago’s police super-intendent once said, "When the Moody students return to campus, it’s like somebody turned on the lights on the Near North side."
This is exactly what Jesus had in mind when He said, "You are the light of the world" (Matt. 5:14). It’s a powerful word picture of the impact of contrast. There should be a recognizable difference between the integrity of Christians and the prevailing darkness of our world.
It’s not about making speeches for Jesus; it’s about people observing us. Even though they may not want to hear about Jesus, you can be sure they’re watching to see if He makes a difference in our lives. When Jesus said, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works" (v.16), He was saying that before we can speak up we have to show up. Our capacity to shine for Jesus is measured by our good works, which reveal His compelling reality in our lives.
Let's turn on the lights. —Joe StowellJoe Stowell-->
You are called with a holy callingThe light of the world to be,To lift up the lamp of the SaviorThat others His light may see. —Anon.

To lead others out of the darkness of sin, let them see the light of Christ in your life.
For similar resources, search these topics:Christian Life > Character > Christlikeness
Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 3-5; 1 Timothy 4

哪些疾病易誤診! 專家:即便醫生說病況「無大礙」,也要再檢查兩次。

~   |  ~閱覽更多新聞,請看世界日報。
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The diseases often misdiagnosed. Experts: Even doctors said condition, "OK", but also to check twice.
Some common diseases are misdiagnosed, mainly in the preliminary diagnosis, failed to consider other possible factors. 【- - Misdiagnosed, with the condition will not only have serious consequences, and could also let the doctors "I mention." According lives Times quoted the American Cable News Network (CNN) reported that in 2003, actor John Rett died due to aortic dissection. His widow sued subsequent to the court, said on Rett symptoms, a hospital in California, "at least two had misdiagnosed." Recently, former American Heart Association president Dr. Robert * Bernau, and other experts also said that the patients must understand the diseases easily be misdiagnosed. 1. Cancer
Harvard medical incidents against the United States survey, the most susceptible to misdiagnosis of cancer, particularly breast cancer and colorectal cancer. In the United States, 6% -16% of breast cancer because doctors misdiagnosed or missed diagnosis delay treatment. California researchers believe that this is mainly due to excessive dependence on doctors mammography, but not fully utilized to resolve the biopsy diagnosis of the problems identified.
2. Thrombosis
Northwest Hospital cardiology head Bernau said, 80% of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in patients with no clinical manifestations. Sometimes doctors simply tell patients, the occurrence of the shortness of breath is the body only temporarily poor.
3. Heart disease
Bernau said the more serious and obvious risk of heart disease, patients will be recounted chest on the floor. But other symptoms are not evident, patients are at most a bulging chest flu, nausea only.
4. Aortic dissection
Wall heart and great vessels from endometriosis, middle and outer layer formed when the wall of high pressure to a certain degree, the vessel will suddenly torn, blood ran into the endometrium and middle (A This is the aortic dissection. Bernau said that the patients would feel at this time there are burning chest flu. "But they are usually not distinguish ignition parts, it would be wrong doctor."
5. Infectious diseases
Researchers believe that this is due to pathogenic mutation, and other factors, making patients with atypical clinical features or complex and changeable. At the same time, in recent years, some new emerging infectious diseases, but also to doctors increased difficulty.
Know what diseases easily be misdiagnosed, how should avoid? First, the demand for more inspections. New York Kirkland has been to her gynecologist complained that their menstrual disorders. But the doctor told Kirkland, which is caused by menopause. Wait until three years later diagnosed as endometrial cancer, her disease has reached advanced. Kirkland remind you, once developed symptoms within three weeks to the hospital for an examination. Even if the doctor says that you "did not cause illness", but also to check twice.
Secondly, the doctor asked, "What also may be other disease." New York Veterans Administration Medical responsible person mark-graben, he said, was misdiagnosed some common diseases, mainly doctors come to a preliminary diagnosis, failed to consider other possibilities for this.
Finally, do not believe that "no news is good news." Another reason for misdiagnosis is forgotten inspection reports. * Harvard Medical School Tegumi Gandhi found that 33% of doctors to patients rarely informed abnormal test results.
Read more news, take a look at the World Journal.------------------------------------------------------

Monday, October 22, 2007

Oct23,07 足部按摩 不是越痛越好 The foot massage is not the more pain th+笑口常開Keep Laughing

靈命日糧 - 2007年10月23日
讀經: 詩篇126篇
金句: 「喜樂的心,乃是良藥;憂傷的靈,使骨枯乾。」(箴言17章22節)
全年讀經: 耶利米書1-2章;提摩太前書3章

喜樂的心在生活中至關重要。箴言1 7 章2 2 節說:「喜樂的心,乃是良藥」。一顆喜樂的心,會影響我們的身心健康。

October 23, 2007
Keep Laughing
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Psalm 126
A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. —Proverbs 17:22
-->About this cover

A judge has ordered a German man to stop bursting into laughter in the woods. Joachim Bahrenfeld, an accountant, was taken to court by one of several joggers who say their runs have been disturbed by Bahrenfeld’s deafening squeals of joy. He faces up to 6 months in jail if he is caught again. Bahrenfeld, 54, says he goes to the woods to laugh nearly every day to relieve stress. "It is part of living for me," he says, "like eating, drinking, and breathing." He feels that a cheerful heart, expressed through hearty laughter, is important to his health and survival.
A cheerful heart is vital in life. Proverbs 17:22 says, "A merry heart does good, like medicine." A happy heart affects our spirit and our physical health.
But there is a deeper, abiding joy for those who trust the Lord that is based on much more than frivolity and circumstances. It is a joy based on God’s salvation. He has provided forgiveness of sin and a restored relationship with Himself through His Son Jesus. That gives us a deep joy which circumstances cannot shake (Ps. 126:2-3; Hab. 3:17-18; Phil. 4:7).
May you experience the joy of knowing Jesus Christ today! —Marvin WilliamsMarvin Williams-->
To take a glimpse within the veil,To know that God is mine,Are springs of joy that never fail:Unspeakable! Divine! —Newton
Joy comes from the Lord who lives in us, not from what’s happening around us.
For similar resources, search these topics:Christian Life > Attitudes > Joy
Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 1-2; 1 Timothy 3

足部按摩 不是越痛越好
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The foot massage is not the more pain the better 【Foot massage - - field of celebrities if Shek Wu said recently in Beijing, many people think that foot massage, "the more pain more effectively," This is not comprehensive. Massage foot reflex zone can enhance physical health functions, consisting mainly of foot to foot massage has been popular for years. But the traditional foot massage stressed, "the more of the pain," massage "the more pain the more effective", to good health, even those who were under very severe pain, also choke back to health. In fact, the experts advise, a regular massage improper muscle inflammation. Foot massage in the past 30 years if the industry Shek Wu reminded people of the pain on patients resistant pain of the physical and determined. Pain is not necessarily in direct proportion with the condition, some massage a certain point in particular pain, but that pain is not the place that have the most terrible disease, because the neural response to points not the same, certain sensitive positions in particular, some sites relatively slow, relatively pain areas can only say that this organ abnormalities not that this very powerful organ disease. At the same time, massage Road and massage also disproportionate effect is not more forcefully, the better the effect of massage. If Shek Wu, massage essentials needed varies from person to person. The operator must know how to "disease", the cause of the patients, the disease of, course, history, the nature of diseases, health conditions and so on, develop treatment methods, and decided to temporary or permanent cure, as per a "person" rather than a certain kind of "disease" to administer law. Mother of light fast practices; It is used with diarrhea, which is heavy and slow tactics. A severe illness, but his righteousness is still sufficient, we can use a nosedive law. The elderly, women and children must not be used heavy practices because his pain will not stand, coupled with their strength insufficient, a nosedive after the symptoms will more serious, more debilitating physical. 2007-10-22 ~ ~ Read more news, take a look at the World Journal.

Oct22,07 是一個奇蹟!A Miracle!+珠寶盒和珠寶The Casket And The Jewel

靈命日糧 - 2007年10月22日
讀經: 羅馬書2章17-24節
金句: 「我們有這寶貝放在瓦器裏,要顯明這莫大的能力,是出於上帝,不是出於我們。」(哥林多後書4章7節)
全年讀經: 以賽亞書65-66章;提摩太前書2章

以撒瓦特身材瘦小,更慘的是還有一雙細小的灰眼睛,鷹鈎鼻,以及高聳的顴骨。當他向伊莉莎白 · 辛格小姐求婚時,她也十分傷心地回答:「瓦特先生,我真希望我能說,我喜愛珠寶盒,一如喜愛它裡面所裝的珠寶。」

October 22, 2007
The Casket And The Jewel
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Romans 2:17-24
We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. —2 Corinthians 4:7
-->About this cover

Canadian minister John Gladstone has made a compelling application of a sad episode in the life of Isaac Watts. That famous English hymnwriter fell in love with a beautiful young woman, Elizabeth Singer. She admired his poetry, his mind, and his spirit, but for all her admiration she could not overcome her revulsion at his appearance.
Isaac was short and slight, afflicted with mere slits of gray eyes, a hook nose, and large cheekbones. When he proposed to Elizabeth, she all too hurtfully replied, "Mr. Watts, if only I could say that I admire the casket [jewelry box] as much as I admire the jewel it contains."
Gladstone draws a disturbing analogy between the "jewel" of the gospel and the "casket" of the church. How many people have rejected the good news because of its often sincere yet overly zealous witnesses! Are we unknowingly repulsive and unloving? How can we be "a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness" (Rom. 2:19) if the beauty of Jesus cannot be seen in us?
By every means possible, let’s proclaim the gospel. But let’s pray that the Holy Spirit will make us personally winsome and loving and free from sin so that we can attract others to Him. —Vernon C GroundsVernon C Grounds-->
Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me,All His wonderful passion and purity;Oh, Thou Spirit Divine, all my nature refineTill the beauty of Jesus be seen in me. —Orsborn
Righteousness in the heart produces beauty in the character.
For similar resources, search these topics:Ministry and Outreach > Sharing the Gospel > Inviting others to Christ Christian Life > Character > Christlikeness
Bible in One Year: Isaiah 65-66; 1 Timothy 2
是一個奇蹟! 使我得到所有哭泣,更強(聞! ) 一個小女孩來到她的臥室,並把一名玻璃罐子果凍從它的藏身之地,在壁櫥她傾注了全身心的變化列於地板,並仔細閱讀。 3倍,甚至。總要完全完美的。沒有機會在這裡犯錯誤。 小心地把硬幣早在罐子和扭就鴨舌帽, 她跌出後門,使她的方式, 6個區塊,以大賽的藥店與大紅色印行政簽署上述的大門。 她耐心地等待,藥劑師給她一些關注, 但他是過於忙碌,在這一刻苔絲扭曲她的腳作膠合噪音。落空。她清除了她的喉嚨與最令人反感的聲音,她能鼓起。沒有好。最後,她終於有四分之一從她的罐子和banged它放在玻璃櫃檯。即贏了! '您怎麼想? '藥劑師詢問,在一個惱火語氣。我說我的兄弟從芝加哥人,我還沒有看到,在不同年齡, '他說,沒有等待回答他的問題。 那麼,我想和大家談談我的兄弟,苔絲回答早在同一惱火的語調。他的真,真的生病… …我想購買一個奇蹟。 ' '我對不起? '說,藥劑師'他的名字是鄭家富和他的東西越來越壞在他的頭部和我的爸爸說,只有奇蹟才能救他,現在。那麼又有多少是一個奇蹟,成本? ' '我們不賣奇蹟,在這裡,小女孩。我很抱歉,但我不能幫你, '藥師表示,軟化一點。 '聽著,我有足夠資金來支付。如果它是不夠的,我會得到休息。剛剛告訴我的成本是多少。 ' 藥劑師的弟弟是一個穿戴整齊的男子。他stooped下來,並詢問小女孩, '什麼樣的一個奇蹟,請問你的弟弟需要的人呢? ' '我不知道, '苔絲回答了她的眼睛welling到了。我只知道他的真病假和媽媽說,他需要動手術。但我的爸爸,不能支付,所以我想用我的錢。 ' '多少錢你有嗎? '問該名男子從芝加哥'一美元和11美分, '苔絲回答勉強聲音。 '和它的所有錢,我有,但我可以多組織一些,如果我需要。 ' '那麼,什麼是巧合, '微笑著該名男子。 '一美元和11美分---確切的價格是一個奇蹟,為小兄弟。 ' 他把她的錢,一方面和另一方面,他抓住了她的手套,並說'帶我到你的居住地點。我想看到你的兄弟和滿足你的父母。讓我們來看看,如果我有奇蹟,你需要的人。 ' 這穿戴整齊男子博士為carlton阿姆斯特朗,一個外科醫生,專門從事神經外科。手術完成後,費用全免,而且不長,直到鄭家富的家,又和做好。 爸爸媽媽都是愉快地談論的連環事件,這導致了他們在這個地方。 '手術,她的媽媽直犯嘀咕,這是一個真正的奇蹟。我不知道它要花多少錢,將有成本? '苔絲笑了。她很清楚自己到底有多少是一個奇蹟,成本… …一美元和11美分… …再加上真誠的小孩子。 在我們的生活中,我們從來不知道有多少奇蹟,我們將需要的人。 是一個奇蹟,是不會停止的自然法,但操作一個更高的法律。我知道你會隨時向球移動!
A Miracle!Made me get all teary eyed (sniff!) A little girl went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar from its hiding place in the closet She poured the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Three times, even. The total had to be exactly perfect. No chance here for mistakes. Carefully placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she slipped out the back door and made her way 6 blocks to Rexall's Drug Store with the big red Indian Chief sign above the door. She waited patiently for the pharmacist to give her some attention, but he was too busy at this moment Tess twisted her feet to make a scuffing noise. Nothing. She cleared her throat with the most disgusting sound she could muster. No good. Finally she took a quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. That did it! 'And what do you want?' the pharmacist asked in an annoyed tone of voice. I'm talking to my brother from Chicago whom I haven't seen in ages,' he said without waiting for a reply to his question. Well, I want to talk to you about my brother, Tess answered back in the same annoyed tone. He's really, really sick...and I want to buy a miracle.' 'I beg your pardon?' said the pharmacist 'His name is Andrew and he has something bad growing inside his head and my Daddy says only a miracle can save him now. So how much does a miracle cost?' 'We don't sell miracles here, little girl. I'm sorry but I can't help you ,' the pharmacist said, softening a little. 'Listen, I have the money to pay for it. If it isn't enough, I will get the rest. Just tell me how much it costs.' The pharmacist's brother was a well dressed man. He stooped down and asked the little girl, 'What kind of a miracle does your brother need?' 'I don't know,' Tess replied with her eyes welling up. I just know he's really sick and Mommy says he needs an operation. But my Daddy can't pay for it, so I want to use my money.' 'How much do you have?' asked the man from Chicago'One dollar and eleven cents,' Tess answered barely audibly.'And it's all the money I have, but I can get some more if I need to.''Well, what a coincidence,' smiled the man. 'A dollar and eleven cents---the exact price of a miracle for little brothers.'He took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said 'Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Let's see if I have the miracle you need.' That well dressed man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon,specializing in neuro-surgery. The operation was completed free of charge and it wasn't long until Andrew was home again and doing well.Mom and Dad were happily talking about the chain of events that had led them to this place.'That surgery, her Mom whispered, was a real miracle. I wonder how much it would have cost?' Tess smiled. She knew exactly how much a miracle dollar and eleven the faith of a little child. In our lives, we never know how many miracles we will need.A miracle is not the suspension of natural law, but the operation of a higher law. I know you'll keep the ball moving!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Oct21,07 男性賀爾蒙 愈低愈易發福The lower male hormone more Fat +何為正確 What’s Right?

靈命日糧 - 2007年10月21日
讀經: 以賽亞書1章11-18節
金句: 「要止住作惡,學習行善,尋求公平,解救受欺壓的。」(以賽亞書1章16-17節)
全年讀經: 以賽亞書62-64章;提摩太前書1章


October 21, 2007
What’s Right?
READ: Isaiah 1:11-18
Cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, rebuke the oppressor. —Isaiah 1:16-17
-->About this cover

When my computer greeted me one morning with what is ominously referred to as "the blue screen of death," I knew it was broken, but I didn’t know how to fix it. I read a little, tried a few things, but finally had to call an expert for help. Knowing that something was wrong was only a small part of the problem; I couldn’t fix it because I didn’t know the right thing to do.
The ordeal reminded me of the many pundits who appear on television news programs. All of them are "experts" at proclaiming what’s wrong, but most are clueless as to what is right.
This happens in relationships as well. In families, churches, and workplaces, nothing gets fixed because we get fixated on what’s wrong. It doesn’t take an expert to know that something is wrong when people quarrel and hurt each other with unkind words and behavior. But it does take an expert to know how to fix the problem.
God revealed to Israel’s prophets not only what was wrong but also what was right: "Cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, rebuke the oppressor; defend the fatherless, plead for the widow" (Isa. 1:16-17).
Instead of focusing on what is wrong, let’s obey the One who knows what is right. —Julie Ackerman LinkJulie Ackerman Link-->
Lord, grant me grace throughout this dayTo walk the straight and narrow way,To do whatever in Thy sightIs good and perfect, just and right. —Huisman
Like a compass, the Bible always points you in the right direction.
For similar resources, search these topics:Bible Study > Application > Effect/Power Relationships > Relating to God > Guidance/Leading
Bible in One Year: Isaiah 62-64; 1 Timothy 1
男性賀爾蒙 愈低愈易發福(2007年10月20日)

The lower male hormone more Fat (October 20, 2007) Older men are more fat to develop metabolic syndrome, a fat middle-aged, high cholesterol and abnormal blood sugar such symptoms. HK Ming Pao: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine study found that when men grow older, they more easily than women suffering from metabolic syndrome, a fat middle-aged, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and abnormal blood sugar such symptoms. When the lower male hormone levels, the higher risk of suffering from TB.
Researcher of the past six years to an average of more than 600 men aged 63-year-old study found that men age greater, the lower the level of male hormone. In the 20 to 29-year-old male, only 4% suffering from TB, in the 40 to 79-year-old male, the prevalence rate rose to 21%. In the 80-94 age group, the prevalence rate has dropped slightly to 18%. But in the same age groups, the disease's relatively low level of male hormone.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Oct20,07 酒後駕駛drink and drive+徒勞無功 Running For Nothing

靈命日糧 - 2007年10月20日
讀經: 羅馬書4章1-17節
金句: 「除他以外,別無拯救,因為在天下人間,沒有賜下別的名,我們可以靠著得救。」(使徒行傳4章12節)
全年讀經: 以賽亞書59-61章;帖撒羅尼迦後書3章


October 20, 2007
Running For Nothing
READ: Romans 4:4-17
Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. —Acts 4:12
-->About this cover

As my friend Roger Weber started the 2006 Chicago Marathon, he noticed something on the ground. It was a runner’s chip—the device each runner puts on his or her shoe to record progress at various timing stations during the race. Apparently, one poor runner would be traversing the next 26.2 miles on foot with nothing to show for it.
Officially, that runner did not run the race. There would be no record of his participation. Even if he had finished the race in record time, it wouldn’t have mattered. The folks who organize the race set the rules, and no matter how well someone runs, if the officials say the runner doesn’t qualify, that’s the way it is.
In one sense, that’s also the way it is with all of us. We can run what appears to be a good race by doing good things for others and obeying lots of rules. But when we arrive at the final checkpoint—heaven—and haven’t made sure our name is recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life by putting our faith in Jesus as our Savior, we’re disqualified to enter.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6). Are you trusting in Jesus? If not, you’re running for nothing. —Dave BranonDave Branon-->
It’s not what I achieve that qualifies,It matters not if I gain wealth or fame;The only thing I must be certain ofIs “Have I put my trust in Jesus’ name?” —Hess
If we could earn our salvation, Christ would not have died to provide it.
For similar resources, search these topics:Basics Of Faith > Salvation > Justification
Bible in One Year: Isaiah 59-61; 2 Thessalonians 3
我們必須提醒,有時去了黨的媽媽… … (閱讀所有的辦法底部,並簽署你的名字) 我去了一個黨, 並記住你說的。 你告訴我,不要喝酒,媽媽, 所以,我有一個雪碧代替。 我感到自豪的自己, 路,你說我會, 我沒有酒後駕車, 雖然有的朋友說我應該這樣做。 我有一個健康的選擇, 和你的意見我是正確的。 黨終於結束了, 和孩子們開出的高地。 我把我的車肯定要回家,在一塊。 我從來不知道什麼是未來,媽媽, 我預料最少。 現在,我倒臥於路面, 我聽到警察說, 流星語造成了這一沉船當時喝醉了, 媽媽,他的聲音似乎不遠了。 我自己的血液中的所有在我身邊, 正如我努力不要哭了。 我可以聽到輔助說, 這個孩子馬上就要死。 我敢肯定,這個傢伙,沒想到, 雖然他的飛行高度。 因為他選擇以酒後駕駛, 現在,我將不得不死。 那麼,為什麼人家在做,媽媽明知殘害生命? 現在的痛苦是切割我, 就像一個百年被刺刀。 告訴妹妹不要怕,媽媽告訴爸爸要勇敢。 當我前往天堂把"媽媽的少女"對我的墳墓。 應該有人告訴他, 它的錯誤酒後駕駛。 也許,如果他的父母, 我仍然活著。 我的呼吸越來越短, 媽媽,我碰到真的害怕這是我的最後關頭, 我敢這麼一個措手不及。 我想你可以擁有我的媽媽, 正如我在這裡和死亡。 我想我可以說, "我愛你,媽媽" ! 所以,我愛你,再見。 二環(母親反對酒醉駕車) ,是希望得到5000 簽字關於這點,然後傳遞給跡象。 當這項請願已達到5000米,請退回給: 二環口服票房五四一六八八達拉斯德克薩斯75354-1688 1-800 -聯歡會二環( 1 -800-438-6233) 如果你收到的請願書,什麼事都不做,但刪除它,你的自私,沒有疆界。簽約是一個這麼小的努力,使。之後,你讀過詩,請加上你的名字在底部。並永遠不會忘記的,千萬不要酒後駕駛,甚至沒有一次,認為這不要緊。這必定會事! ! !
Went to a party Mom... (read all the way to the bottom and sign your name) I went to a party, And remembered what you said. You told me not to drink, Mom, so I had a sprite instead. I felt proud of myself, The way you said I would, that I didn't drink and drive, though some friends said I should. I made a healthy choice, And your advice to me was right. The party finally ended, and the kids drove out of sight. I got into my car, Sure to get home in one piece. I never knew what was coming, Mom, something I expected least. Now I'm lying on the pavement, And I hear the policeman say, the kid that caused this wreck was drunk, Mom, his voice seems far away. My own blood's all around me, As I try hard not to cry. I can hear the paramedic say, this girl is going to die. I'm sure the guy had no idea, While he was flying high. Because he chose to drink and drive, now I would have to die. So why do people do it, Mom Knowing that it ruins lives? And now the pain is cutting me, like a hundred stabbing knives. Tell sister not to be afraid, Mom Tell daddy to be brave. And when I go to heaven, put " Mommy's Girl" on my grave. Someone should have taught him, That it's wrong to drink and drive. Maybe if his parents had, I'd still be alive. My breath is getting shorter, Mom I'm getting really scared These are my final moments, and I'm so unprepared. I wish that you could hold me Mom, As I lie here and die. I wish that I could say, "I love you, Mom!" So I love you and goodbye. MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers) IS HOPING TO GET 5,000 SIGNATURES ON THIS, THEN PASS IT ON TO SIGN. When this petition has reached 5,000, please return it to: MADD P.O. Box 54168 8 Dallas , TX 75354-1688 1-800-GET-MADD (1-800-438-6233) If you receive this petition and do nothing but delete it, your selfishness knows no bounds. Signing is such a small effort to make. After you have read the poem, please add your name at the bottom. And never forget, DON'T EVER DRINK AND DRIVE, not even once, thinking that it won't matter. IT DEFINITELY WILL MATTER!!!