Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Jul11,07愛西餐婦女 乳癌風險高兩倍+有局限卻有用Limited But Useful+因為雨沒有下在地上

靈命日糧 - 2007年7月11日


讀經: 馬太福音25章24-28節

金句: 「我在你們那裏,又軟弱又懼怕,又甚戰兢。」(哥林多前書2章3節)

全年讀經: 詩篇1-3篇;使徒行傳17章1-15節




July 11, 2007

Limited But Useful

ODB RADIO: Listen Now | Download

READ: Matthew 25:24-28

I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. —1 Corinthians 2:3

About this cover
Suzanne Bloch, an immigrant from Germany, often played chamber music with Albert Einstein and other prominent scientists. She said that Einstein, though an accomplished violinist, irritated his fellow musicians by not coming in on the beat. “You see,” Bloch explained, “he couldn’t count.” Einstein could project revolutionary theories about the cosmos, but he had difficulty with rhythmic counting. Despite his limitation, he remained an enthusiastic musician.

Do we sometimes lament our limitations? We all have abilities, but we are also afflicted with inabilities. We may be tempted to use our limitations as an excuse for not doing the things God has enabled us to do. Just because we may not be gifted to speak in public or to sing in a choir doesn’t mean that we can sit on the spiritual sidelines doing nothing.

When we realize that all of us have limitations, we can move forward by seeking God’s guidance in using our gifts. Surely we can pray. Surely we can show kindness to others. We can visit the lonely, the sick, the elderly. We can tell with effective simplicity what Jesus means to us. Paul said, “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them” (Rom. 12:6). —Vernon C Grounds

Lord God, I humbly ask of You
The strength to do Your will;
I give to You my talents now
Your purpose to fulfill. —Cetas

Too many people make a mistake by burying their talents.

For similar resources, search these topics:

Ministry and Outreach > Spiritual Gifts > General Information

Bible in One Year: Psalms 1-3; Acts 17:1-15




神常常按照他自己的時候來解放我們,因為他的慈愛是永遠常存的﹔我們如果肯先等候看明神的旨意,我們便不會流落到不及解放的地步,我們也不會帶著羞愧的淚眼走回頭路了.---梅爾(F. B. Meyer)

愛西餐婦女 乳癌風險高兩倍(2007年7月11日)



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