Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Jul14 ,08超愛麻辣鍋 吃出喉灼傷Love Mala pot jets burn Chichu+馬可福音Mark3:1-7

3:1 耶穌又進了會堂,在那裡有一個人枯乾了一隻手。
3:2 眾人窺探耶穌在安息日醫治不醫治,意思是要控告耶穌。
3:3 耶穌對那枯乾一隻手的人說:“起來,站在當中!”
3:4 又問眾人說:“在安息日行善行惡,救命害命,哪樣是可以的呢?”他們都不做聲。
3:5 耶穌怒目周圍看他們,憂愁他們的心剛硬,就對那人說:“伸出手來!”他把手一伸,手就復了原。
3:6 法利賽人出去,同希律一黨的人商議怎樣可以除滅耶穌。
3:7 耶穌和門徒退到海邊去,有許多人從加利利跟隨他。
3:2 法利賽人已與耶穌敵對了,他們妒忌祂有好名聲,行神蹟,說話有權威。他們看重社會地位和個人利益到一個地步,居然連自己的身分也忘了。他們身為宗教領袖,就要把人帶到神那裡去,本來應該比百姓更認識彌賽亞,可惜,竟然因為地位權勢而拒絕祂。耶穌揭露他們的真面目,對他們來說,祂再不是救主而是敵人,所以要設法拉人反對祂。

3:5 耶穌惱怒法利賽人的冷漠態度。憤怒本身並沒有對與錯,對與錯只在於發怒的原因和處理怒氣的方法。我們通常是以損人利己的方法處理怒氣;耶穌卻恰好相反,藉著糾正問題——治好那人的手,來表達祂的憤怒。我們也要運用怒氣找出解決問題的好方法,而不要讓怒氣傷害別人。

3:6 關於法利賽人和希律黨人,請參2章附表。

3:6 法利賽人規定除非是生死攸關,否則絕不可在安息日行醫治病,所以,雖然耶穌做了善事,他們仍指責祂犯了律法。法利賽人一方面指責耶穌治病違反了律法,一方面卻謀劃殺害耶穌,顯然違反不可殺人的誡命,實在諷刺得很。
And he went again into the Synagogue; and there was a man there whose hand was dead.
And they were watching him to see if he would make him well on the Sabbath day, so that they might have something against him.
And he said to the man, Get up and come forward.
And he said to them, Is it right to do good on the Sabbath or to do evil? to give life or to put to death? But they said nothing.
And looking round on them he was angry, being sad because of their hard hearts; and he said to the man, Put out your hand. And he put it out, and his hand was made well.
And the Pharisees went out, and straight away made designs with the Herodians about how they might put him to death.
And Jesus went away with his disciples to the sea, and a great number from Galilee came after him: and from Judaea,
Fame, wealth, produce jealous, jealous of absurd to give birth, which is Pharisee tragedy. You are the protagonist of this tragedy? »
3:2 Pharisee and Jesus has been hostile, they are jealous of him good reputation, to miracles, to speak with authority. They valued social position and personal interests to a point, even with his identity has forgotten. As their religious leaders, we must bring people to God, the people should have been more than understanding the Messiah, unfortunately, has power and status because he refused. They expose the true face of Jesus, for them, but he is no longer the enemy Savior, to try to pull against him.

Jesus was angry can cure a person, my anger is constructive or destructive »
3:5 Jesus angry Pharisee indifference. Anger itself is not about right and wrong, and wrong is only angry because of the way and deal with anger. We usually are profiting at others' expense approach to anger; Jesus is just the opposite, by correcting the problem - the hand of the person cured, to express the anger him. We have to use anger to find a good way to solve the problem, not to let anger hurt others.

3:6 on the Pharisees and the Herod party member, please refer to Chapter 2 of Schedule.

Pharisee would only say, would not say that I am also so? »
3:6 Pharisee provisions unless it is of vital importance, otherwise can not practise medical treatment on the Sabbath, so, although Jesus has done good things, they accused him guilty of the law. On the one hand, accused the Pharisee Jesus cure a violation of the law, while on the other hand to plan the killing of Jesus, a clear violation of the commandment not kill, it is very ironic.

超愛麻辣鍋 吃出喉灼傷
以為食物卡喉猛灌水 就醫發現喉頭遍佈小潰瘍








瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

Love Mala pot jets burn Chichu
Meng that the food card jets of water treatment found around the throat of small ulcer

In the throat endoscopy, can clearly see that the arrow under the pharyngeal mucosa, there have been caused by eating pot Mala ulcer. (Xiaokai provide yuan)

Mala super-favorite pot of people,可要careful! HOT Mala patients to eat a pot burns the throat, for treatment a week later, only reluctantly resumed, he did not dare to eat this day no longer hot-pot of Mala.
The 30-year-old young men very favorite Mala pot, although when Shengshu season, but he ate a few days ago, he eat "red" the most hot pot, when dining with hot pepper paste, to a spicy Add spicy. A fiery red of hot soup just to drink, suddenly seemed to be choking, throat irritation and immediately feel a foreign body sensation when he thought might be food stuck in the throat, so Meng He drinks, the Food and want to mischief-Xiadu, but He then no matter how Kuanghe, Meng He, or useless.

He later for irrigation Kuanghe nearly two hours, throat discomfort remains the same, but emergency medical treatment, doctors found no foreign body check, only to see an inflamed throat, and later through the throat endoscopy, in throat close to the right side of the esophagus The opening, to see a few small ulcers wounds, burns and a sign.

Doctor said that the throat mucous membrane quite fragile, HOT food like boiling water, a drink it, of course, can not stand the mucosa. After the diagnosis, the doctor open to patients with pain medicine, and remind him to drink water, keep the throat moist. He night for fear of pain to sleepless nights, the other a low dose of steroids. Continuous treatment a week later, the symptoms of patients have resumed about 90%, but still slightly swallow does not apply, I am afraid that won two or three weeks will be recovered.

ENT physician, oral temperature burns and injuries can be divided into two major items of chemical burns, eating pot Mala harm both Jianju, ranging from causing edema, weight, blood clots and trigger submucosal hematoma, if not swallow Shen Nong Po wound, it could cause large ulcers, and even lead to sepsis, shock and death can not be taken lightly.

/ Lin education


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

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