Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Aug 12,08半邊頭頸發麻 心發毛Half of head and neck numbness becareful+馬可福音Mark6:9-16

6:9 只要穿鞋,也不要穿兩件褂子。”
6:10 又對他們說:“你們無論到何處,進了人的家,就住在那裡,直到離開那地方。
6:11 何處的人不接待你們,不聽你們,你們離開那裡的時候,就把腳上的塵土跺下去,對他們作見證。”
6:12 門徒就出去傳道,叫人悔改;
6:13 又趕出許多的鬼,用油抹了許多病人,治好他們。
6:14 耶穌的名聲傳揚出來。希律王聽見了,就說:“施洗的約翰從死裡復活了,所以這些異能由他裡面發出來。”
6:15 但別人說:“是以利亞。”又有人說:“是先知,正像先知中的一位。”
6:16 希律聽見卻說:“是我所斬的約翰,他復活了。”
6:11 虔誠的猶太人離開外邦地方時,會跺掉腳上的塵土,表示不被外邦人影響,外邦人的習俗與自己無關。使徒離開猶太城市時把腳上的塵土跺掉,則清楚表示那裡的人拒絕耶穌和祂的信息,與他們無關。耶穌清楚表明人要為自己對福音的態度負責。門徒只要忠心、清楚地傳講福音信息,遭人拒絕後他們不會受責備。別人拒絕基督拯救的信息,我們無須負責;不過,我們有責任忠實地向別人講明這個信息。

6:14-15 希律跟許多人一樣,不知道耶穌的真正身分。他們不能接受耶穌自稱為神的兒子,便虛構一些理由來解釋耶穌的能力和權威。希律認為耶穌是復活了的施洗約翰,一些熟識舊約的人則認為祂是以利亞(參瑪4:5),還有一些人認為祂是摩西、以賽亞、耶利米一類的先知。今天人們仍須拿定主意,認清耶穌是誰。有些人以為只要能夠說出祂是甚麼人——先知、教師或是好人、義人,祂在他們生命中的影響力就會大減。然而,無論人怎樣想,也不能改變耶穌的真正身分。
But be shod with sandals; and not put on two coats.
And he said unto them, In what place soever ye enter into an house, there abide till ye depart from that place.
And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.
And they went out, and preached that men should repent.
And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them.
And king Herod heard of him; (for his name was spread abroad:) and he said, That John the Baptist was risen from the dead, and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him.
Others said, That it is Elias. And others said, That it is a prophet, or as one of the prophets.
But when Herod heard thereof, he said, It is John, whom I beheaded: he is risen from the dead.
Others rejected the Gospel, we have the responsibility for what »
6:11 devout Jews leave外邦places, the dust feet Duo out that the Gentiles are not affected, the custom of the Gentiles has nothing to do with their own. Acts from the Jewish city of dust Duo feet out, then made it clear that people there refused to Jesus and his message has nothing to do with them. Jesus made it clear that people should themselves responsible for the attitude of the Gospel. As long as loyal disciples, clear-speaking evangelical message, after being refused they will not be to blame. Others refused to Christ to save the information, we do not need to charge, but we have the responsibility to faithfully made it clear that this information to others.

I am the eyes of Jesus is……
6:14-15 Herod like many people, do not know the true identity of Jesus. They can not accept Jesus claiming to be the Son of God, we fictitious reasons to explain the ability and authority of Jesus. Herod the view that Jesus is the resurrection of John the Baptist, some people are familiar with the Old Testament that he is Elijah (see Mary 4:5), there are some people think that he is Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah A prophet. Today, people still undecided, clearly understand who Jesus is. Some people think that as long as he can tell what is - a prophet, teacher or the good, righteous, and he lives in their influence will大减. However, no matter what people think, does not change the true identity of Jesus.

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瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

Half of head and neck numbness becareful

Q: Dear Dr. money, I was nearly 40-year-old office worker, the computer all day and keep company, and is very busy, has repeatedly in recent days that the right half of his head, neck or even a sudden numbness. Ma and such a long time before computers, neck and shoulder to the fingertips of Suanma pain very different.
Is this possible that the blood clots? » Because of age similar to the last stroke of good friends suddenly collapsed, a bit of Papa. To be honest, I have recently been such a sudden do a bit of head and neck numbness "scalp tingling," can be said to be Shenxinjupi, also requested the money to help the doctor. (Miss Hu, the Liberal industry)

Answer 1: Miss Hu Ni Hao, your head and neck numbness is only occasionally to time, or repeated in » In fact, is essential, because it will involve you in the end the problem from there, will also affect the diagnosis of the disease. As in the letter did not mention this part, so we can not do a detailed explanation on the general situation can only be answered.

Blood clots affect more than head and neck

If only the head and neck tingling discomfort, and I think the relevance of blood clots should not high, this is because once the blood clots blocked, affecting the entire Half of the limbs, and not only confined to the head and Neck only.

In such circumstances, I think you may be the defects and nervous system, and the pathogenesis of many factors, the most likely factor is pressure. You think want to see, in particular whether the recent busy » Or sudden changes in daily life patterns » If these circumstances, it may slow down the pace, perhaps ease the discomfort.

If not assured, I propose to be the major hospitals of medical treatment and accept the neurological diagnosis.

(Consulting physicians: Taipei Veterans General Hospital heart medicine Dr. Xu Cui Lie)

Answer 2: I also think that Miss Hu and the illnesses may be related to the nervous system, but just as Dr. Xu said, your head and neck numbness length of time is essential, because in all the possible reasons, the duration of each of the attack are Not the same.

Diagnosis is also time to attack targets

For example, if the blood clots caused by anesthesia pain, time ranging from a few minutes to several hours if the brain is not normal discharge caused by epilepsy, often caused discomfort to maintain only a short period of just a few seconds; Multiple sclerosis causes the brain inflammation, Ma pain the longest time, usually sustainable more than a day, if and migraine pain related to anesthesia, the onset time from hours to several days.

In addition, emotional problems, sometimes pain-induced anesthesia, but the attack time difficult to control, may be a long short. Such emotional problems, often caused by too much anxiety or tension.

That being the case, I suggest that Miss Hu may wish to find time to the hospital for detailed examination, inspection include assessment of brain function, brain examination, vascular ultrasound, CT brain scan, or MRI brain scan, and so on.

(Consulting physicians: Taipei Medical University Hospital for the Department of Neurology, Dr. Wu Chao-rong) (Lin education)


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

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