Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Aug4 ,08睡前小酌助眠? 後半夜易醒Bedtime drink Zhumian » Houban Ye Yi Xing +馬可福音Mark 5:19-27

5:19 耶穌不許,卻對他說:“你回家去,到你的親屬那裡,將主為你所做的是何等大的事,是怎樣憐憫你,都告訴他們。”
5:20 那人就走了,在低加坡里傳揚耶穌為他做了何等大的事,眾人就都希奇。
5:21 耶穌坐船又渡到那邊去,就有許多人到他那裡聚集。他正在海邊上。
5:22 有一個管會堂的人,名叫睚魯,來見耶穌,就俯伏在他腳前,
5:23 再三地求他,說:“我的小女兒快要死了,求你去按手在她身上,使她痊愈,得以活了。”
5:24 耶穌就和他同去,有許多人跟隨擁擠他。
5:25 有一個女人,患了十二年的血漏,
5:26 在好些醫生手裡受了許多的苦,又花盡了她所有的,一點也不見好,病勢反倒更重了。
5:27 她聽見耶穌的事,就從後頭來,雜在眾人中間,摸耶穌的衣裳;
5:19 耶穌通常叫得到醫治的人保持緘默,這次祂卻叫這個人把自己得醫治的奇妙經歷告訴他的朋友,因為:(1)這被鬼附的人不能說話,一直獨居,通過告訴別人耶穌為他所做的事,就能證實他已經痊愈了。(2)這裡是外邦地區,人們信奉異教,耶穌知道不會有大群人來跟從祂。(3)耶穌藉著差遣這個人宣講好消息,把工作擴展到外邦人的地方去。

有耶穌的生命,像詩,也像歌 ……你的生命呢?你喜歡與人分享嗎?
5:19-20 這個人曾經被鬼附,但現在他活生生地見證耶穌的能力。他想跟隨耶穌,但耶穌卻叫他回家去,向別人講述他的經歷。你也經歷過耶穌的能力,那是一個活的見證。你是否像這個人一樣,熱切地與周圍的人分享這好信息?我們可以告訴別人,耶穌治好了人身體的疾病,也治好了我們的罪。

5:20 “低加坡里”的意思是十個城市,它位於加利利海東南面。這十個城市各有獨立的政府,他們組成聯盟來保護自己,增加貿易機會。當時幾個世紀前,希臘商人和移民已在這些城市定居,也有少數猶太人住在這裡。這兒有許多人跟隨耶穌(參太4:25)。

5:22 耶穌再渡加利利海,很可能是在迦百農登岸的。睚魯是當地民選的會堂主管,負責監督敬拜,管理每週的課堂,料理整幢建築物。許多會堂主管都與法利賽人有緊密的關係,所以有些會堂主管很可能被迫反對耶穌。因此,睚魯俯伏在耶穌面前是一個意義深長的舉動,也許更是一個勇敢的行動,表明他對耶穌的尊崇和敬拜。
Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee.
And he departed, and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him: and all men did marvel.
And when Jesus was passed over again by ship unto the other side, much people gathered unto him: and he was nigh unto the sea.
And, behold, there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name; and when he saw him, he fell at his feet,
And besought him greatly, saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live.
And Jesus went with him; and much people followed him, and thronged him.
And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years,
And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,
When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.
And Jesus together, no matter how good, however, this aberration if I went to poor people in the crowd, I would like to? »
5:19 Jesus is usually called by the treatment of people remain silent, but this time he called this person in the treatment of their wonderful experience to tell his friends because: (1) This was the ghosts of people unable to speak, has been living alone, through Tell others about Jesus for the things he has done, we can confirm that he has recovered the. (2) This is外邦areas, people believe in pagan, Jesus know that there will be no large group of people to follow him. (3) sent by the person of Jesus preach good news, and work to expand the areas to the Gentiles.

Jesus is the life, like poetry, songs like…… your life? » Do you like to share with you »
5:19-20 this person was once a ghost attached, but now he alive to witness the ability of Jesus. He would like to follow Jesus, but Jesus has asked him to go home, to others about his experience. You also have experienced the ability of Jesus, it is a living witness. Do you like this, like, very much with the people around to share this good information » We can tell other people, the body of Jesus cured the disease, but also cured our sins.

Jesus the matter reached a low increase in slope……
5:20 "low slope increase in" mean dozens of cities, located in south-east of Sea of Galilee. This 10 cities have independent government, they formed alliances to protect themselves and increase trade opportunities. At that time, several centuries ago, Greek businessmen and migrants have settled in these cities, a small number of Jews live here. Here, many people follow Jesus (the Senate is 4:25).

Lu Ya-respected Jesus, he fell down in the previous. I will use what action to express respect for Jesus »
5:22 Jesus to Kuantu Sea of Galilee, probably in Gabriel's agricultural land. Ya Lu is in charge of local elected Hall, responsible for the supervision of worship, a week of classroom management, cooking the whole building. Many halls are competent Pharisee and are closely related, some halls may be forced to charge very much opposed to Jesus. Therefore, Lu Ya fell down in front of Jesus is a move of profound significance, perhaps it is a courageous action that he respected the right of Jesus and worship.

睡前小酌助眠? 後半夜易醒









瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

Bedtime drink Zhumian » Houban Ye Yi Xing

[Zhan Jian-Fu - someone drinking a cup of coffee or tea, Nanmian on through the night, someone must Ba Dengguan out, or sleepless nights; physicians pointed out that there are many causes of insomnia, the only way to identify the causes of sleep impact can be the right remedy.
Taiwan's Chiayi St. Maldives for physicians Yeshi Bin, director of the Department of Neurology, noted that, generally speaking, the elderly, day and night shift workers and physical and psychological pressure, insomnia is the most common ethnic groups; In addition, clinical also found, including anxiety, depression, Schizophrenia, Zaozheng, post-traumatic syndrome and other mental disorders, or Parkinson's disease, the elderly dementia and other neurological diseases and illnesses have gastroesophageal reflux patients are also often combined symptoms of insomnia.

Some treatment of obesity, hypertension, asthma, refreshing, such as migraine drug, may cause insomnia side effects.

Yeshi Bin said that some people in the habit of drink before bed, drink some wine will go to sleep though, it may also interfere with the integrity of sleep, often caused by Hou Banye suddenly woke up, and will increase the probability of apnea syndrome.

As for apnea syndrome, Shin Kong Hospital director of the Center for Sleep Lin Mo pointed out that with the medical community in recent years to sleep apnea more of the study, this annoying sleep disorders also get more attention.

In addition to obese patients is high-risk, small chin and the shrinkage, neck circumference of coarse, may also be sleeping in bed, tongue base on the subsequent reduction, easy to block the respiratory tract, the symptoms appear snoring, but also showed a half dream Banxing state, often in daytime sleepiness and sleep do not feel full, easy fatigue, inability to concentrate attention, but also may be a warning of cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, sleep disorders or sleep is how are not sleeping enough, the more sleep or even more tired, but often dozing during the day, the doctor noted that such patients do not take sleeping pills to buy their own, because it is perhaps only a temporary solution Insomnia, did not help solve the fundamental problem, the only way related to sleep as soon as possible for assistance by other physicians in order to identify the problems lie.


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

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