Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Aug6 ,08 香港腳 最怕濕 快透氣Hong Kong leg fear most breathable +馬可福音Mark5:36 -43

5:36 耶穌聽見所說的話,就對管會堂的說:“不要怕,只要信!”
5:37 於是帶著彼得、雅各、和雅各的兄弟約翰同去,不許別人跟隨他。
5:38 他們來到管會堂的家裡,耶穌看見那亂嚷,並有人大大地哭泣哀號,
5:39 進到裡面,就對他們說:“為甚麼亂嚷哭泣呢?孩子不是死了,是睡著了。”
5:40 他們就嗤笑耶穌。耶穌把他們都攆出去,就帶著孩子的父母,和跟隨的人進了孩子所在的地方,
5:41 就拉著孩子的手,對她說:“大利大,古米!”翻出來就是說:“閨女,我吩咐你起來!”
5:42 那閨女立時起來走,他們就大大地驚奇;閨女已經十二歲了。
5:43 耶穌切切地囑咐他們,不要叫人知道這事,又吩咐給她東西吃。
5:38 按照猶太人的習俗,人死後,親人會大聲地哀悼哭嚎,假如沒有人為死者哀哭,就是對死者最大的羞辱和不敬。有些人把哭喪作為職業,他們多數是婦女。死者的家屬聘請他們來為死者哀哭。

5:39-40 耶穌說女孩不是死了而是睡著了,哭喪的人都嘲笑祂。這女孩明明死了,但耶穌卻說她是睡著了,表示她只是暫時死去,將會復活。

5:41 “大利大,古米!”是巴勒斯坦一種原居民的語言亞蘭語,也是當時通行的語言。耶穌的門徒不單會說亞蘭語,大概也會說希臘語和希伯來語。

5:41-42 耶穌不僅顯示祂的大能,也表達祂憐憫的心。祂的能力發自憐憫,勝過自然、鬼魔和死亡。祂憐憫住在墳場被鬼附身的人、患病的婦人和死了女兒的家庭。當時的教師認為這些人都是不潔的,上流社會拒絕他們,然而,耶穌伸出手來,幫助這些有需要的人。

5:43 耶穌為甚麼叫女孩的父母不要把這個神蹟傳開?因為祂想以事實來說明一切,而且當時還不是去與宗教領袖對質的時候。耶穌尚有很多工作要完成,祂不希望人只為了看神蹟才跟從祂。
As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe.
And he suffered no man to follow him, save Peter, and James, and John the brother of James.
And he cometh to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and seeth the tumult, and them that wept and wailed greatly.
And when he was come in, he saith unto them, Why make ye this ado, and weep? the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth.
And they laughed him to scorn. But when he had put them all out, he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel, and them that were with him, and entereth in where the damsel was lying.
And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise.
And straightway the damsel arose, and walked; for she was of the age of twelve years. And they were astonished with a great astonishment.
And he charged them straitly that no man should know it; and commanded that something should be given her to eat.
It was greatly to cry, Ya Lu's daughter must be dead……
5:38 accordance with Jewish custom, after death, and relatives to mourn Ku Hao will be loud, if not man-made earth will mourn the deceased, the deceased is the biggest humiliation and disrespect. Some people Kusang as a career, most of them are women. Hire them to the families of the deceased to the earth will mourn for the dead.

You have been because of their beliefs were ridiculed? »
5:39-40 Jesus said the girl is not dead but fell asleep, Kusang people ridiculed him. This girl clearly dead, but Jesus said she was asleep, said she is only a temporary dead will be resurrected.
Jesus taught the masses in order to maintain the hope and confidence in him, some of them to tolerate an insult to him. Today, the majority of people feel that Christ's declaration ridiculous, and often make fun of Christians. When you said that the confidence of Jesus and the hope of eternal life and be taken lightly, it is necessary to remember that the people do not believe God will not be from the perspective of things.

"Da, ancient rice" What is the spell? »
5:41, "Dali, ancient rice!" Is a former Palestinian residents of the language Tuaran language, the language is prevailing at that time. Jesus's disciples will not only said Tuaran language, probably will say that Greek and Hebrew.

Jesus personally help those in need, I used what action to show mercy to the heart »
5:41-42 Jesus not only show him the great energy, he also expressed compassion of the heart. His ability from the bottom of mercy, than natural, Guimo and death. His compassion was living in the cemetery ghost Fushen people, the sick and the dead woman's daughter's family. At that time, the teachers think that these people are dirty, high society rejected them, however, Jesus to reach out to help those in need.

Often by people who love compliments, Jesus do not want others to know he done a good thing……
5:43 Jesus asked why the girls parents not to spread this miracle » He would like to because the facts speak for themselves, but at that time is not with the religious leaders to confront the time. Jesus there are a lot of work to be completed, only he did not want to see miracles to follow him.

香港腳 最怕濕 快透氣
培養兩雙鞋替換穿的習慣 跟香港腳說拜拜




穿爸爸的鞋子 娃娃得病





重覆一再感染 體質問題




瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

Hong Kong legThe quick feet wet fear most breathable
Training to wear two pairs of shoes to replace the habit with the Hong Kong leg Shui Baibai

Hong Kong leg

[PENG Yun-fang - a hot and humid weather, annoying Hong Kong began feet bound people.
Taiwan's Hsinchu Hospital dermatologist said Huang Ruiyun, director of the Hong Kong leg is leading to mold, like warm and humid environment, excellent location is the growth of the toe joint, the soldiers often wear boots, not the ventilation of packets a day, sweating all Chucao plot In toe Feng Li, mold on the long course of a long-lived.

Secondary school students are busy, but also a good family, because a long time ago put shoes out, Paotiao class with sweat secretion exuberant, Xia Leke and went straight to school, often to 9 pm and 10:00 to go home, a shoe Undressed, kind of stinky smell bake bake it can be smoked fainted at home Diao shoes puppy.

Wear shoes dolls ill father

She said that the out-patient read a kindergarten children also suffering from the Hong Kong leg, it was playing games when his father like to wear slippers, there are many new clean room in the science and technology, because coated with dust-free clothing, legs Difficult breathable, easily Ranhuan.

Some girls feel that Hong Kong is a disgrace to the feet, often Buganzhixin and asked the doctor: really? » One can not see the like.

And Hong Kong would like to pin insulation, Huang Ruiyun proposal to train "two pairs of shoes to wear to replace" the habit, such as long tutorial to the students, preferably from school to home-for-two-shoes, even a foot washing, the probability of Ranhuan Will be smaller, if no time, it Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays wearing a pair, 2, 4, 6 to wear another double, one of Chuan Liangxie to toe more than Toutou Qi, of course, if the rain Linshi Shoes must be done Zaichuan.

In fact, Hong Kong will not necessarily feet itch, it was not treated, only the summer from peeling, after Tianleng OK, but if the toe seam rotten start, the doctor must seek medical treatment on the proposal, because once the skin, this wall was broken , Other bacteria Chengxi the door, it could damage lymphatic circulatory system, evolved into a cellular organization inflammation, which may not good the.

Repeated again and again with physical problems

Hong Kong feet, it may also be contracted to grasping task for the "hand", said Huang Ruiyun, with the physique and I am afraid of the gene, it was repeated again and again infection, a swimming coach often cured and then contracted, in trouble Terrible, but also came Yijia Zi-to, but some, no matter how contact with patients, she, like her father suffering from Hong Kong on foot, her mother one day live in several decades, has never been infected.

Many people think that wearing perspiration advertised breathable shoes, will not be suffering from foot in Hong Kong, Huang Ruiyun said that such a law is still inadequate ventilation, the best way is to air out their feet.


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

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