Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Oct9,07 LASIK副作用被低估 LASIK side effects underestimated+傳頌故事 Storytime

靈命日糧 - 2007年10月9日
讀經: 約書亞記2章
金句: 「耶和華你們的上帝,本是上天下地的上帝。」(約書亞記2章11節)
全年讀經: 以賽亞書32-33章;歌羅西書1章

基督快來,得勝世界立國度;榮耀權柄,永歸我主耶穌!讚美!讚美!傳揚他無比的大愛!讚美!讚美!歡唱直到萬代! rosby

October 9, 2007
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Joshua 2:1-14
The Lord your God, He is God in heaven above and on earth beneath. —Joshua 2:11
-->About this cover

Did you ever wonder why Rahab, the prostitute who lived in the pagan city of Jericho, opened her home to the Israelite spies? And what gave her the courage to name the God of Israel as her own?
This unlikeliest of conversions was prompted by the stories she had heard about the reality and power of God. Though thoroughly steeped in paganism and immorality, her heart was drawn to God. As she told the spies, "We have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to the two kings of the Amorites" (Josh. 2:10).
Under normal circumstances, the highly fortified city of Jericho would have been virtually unconquerable. Yet it became vulnerable because of the compelling stories of God’s power. Long before God’s people arrived, the self-sufficient pride of this hostile culture dissolved in fear when faced with those who belonged to the God they had heard so much about (v.11). And within the walls, one pagan heart turned to receive the God of Israel and played a strategic role in Israel’s stunning victory.
Let’s boldly tell the stories of God’s greatness. You never know whose heart may be ready to respond! —Joe StowellJoe Stowell-->
Christ is coming, over the world victorious—Power and glory unto the Lord belong:Praise Him! Praise Him! Tell of His excellent greatness!Praise Him! Praise Him! Ever in joyful song. —Crosby
Don’t be shy; tell the stories of God’s greatness.
For similar resources, search these topics:Life Stories > Old Testament > Rahab
Bible in One Year: Isaiah 32-33; Colossians 1
美部分診所棄用 改用PRK
LASIK side effects underestimated (October 9, 2007) Nearly 30% were dry eyes after surgery
HK Ming Pao: laser surgery LASIK being promoted as safe and reliable vision correction method widely used in recent years, even the United States Air Force also allows those who have undergone LASIK training, golf's "tiger earners" live disabilities sell advertising, praised LASIK fast, painless. But the medical profession that LASIK side effects and risks far been underestimated, the United States has been reduced by some clinics.
"Discard glasses cost of a permanent headache eye pain"
LASIK laser cutting technology and the use of corneal reshaping, in theory can improve eyesight without cause complications, but equipment, medical technology, and so surgery can go wrong. According to the United States cataract and vision correction surgeries Society estimates that each year more than one million patients receiving LASIK, about 2-3% surgery failed. According to the United States Food and Drug Administration statistics, 28% of patients in tears less than six months after surgery, 16% blurred vision, and 18% to driving at night, there are many patients suffering from long-term pain and even blindness.
38-year-old Kozo Volos, the United States is the Duke Eye Center senior staff in the last year were free LASIK surgery, vision returned to normal, but since severe dry eyes. His eyes after each would get up early  sense of the pain, wearing special goggles to keep eyes moist and extreme facial muscle pain. He laments: "The price is discarded spectacles permanent headache, eye pain."
Some clinics switching to the United States abandoned PRK
Houston Baylor University Medical College in view of the limitations of LASIK, in recent years, has encouraged LASIK patients abandoned by the previous generation of PRK laser vision correction surgeries.

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