Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Monday, October 8, 2007

Oct8,07 用手機10年 增患腦癌風險 Using a mobile phone by 10 +受教之心 Be Coachable!

靈命日糧 - 2007年10月8日
讀經: 腓立比書4章10-19節
金句: 「我無論在甚麼景況都可以知足,這是我已經學會了。」(腓立比書4章11節)
全年讀經: 以賽亞書30-31章;腓立比書4章


October 8, 2007
Be Coachable!
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Philippians 4:10-19
I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content. —Philippians 4:11
-->About this cover

Casey Seymour, a successful soccer player and coach, notes that everyone on his team hates the 10-by-100 drill that ends practice. Before the men can leave the field, they must run 100 yards 10 times at full speed with minimal rest. If they don’t beat a prescribed time, they have to do it again.
The players hate it—until the day of the game. Then they find that they can play at full capacity for the entire match. Their effort has been rewarded with a championship!
The apostle Paul used metaphors of training and competition in his letters. While he was a missionary to the Gentiles, he submitted to the instructions and drills of God amid great suffering and hardship. Twice in Philippians 4, he said, "I have learned" (vv.11-12). For him, and for each of us, following Jesus is a lifelong learning process. We are not spiritually mature the day we are saved, any more than a schoolboy athlete is ready for professional soccer. We grow in faith as we allow God through His Word and the Holy Spirit to empower us to serve Him.
Through hardship, Paul learned to serve God well—and so can we. It’s not pleasant, but it is rewarding! The more teachable we are, the more mature we will become. As members of Christ’s team, let’s be coachable. —David C. EgnerDavid C. Egner-->
Oh, it’s hard to learn the lesson,As we pass beneath the rod,That the sunshine and the shadowServe alike the will of God. —Anon.
God’s work in us isn’t over when we receive Christ—it has just begun.
For similar resources, search these topics:Relationships > Relating to God > Growth/Sanctification Relationships > Relating to God > Guidance/Leading
Bible in One Year: Isaiah 30-31; Phil 4
用手機10年 增患腦癌風險(2007年10月8日)
Using a mobile phone by 10 from brain cancer risk (October 8, 2007)
HK Ming Pao: Sweden relating to the use of a cell phone study shows that using a mobile phone for 10 years or more will increase the risk of suffering from brain cancer.
Some experts believe that the use of mobile phones is the relationship between cancer and chronic and long-term. This published in the "Environmental Occupational Medicine," Journal of great significance to the report, because the report on the use of mobile phones are targeting a long time, suffering from brain cancer risk.
Sweden Orebro University Hospital and the University of researchers had, the Composite Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Japan, Germany, the United States, Britain and other countries in the 11 studies found that using a mobile phone for 10 years or more, with the risk of acoustic neuroma tumor will increase by 20%, suffering from malignant neuroma the risk will increase 30%. Research found that the phone side of a regular brain, with the risk of acoustic neuroma tumors will increase 1.5 times, with the risk of malignant neuroma will increase by 100%.
Last month, a British official and communications industry-sponsored "mobile phone communications and Health Survey" that "did not detect the phone and risk." But Swedish researcher said that, even if only by phone every day for one hour, was sufficient to increase the risk, and they think that the cell phone radiation international standards and "unsafe" and "it is necessary to re Amendment." They concluded that "when using mobile phones to be very careful", and should prohibit children use mobile phones.
Independent on Sunday

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