Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Dec7,07 馬太福音 長期缺乏睡眠 身體機能受損Long-term damage to a lack of sleep +馬太福音Matthew4:9-17

馬太福音 4:9 對他說:“你若俯伏拜我,我就把這一切都賜給你。” 4:10 耶穌說:“撒但(註:“撒但”就是“抵擋”的意思,乃魔鬼的別名)退去吧!因為經上記著說:‘當拜主你的 神,單要事奉他。’” 4:11 於是魔鬼離了耶穌,有天使來伺候他。 4:12 耶穌聽見約翰下了監,就退到加利利去; 4:13 後又離開拿撒勒,往迦百農去,就住在那裡。那地方靠海,在西布倫和拿弗他利的邊界上。 4:14 這是要應驗先知以賽亞的話, 4:15 說:“西布倫地,拿弗他利地,就是沿海的路,約旦河外,外邦人的加利利地。 4:16 那坐在黑暗裡的百姓,看見了大光;坐在死蔭之地的人,有光發現照著他們。” 4:17 從那時候,耶穌就傳起道來,說:“天國近了,你們應當悔改!” -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------假如耶穌沒有勝過試探……4:1-11 耶穌被魔鬼試探,表明祂是人,並藉此再確定祂在神計劃中的事工,也成為我們被試探時學習的榜樣。
試探來到,實在難耐,人也變得軟弱,這是罪嗎?4:1-11 耶穌面對試探卻沒有屈服,祂從不犯罪!縱然被試探後,我們可能會覺得自己污穢,但要記住試探本身不是罪,惟有我們不順從神、在試探中屈服才是犯罪。
在最軟弱的境況中,耶穌受試探;有時候試探來到,出奇不意……4:1-11 耶穌並不在聖殿或受洗時被試探,乃是在曠野裡被試探,因為那時祂感到疲乏、孤單和飢餓,是祂最容易被擊倒的時刻。撒但常常在我們最軟弱而身心受壓力的時候,就是我們感到疲乏、孤寂、面對重大抉擇、前途不明朗的時候來試探我們,牠也會在我們自以為剛強的時候來試探我們(參路4:3-13註釋),我們應當隨時做好準備抵擋撒但的攻擊。
獨處時,它悄悄來到;煩惱時,它襲人心頭,面對試探,我可以怎樣做?4:1-10 撒但的試探集中在三個關鍵的地方:(1)肉體的慾望;(2)財富和權力;(3)驕傲(參約壹2:15-16)。耶穌與我們一樣身受各樣的試探,只是祂從沒有犯罪(參來4:15),因此,祂能夠體恤我們。我們面對試探時,要向祂請求幫助。
世上的東西,可觸可看,好像都比神來得吸引——你也是這樣想?4:8-10 只要耶穌肯向魔鬼下拜,魔鬼就會把全世界送給祂。今天魔鬼也嘗試藉著物質和權勢來引誘我們,要把這世界送給我們,我們可以學效耶穌的方法去抵擋試探。你是否發覺自己正渴求世上的東西?引用耶穌的話,對魔鬼說:“當拜主你的神,單要事奉他。”
神真愛耶穌,時時還有天使在旁呢……4:11 天使是神的差役,傳遞神的信息,這些靈體也在耶穌在地上的生活中出現:(1)向馬利亞宣告祂的出生;(2)向約瑟確定祂出生的事實;(3)給祂起名;(4)向牧羊人宣告祂的出生;(5)送祂舉家到埃及,保護祂;(6)在客西馬尼園加添祂的力量。(參1:20註釋)
耶穌要離開本鄉?一定有甚麼原因所致……4:12-13 耶穌離開祂的家鄉拿撒勒,到以北大約三十二公里的迦百農去。祂開始工作,迦百農便成為祂在加利利省的基地。祂移居這裡可能因為(1)避免拿撒勒人的強烈反對;(2)迦百農是一個繁盛的城市,祂可以更快向更多人傳講天國的信息;(3)可以運用額外的資源來支持祂的工作。耶穌的遷移應驗了以賽亞的預言:彌賽亞將要照耀加利利的西布倫和拿弗他利地,這正是迦百農的所在地(參賽9:1-2)。
馬太多番引用舊約,不是太重複了嗎?4:14-16 馬太藉著引用以賽亞書把耶穌的工作與舊約連上,這樣對熟識這些經文的猶太讀者很有幫助。而且,這更顯明了神歷世歷代與人同工,其目的貫徹始終。
這兒的“天國”何所指?4:17 這裡所說的“天國”跟馬可福音、路加福音裡“神的國”的意思相同。馬太為了猶太人而採用“天國”,他們敬畏尊重神,不敢直呼祂的名字。天國近了,已經在我們的心裡了。(有關天國的資料,請參3:2的註釋。)
悔改不就是認錯,很簡單嘛,還有甚麼?4:17 耶穌用了百姓耳熟能詳的話,就是施洗約翰所說的“悔改”,來開始祂的工作;今天耶穌仍然發出同樣的信息。跟隨耶穌的意思是放棄自我中心和自我掌管的生活,將我們的生命轉向基督,讓祂掌管。---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Matthew4:9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 4:11 Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him. 4:12 Now when Jesus had heard that John was cast into prison, he departed into Galilee; 4:13 And leaving Nazareth, he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the sea coast, in the borders of Zabulon and Nephthalim: 4:14 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, 4:15 The land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles; 4:16 The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up. 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If Jesus ... no better than the test 4:1-11 Jesus was the devil trial that he is, and in so doing, he confirmed in God's plan for things, we are also a test when learning example.
To test it难耐, people are becoming weak, this is the crime? 4:1-11 Jesus is not yielding to face trial, he never crime! Although the test, we may find ourselves dirty, but remember to test itself is not a crime, we do not defer to God only, the yield is in the criminal probe.
The weakness in the situation, the trial of Jesus; sometimes came to the test, a surprisingly unexpected decision ... 4:1-11 Jesus in the Temple or not was baptized test, in the wilderness, is being test, because then he felt tired and lonely and hunger, he is most likely to be knocked out in time. Satan most often in our mental and physical weakness and the time pressure that we feel tired and lonely, in the face of important choice, and the future is uncertain when to test us, it will be in our thinking that the time to test the firmness of our (Senate Road 4:3-13 Note), we should be ready to prepare to resist Satan attacks.
Solitude, it quietly arrived; trouble, it attacks their hearts, in the face of testing, how can I do? 4:1-10 Satan, the trial focused on three key areas: (1) physical desire; (2) wealth and power, (3) proud of (the Senate about one 2:15-16). Like Jesus, and we Sustaining a variety of testing, but he has never crime (Senate to 4:15), so he can sympathize with us. We are facing trial, it is necessary to向祂request help.
The things in this world can be inconsistent, seems to attract more than God - you also think so? 4:8-10 as long as Jesus is willing to to the devil下拜, the devil he will be presented to the world. Today, the devil trying to take material and power to lure us to this world to us, we can learn effective ways to ward off Jesus test. Do you find that their world is yearning for something? It quoted Jesus, the devil said: "When your main Baidoa God alone to his ministry."
God truly love Jesus, the angels are always in the side of it ... 4:11 angel is God render their convey God's message of these Ling also the life of Jesus on the ground in the emerging: (1) of the Mary declared he was born; (2) he was born to Joseph determine the facts; ( 3) to the name he (4) to the shepherds declared he was born; (5) before he family to Egypt, he protection; (6) In Gethsemane he added strength. (Senate 1:20 Note)
Jesus prefectures to leave? What causes certain ... 4:12-13 Jesus, the hometown he left Nazareth, about 32 kilometers to the north of the Ka to 100 farmers. He began working at Ka 100 farmers he would become a base in the Galilee province. He emigrated here probably because (1) to avoid the strong opposition of Nazareth; (2) Ka-100 is a thriving agricultural city, he can be faster and more people-to speak paradise information; (3) can use the additional he resources to support the work. The relocation proved that Jesus Isaiah's prophecy: Messiah will shine the西布伦and Galilee with his profits mandrax, which is the location of agricultural Caramel 100 (entries 9:1-2).
Matthew repeatedly invoked the Old Testament, not too redundant? 4:14-16 Matthew quoted Isaiah through the work of Jesus and the Old Testament even on such familiar with the scriptures of the Jewish readers helpful. Moreover, it is more clear God calendar with the world history and the people, the purpose of consistency.
Here the "paradise" He referred to? 4:17 here said the "paradise" with the Gospel According to Mark, Luke, the "country of God" means the same. Matthew to Jews a "paradise", they awed respect for God, he did not dare am having a name. Paradise closer, we have been in the hearts of the. (The paradise of information, please refer to 3:2 of the Notes.)
Repentance is not their mistake, a very simple place, what else? 4:17 Jesus, the people familiar with the case, said John the Baptist is the "repentance", he began to work today issued Jesus remains the same information. To follow Jesus means to give up self-centeredness and self-control of life, our life to Christ, so that he in charge.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------長期缺乏睡眠 身體機能受損
【新華網】睡眠專家一直在提醒睡眠不足帶來的危害:處理事務時無法集中精力,出現學習障礙,容易導致憂鬱症和高血壓等健康問題。最新研究顯示,長期缺覺還有一種風險:長期睡眠不足的人或動物恢復身體機能的能力可能受損。 美國西北大學研究睡眠問題的專家弗雷德.圖雷克的研究成果發表在「國家科學院學報」上。他的研究顯示,每天睡眠不足的人可能無法恢復日間工作所需的注意力。迄今,研究人員還不知道這種損害是否是永久性的,但他們認為,每天都處於疲勞狀態的人工作效率通常較差,在記憶力和注意力測試中表現不佳。

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閱覽更多新聞,請看世界日報。-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Long-term damage to a lack of sleep bodily functions
【- - Sleep experts have been reminded of sleep caused by insufficient Hazard: processing services fail to concentrate on learning disabilities there are prone to depression and hypertension and other health problems. The latest research shows that long-term vacancy feel there is a risk: Long-term lack of sleep the person or animal restore bodily functions may be impaired capacity. Northwestern University expert on sleep problems Frederick. Figure Anthony Lake research results published in the "Journal of the National Academy of Sciences". His research shows that the lack of sleep every day who might not be able to resume day work required attention. So far, researchers do not know whether such damage is permanent, but they think that, every day, people in a state of fatigue are usually less efficient in memory and attention tests poor performance.
Northwestern University researchers mice to sleep four hours a day. After the first night, the rats quickly resume; allowed to sleep, they enter the number of deep sleep more frequently than usual. But less than three consecutive nights of sleep, deep sleep time rodents no longer increase. In five days after the end of the experiment, the researchers gave rats a睡懒觉opportunities, but they were not多睡一会儿to make up for previous insufficient sleep. Figure Anthony Lake said: "The ability to compensate for the lack of sleep has been lost, which is harmful physically and mentally."
The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Sleep expert David.丁格斯said, people sleep on long-term response appears to be less than the same rats.丁格斯and colleagues 48 healthy people were studied. One group of people sleep eight hours every night, another group of people stay up late every night, less sleep 2-4 hours. Two weeks later, the lack of sleep that group of people unable to concentrate attention, unresponsive, memory impairment.
Many scientific evidence to suggest that insufficient sleep harmful to health. For example, fatigue may lead to obesity. But there is no doubt that insufficient sleep so that traffic will increase.

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Read more news, take a look at the World Journal.

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