Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Dec5,07三招 判斷是否中風 Three ways determine whether stroke +創世記Genesis 3:17-24

創世記 3:17 又對亞當說:“你既聽從妻子的話,吃了我所吩咐你不可吃的那樹上的果子,地必為你的緣故受咒詛。你必終身勞苦,才能從地裡得吃的。 3:18 地必給你長出荊棘和蒺藜來,你也要吃田間的菜蔬。 3:19 你必汗流滿面才得餬口,直到你歸了土,因為你是從土而出的。你本是塵土,仍要歸於塵土。” 3:20 亞當給他妻子起名叫夏娃,因為她是眾生之母。 3:21 耶和華 神為亞當和他妻子用皮子做衣服,給他們穿。 3:22 耶和華 神說:“那人已經與我們相似,能知道善惡。現在恐怕他伸手又摘生命樹的果子吃,就永遠活著。” 3:23 耶和華 神便打發他出伊甸園去,耕種他所自出之土。 3:24 於是把他趕出去了。又在伊甸園的東邊安設基路伯,和四面轉動發火燄的劍,要把守生命樹的道路。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------墮落後的痛苦與和好後的祝福,已在聖經上說明了,我要選擇哪一樣?3:14-19 亞當夏娃從痛苦的經驗中得到教訓,認識到神是聖潔的;祂恨惡罪,所以必定刑罰罪人。創世記接著詳細記載了人類由墮落後引致生活敗壞的痛苦經歷。不順服神就是犯罪,我們跟神的交往也會因此斷絕。縱然我們有不順服,幸而神樂意饒恕我們,讓我們與祂和好。
歷史的終極結局在開始時已說明了,我要跟隨耶穌,還是……3:15 撒但是我們的仇敵,牠用盡一切方法使我們犯罪、走向滅亡。“你要傷他的腳跟”這句話是指基督在世上為人的時候,撒但想一再要打敗祂;“他要打傷你的頭”則預表基督從死裡復活,擊敗撒但。傷了腳跟並不嚴重,但傷了頭則是致命的打擊。這裡神已經顯示祂的計劃,祂要藉著耶穌基督擊敗撒但,救贖世人。
神趕逐亞當夏娃,因為要避免一個永恆的災劫,神永恆的訓示,你可明瞭?3:22-24 生活在伊甸園裡就好像生活在天堂一樣,盡善盡美。如果亞當夏娃順服神,他們就能永遠住在其中。但是因為悖逆神,他們不配住在園中,神就叫他們離開。假若他們繼續生活在園中,吃了生命樹的果子,就會永遠活著;但他們在罪的狀態中永遠活著,就意味著永遠要躲避神。其實,我們也像亞當夏娃一樣犯了罪、與神隔絕;不過,我們不會永遠與神分隔,神正為祂的子民預備新天新地(參啟22章)。
神的使者——3:24 基路伯是神大能的使者。
始祖犯罪的經過,對我面對罪時有何提醒?3:24 亞當夏娃與神關係斷絕的進程是這樣的:(1)他們認為自己的想法比神的更好;(2)他們自覺慚愧而逃避;(3)他們企圖找藉口為自己辯護。要與神建立關係,我們必須:(1)不再找藉口為自己辯護;(2)不再躲避神;(3)確信神的意念高過我們的意念。----------------------------------------------------------------------Genesis3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; 3:18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. 3:21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them. 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: 3:23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. 3:24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.
----------------------------------------------------------------------After the downfall of the suffering and the blessings and good has been described in the Bible, I have to choose the same? 3:14-19 Adam Eve from bitter experience be a lesson recognize that God is holy; he恨恶crime, so must penalty sinner. Genesis then detailed record of human life caused by the downfall of corruption after the bitter experience. Bushunbi God is a crime, we have contacts with the divine will also cut off. Even though we have Bushunbi Fortunately, God willing to forgive us, and he let us and good.
The ultimate outcome in history at the beginning of the note, I want to follow Jesus, or ... 3:15 Satan is our enemy, it all means so that our crime, toward extinction. "You have to work his heel injury" This sentence refers to the Christian people in the world when Satan think he has to beat "you he injured in the first" pre-table in the resurrection of Christ from the dead, defeated Satan. The heel injury is not serious, but the injury is the first fatal blow. Here he shows that God has a plan,祂要through Jesus defeated Satan, save us.
God rush by Adam Eve, to avoid an eternal灾劫, God eternal instructions, you can understand? 3:22-24 living in the Garden of Eden, just like living in paradise, perfect. If God submission by Adam Eve, they will be able to live in them. But because the rebellion God, they do not deserve to live in the garden, God called them to leave. If they continue to live in the garden, eating the fruit tree of life will be forever alive, but their crimes in a state of forever alive, it means that God never to escape. In fact, we like Adam Eve as committed a crime, and God isolation; But we are not separated forever and God, God for His subjects are prepared Xintian SHKP (Senate Kai Chapter 22).
God's emissary -- 3:24 Jiluba Power is the messenger of God.
The ancestor of the crime, when the crime on the face of what I reminded? 3:24 Adam Eve and God sever relations is the process like this: (1) They believe that his idea is better than God; (2) they consciously ashamed to avoid, (3) they try to find an excuse to defend himself. To establish relationships with God, we must: (1) no longer find an excuse to defend themselves, (2) no longer escape God, (3) that the idea of God higher than our ideas.----------------------------------------------------------------------三招 判斷是否中風

●判斷一個人是否發生了腦卒中(中風),用簡單的「微笑、舉手、說一句話」三個辦法,其準確率可以達到90%。 據健康時報報導,北京天壇醫院副院長、北京腦血管病搶救治療中心主任、中國卒中培訓中心王擁軍教授表示,一是對著鏡子微笑一下,看兩邊的嘴角是否不對稱。二是平舉雙手,看10秒鐘之內是否有一邊手臂控制不住往下墜落。三是說一句比較復雜的話,看是否不能說,或者含混不清。這三個問題中,只要有一個是肯定答案,很有可能就是發生了腦卒中。

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閱覽更多新聞,請看世界日報。----------------------------------------------------------------------Three ways determine whether stroke

● determine whether a person has stroke (a stroke), with a simple "smile, raise their hands and say" three ways, its accuracy rate can reach 90 percent. According to Health Times reported, vice president of Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Beijing cerebrovascular diseases director of the Center for emergency treatment, the China Training Center for Stroke said Professor Wang Yongjun, the first smile in the mirror, look at both sides of嘴角whether asymmetry. Second-举双手to see 10 seconds of the team's training went ahead whether there is a down side arm crashed. Third, it is said that a more complicated case to see whether they can not say that, or ambiguity. These three issues, as long as one is certainly the answer is likely a stroke that occurred.
Need to be reminded that the family members found after the stroke, not feeding any medicine, because it is difficult to distinguish ordinary people incidence reasons, but add to improper medication condition. On the other hand, when the need for medication drinking water, making it easy for choking and aspiration, causing pulmonary infection, and pulmonary infection caused stroke patients is the first major cause death.
Wang Yongjun, stroke risk assessment, the general to conduct two inspections. One is cerebral vascular examination, the other risk factors for laboratory checks, such as blood glucose, blood lipids and C-reactive protein and other biological and chemical items. General 45 people under the age of five years system can be checked, and if aged 45 and above, obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, which accounted for an arbitrary risk factors, they should be checked annually. (ANI)

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