Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sep28,07壹句話Word's Power +關照他人 Looking Out For Others

靈命日糧 - 2007年9月28日
讀經: 腓立比書2章3-8節
金句: 「各人不要單顧自己的事,也要顧別人的事。」(腓立比書2章4節)
全年讀經: 以賽亞書5-6章;以弗所書1章


September 28, 2007
Looking Out For Others
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Philippians 2:3-8
Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. —Philippians 2:4
-->About this cover

In giving of ourselves, we manifest the essence of Jesus’ character, for it has always been His nature to think more about others than He thinks of Himself. Why else would He humble Himself and become “obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross” (Phil. 2:8).
Our natural tendency is to consider our own interests first—to look at everything from the perspective of our own needs and wants. But with Jesus’ help we can unlearn that habit. We can begin to think of the best interests of others—their wants, their concerns, their needs.
And so we must ask ourselves: Do we consider others’ interests more important than our own? Do we get as excited about what God is doing in and through them as we do about what He is doing in and through us? Do we long to see others grow in grace and gain recognition, though it may have been our efforts that made them successful? Do we find satisfaction in seeing our spiritual children surpass us in the work they are called to do? If so, such is the measurement of greatness.
We are most like our Lord when our thoughts for ourselves are lost in our thoughts for others. There is no greater love than that (John 15:13). —David H. RoperDavid H. Roper-->
Lord, grant me a heart of compassionSo burdened for others’ needsThat I will show them Your kindnessIn attitudes, words, and deeds. —Fitzhugh
The more you love the Lord, the more you will love others.
For similar resources, search these topics:Christian Life > Attitudes > Compassion
Bible in One Year: Isaiah 5-6; Ephesians 1
古今中外有很多人因為別人的一句話而深受感動,甚至豁然開朗;由於「一句話」而改變一生的事例, 更是多不勝數。
他九歲的時候,父親將繼母娶進門。 他父親向新婚妻子介紹卡內基時,如是說: 「希望你注意這個全郡最壞的男孩,他實在令我頭痛, 說不定明天早晨他還會拿石頭砸你,或做出什麼壞事呢!」
接著告訴丈夫:「你錯了,他不是全郡最壞的男孩, 而是最聰明,只是還沒找到發洩熱忱地方的男孩。」

生命是一種學習 ,任何人在學習的過程中不免遇到困難和迷惑。
給人一句好話,讓人生命奮起飛揚,何樂而不為呢? 所以,人要常說:
Word's Power
The success or fail in life, often because of a person, a thing, even a word and have a decisive impact.
One particularly useful right word, than the Chairman.
At present there are many others who deeply touched by the words, or even centuries; The "sentence" and changed his life examples, even more numerous.
The well-known American educator and eloquent speech Carnegie artists, childhood is a very mischievous little boys.
His nine-year-old, married father of the house will stepmother. His father introduced to the Carnegie newlywed wife, says: "I hope you pay attention to the boys across the county worst, he really makes me headache, maybe tomorrow morning he will be stoned with you, or make bad thing!"
Beyond the Carnegie expected, stepmother smile come before him, holding his head, watching him.
Then tell her husband: "You are wrong, he is not the worst of boys across the county, but the most clever, but not to find blame the enthusiasm of local boys."
One word, and finally become the Carnegie tears rolling down.
Because of this sentence, and stepmother Carnegie established between deep feelings; Because of this sentence, he determined the success upward momentum;
Because of this sentence, he will help the millions of people on the success of a synchronized way.
"Sentence" is very easy, but the important thing is to allow the other party to benefit.
The loss of life recycling, and can not rely on the argument Road to enlighten people, sometimes just a look ordinary enough, they will bring strength to each other.
Life is a learning, in any learning process inevitably encounter difficulties and confusion.
Gives a nice words, the people rose up to life filled ahead of? Therefore, people should always said:
First, it gives people happy;
Second, it encourages people;
Third, say yes to support people;
Fourth, giving praise to say.
More good words, less talk.
Inadvertently a frivolous, sometimes destroying the future,
And the one to care for others, but let frustration people have the courage to survive.
Therefore, people should always indecent their rhetoric to avoid undermining good marriage.

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