馬太福音 20:10 | 及至那先雇的來了,他們以為必要多得,誰知也是各得一錢。 |
20:11 | 他們得了,就埋怨家主說: |
20:12 | ‘我們整天勞苦受熱,那後來的只做了一小時,你竟叫他們和我們一樣嗎?’ |
20:13 | 家主回答其中的一人說:‘朋友,我不虧負你,你與我講定的不是一錢銀子嗎? |
20:14 | 拿你的走吧!我給那後來的和給你一樣,這是我願意的。 |
20:15 | 我的東西難道不可隨我的意思用嗎?因為我作好人,你就紅了眼嗎? ’ |
20:16 | 這樣,那在後的將要在前;在前的將要在後了(註:有古卷在此有“因為被召的人多,選上的人少”)。” |
20:17 | 耶穌上耶路撒冷去的時候,在路上把十二個門徒帶到一邊,對他們說: |
20:18 | “看哪,我們上耶路撒冷去,人子要被交給祭司長和文士。他們要定他死罪, |
20:15 這個比喻不是說報酬的事,而是講救恩的問題,針對恩典和神的慷慨善良,作出一個強而有力的教導。我們不應輕視那些在生命最後一刻才歸向神的人,事實上,沒有人配得享受永生。許多我們意想不到的人,都可能在天國出現。那個和耶穌一起被釘的、悔改的強盜將會在那裡(參路23:40-43),跟那些相信主又事奉神多年的人一起。神慈愛地接納那些被藐視、被撇棄的人,赦免那些犯罪卻歸向祂的人,對此你是否忿忿不平呢?神賜給別人東西,你是否忌妒呢?我們應當集中看神給予我們的慈愛恩典,並為我們所擁有的感謝祂。
20:17-19 耶穌第三次預言自己的受死和復活,(有關首兩次的預言,請參16:21;17:22-23。)但門徒仍然不明白祂的意思,繼續為貪圖在基督國度裡的位置而爭論(參20:20-28)。
20:10 | | But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they likewise received every man a penny. |
20:11 | | And when they had received it, they murmured against the goodman of the house, |
20:12 | | Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day. |
20:13 | | But he answered one of them, and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny? |
20:14 | | Take that thine is, and go thy way: I will give unto this last, even as unto thee. |
20:15 | | Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good? |
20:16 | | So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. |
20:17 | | And Jesus going up to Jerusalem took the twelve disciples apart in the way, and said unto them, |
20:18 | | Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death, |
God's blessings to others is always a little bit more, is it?
20:15 this analogy is not to say that the compensation issue, but stresses the issue of salvation, for the grace of God and generous good-hearted, made a strong teaching. We should not be taken lightly in the lives of those men to the very last moment before God, in fact, no one ought to have to enjoy eternal life. We unexpected many people are likely to arise in the kingdom of heaven. And that Jesus was nailed together, the gangster repentance will be there (see Road 23:40-43), with those who believe in the main serve both God and the people together for many years. Loving God to accept those who are flouting the Bieqi people pardoned those who are under criminal向祂people, which you angry? God bestow other things, do you have any jealousy? We should concentrate God gives us to see the grace of mercy, and we have to thank him.
Greed of those who see the right to his disciples, they argue, and you can feel deja vu?
20:17-19 Jesus predicted his third death and resurrection (of the first two predictions, please 16:21; 17:22-23.), But the disciples still do not understand the meaning of him to continue for the sake of Christ country where the location of controversy (see 20:20-28).
【郭錦萍】近年媒體常報導憂鬱症的人變多了,但這些人的不痛快,不全是外在大環境造成,美國學者認為,選錯了入口的食物,心情是不可能好到那去。 食物不僅會影響的你的心情,情緒也會影響你對食物的選擇。 根據美國國家衛生研究院調查,全美有兩千多萬人情緒失調、1千5百萬人有過憂鬱問題。美國從1970年代開始,20到74歲的肥胖人口,從15%上升到32.9%,2005年時,美國國家疾病管制局更發現,全美人口有三分之一是胖子。 加州大學心理學教授沙耶說,「造成大量肥胖人口的因果關係仍不明,但這個趨勢卻和憂鬱、情緒失調病例的增加一致。 快樂的食物 要讓自己維持穩定的情緒,最有效的方法,很老生常談,就是吃蛋白質、碳水化合物、蔬果這些元素均衡的飲食,同時要少糖、少油及少酒精。 美國廣播公司(ABC)網站,日前根據對數百名學者、專家所做的調查,整理出幾種吃完之後可以讓人有好心情的食物,而且分析為什麼吃這些食物會快樂。 肥滋滋的魚 替代食物:亞麻子、胡桃 不管是熏的、煮的或生魚片,多吃鮭魚、青花魚(鯖)、沙丁魚等富含油脂的魚,保證會讓人心情好起來。 因為這些魚都富含omega-3脂肪酸,這種成分的作用,大家較熟悉的功用是有益心臟健康,但其實對鼓舞心情也有幫助。 美國加州的學者就說,「現在最熱門的議題就是omega-3脂肪酸可能有助於腦組織的治療及改善情緒問題。」因為它有助腦中神經傳導物質———血清素的分泌,另外也有研究指出,多吃這類脂肪也有助減輕憂鬱症狀。 如果是不吃魚的人,專家建議,可以亞麻子或胡桃取代,因為這些植物心情不好?也含有類似的油脂成分。 事實上,魚吃得多的國家,例如日本,民眾患憂鬱症的比率遠低於其他國家。另一個重要的觀察是,魚吃得多的國家通常民眾的整體飲食型態也比較健康。 四、五十歲的民眾可能還記得,小時候每天要被強迫吞一湯匙或幾顆魚肝油。專家說,想保有好心情,就照小時候那樣做,準沒錯! 牛奶 替代食物:杏仁 以前牛奶廣告都會說,多喝牛奶可以讓小朋友「頭好壯壯」。學者說,廣告商可能都不知道,牛奶不只對身體好,調整心情也很好。 那是因為牛奶含有豐富的鈣質和色胺酸。其中,鈣除了可提供骨質建構用,當人感到壓力或焦慮時,鈣能讓神經鎮定。色胺酸可以用來製造血清素。 美國農業部建議,每天要喝三杯牛奶。但若是喝牛奶會拉肚子的人,可以用杏仁代替,因為杏仁也含有鈣及色胺酸。 | |
咖啡 替代食物:茶、可可 當然,不只是咖啡,其他熱飲如茶、可可,也都能提振精神,關鍵其實都是咖啡因,而且它還會讓人覺得快樂、陶醉或安樂。 學者分析,少量的咖啡或咖啡因就能讓人覺得補充能量、注意力集中,反之若過量會回火,覺得壓力上升、神經過敏。 專家也警告,有些人一天要喝四、五杯咖啡,這會讓身體習慣性依賴咖啡因,一旦量減少,就會出現戒斷類似症狀,並導致易怒及意氣消沈。 學者一致的建議是,早上攝取少量咖啡因是有益的,再多就不必了。 黑巧克力 很多研究證實,巧克力的原料———可可豆含有多種可提升情緒的成分。這些化學物質大多濃縮在黑巧克力中,這也是為何黑巧克力比牛奶巧克力或白巧克更受營養專家推薦的原因。 黑巧克力含有多酚(polyphenols)及苯乙胺醇(phenylethylamine),前者可促進認知功能,後者就更神奇了,因為血中濃度太低可能出現憂鬱症,若太高則可能造成精神分裂。 苯乙胺醇主要是會讓腦子分泌腦內啡,因而產生愉悅感,科學家就發現,「性愛和黑巧克力,會引發大腦同一區域的活動。」所以有人稱苯乙胺醇為「自然界的安非他命」。 除此之外,巧克力的甜味及油脂,也能活化大腦的快樂中樞。 酒精 學者認為,少量的酒精可以安撫、鎮定情緒,所以晚餐時配上一杯紅酒是不錯的選擇,但若是威士忌、馬丁尼,恐怕就不太好了。 學者也提醒,「酒精可以幫助入眠,但也會讓睡眠變淺。」而且當過多的酒精在體內轉變成糖類時,也會讓人覺得容易疲勞、焦躁甚至是沮喪。 乳清 替代食物:粉狀乳清 乳清是製造乳酪時會自然產生的副產品,浮在乳酪桶周邊看來有點淺淺白色、水狀的就是乳清;它的成分中含有高濃度色胺酸。 對有奶糖不耐症的人,可以用健康食品店賣的粉狀乳清替代。 菠菜 替代食物:各種綠色蔬菜 菠菜含有多種有助平復焦慮和憂鬱的礦物質。基本上只要是綠色蔬菜的葉子,都含有葉酸,多吃也對減少憂鬱情緒有幫助。 安慰食物 出外旅行多日回到家後,你最想吃到什麼?浮現在你腦中的就是「安慰食物」。學者說,每個人都會在吃某些東西時,會感到真正的快樂,「但是這種快樂和嗑藥、性愛那種快樂不同」,因為它們在大腦不同區域反應。 安慰食物會增加分泌和快樂相關神經傳導物,包括血清素及多巴胺,進入大腦後,進而讓人產生舒服甚至是興奮的感覺。 研究也發現,雖然安慰食物五花八門,但當人們情緒低落時,多數人會傾向選擇碳水化合物(如米飯、麵包),因為比較容易消化,而且吃完後很快就會讓體內血清素上升。 可是要小心的是,因為身體會不由自主迷戀那種吃完後的舒服感,所以人就會不知不覺吃下一大堆,結果過多的熱量和脂肪也跟著下肚,等到發現體重過重時,可是會讓人快樂不起來。所以自制工夫是必要的。 2008-03-27
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A bad mood? You may eat the wrong food
[Guo-Ping - depression in recent years, media reports often change many people, but these people do not Excitement, failure is the external environment, the United States scholars believe that the wrong entrance of the food, they are not good enough to.
Food will not only affect your mood, emotion will affect your food choices.
According to the National Institutes of Health survey, the United States has more than 20 million people emotional disorders, a 1000 5 million people had depression problems. The United States from the beginning of 1970, 20 to 74-year-old obese population, from 15 per cent to 32.9 per cent in 2005, the United States national disease Control Board also found that one-third of the United States population is overweight.
University of California psychology professor Shaye said, "resulted in a large number of the causal relationship between obesity population is still unknown, but this trend has depression and emotional disorders increasing cases of the same.
Happy food
Want to maintain their emotional stability, the most effective method, it is very cliché is to eat protein, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables these elements balanced diet, less sugar, less oil and fewer alcohol.
ABC (ABC) Web site, a few days ago, based on hundreds of scholars, experts, a survey conducted by the, sorted out after eating some people can have a good mood food, and analysis of why eating these foods will be happy.
Cici fat fish
Alternative Food: flaxseed, walnuts
Whether smoked, cooked or raw fish, eat salmon, blue-and-white fish (mackerel), sardines and other fish rich in fats would ensure that people feel better.
Because these fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, the role of this component, we are more familiar with the function of heart-healthy, but in fact encouraged by the mood also helped.
California scholars say, "Now the question is the most popular omega-3 fatty acids may help brain tissue and improve the treatment of emotional problems." Because it will help nerve conduction material - brain serotonin secretion, and also, research indicates that eating fat will also help to alleviate these depressive symptoms.
If it is not the fish, experts suggest that flaxseed can replace or walnuts, because these plants a bad mood? Fats also contain similar ingredients.
In fact, much of the Yuchi countries such as Japan, the ratio of people suffering from depression much lower than other countries. Another important observation is that more countries are usually Yuchi people's overall eating patterns are relatively healthy.
4, 50-year-old people may recall, the child was forced to swallow every day one or a few tablespoons of cod liver oil. Experts said that to maintain a good mood, as a child to do so, the prospective That's right!
Alternative food: almonds
Before milk advertisements will say, allows children to drink milk "good aims only at boosting his head." Scholars said that advertisers may not know that milk not only good for the body, good mood adjustment.
That is because the milk is rich in calcium and Tryptophan. Among them, in addition to providing bone calcium build with, when people feel stress or anxiety, calcium can calm nerves. Tryptophan can be used to make serotonin.
United States Department of Agriculture proposal, drink three glasses of milk every day. But if it is to drink the milk will diarrhea, can be used instead of almonds, because almonds also contain calcium, and Tryptophan.
Alternative food: tea, cocoa
Of course, not only coffee, other drinks such as tea, cocoa, also can boost the spirit, the key fact caffeine, and it will make people feel happy, intoxicated or happiness.
Analysis of the scholars, a small amount of coffee or caffeine can make people feel added energy and focus on the contrary will be tempered if excessive, that pressure increased, nervous.
Experts also warned that the day some people drink four or five cups of coffee, which will rely on the physical habits of caffeine, once reduced, there will be a similar withdrawal symptoms and lead to irritability and emotional depression.
Scholars unanimously recommended that a small amount of caffeine intake morning was useful, the more would not have.
Dark chocolate
Many studies confirm that the raw materials - chocolate cocoa beans contain a variety of ingredients can enhance the mood. These chemicals are concentrated in a dark chocolate, which is why dark chocolate over milk chocolate or white Qiaoke more by nutrition experts recommend reasons.
Dark chocolate contains polyphenols (polyphenols) and phenylethylamine alcohol (phenylethylamine), the former can promote cognitive function, which is even more amazing, because blood concentration is too low depression may arise, if too high could result in schizophrenia.
Phenylethylamine allow alcohol is the main brain of the brain endorphin secretion, thus producing a sense of pleasure, scientists discovered that, "Love, and the dark chocolate, will trigger the same region of the brain activities." It is called phenylethylamine alcohol "nature of - life. "
In addition, the sweet chocolate and fats, brain activation can be happy hub.
Scholars believe that a small amount of alcohol can pacify, calm emotions, so dinner accompanied by a glass of red wine is a good choice, but if it is whisky, Martini, I am afraid, not very good.
Scholars also reminded, "alcohol can help sleep, but sleep would also shallow." But when too much alcohol in the body into sugar, will make people feel easy fatigue, agitation, even frustration.
Alternative Food: whey powder
Cheese whey manufacturing will be a natural by-product of cheese barrels floating in the surrounding white seems a bit shallow, water-is the whey; its components to contain high concentrations of Tryptophan.
Naitang impatient to have the disease, health food stores can be sold powdered whey alternative.
Alternative Food: various green vegetables
Spinach with a variety of anxiety and depression helped somewhat minerals. Basically, as long as the leaves are green vegetables, contain folic acid, eat also help reduce depression.
Comfort food
Travel back home after several days, you eat what? Come in your brain is the "comfort food." Scholars said that, everyone is in the eating certain things, will be real happy, "but such happiness and Keyao, sex different kind of happiness", because they react in different regions in the brain.
Comfort food and happiness will increase secretion of related nerve conduction, including serotonin and dopamine into the brain, thereby to create uncomfortable and even exciting feeling.
The study also found that, although comfort food variety, but depressed people, the majority of people will be inclined to choose carbohydrates (such as rice, bread), because relatively easy to digest, and soon after eating the body will allow increased serotonin.
But to be careful is because the body that will be involuntarily infatuated with the sense of discomfort after eating, so a lot of people will unwittingly eating, the results of too much fat and calories with shots until found overweight, but people will not be happy. Therefore made efforts is necessary.
Read more news, see the World Journal.