Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Jul15,08未來治療 外界無從得知The future treatment of the outside world not know+馬可福音Mark 3:8-14

3:8 還有許多人聽見他所做的大事,就從猶太、耶路撒冷、以土買、約旦河外並推羅、西頓的四方來到他那裡。
3:9 他因為人多,就吩咐門徒叫一隻小船伺候著,免得眾人擁擠他。
3:10 他治好了許多人,所以凡有災病的,都擠進來要摸他。
3:11 污鬼無論何時看見他,就俯伏在他面前,喊著說:“你是 神的兒子!”
3:12 耶穌再三地囑咐他們,不要把他顯露出來。
3:13 耶穌上了山,隨自己的意思叫人來,他們便來到他那裡。
3:14 他就設立十二個人,要他們常和自己同在,也要差他們去傳道,
3:7-8 宗教領袖對耶穌的嫉妒越來越深,但擁戴祂的群眾也越來越多。有些人是出於好奇,有些人是為了得醫治;有些人是為要找把柄攻擊祂,有些人希望知道祂真的是彌賽亞不是……他們大多數只能模糊地猜想在他們中間所發生的事的真正意義。今天人們跟隨耶穌仍然有各種各樣的原因。

3:11 鬼知道耶穌是神的兒子,可是牠們不肯轉離邪惡。認識耶穌,知道祂是神的兒子不足使我們有得救的保證,我們必須願意跟隨和順服耶穌,這才顯出真正的信心(參雅2:17)。

3:12 耶穌警告鬼不可揭露祂的身分,祂不想加深群眾對祂的誤解。群眾以為先知預言的彌賽亞是一位政治軍事領袖,他們正尋找這個領袖把他們從羅馬政權中解放出來。耶穌要他們知道彌賽亞的真正身分跟他們的期望是迥然不同的。基督的國度是屬靈的,不是從推翻政府開始,而是從推翻人們內心的罪開始。

3:14 耶穌在數以百計的跟隨者中揀選了十二個作使徒。使徒的意思是使者或奉派作代表的人。耶穌選他們不是因為他們的信心,他們的信心常常搖動不定;也不是因為他們的天賦和能力,他們也都沒有出眾的才華。他們各有不同的背景和人生經驗,但作領袖的潛質不見得超過落選的人。只是他們都願意順服和跟隨耶穌。耶穌升天後,聖靈充滿他們,他們在初期教會的增長中負起特殊的責任。不要因為自己學歷不高、能力不足而認為自己沒有資格事奉基督。只要甘心樂意跟隨耶穌,就可以作個好門徒。
And from Jerusalem, and from Idumaea, and the other side of Jordan, and the country about Tyre and Sidon, a great number, hearing what great things he did, came to him.
And he made a request to his disciples to have a little boat ready for him, so that he might not be crushed by the people;
For he had made such a great number well that all those who were diseased were falling down before him for the purpose of touching him.
And the unclean spirits, whenever they saw him, went down before him, crying out, and saying, You are the Son of God.
And he gave them special orders not to say who he was.
And he went up into the mountain, and sent for those whom it was his pleasure to have with him: and they went to him.
And he took twelve to be with him, so that he might send them out as preachers,
These people can follow Jesus, their motives may not like. What you have is to be the main letter »
3:7-8 Jesus religious leaders in the increasingly deep jealousy, but he supported the masses more and more. Some people are out of curiosity, some people in order to be healed; some people is to find a handle to attack him, some people want to know he is really not the Messiah…… most of them only vaguely suspect what happened in their midst The real meaning of things. Today, follow Jesus still has a variety of reasons.

Jesus is the ghost shouted the Son of God, they are also the main letter Mody »
3:11 ghosts know that Jesus is the Son of God, but they refused to turn away from evil. Understanding of Jesus, know that he is the Son of God so that we have saved less than the guarantee, we must be willing to follow Jesus and God, this shows real confidence in (the Senate Accor 2:17).

Jesus is not to the identity of others to understand him? » Why is not he say that ghosts »
3:12 Jesus warned ghosts can not expose the identity of him, he did not want him to deepen the misunderstanding. People thought that the Prophet predicted that the Messiah is a political and military leaders, they are looking for the leaders of their power from the liberation of Rome. Jesus the Messiah to know their real identity with their expectations are very different. Christian country is spiritual, not overthrow the government from the beginning, but from the heart of the people to overthrow the crime began.

These 12 individuals nice, they must have what it Guorenzhichu » How can I be eligible to be elected Mongolian »
3:14 Jesus in the hundreds of followers in the selection for the 12 apostles. Acts mean is assigned a representative or envoy of the people. Jesus they are not elected because of their confidence, their confidence shaken often volatile; nor is it because of their talents and abilities, they are not superior talent. They have different backgrounds and life experiences, but not necessarily the potential leaders for more than unsuccessful people. Only they are willing to follow Jesus and God. Ascension, filled with the Holy Spirit, they in the growth of the early Church held a special responsibility. Not because their qualifications are not high, inadequate capacity and that they are not eligible to serve Christ. As long as willing to be happy to follow Jesus, you can make a good disciple.

未來治療 外界無從得知


癌症專家表示,TMZ終究會變成無效。腦癌最易致命,是以傳統療法過後,須考慮實驗性療法。不過,實驗性藥物只能選擇一種。譬如說,選擇Avastin 則不能選擇Erbitux。前者是單株抗體,可以和「血管內皮生長因子」(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-VEGF)結合,抑制癌細胞的血管新生,抑制癌細胞生長。後者則是對抗EGFR的嵌合型單株抗體,和EGFR結合,阻斷癌細胞內的各項訊息,抑制癌細胞的生長、複製及轉移。至於實驗性疫苗療法,目前除考慮EGFRvIII外,另一標靶是CMV病毒,這種皰疹病毒也常出現在腦瘤的病人。甘迺迪參議員的腦瘤是否有這些特異病原?

此外,在開腦手術當中,醫生擔心藥品由血管進腦可能受阻於「血腦屏障」(blood-brain barrier),而影響療效,為避免這種選擇性的「屏障」,外科醫生有無夾帶化療藥品 (glial wafers) 直接種入腦內? 外界則無從得知。




瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

The future treatment of the outside world not know

Senator Kennedy in one week after the surgery, the rest have to go home. 12 weeks after the rest will begin radiation therapy. It is said that 98 percent of the tumor has been removed, the nuclear magnetic resonance (MRI) examination, the doctor computable to the location of the remaining tumor. Heard so far, patients and their families only hope that the traditional therapy: six weeks of radiation therapy in the MGH to do, usually the standard radiation therapy five times a week. Radiation therapy is the latest use of stereotactic radiosurgery system - a computer knife (CyberKnife, commonly known as "photon knife") operation. To use CT accurate positioning of the tumor, the calculation of radiation dose, and then radiosurgery system automatically track tumor, does not require anesthesia, will be the best radiation dose in the tumor on the project. Radiation 30 minutes, will allow a brain tumor necrosis, a therapeutic effect. TMZ oral chemotherapy would require a monthly cycle, can be done at home. In other words, every 28 days for the first five days of treatment, patients Jiuji until relapse, or can not continue to tolerate the side effects of drugs so far.
Cancer experts said, TMZ would eventually become invalid. The most vulnerable fatal brain cancer, after a traditional therapy, to be considered experimental therapy. However, the experimental drug can only choose a. For example, the choice will not be able to choose Avastin Erbitux. The former is a monoclonal antibody, and "vascular endothelial growth factor" (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-VEGF) combined, inhibit cancer cell angiogenesis, inhibit cancer cell growth. The latter is against the EGFR-type chimeric monoclonal antibody, and the combination of EGFR, blocking the message within the cancer cells, inhibit cancer cell growth, reproduction and transfer. As for the experimental vaccine therapy, in addition to EGFRvIII, is another target CMV virus, herpes virus that often appear in brain tumor patients. Senator Kennedy's brain tumor whether these specific pathogen »

In addition, open brain surgery, doctors worried that drugs into the brain from the blood vessels may be blocked in the "BBB" (blood-brain barrier), and the impact effect, in order to avoid such a selective "barriers", the surgeon whether an attachment chemotherapy drugs (glial wafers) directly into the brain of » From the outside world did not know.

(The author is a surgeon)

/ Town-xuan


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

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