Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Aug11,08毛巾操 活絡脊椎Towel parade active spine+馬可福音Mark6:5-8

6:5 耶穌就在那裡不得行甚麼異能,不過按手在幾個病人身上,治好他們。
6:6 他也詫異他們不信,就往周圍鄉村教訓人去了。
6:7 耶穌叫了十二個門徒來,差遣他們兩個兩個地出去,也賜給他們權柄,制伏污鬼,
6:8 並且囑咐他們﹕“行路的時候不要帶食物和口袋,腰袋裡也不要帶錢,除了柺杖以外,甚麼都不要帶;
6:5 耶穌可以在拿撒勒行更大的神蹟,但人們的驕傲和不信的態度使祂沒有這樣做。他們不接受祂的信息,不信祂從神而來,祂的神蹟對他們起不了多大作用。於是,耶穌到別的地方去,找回應祂神蹟和信息的人,把真理啟示給他們。

6:7 耶穌差派門徒兩個人一組地出去。他們若單獨出去可到更多的地方,但基督的計劃不是這樣。門徒二人一組地出去,就可以彼此強化,互相鼓勵,尤其在被人拒絕的時候,這點就更重要了。我們的力量來自神,不過,祂往往透過我們與其他人同工來滿足我們的需要。我們服事基督時,不要獨自行動。

6:8-9 馬可記錄耶穌指示門徒除了枴杖外,甚麼也不要帶,而馬太和路加卻記載說耶穌叫門徒不要帶枴杖。有一個解釋是:馬太和路加所講的是傍身的棍,而馬可所指的是牧羊的杖。無論如何,這三位福音書作者指出的重點都一樣:門徒馬上要出發了,他們沒有周全的預備,所以須倚靠神的照顧而不是自己的資源。
And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them.
And he marvelled because of their unbelief. And he went round about the villages, teaching.
And he called unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two; and gave them power over unclean spirits;
And commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only; no scrip, no bread, no money in their purse:
Jesus partiality » Is not it……
6:5 Jesus in Nazareth to a greater miracle, but people did not believe the pride and the attitude he has not done so. They do not accept him the information, not信祂God, His miracles they will not be much effect. Therefore, Jesus to other places, to find a response to the miracle he and the person to whom the truth inspiration to them.

Act in them, two people is better than a good person, you said that you »
6:7 two disciples of Jesus Chapai a group of people to go out. If they can separate out to more places, but Christ's plan is not the case. A group of two disciples to go out, we can strengthen each other, encouraging each other, especially in the time being rejected, it is even more important. Our strength comes from God, but he often through our co-workers and other people to meet our needs. We serve Christ, not their own actions.

Preaching to the field with nothing, you can »
Mark 6:8-9 Jesus instructed his disciples in addition to record a cane, not to take anything, but Matthew and Luke records that Jesus told his disciples not to take a cane. One explanation is: Matthew and Luke is what the body near the club, while Mark is referring to shepherd the cane. Anyway, this author pointed out that three of the Gospel are the same focus: to proceed immediately disciples, and they are not well-prepared, so must rely on God's care rather than their own resources.

毛巾操 活絡脊椎


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瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

Towel parade active spine

Brushing the morning wash your face, wiping the body of a bath towel, is also used good movement props, towels action will help increase the difficulty, forced joint extension, to commence the physical point of view greater, more elongated muscles.

And towels stretching more thorough

● Do not belittle humble towel, the towel can usually rigid spine, and expand space. Taipei disabilities Lin Changqing He Lati Si-seat University lecturer Wu Xi Yuan said that some movements, unarmed but can not do that if know how to use a towel, we can do more and better, even more so that action is complete.

Movement and a towel, was promoted to the intensity and difficulty of Premium, as long as the control points at home to find towels will be able to give it a try, can help the body muscle groups and ligaments stretching to increase range of motion, it is ideal for a day focused on the computer, To maintain a fixed posture and fatigue of the workers, ethnic hair can also give it a try.

Towel how the election » Wu Xi Yuan, a towel to the width of the principle can be coated chest, arm length is almost the hands open, easy to grasp, to the size of most people, about 30 centimeters wide, 120 centimeters long.

Action to do, join the imagery exercises, the mechanical process, as the life of the imagination, adding that such a timely manner so long as the guidance, I feel more specific, action is smooth.

Respiration actions:

1. Hands holding a towel endings.

2. Towels will cross in front, his hands outward tension towels, towel at the intersection should be located in the center of the chest, and the towels were back level.

3. Breathe deeply and slowly, with suction the nose, mouth out, as far as possible each time breathing the same speed. To maintain the attention of cervical caudal extension Buwan Qu body, can repeat 4-20 times, depending on individual needs increase or decrease.

Imagery Exercises:

Imagine wearing a very tight on the trumpet clothes, suction, chest feeling like balloons as outward expansion, will open the clothes; exhaled, chest, the balloon slowly Xiaoqi, relax.


Let chest more soft flexible, increase lung capacity and chest massage. Take a deep breath, 'can stimulate the brain activated, can improve dizziness, chest tightness, breathing shallow short, emotional tension, they can apply.

Shoulder stretch gymnastics action:

1.抓着hands towels, placed in a straight back and adjust the distance between Shuang Shouzhua towels, handed the closer, more difficult. If itself sufficient flexibility, can not even rely on the towel, a direct hand in hand.

2. Attention should fall on ears elbow at the top of the back, and elbow up the air. Spinal extension, to maintain the rise chest.

3. Hands holding a towel move up or down, up, stay, deep breaths 2, when downward so. Action can be repeated four times to help reduce the butterfly sleeves.

Imagery Exercises:

Feel like the elevator as上上下下hands, hands over the main SHI Li, on the bottom hand to relax, let the forces pull up and vice versa.


Before chest muscle stretching, strengthening on the back, reduce the humpback and the tiger back shoulder and back pain round. Through the arm backward and stimulate the scapula, increase the muscle groups around the movement and nerve conduction.

Shoulder strap soft parade


1. Hands open, seize the towel at both ends, adjust the width, so wide that is better.

2.抓着towel hands up, then forward, future, around the upper body Huayuan Quan.

3. To do actions, not to forget with natural breathing, Circle, remember that the spine and abdomen extended to incoming. Speed control, not be done quickly, repeated four times.

Imagery Exercises:

Shuang Shouzhua Yingying is the imagination of Changgun, Changgun led his hands to draw the largest circle,前前后后bypass the upper body.


Campaign shoulder, scapula and arm, increased shoulder room, stretching his arm around the muscle groups, reducing neck and shoulder pain and tension. (Model: Taipei disabilities Lin Changqing He Lati Si-seat University lecturer Wu Xi Yuan) (once the Greek text)


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

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