Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Aug5 ,08 5問老爸 關心他的健康5 asked her father concerned about his health +馬可福音Mark 5:28-35

5:28 意思說:“我只摸他的衣裳,就必痊愈。”
5:29 於是她血漏的源頭立刻乾了,她便覺得身上的災病好了。
5:30 耶穌頓時心裡覺得有能力從自己身上出去,就在眾人中間轉過來,說:“誰摸我的衣裳?”
5:31 門徒對他說:“你看眾人擁擠你,還說‘誰摸我’嗎?”
5:32 耶穌周圍觀看,要見做這事的女人。
5:33 那女人知道在自己身上所成的事,就恐懼戰兢,來俯伏在耶穌跟前,將實情全告訴他。
5:34 耶穌對她說:“女兒,你的信救了你,平平安安地回去吧!你的災病痊愈了。”
5:35 還說話的時候,有人從管會堂的家裡來,說:“你的女兒死了!何必還勞動先生呢?”
5:25-34 這個婦人十二年來不斷地流血,藥石無靈。她在宗教上被視為不潔(參利15:25-27),被排擠在猶太人的社交圈子之外。她不顧一切地要耶穌醫治她。她知道根據律法,她摸耶穌,她的血漏病會使耶穌成為不潔的,但仍然憑信心伸出手來,於是痊愈了。我們有時會覺得困難把我們與神隔開,然而,神隨時都可幫助我們,不要讓恐懼攔阻我們親近神。

5:32-34 耶穌不是因為這個婦人摸祂而憤怒,祂知道她摸了祂。祂停下來問誰摸祂的衣裳是要教導信心的功課。雖然婦人摸耶穌時已得到醫治,耶穌卻要她知道,她是因信心而得醫治的。真正的信心包括行動,若你的信心不能叫你有所行動,你根本就算不上有信心。

5:35-36 睚魯所面對的困境令他慌亂、害怕、絕望,耶穌對正在危機中的睚魯說的話“不要怕,只要信”,也是對我們說的。耶穌那裡有無限的應許和盼望,下一次當你像睚魯一樣感到絕望和恐懼時,試試從耶穌的觀點來看自己的困難,祂是一切盼望和應許的源頭。
For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.
And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.
And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?
And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?
And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing.
But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.
And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.
While he yet spake, there came from the ruler of the synagogue's house certain which said, Thy daughter is dead: why troublest thou the Master any further?
The face of difficulties, I worry volume, or like this woman desperate to Jesus to help »
5:25-34 this woman for 12 years to continue to bloodshed, without Healing Stone of Hope. She is considered unclean religious (see Lee 15:25-27), were excluded from the Jewish social circle outside. She desperate to Jesus to heal her. She knew that under the law, she touched Jesus, she missed the blood of Jesus will become dirty, but still reach out with confidence, then the recovery. We sometimes feel that our difficulties and separated from God, but God can help us at any time, do not let fear stop us closer to God.

Woman's confidence in the performance of action is, to me what action the performance of my confidence in it »
5:32-34 Jesus is not because this woman was angry and confused him, he knew that she touched him. He stopped Wenshui touch the clothes he is to teach the confidence of homework. Although the woman was confused when Jesus has been healing, she has to know Jesus, she is due to the confidence derived from the treatment. The real action, including confidence, if you can not ask the confidence you have, you do not really have the confidence.

"Do not be afraid, as long as the letter!" Now I fear what » "Do not be afraid, as long as the letter" »
5:35-36 Lu Ya the difficulties faced by his confusion, fear, despair, Jesus is the crisis in the words of Lu Ya "Do not be afraid, as long as the letter", but also for us to say. Jesus there has unlimited promise and hope that the next time you feel the same as Lu Ya despair and fear, try Jesus from the point of view of our own difficulties, he is all hope and promise of the source.

5問老爸 關心他的健康





根據世界衛生組織定義,身體質量指數(BMI,Body Mass Index,kg/㎡)23以上為過重,25以上為肥胖,肥胖與許多的疾病有相關。至於腰圍,建議男性不宜超過90公分。






























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5 asked her father concerned about his health

How often do you and Dad did not say what the » Find a good time, chat to accompany her father, but the purpose of inadvertently asked him some questions, health care father.

[LIU Hui-min - Q1: Her father, recently of weight? »

Although the "gentlemen's no-no Viagra", but this year overweight is not a good thing. In particular, the middle-aged men, You Yongquan upper body, not only Buhao Kan, entangled with chronic diseases or the JPC. Help of his father in waist circumference, body mass index Suansuan!

According to the World Health Organization definition, body mass index (BMI, Body Mass Index, kg / m 2) 23 or more overweight, more than 25 for obesity, obesity and many diseases are related. As for the waist, the proposal should not be more than 90 centimeters men.

Taiwan-Ho, vice president of the new clinic, 10% suggested that her father sent a weight of or pedometer so that her father always concerned about their weight and physical activity.

Send a gift, the best personally, "to accompany her father to movement." He said 10%, the campaign is the best prescription for weight control, everyone can campaign, but if asthma and cardiovascular diseases such as the proposed campaign earlier advisory attending physician, reducing the risk of movement. Do not pay attention to patients with arthritis, joint burden too heavy.

Campaign to accompany her father to do? » He proposed a 10%: "Fast", but the speed was not reluctantly. Heartbeat after exercise to reach 110 to 130 per minute under.

Father of the time not too long campaign, how the proposed 10%: "installment," 10 minutes of each campaign, four times a day, on a day-time movement on more than 30 minutes, this "Huazhengweiling "The campaign mode is very busy working for her father.

Q2: Her father, the recent blood pressure? »

Chronic disease is the great enemy of modern people's health, not just blood pressure, her father would also like to pay attention to blood sugar, blood lipid and representatives of liver function, kidney function of the number of tests, can not ignore the potential health threat. Her father's health is definitely the family's happiness.

For more than 40-year-old father of the appointment of a health examination, according to personal health, family history and seek the appropriate combination of health examination.

40-year-old can do more than once every three years, over 65 years once a year, the project has a simple basis, according to inspection results can then decide on the acceptance of further examination.

Q3: Her father, the last will be the middle of the night has been running toilet? »

According to statistics, men over 50 years old, will begin prostate hypertrophy, the Taipei-Clinic urologists-week reminded, on the old men of a certain attention to prostate health. Prostatic hyperplasia of the main symptoms include not going urinating, urinary frequency of the night, urinating small slow, with age, 90 percent of men will appear benign prostatic hyperplasia.

To persuade more than 40-year-old father to do with the prostate on examination, such as regular blood tests prostate surface antigen (PSA, 4 below the normal value) and the anus that up inspection, in addition to assessment of prostatic hypertrophy, There also could be used as the initial assessment of prostate cancer.

Ku Chou said that since attending the anus that may affect the PSA value, the proposed first blood to accept that appointment. Attending physician through the anus that can understand prostate size, feel, coupled with PSA as a diagnosis, if necessary, re-slicing, and so further checks.

In addition to urine going to understand, if they develop symptoms such as hematuria should also pay special attention must be checked for medical treatment.

Q4: Her father, the latest eye-strain? »

Soul of the window of years, even bright or sharp, but aging is still inevitable. Modern people rely on eyesight deep, over 40, Presbyopia on the inevitable! Tian Yan Min of the eye care Fong said that the initial symptoms Presbyopia is blurred vision, many more than 40-year-old office worker to seek treatment therefore, to hear the original is Presbyopia, many people exclaimed: "The children were small, I even have the old flowers!"

In addition to Presbyopia, Yanmin YOSHIYA reminded, the higher the old age, the more carefully whether to glaucoma, cataracts and macular diseases, especially hypertension and diabetes caused by damage to the retina. Found that the sooner the problem, the better therapeutic effect.

Over the age of 40 to accompany her father to measure intraocular pressure. If there is such as family history of glaucoma, myopia degree of over 800 degrees above the high myopia patients, but also to regular inspection. In addition, sometimes may wish to invite the father, "turning a blind eye," said Yan Min-fang, as usual are composed of two, it was monocular vision recession has unknowingly, the proposed occasional look at ways to change the world.

If found to be a father Presbyopia, the proposed adjustment degree, the right to wear glasses. However, Yan Min YOSHIYA said, Do not all the visual recession and fuzzy all thought that the old flowers, should be further checks to avoid cataract, glaucoma and macular disease, and other issues. For the father of hypertension and diabetes, retinal every year to accept a check, check to the eye doctor said his history of chronic disease.

Q5: Her father, also recently Bianpian-it »

Bowel habits, characteristics of the stool test gastrointestinal health is an important basis for the children of millions of filial piety Biepa open talks with her father, "Bian Bian." National Taiwan University Hospital Center of Health Dr. Chen Chien-nien addition to remind all, colorectal cancer is Taiwan's top 10 cancer ranked third in cancer, especially men over the age of 50 should be noted.

I am sorry if directly asked, you must carefully observe the Zhengda eyes, the Taipei-gastrointestinal hepatobiliary clinic director Wang Zhitang proposal-if defecation habits change, such as constipation, continued to increase the number of defecation, it was soft dilute, or more hard , In particular the blood in the stool, although there may be hemorrhoids, but may also be gastro-intestinal diseases or injuries caused cancer, it is worth noting.

More than 50-year-old father to accompany every 3-5 years to do a colonoscopy. Recent developments at National Taiwan University Hospital study found that colonoscopy is the high ratio of computer tomography can find early cancer lesions, Chen Chien-nien entire proposal, should do the colonoscopy the entire colon screening, do not believe that over-expensive equipment.

Wang Zhitang said, colorectal cancer lesions in the wide, coarse right side of the colon, usually will not cause obstruction, but blood mixed with feces, occasionally appear dark red Bianpian, but more difficult to detect bleeding, anemia for someone to performance; lesions If the left side of the large intestine in smaller, easier oppression caused by constipation, Pianpian fine, diarrhea or intestinal obstruction, but also particularly vulnerable to hemorrhage.

Generally, the color red bleeding hemorrhoids, colorectal cancer will cause bleeding partial Anhong, if it is in the middle of the transverse colon, stomach will Gugu, are not even exhaust.

Wangzhi Tang said, attention should be paid to Bianpian unusual, but not too tight, then asked to observe the doctor, so check. The prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, Gao Qian choose low-fat food, not smoking and drinking less.


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