Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Monday, July 7, 2008

Jul 25,08男人性急易怒 心肌梗塞率低Men Xingji irritability low rate of myocardial infarction+馬可福音Mark 4:9-16

4:9 又說:“有耳可聽的,就應當聽!”
4:10 無人的時候,跟隨耶穌的人和十二個門徒,問他這比喻的意思。
4:11 耶穌對他們說:“ 神國的奧秘,只叫你們知道,若是對外人講,凡事就用比喻,
4:12 叫‘他們看是看見,卻不曉得;聽是聽見,卻不明白;恐怕他們回轉過來,就得赦免。’”
4:13 又對他們說:“你們不明白這比喻嗎?這樣怎能明白一切的比喻呢?
4:14 撒種之人所撒的就是道。
4:15 那撒在路旁的,就是人聽了道,撒但立刻來,把撒在他心裡的道奪了去;
4:16 那撒在石頭地上的,就是人聽了道,立刻歡喜領受,
4:9 我們有耳,可聽到耶穌說話,但是要從中領悟屬靈的意義,就必須用心聆聽了。人群中,有些人正尋找證據攻擊耶穌,有些人則真正希望學習真理和成長。耶穌的話只為誠心尋求祂的人而說。

4:11-12 有些人沒有預備好接受真理,所以不能明白真理。神把真理啟示給願意在生活中實踐真理的人。當你跟別人談論神時,若他們還未預備好,他們便不會明白。你要有耐性,抓住每個機會把更多關於神的真理告訴他們,祈求聖靈打開他們的心靈接受真理。

4:14-20 種子落在四種不同的土壤代表人對神的話四種不同的反應。我們通常以為耶穌在談論四種不同的人,不過,祂也可能在談論人生命中不同的時期和階段,或人在生命某些範疇中接受神信息的程度。舉例來說,你把前途交給神,但在運用金錢方面,卻不願意神插手;對於神要求你敬拜祂,你的回應也許會像種子落在好土上,可是,對於祂要你幫助有需要的人,你的回應卻如種子落在石頭地上。我們在生命中任何時候任何範疇,都應該努力追求,像落在好土上的種子一樣多結果子。
And he said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable.
And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:
That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.
And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?
The sower soweth the word.
And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts.
And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness;
Shanjian clean, Shushaoqingfeng, ears can hear; Jesus, it also has ears to listen when I heard the number of «
4:9 We have our ears, can hear the words of Jesus, but from the spiritual significance in understanding, we must carefully listened to. The crowd, some people are looking for evidence to attack Jesus, some people really want to learn the truth and growth. Jesus then only for those who sincerely seek him and said.

Only the pursuit of truth is the people really understand, what can I preached to the people »
4:11-12 some people not prepared to accept the truth, we can not understand the truth. God willing the truth inspiration to the practice of truth in the life of the people. When you talk about God with other people, if they have not yet ready, they will not understand. You to be patient and seize every opportunity to put more about God's truth to tell them, pray for the Holy Spirit to open their hearts to accept the truth.

The total in some places do not wish to God to manage, yes » Is……
4:14-20 seeds fall on four different soil representative of God, then four different reaction. We usually think of Jesus talking about four different people, but he may also talk about life in different times and hit the stage, or in certain areas of life in God to accept the degree of information. For example, you put the future to God, but in the use of money, but do not want to interfere in God; God requires you to worship him, your response might be like seeds fell on good soil, but, you祂要To help people in need, your response to it such as seeds fall on a stone floor. We in the life of any time and in any areas, they should strive for, like good soil landed on the seed as many of the results.

男人性急易怒 心肌梗塞率低








瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

Men Xingji irritability low rate of myocardial infarction

[CNA] Japanese Health Ministry published a survey report pointed out that Xingji irritability of men suffering from the risk of myocardial infarction than Mantiaosili personality moderate men, showed that over-suppressed feelings of the vent will be increased incidence of myocardial infarction .
By Osaka University professor Pok Hong Rockies led the research team, the 40-year-old to 69-year-old 86,000 Japanese men and women up to 11 semi-tracking survey by the survey, the modes of action is divided into four groups, surveys and suffering from myocardial infarction The relevance.

According to the survey team on Xingji, irritability, enthusiasm and a strong competitive action tendency to score, the survey are divided into A-type (Xing Ji irritability), B-type (Mantiaosili personality moderate), close to Type A, B-close A total of four groups.

The survey results and is the same as Europe and the United States, shows that Xingji irritability tend to smoke a good drink, but the rate of myocardial infarction, Japan and Europe and the United States is contrary to the findings.

Japan's survey, B-male type A myocardial infarction rate is 1.3 times that of men, women no significant difference. The survey results show that Europe and the United States, Xingji irritability higher rate of myocardial infarction.

Rockies Pok Hong analysts pointed out that this survey shows that with different cultures to express the feelings of the impact on the relevant. Japan stressed that coordination, the moderate performance of B-suppressed feelings of many men and increased stress, increased incidence of myocardial infarction. Relative, A-men easier to vent feelings of pressure and reduce the incidence distributed.


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

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