Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Aug3 ,08腫瘤醫學 革命性突破Revolutionary breakthrough in cancer medicine +馬可福音Mark5:10-18

5:10 就再三地求耶穌,不要叫他們離開那地方。
5:11 在那裡山坡上,有一大群豬吃食,
5:12 鬼就央求耶穌說:“求你打發我們往豬群裡,附著豬去。”
5:13 耶穌准了他們,污鬼就出來,進入豬裡去。於是那群豬闖下山崖,投在海裡,淹死了。豬的數目約有二千。
5:14 放豬的就逃跑了,去告訴城裡和鄉下的人。眾人就來,要看是甚麼事。
5:15 他們來到耶穌那裡,看見那被鬼附著的人,就是從前被群鬼所附的,坐著,穿上衣服,心裡明白過來,他們就害怕。
5:16 看見這事的,便將鬼附之人所遇見的和那群豬的事,都告訴了眾人,
5:17 眾人就央求耶穌離開他們的境界。
5:18 耶穌上船的時侯,那從前被鬼附著的人懇求和耶穌同在。
5:10-13 馬可經常強調耶穌與撒但的超自然鬥爭。鬼要控制牠附著的人,耶穌卻要把人從罪和撒但的控制下釋放出來,讓人自由。鬼自知沒有能力勝過耶穌,碰到耶穌,就只好求祂不要把牠們驅逐出那地(參路8:31)。耶穌應允鬼的請求,讓牠們進入豬裡(5:31),終止了牠們在人身上的破壞工作。祂讓鬼毀滅豬,或許是要顯示祂超越那強大的破壞勢力。祂本來可以把鬼趕到地獄去,但審判的時候還沒到,便沒有這樣做。末後,所有的鬼都要被丟到永火裡去(參太25:41)。

5:11 舊約律法(參利11:7)說明豬是不潔的動物,猶太人不可以吃,也不可以摸。這裡出現了一群豬,因為位於加利利海東南面的格拉森是外邦人的地方。

5:17 耶穌行了這樣奇妙的神蹟,拯救了一個人的性命,為甚麼那裡的人還要求耶穌離開呢?因為他們害怕耶穌超自然的能力,更害怕耶穌會繼續毀滅他們的豬,所以寧願放棄耶穌,也不要在金錢上再有任何損失。
And he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country.
Now there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding.
And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them.
And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea, (they were about two thousand;) and were choked in the sea.
And they that fed the swine fled, and told it in the city, and in the country. And they went out to see what it was that was done.
And they come to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid.
And they that saw it told them how it befell to him that was possessed with the devil, and also concerning the swine.
And they began to pray him to depart out of their coasts.
And when he was come into the ship, he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him.
Pagui you? »
Mark 5:10-13 Jesus and Satan always stressed the supernatural struggle. Its attachment to control the ghosts of people, but to Jesus and Satan from the crime under the control of release, the people free. Ghosts know better than Jesus can not afford to have met Jesus, but求祂not put them out of it and (see Road 831). Jesus promised ghosts of the request, to allow them into the pig, (531), the termination of their damage in those who work. He let a ghost destruction of pigs, perhaps to show he is beyond the power of the destructive forces. He could have been rushed to the ghosts to hell, but not the time to trial, they failed to do so. At the end, all the ghosts have been thrown into the fire never go (see too 25:41).

Jewish pig? »
5:11 Old Testament law (see Lee 11:7) that pigs are dirty animals, Jews can not eat, can not touch. Here a group of pigs, because the Sea of Galilee in the south-east of the Gentiles Glasson is the place.

These people do not have to pig Jesus, I will not give up because of what Jesus »
5:17 Jesus held this wonderful miracle to save a person's life, why people there also asked Jesus to leave it » Because they are afraid of Jesus supernatural ability, but also afraid of Jesus will continue to destroy their pigs, so Jesus would rather give up, do not have the money to any loss.

腫瘤醫學 革命性突破

凡是東西很難找到,或事情難以完成者,中國人喜歡把它比喻成「大海撈針」,英文成語中亦有「在乾草堆裡找一根針」(finding needle in the haystack) 的說法。不過,自從有了現代的「奈米科技」(nanotechnology) 以來,一些原本很難找的東西終究可以找到,難以達成的任務也可告完成。舉個例子:今日的醫生科學家,從癌症病人身上抽取少量的血液,利用高科技的裝置來分析這血液樣本,就能夠在數十億的正常細胞當中,找到一個癌細胞,而且操作起來還「輕而易舉」。

過去,癌症的確診一向都是靠「組織的活體切片」(tissue biopsy),這傳統的組織切取需經過一些步驟,多少帶有「侵略性」,因此增加病人的風險,併發症如內出血、穿孔、癌細胞逃竄或散發各處,不可收拾。或根本切不到腫瘤,造成假象,即所謂的「假陰性」。最近美國麻省總醫院 (MGH) 癌症中心,發展一項高科技裝置,醫生只要從癌症病人採取少許血液,就能分析出腫瘤細胞。這種對付癌症的新測試,開創了迅速和「無侵略性」檢測腫瘤的先例。雖然技術成果尚待完善,預期在一兩年間就可做到,它被認為是腫瘤醫學上一個革命性突破,已經無可置疑。



瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

Revolutionary breakthrough in cancer medicine

All things difficult to find or difficult to complete things, the Chinese like it likens "Dahailaozhen", also in English idiom "in the hay to find a needle Lancashire" (finding needle in the haystack) said. However, since a modern "nanotechnology" (nanotechnology), a number of the original hard to find things can be found eventually, reached the difficult task can also be completed. For example: today's doctors scientists, from cancer patients taking a small amount of blood, the use of high-tech device to analyze the blood samples can be in the billions of normal cells, found a cancerous cells, but also to operate "Easy."
The past, the cancer has always been confirmed by the organization "Living section" (tissue biopsy), this traditional organizations need to cut through some of the steps, with the number of "aggressive", thereby increasing the risk of patients, complications such as internal bleeding, Perforation, or cancer cells circulate throughout the run, unmanageable. Or simply cut less than tumor, causing false impression that the so-called "false negative." Recently, the United States of Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Cancer Center, the development of a high-tech devices, as long as doctors from cancer patients to take a little blood, will be able to analyze tumor cells. This new test to deal with cancer, creating a rapid and "aggressive" cancer detection precedent. Although technological achievements to be perfect, is expected in one to two years can be done, it was considered tumor on a revolutionary medical breakthroughs, has no doubt.

/ Town-xuan


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

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