Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Aug21 ,08胖想瘦胃內裝水球Fat Xiangshou stomach with water polo +創世記Genesis34:21 -31

34:21 “這些人與我們和睦,不如許他們在這地居住,做買賣;這地也寬闊,足可容下他們。我們可以娶他們的女兒為妻,也可以把我們的女兒嫁給他們。
34:22 惟有一件事我們必須做,他們才肯應允和我們同住,成為一樣的人民;就是我們中間所有的男丁都要受割禮,和他們一樣。
34:23 他們的群畜、貨財和一切的牲口豈不都歸我們嗎?只要依從他們,他們就與我們同住。”
34:24 凡從城門出入的人,就都聽從哈抹和他兒子示劍的話。於是,凡從城門出入的男丁都受了割禮。
34:25 到第三天,眾人正在疼痛的時候,雅各的兩個兒子,就是底拿的哥哥西緬和利未,各拿刀劍,趁著眾人想不到的時候,來到城中,把一切男丁都殺了,
34:26 又用刀殺了哈抹和他兒子示劍,把底拿從示劍家裡帶出來就走了。
34:27 雅各的兒子們因為他們的妹子受了玷污,就來到被殺的人那裡,擄掠那城,
34:28 奪了他們的羊群、牛群和驢,並城裡田間所有的,
34:29 又把他們一切貨財、孩子、婦女,並各房中所有的,都擄掠去了。
34:30 雅各對西緬和利未說:“你們連累我,使我在這地的居民中,就是在迦南人和比利洗人中,有了臭名。我的人丁既然稀少,他們必聚集來擊殺我,我和全家的人都必滅絕。”
34:31 他們說:“他豈可待我們的妹子如同妓女嗎?”
34:27-29 示劍污辱底拿所導致的後果遠超過他所能想像的。底拿的兄弟因憤怒而進行報復,痛苦、欺詐、大屠殺就接踵而來。性犯罪是極其可怕的,因為它會帶來不堪設想的深遠惡果。

34:30-31 西緬和利未為要報復示劍姦污底拿,就欺騙、搶掠、殺害示劍城的人。他們要伸張公義的心是對的,但是為求目的不擇手段卻是錯了。因為他們的罪行,父親雅各在臨終前咒詛他們(49:5-7)。若干世代以後,西緬的子孫要失去部分神所應許他們的土地。當我們想以惡報惡的時候,千萬不要魯莽,只要讓神伸冤報應,我們就可以避免陷入罪惡的網羅裡。
These men are peaceable with us; therefore let them dwell in the land, and trade therein; for the land, behold, it is large enough for them; let us take their daughters to us for wives, and let us give them our daughters.
Only herein will the men consent unto us for to dwell with us, to be one people, if every male among us be circumcised, as they are circumcised.
Shall not their cattle and their substance and every beast of theirs be ours? only let us consent unto them, and they will dwell with us.
And unto Hamor and unto Shechem his son hearkened all that went out of the gate of his city; and every male was circumcised, all that went out of the gate of his city.
And it came to pass on the third day, when they were sore, that two of the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, Dinah's brethren, took each man his sword, and came upon the city boldly, and slew all the males.
And they slew Hamor and Shechem his son with the edge of the sword, and took Dinah out of Shechem's house, and went out.
The sons of Jacob came upon the slain, and spoiled the city, because they had defiled their sister.
They took their sheep, and their oxen, and their asses, and that which was in the city, and that which was in the field,
And all their wealth, and all their little ones, and their wives took they captive, and spoiled even all that was in the house.
And Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, Ye have troubled me to make me to stink among the inhabitants of the land, among the Canaanites and the Perizzites: and I being few in number, they shall gather themselves together against me, and slay me; and I shall be destroyed, I and my house.
And they said, Should he deal with our sister as with an harlot?
When the lust will understand the serious consequences, I will own how谨守»
34:27-29 Shechem with the end of insult caused by the consequences of far more than he can imagine. With the end of the brothers Yinfennuer revenge, suffering, fraud, come on the Holocaust. Of the crime is unspeakable, because it will bring about dire consequences of far-reaching consequences.

To the wrong means, do their own view that the right thing, the result is……
34:30-31 Simeon and Levi in order to retaliate with the end of Shechem raped, deceived, looting, killing of the city of Shechem. They have to be done justice to the heart, but for the sake of unscrupulous purposes is wrong. Because of their crimes, and his father Jacob in the terminal before they Zhouzu (49:5-7). Several generations later, Simeon children and grandchildren to lose some of their land God Suoying Xu. When we would like to Wubao evil, never reckless, as long as retribution for God to justice, we can avoid a criminal enlist in.

不用住院 不必動刀 4.6個月內減11.4公斤












瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

Fat Xiangshou stomach with water polo
Do not have to hospital do not have to Dongdao 4.6 months by 11.4 kg

● size between obesity and overweight among the people,服用减肥药little effect, would like to receive surgery but doctors are often excluded outside the Taipei Medical University Hospital surgeon general Dr. Wang Wei suggested that these "Pange Fat girl ", may wish to try stomach weight loss of water polo.
Stomach weight loss in water polo has been implemented for many years, Taiwan's Department of Health last December, the medical community was approved for the treatment of obesity, the past six months the hospital has completed 20 cases of surgery, five of whom have completed the first stage of observation, after The goal weight reached as high as 91 percent, began to enjoy the "thin" the good taste of life.

Water polo is the stomach of weight loss in the stomach at a water polo, the space occupied part of the stomach to reduce food intake; has, through the lower external stimulation of appetite, weight loss to achieve results. Surgery not hospitalized, there is no need to Dongdao only in gastroscope and so on endoscopy, with the assistance from the mouth with a soft Shenru stent, made of silicone attached to the front water polo, water polo to be sent to the stomach, with a further Guanru The blue-saline water to hold large water polo.

Wang Wei said, this infusion 40, 500 milliliters of saline water polo, stuck in the middle stomach turn, when food from the stomach into the esophagus, will be blocked at the top water polo, water polo and then slowly from the stomach wall between Small cracks down into the stomach in the bottom, and then along the small intestine, large intestine down wiggle.

As was forced to reduce food intake, patients significantly reduce the intake of calories, weight with the decline. If coupled with a gourmet food guide, eat low oil, low-fat, low-sugar food and Gao Xian, to develop regular exercise habits, weight loss results will be even more significant.

Wang Wei said that the completion of the five initial weight loss treatment of patients are female, with an average age of 45.6 years old, despite trying all kinds of weight loss, but "component" still. Water polo accept stomach weight loss before the law, their average weight of 69.2 kg, after the first week reduced by an average 1.7 kg, after an average of 4.6 months of treatment, the average weight fell to 57.8 kilograms, 11.4 kilograms per person on average get rid of fat.

However, water polo can only stomach about half a year at that time may be leaking or discomfort such as nausea and vomiting must be removed. Weight loss patients must seize the opportunity to learn how to correctly diet concept, coupled with regular exercise, can continue to maintain success, or otherwise, will have a while back-fat.

Wang Wei observed that, BMI value of 25 to 30 of the overweight group the best, after the BMI value can generally be reduced to below 24, reaching the normal standard. BMI value is greater than 40 obese or over-the morbidly obese, although weight loss, but results were not significant. (Lin education)

lBMI the formula:

Weight (kg) divided by height (meters) of the square, in the normal value between 18 to 24.


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

Aug20 ,08陰唇反覆疼痛 誤認潰瘍Labia minora repeated mistake ulcer pain +創世記Genesis34:11 -20

34:11 示劍對女兒的父親和弟兄們說:“但願我在你們眼前蒙恩,你們向我要甚麼,我必給你們。
34:12 任憑向我要多重的聘金和禮物,我必照你們所說的給你們,只要把女子給我為妻。”
34:13 雅各的兒子們,因為示劍玷污了他們的妹子底拿,就用詭詐的話回答示劍和他父親哈抹,
34:14 對他們說:“我們不能把我們的妹子給沒有受割禮的人為妻,因為那是我們的羞辱。
34:15 惟有一件才可以應允,若你們所有的男丁都受割禮,和我們一樣,
34:16 我們就把女兒給你們,也娶你們的女兒,我們便與你們同住,兩下成為一樣的人民;
34:17 倘若你們不聽從我們受割禮,我們就帶著妹子走了。”
34:18 哈抹和他的兒子示劍喜歡這話。
34:19 那少年人做這事並不遲延,因為他喜愛雅各的女兒。他在他父親家中也是人最尊重的。
34:20 哈抹和他兒子示劍到本城的門口,對本城的人說:
34:25-31 雅各一家看自己是神的選民,是與眾不同的,以致西緬和利未嚴厲地懲治示劍城的人。神的確是要他們從信奉異教的人中分別出來,但是這班兄弟誤以為要分別出來,就是比別人優勝。這種驕橫的心態,叫他們屠殺了許多無辜的百姓。
And Shechem said unto her father and unto her brethren, Let me find grace in your eyes, and what ye shall say unto me I will give.
Ask me never so much dowry and gift, and I will give according as ye shall say unto me: but give me the damsel to wife.
And the sons of Jacob answered Shechem and Hamor his father deceitfully, and said, because he had defiled Dinah their sister:
And they said unto them, We cannot do this thing, to give our sister to one that is uncircumcised; for that were a reproach unto us:
But in this will we consent unto you: If ye will be as we be, that every male of you be circumcised;
Then will we give our daughters unto you, and we will take your daughters to us, and we will dwell with you, and we will become one people.
But if ye will not hearken unto us, to be circumcised; then will we take our daughter, and we will be gone.
And their words pleased Hamor, and Shechem Hamor's son.
And the young man deferred not to do the thing, because he had delight in Jacob's daughter: and he was more honourable than all the house of his father.
And Hamor and Shechem his son came unto the gate of their city, and communed with the men of their city, saying,
To the arrogant attitude of dealing with human relationships, about the consequences »
34:25-31 Jacob is a God, look at their own voters, is different, so that Simeon and Levi severely punish the city of Shechem. God really is to them from the pagan belief of those who were out, but these brothers were mistakenly thought to be out, is better than the others. This arrogant attitude, ask them to the massacre of many innocent people.

陰唇反覆疼痛 誤認潰瘍
罹貝西氏症 及早治療以免惡化










瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

Labia minora repeated mistake ulcer pain
Li Behcet's disease early treatment to prevent deterioration

[CNA] A 21-year-old girl months labia pain, the misconception that ulcers, diagnosis and treatment found suffering from "Behcet's disease," After three months of treatment, the condition is improved, the same track 18 months - Like, as long as regular follow-up to the future.
Taiwan's child immunization General Hospital Dr. Chen Feng Shike credentials, Behcet's disease is a violation of multiple organ inflammation, there will be RAU, genital sores, arthritis, skin diseases, eye, gastrointestinal and neurological symptoms of multiple systems .

Behcet's disease in addition to the main features of repeated oral ulcers, many patients with the merger of genital ulcers, eye Hongcai, erythema nodosum, arthritis, sore pseudo-down, and some even have central nervous or size Changkui Yang, symptoms of varying severity .

Simple oral ulcers in people who also often happen, but if the merger on the above symptoms may be systemic immune disorder symptoms, if early diagnosis is usually very good treatment.

This young girl's labia minora in pain for some time, when good condition when the bad and keep the repeated attacks, was to see obstetrics and gynecology appointment, at the beginning to rule out cancer lesions.

Since there is still pain in patients with labia minora and ulcers also repeated attacks, then referral to the immune Feng Shike, found her labia minora have to wear as a corrosion hole than girls Chuaner Dong also about 0.5 cm, asked that history mouth Ulcers often phenomenon.

Although patients with no other obvious features, according to clinical experience of physicians who judgement "Behcet's disease", drug treatment, the disease gradually get control and tracking for some time, no recurrence. Behcet's disease Nannvjieke can happen, why not have a cause of the present, most of the clinical diagnosis of the disease, and in pathology on the neutrophil white blood cell count can see that the phenomenon of over-active, can help physicians diagnosis.

Chen said credentials, the general Behcet's disease symptoms, it is necessary to early treatment to avoid deterioration, resulting in serious consequences, if similar symptoms, the doctor must seek professional help.


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

Aug19 ,08運動要趁早 要經常去做 Campaign to Chenzao should always do+創世記Genesis34:1-10

34:1 利亞給雅各所生的女兒底拿出去,要見那地的女子們。
34:2 那地的主希未人、哈抹的兒子示劍看見她,就拉住她與她行淫,玷辱她。
34:3 示劍的心繫戀雅各的女兒底拿,喜愛這女子,甜言蜜語地安慰她。
34:4 示劍對他父親哈抹說:“求你為我聘這女子為妻。”
34:5 雅各聽見示劍玷污了他的女兒底拿,那時他的兒子們正和群畜在田野,雅各就閉口不言,等他們回來。
34:6 示劍的父親哈抹出來見雅各,要和他商議。
34:7 雅各的兒子們聽見這事,就從田野回來,人人忿恨,十分惱怒,因示劍在以色列家做了醜事,與雅各的女兒行淫,這本是不該做的事。
34:8 哈抹和他們商議說:“我兒子示劍的心戀慕這女子,求你們將她給我的兒子為妻。
34:9 你們與我們彼此結親,你們可以把女兒給我們,也可以娶我們的女兒。
34:10 你們與我們同住吧!這地都在你們面前,只管在此居住,做買賣,置產業。”
34:1-4 示劍可能被“一見鍾情”所害。他的行為既衝動又邪惡,他不單得罪了底拿,也得罪了雅各全家(34:6-7),為自己的家庭和雅各的家庭帶來極嚴重的後果(34:25-31)。示劍雖然聲稱深愛底拿,卻不能以此作為強姦底拿的藉口。別讓慾火焚身以致犯罪,要小心控制情慾。
And Dinah the daughter of Leah, which she bare unto Jacob, went out to see the daughters of the land.
And when Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the country, saw her, he took her, and lay with her, and defiled her.
And his soul clave unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob, and he loved the damsel, and spake kindly unto the damsel.
And Shechem spake unto his father Hamor, saying, Get me this damsel to wife.
And Jacob heard that he had defiled Dinah his daughter: now his sons were with his cattle in the field: and Jacob held his peace until they were come.
And Hamor the father of Shechem went out unto Jacob to commune with him.
And the sons of Jacob came out of the field when they heard it: and the men were grieved, and they were very wroth, because he had wrought folly in Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter; which thing ought not to be done.
And Hamor communed with them, saying, The soul of my son Shechem longeth for your daughter: I pray you give her him to wife.
And make ye marriages with us, and give your daughters unto us, and take our daughters unto you.
And ye shall dwell with us: and the land shall be before you; dwell and trade ye therein, and get you possessions therein.
Sexuality is really difficult to manage » Is the indulgence, or control »
34:1-4 Shechem may be, "was love at first sight" by the victims. He's also impulsive acts are evil, he not only offended the end with, but also offended the family, Jacob (34:6-7), for their families and the families Jacob very serious consequences (34:25 -- 31). Although Shechem with the end of that love, but can not be used as an excuse to take at the end of rape. Do not let the Yuhuofenshen that crime, it is necessary to carefully control lust.

運動要趁早 要經常去做
長期不運動 中年後罹患「代謝症候群」比例偏高 衰老得快








賴金鑫以其研究分析,除了有退化性關節炎的人不能蹲馬步外,「太極拳」是最適合中年以上的運動,運動傷害發現率極低,是有氧運動,且沒有場地、年齡、體型的限制,對於心肺能力、柔軟度、肌力都有很好的鍛鍊,持續做兩年的人明顯老化較慢。 打太極拳經常在戶外、以團體方式進行,間接也帶領參與者交誼聚會。





瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

Campaign to Chenzao should always do
Middle-aged long-term campaign after suffering from "metabolic syndrome" high proportion of aging much faster

Need to warm up before exercise, the body temperature to rise gradually, if the injuries as soon as possible in attendance.

By Xin Huang [physicians] that your favorite sport is most suitable for your campaign. Doctor pointed out that sports can stimulate the brain brown (endorphin) secretion, and love the same sense of joy! Some people do not a movement, every wrong, Yuzu.
National Taiwan University Professor Lai rehabilitation Jinxin to work in the heart of the modern appeal to Chenzao campaign, to keep it.

A pathological study of movement, forced five young people being bedridden, External addition to the toilet, not a day up to 50 minutes to leave bed. After 21 days, two from 18 to 20-year-old athletes, cardiopulmonary endurance decline by 30 percent. The five experiments to re-start training in a month later, everyone's heart and lung endurance better than the original.

Lai Jin pointed out that the heart can be tempered. From the 25-year-old, everyone's bones began to degradation, if not coupled with long-term campaign to middle age after suffering from "metabolic syndrome" proportional High, but also aging fast. "Metabolic syndrome", including obesity, hypertension, blood sugar, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol reduction, such as high triglycerides, and physical activity are more closely related.

Overweight, should be regular in waist circumference, men can not be larger than 90 cm, while women in less than 80 cm. Lai Jin said that the human body does not need a "storage fat" and not "essential fat," obesity is due to the former too much. Most of the middle-aged obesity, from improper diet and lack of activities.

Lai Jin pointed out that "high-density lipoprotein cholesterol," is the only index of the need to maintain high cholesterol. It functions in the protection of the heart, the higher the index the less vulnerable to heart disease. But this target was originally on women than men, men should be maintained in the normal 40 mg / dl below, while women in the 50 mg / dl below.

Doctor pointed out that fat cells quickly split the period including the first three months of birth, and the newborn within one year of age, pregnant women gain weight too much, or let the baby was born just eat too fat, may be the key to the future of obesity. Another accelerated puberty to split the period, about 10-year-old girls, boys about 12 years old, to eat junk food at this time if it may also increase the risk of future obesity.

Lai Jinxin its research and analysis, apart from degenerative arthritis who can not stay Knight, "shadow boxing" is the most suitable for middle-aged more than sports, sports injury rate is very low, is aerobic exercise, and no venue, age, The size limit for heart and lung capacity, flexibility, muscular strength are very good training, continuing to do two years of significantly slower aging. Taijiquan often play outdoors, the group conducted, also led the indirect participants Common gathering.

The study also found that anaerobic training in muscle hypertrophy, in less suitable for the elderly, and aerobic exercise to cycling, swimming, jogging, aerobic dance is most suitable, but after two to beware of sports injuries.

Lai Jin pointed out that if a "metabolic syndrome" symptoms, the stairs easy breath, fatigue, acute flu patients should not campaign.

Doctors point out that exercise control heartbeat strength in the low-grade first, to warm up to body temperature gradually increased in swimming, shoulder and back should be gradually extended, limbs and torso in a reverse direction extension. If the neck when a shoulder operation, Jia, hands, neck and other parts Suanma any symptoms, that is, nerve injuries, as soon as possible in attendance.


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

Aug18 ,08早點睡 多吃菜 好習慣護肝 Sleep early more vegie good habit for liver+馬可福音Mark 6:53-56

6:53 既渡過去,來到革尼撒勒地方,就靠了岸,
6:54 一下船,眾人認得是耶穌,
6:55 就跑遍那一帶地方,聽見他在何處,便將有病的人用褥子抬到那裡。
6:56 凡耶穌所到的地方,或村中,或城裡,或鄉間,他們都將病人放在街市上,求耶穌只容他們摸他的衣裳繸子,凡摸著的人就都好了。
6:53 革尼撒勒位於加利利海西面,是一塊小小的沃野平原。耶穌的家迦百農,就坐落於這平原的北邊。

6:56 裡衣是猶太男人所穿的長至膝蓋的袍子,外衣是穿在裡衣外面長及腰臍的衣服,外衣邊緣的四角上都縫了繸子。這些人大概想,只要摸到耶穌外衣的繸子,耶穌的醫治能力就會發出來治愈他們(5:28)。他們可能不知道叫他們痊愈的,是他們對耶穌的信心。
And when they had passed over, they came into the land of Gennesaret, and drew to the shore.
And when they were come out of the ship, straightway they knew him,
And ran through that whole region round about, and began to carry about in beds those that were sick, where they heard he was.
And whithersoever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole.
Gennesaret is what »
6:53 Gennesaret Sea of Galilee in the west, a tiny Woye Plain. The home of Jesus Gabriel agriculture, which is situated in the plains on the north side.

Jesus touched the clothes can be cured » I also have to Momo His clothing Sui……
6:56 in the clothing is worn by Jewish men to the knee length gown, wearing the cloak is, in the long Jiyao umbilical clothing outside the clothing, jackets are on the verge of 1.40 stitches Sui son. These people probably think, as long as the Sui and reached the cloak of Jesus Christ of treatment capacity will be issued to cure them (5:28). They may not know ask them to heal, Jesus is their confidence.

早點睡 多吃菜 好習慣護肝



23點至3點 肝臟修復期








草藥西藥 吃久會傷肝






瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

Sleep early more vegie good habit for liver

[Hong Jing Hong-Kouganshezao - a white-collar workers, often sleepy, did not read the doctor, he thought, "Gan Huo-wang," from work to buy bottles of herbal tea, Mengguan drop your blood boil, and his wife have a pot boiling Clam soup, he even forced to drink Liangwan.
Instituted protective, we are interested, Shenpa一不小心, life changed black and white; how protective, Yanggan, Hugan » Quite the same way in Western medicine, adequate sleep, balanced diet, eat more green, black fruits and vegetables, Bieluan eat anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal tonics, we can have color in life.

23:00 to 3:00 liver repair period

Western medicine eyes of the liver, referring to the two weighing 1.5 kg, not of the liver, is the only human organ regeneration. Chinese medicine point of view of the liver, more extensive than Western medicine, in addition to the liver, but also the brain and nervous system.

Huang Di Nei Jing records: "Lord of the liver blood, human blood is attributable to the liver lying." China Medical University Hospital of Chinese medicine in medical director, said Yang, 11 o'clock every night to 3:00, the human body by the liver and gallbladder Meridian Xunxing go, if in sleep, the liver can be managed to rest, repair damage cells.

In the Yin Yang said that modern people sleep late, sleep less, during this period of time Aoye not sleep, consumption Ganyin, the symptoms are dry eyes, look Lahuang, not the spirit of focus, a long time down, also Shangshen liver injury.

Dark green vegetables and fruit

Black eat food

He said that the Chinese that "Kimotsuki wood", "homologous liver and kidney," Eat more green vegetables and fruit, in particular, contain vitamin A dark green vegetables, can promote liver health, beneficial to the kidneys to eat black foods, such as mulberry, black edible fungus , Black sesame, Schisandra, but also Yanggan effectiveness.

Yin Yang in, "said Gan of acid Yam", often Aoye, the pressure of white-collar workers, most of Yin physique, restaurants and points of sour foods, such as vinegar, Wumei, lemonade, etc., can Ziyin Bugan.

Herbal medicine will be a long time to eat the liver injury

Taichung Veterans General Hospital by Dr. Hong-Zen Yeh hepatobiliary stomach, the liver is digested, metabolism of vital organs, lead a healthy life, the most to protect the liver.

Hong-Zen Yeh, for example, a balanced diet, modern people eat meat, eat more vegetables also; routines law, we must adequate sleep, most people need at least six or seven hours to eat unsolicited tonics, herbal medicine or Pianfang.

He cited as an example, modern people often eat anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, for a long time to eat the liver injury, some anti-fungal, anti-tuberculosis medicine, will damage the liver function, in Zunyi Zhu taking regular blood tests. Unsolicited herbal medicines, tonics or Pianfang, on the other tried, clinical experience has shown that many patients with liver disease change, are beginning to eat that can be protective, Yanggan of herbs, Pianfang, eventually harm the liver cells.

Hong-Zen Yeh said that the protective complex, expensive, not to Chi Buyao, only requires normal routines, eat more fruits and vegetables, in practice, it seems not easy.


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Aug17 ,08肝指數正常≠沒肝癌 為何會得肝癌?normal liver index of liver cancer will not have liver cancer +馬可福音Mark6:49-52

6:49 但門徒看見他在海面上走,以為是鬼怪,就喊叫起來。
6:50 因為他們都看見了他,且甚驚慌。耶穌連忙對他們說:“你們放心,是我,不要怕!”
6:51 於是到他們那裡上了船,風就住了,他們心裡十分驚奇。
6:52 這是因為他們不明白那分餅的事,心裡還是愚頑。
6:49 耶穌在水面上往門徒那裡走去,門徒看見,驚慌不已。其實,他們應該曉得在困難時,耶穌會幫助他們。雖然他們看不見耶穌,耶穌卻看見他們,祂對門徒的關懷克服了他們信心的不足。若你在“深水”中,要記著基督明白你的掙扎,祂關心你。

6:49-50 門徒害怕,不過知道耶穌來了就平靜下來。我們遇上駭人的事,是自己應付,還是讓耶穌來應付?恐懼疑惑時,知道基督常在我們身邊(參太28:20),可使我們安靜下來。認識基督的同在就是恐懼的良藥。

6:52 門徒難以相信,可能因為:(1)不能接受這個叫耶穌的人真是神的兒子;(2)不敢相信彌賽亞竟會揀選他們作門徒;(3)仍然不明白耶穌來到世上的真正目的。他們對耶穌的誤解,顯出了他們猜疑的心態。
But when they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit, and cried out:
For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.
And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered.
For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened.
I am afraid, I am very lonely…… who to care about me »
6:49 Jesus to the disciples of the water going there, the disciples see that panic不已. In fact, they should know the difficulties, Jesus will help them. Although they can not see Jesus, Jesus is to see them, the disciples of the care he has overcome their lack of confidence. If you in "Deep Water", it is necessary to remember Christ understand your struggle and you care about him.

You are afraid of what? » You listen to Jesus, said: "rest assured that I will not be afraid!"
6:49-50 disciples fear, but know that Jesus came to calm down. We encounter terrifying thing is to cope with their own, or allow Jesus to meet » Fear, doubt, to know Christ often around us (the Senate too 28:20), will enable us to quiet down. Recognizing Christ is the same fear in the medicine.

From the Bible, you know he's words, from life experience, you can experience the true words he »
6:52 disciples hard to believe, probably because: (1) can not accept the call of Jesus is the Son of God, (2) not believe that the Messiah竟会selected for their disciples, (3) still do not understand that Jesus came to the The real purpose of the world. Jesus on the misunderstanding, showing the mentality of their suspicion.
Although the disciples of Jesus read to feed 5,000 people, still can not take the step of confidence, I believe he is the Son of God. They do not have the right understanding of Jesus in their daily lives. Although we know that Jesus can the water away, however, they often wonder Jesus could have in our life work. We must not only believe that miracles really happened, but also to use the truth in their daily lives.

肝指數正常≠沒肝癌 為何會得肝癌?









「醫師,有沒有驗錯? 」許多人被宣布得肝癌時,睜大眼睛難以置信,自認肝功能很正常。

「沒錯!」陳健弘表示:「有太多人都迷信肝功能指數,以為指數正常就一切OK。」他就碰過不少病人剛做過健檢,而肝功能指數(GOT、GPT)都在正常值範圍內,「怎麼可能才短短的一年就長肝癌? 」面對這樣的質疑,連醫師也覺得「這就是肝病防治的盲點,也是被誤解最深的一項。」




哪一種方式 最能查出肝癌?







瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

normal liver index of liver cancer will not have liver cancer ?

● liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma is the official name, has been on the health of the Chinese people, great threat to life. Causes of liver cancer is very complex, but generally speaking, and the early days of B-, C-type hepatitis from relations can not be, in addition, factors such as uptake by the carcinogenic aflatoxin contaminated food, alcohol, smoking and chewing betel nut, and so are Risk factors.
B, C hepatitis: National Taiwan University Hospital doctor Chen Jianhong gastrointestinal liver and gallbladder, died of liver cancer in Taiwan, about 80 percent of hepatitis B is caused, about 10 to 15 percent of hepatitis C is caused by. Infected with hepatitis B or C liver, some people become chronic hepatitis, Zaiyan into cirrhosis, liver cancer and then formed.

Alcohol: Alcohol will destroy liver cells, initially only fatty liver, and then progress to alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis or the passage of time or even turned into liver cancer, should not alcohol.

Drugs: drug use, mostly by the liver metabolism, if inappropriate medication, liver damage may be caused drug-induced hepatitis, cirrhosis will be entered, HCC's footsteps.

Aflatoxin: Aflatoxin is also an important factor in causing liver cancer. Chen Jianhong, may be aflatoxin contaminated food, including peanuts, beans fermented products, the proposed eat peanut products, Douban Jiang, Dou Furu, tempeh, stinky tofu, and other fermented products.

Cigarettes and betel nut: cigarettes and betel nuts also cause liver cancer risk factors, abnormal liver function of patients with hepatitis B, such as嗜alcoholic drinks and tobacco, betel nut, for the deterioration of liver cirrhosis, liver Shanghai Jue out I was normal liver function, not the three habit 19 times.

According to the Taiwan Department of Health announced in 2007 as the 10 major causes of death in cancer, liver cancer men occupy the first ten leading causes of death, while the second is a woman, died of liver cancer in Taiwan last year, 7,809 people (5,650 men, women 2159), is tantamount to a daily average more than 21 people died of liver cancer.

Why not detect liver cancer early »

"Doctor, there are no post-mortem wrong» "A lot of people were declared in liver cancer, eyes wide open incredible, self normal liver function.

"That's right!" Chen Jianhong, said: "There are too many people have blind faith in liver function that the normal index on all OK." Touched on many patients he has just done-seizure, and liver function index (GOT, GPT) in Within the normal range, "how could only a short period of a year of liver cancer» "In the face of such a challenge, even the doctors feel that" this is the blind spot of liver disease, is also one of the most misunderstood. "

Chen Jianhong, the most important of the early symptoms of liver cancer, is "no symptoms" or "no specific symptoms", so if the report shows that liver function tests for "normal" does not mean that the liver is healthy. Moreover, in the early liver cancer, liver index will not be high, because the growth in liver cancer, liver cancer only in liver cancer around the oppression of the liver cells before necrosis, therefore, GOT, GPT still may be normal, even at the Increased, not too high.

It was also thought that liver disease have symptoms of jaundice, but Chen Jianhong said that "this concept is specious," because the symptoms shown by jaundice, in addition to liver disease, there are gallstones, pancreatitis problems. Chen Jianhong, if from the skin to turn yellow, Yanbai turn yellow or urine was Chahe Se, or even easy fatigue, abdominal distention, pushing it back and forth liver problems, but also easy is wrong.

It is worth mentioning that, because the liver itself almost no nerve, liver cancer is usually not the pain, if tumor size is not great, most not go so far as the impact of liver function, but also do not have blood vessels, causing bile duct oppression, so patients Most will not feel any abnormal phenomenon.

What a way to identify the most liver cancer »

Since the early symptoms of liver cancer was not obvious, so that patients often do not think that Italy, and therefore, experts suggest that even a healthy liver with the original type B and C have antibodies to the liver, adult should be followed by annual abdominal ultrasonography, and with Fetoprotein (AFP) serological examination for early detection and early treatment.

Liver ultrasound examination: National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Professor Hsu Chin-chuan of the inquiry liver ultrasound, he said, ultrasound scanning has been confirmed that the medical community is the best weapon of liver cancer, the biggest advantage is that easy, do not have an aggressive, Patients would not be painful. In particular, is an experienced physician, to 1 cm of small liver tumors, can also detect out. Another is that more has been violated to neighboring blood vessels or bile duct, has ascites, can be seen from the ultrasound.

He suggested that, B and liver with the early years had hepatitis C infection, the best annual regular ultrasound examination. As for non-hepatitis B carriers, if not due to hepatitis B vaccines and vaccination have a natural immune antibodies, but from the vertical transmission from mother, but fortunately recovered and converted into antibody, because the body is still some very small amounts of residual virus , But also in the 40-year-old after every 2-3 years receiving liver ultrasound.

Fetoprotein: fetal blood test early diagnosis of liver cancer is also one of the ways. Hsu Chin-chuan said that fetal protein in clinical liver cancer is the tumor marker, but normal fetal protein does not mean that no liver cancer, it can only as a reference guide.

CT or MRI: the fetus in pregnant women will be abnormal increase. Therefore, if the abnormal blood tests found elevated fetal protein, we can not therefore conclude that this was liver cancer, should be coupled with imaging, including CT or MRI in order to judge accurately. (Zhan Jian Fu)

For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

Aug16 ,08肥胖難抑饑餓感 基因惹禍Obesity hard to hunger gene problem+馬可福音Mark6:41-48

6:41 耶穌拿著這五個餅,兩條魚,望著天祝福,擘開餅,遞給門徒,擺在眾人面前,也把那兩條魚分給眾人。
6:42 他們都吃,並且吃飽了。
6:43 門徒就把碎餅碎魚收拾起來,裝滿了十二個籃子。 
6:44 吃餅的男人共有五千。
6:45 耶穌隨即催門徒上船,先渡到那邊伯賽大去,等他叫眾人散開。
6:46 他既辭別了他們,就往山上去禱告。
6:47 到了晚上,船在海中,耶穌獨自在岸上,
6:48 看見門徒因風不順,搖櫓甚苦。夜裡約有四更天,就在海面上走,往他們那裡去,意思要走過他們去。
6:37-42 耶穌要門徒為五千多人提供食物,他們驚訝地問耶穌是否要花上八個月的工資去買餅。當你面對做不到的工作時,會怎樣反應?人的資源有限,不可能解決所有問題,但這正是神工作的機會。門徒找食物,安頓群眾,做了他們能做的事。接著,神應允禱告,成就人看來不可能成就的事。當面對似乎不可能的工作時,做你所能做的,求神成就其餘的。在祂眼中,讓不可能的事情發生可能是恰當的!
And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.
And they did all eat, and were filled.
And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes.
And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men.
And straightway he constrained his disciples to get into the ship, and to go to the other side before unto Bethsaida, while he sent away the people.
And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray.
And when even was come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and he alone on the land.
And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them.
"Hill can Nuekai!" - Is a fairy tale or the real promise »
6:37-42 Jesus to his disciples to provide food for 5,000 people, they asked Jesus whether surprised to spend eight months of wages to buy cakes. When you can not face the work, what would respond » The limited resources, can not solve all the problems, but this is God's work opportunities. Disciples to find food, put the masses and do the things they can do. Then, God promised to pray, achievements seem impossible achievements of the matter. When the face of it seems impossible to work, so you can do, Pray rest of the achievements. In the eyes of him, so that can not happen may be appropriate!

肥胖難抑饑餓感 基因惹禍











瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

Obesity hard to hunger gene problem

[-] Know that some obesity is leading to excessive consumption of their body fat, still unable to control food intake, often because of starvation flu hit.
According to the Shenyang Daily reported that the United States as a "Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Journal" magazine published by British scientists report, said such a morbid sense of hunger in obesity is a result of the gene known as FTO. It is this gene makes "Weikoudakai" to achieve a full Abdominal flu, excessive consumption, leading to obesity.

In 2007 when British scientists have found that the gene known as FTO closely related to human obesity. But at that time, they do not determine how genes affect human and lead to obesity.

The study, British researchers at University College London, the 3337 age of 8 years old to 11-year-old children to investigate, through regular measurement of their height, weight and waist circumference, testing whether their appetite has changed. Researchers at the same time to parents of the questionnaire, the survey collected information eating habits.

The results show that the FTO gene carrying the children to have a full belly flu, a tendency to excessive consumption.

Researchers believe, FTO gene make a lack of appetite control. Normal "three meals a day" can not eliminate the FTO gene carriers hunger, so they keep eating and lead to obesity. FTO gene on the appetite and the impact of age, gender, socio-economic background or body mass index is irrelevant.

Britain, "The Times" quoted research group for Jane ‧ Wo Deer as saying: "Not all people with the gene FTO will become obese, but they do not carry this gene than the people more easily obesity."

Wo Deer said: "Prior studies have shown that the FTO gene and weight and appetite are closely linked. This is even more specific findings that the gene is how to influence the human body."

Wo Deer said, in fact, the gene leading to obesity itself the "power" relatively limited, there may be more or less all the genes have an impact on appetite and obesity, but once they are integrated, "prowess" Bukexiaoqu.


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

Aug 15,08保護自己 手機別講太久not speak for too long mobile phone+馬可福音Mark6:33 -40

6:33 眾人看見他們去,有許多認識他們的,就從各城步行,一同跑到那裡,比他們先趕到了。
6:34 耶穌出來,見有許多的人,就憐憫他們,因為他們如同羊沒有牧人一般,於是開口教訓他們許多道理。
6:35 天已經晚了,門徒進前來,說:“這是野地,天已經晚了,
6:36 請叫眾人散開,他們好往四面鄉村裡去,自己買甚麼吃。”
6:37 耶穌回答說:“你們給他們吃吧!”門徒說:“我們可以去買二十兩銀子的餅,給他們吃嗎?”
6:38 耶穌說:“你們有多少餅,可以去看看。”他們知道了,就說:“五個餅,兩條魚。”
6:39 耶穌吩咐他們,叫眾人一幫一幫地坐在青草地上。
6:40 眾人就一排一排地坐下,有一百一排的,有五十一排的。
6:34 這群人就如沒有牧人的羊一樣可憐。羊很容易走散,沒有牧人,羊就十分危險了。耶穌就是牧人,教導我們應該認識的東西,防止我們偏離神。(參詩23篇;賽61:1;結34:5-10)

6:37 不同的人包括耶穌的鄰居和家人、希律王和門徒,都驗證過耶穌的生命和工作,可是他們沒有一個人真正瞭解祂的身分。門徒仍然猜疑,不明白、不相信也不曉得耶穌能供應他們的需要。他們只看到困難,卻看不到神的能力。你是否讓那些看來不可能的事阻礙了你相信基督呢?
And the people saw them departing, and many knew him, and ran afoot thither out of all cities, and outwent them, and came together unto him.
And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.
And when the day was now far spent, his disciples came unto him, and said, This is a desert place, and now the time is far passed:
Send them away, that they may go into the country round about, and into the villages, and buy themselves bread: for they have nothing to eat.
He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat?
He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? go and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes.
And he commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass.
And they sat down in ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties.
Shepherd of the sheep will not be……
6:34 these people not as poor as shepherd of the sheep. Sheep easily separated, no shepherds, sheep will be very dangerous. Jesus is the shepherd, teach us should be aware of things, prevent us from God. (See poem 23;赛61:1; guitar 34:5-10)

"How can ah» "disciples of suspicion, which often is what my heart?»
6:37 different people, including neighbors and family of Jesus, Herod and his disciples have verified the life and work of Jesus, but they do not have a real understanding of His identity. Disciples are still suspicious, do not understand, do not know do not believe that Jesus can supply their needs. They only see the difficulties, do not see God's ability. It seems that you can not let those things hinder you believe Christ is »

保護自己 手機別講太久






協助主持這項研究的加州大學洛杉磯分校公共衛生學院(UCLA School of Public Health )教授凱奇費特斯(Leeka Kheifets)對路透指出,這個發現「當然無須過度解釋,然而卻也點明了1個方向,那就是這個問題值得更多進一步研究」。她也指出:「手機是很棒的科技,很多人的使用頻率勢必也越來越高。我們必須探究健康可能面臨的潛在威脅,以及如果這些危險真的存在的話,應該採取哪些措施來降低風險」。

凱奇費特斯與她的團隊針對1萬3159名孩童進行研究,這些孩童的母親都在懷孕初期就加入了丹麥國家生產中心(Danish National Birth Cohort)的研究。當這些孩子年齡到達7歲的時候,研究人員便要求母親填寫1份關於孩子行為、健康問題的調查問券,同時也要回答她們自己在懷孕期間的手機使用狀況,以及孩子們目前是否使用手機等。

長期靠近充電器 罹癌風險高








瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

To protect yourselves not speak for too long mobile phone

● as the University of Pittsburgh study, pregnant women and children to use less mobile, because the possible adverse effects of electromagnetic wave, if we want the phone, for the best regular-speaking, not fixed on the same side of the ear.
Under the age of seven children, and pregnant women, the best to minimize the use of mobile phones, this is the University of Pittsburgh The study, first of all to draw attention to the conscience of recommendations. This is because, it emits electromagnetic waves, whether the brain is the development of children, or mothers stomach growth in the fetus, there will be adverse effects, is likely to cause hyperactivity.

For most people, of course, also the best to minimize exposure to electromagnetic waves. Research report made several specific safety criteria, including, reducing phone calls, or to the best use headphones to send text messages to contact the phone when not speaking with one ear fixed the best regular-edge, and the time to sleep Do not put the phone under the pillow.

However, at present are not yet sufficient evidence to prove that electromagnetic waves are hazardous to human cell phone, but there is no evidence that mobile phones are absolutely safe. So the study suggested that the phone not to speak too long, is the best way to protect themselves.

In addition, Reuters reported, the latest study found that mothers themselves during pregnancy if the regular use of mobile phones, children born of the future more prone to behavior problems, at the same time, frequent use of mobile phones for children also more prone to behavior problems.

To assist the study of the University of California at Los Angeles School of Public Health (UCLA School of Public Health), Professor Cage charges Matutes (Leeka Kheifets), told Reuters that this discovery "of course not over-explain, but it has also to understand a point Direction, that is the problem more worthy of further study. " She also pointed out: "mobile phone technology is great, a lot of people will increasingly use high-frequency and we must explore health may face the potential threat, and if these risks do exist, it should take measures to reduce risks . "

Cage for Waters and her team for 13,159 children to study, the mother of these children are in the early stages of pregnancy joined the Danish national production centres (Danish National Birth Cohort) study. When these children reach the age of 7 years of age, the researchers asked mothers filled out a report on children, health problems prevailing on the survey asked, but also to answer their own phones in use during pregnancy status and whether children use mobile phones And so on.

Long-term high-risk and around the charger Liai

Israeli Ministry of Environment said that the human body and the charger or transformer should remain a half meters above the distance, in particular the mobile phone charger, or prolonged close contact, by Yi Li Ai risk.

Israeli Ministry of the Environment recent survey found that many Israelis in the night-time habits of the charger on the bed side, but the human body and the charger or transformer from the Kaodetaijin, Liai risk will increase.

The Ministry of Environment dedicated control noise and radiation hazards for the sector covered Baigeboshi said that the night-time because of the human body will not reduce the secretion of radiation hazards black hormone, if the bed next to放着chargers and transformers, the most vulnerable Human suffering.

Israeli Ministry of Environment said that if not maintained a half meters above the safe distance between the radio with an alarm function used by the transformer, especially for the mobile phone chargers, and other distributed by the radiation, as would the body exposed to high voltage power line .

The Ministry of Environment advised people to avoid the body of non-ionizing radiation hazards is the best way to maintain a proper distance.

(Reuters report)


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

Aug14 ,08 吃素不當 同樣會胖The same would be improper fat vegetarian+馬可福音Mark6:25-32

6:25 她就急忙進去見王,求他說:“我願王立時把施洗約翰的頭放在盤子裡給我。”
6:26 王就甚憂愁,但因他所起的誓,又因同席的人,就不肯推辭,
6:27 隨即差一個護衛兵,吩咐拿約翰的頭來。護衛兵就去,在監裡斬了約翰,
6:28 把頭放在盤子裡,拿來給女子,女子就給她母親。
6:29 約翰的門徒聽見了,就來把他的屍首領去,葬在墳墓裡。
6:30 使徒聚集到耶穌那裡,將一切所做的事,所傳的道全告訴他。
6:31 他就說:“你們來,同我暗暗地到曠野地方去歇一歇。”這是因為來往的人多,他們連吃飯也沒有工夫。
6:32 他們就坐船,暗暗地往曠野地方去。
6:30 馬可兩次用“使徒”這個詞(3:14)。使徒指奉命作信差、全權代表,即今天的傳教士。自耶穌受死和復活後,這個名詞成為耶穌十二門徒的正式稱謂(參徒2:14;弗2:20)。

6:31 門徒完成工作後回到耶穌那裡,耶穌帶他們去休息。為神工作非常重要,但要有效地為神工作,就需要定時休息,以恢復體力。
And she came in straightway with haste unto the king, and asked, saying, I will that thou give me by and by in a charger the head of John the Baptist.
And the king was exceeding sorry; yet for his oath's sake, and for their sakes which sat with him, he would not reject her.
And immediately the king sent an executioner, and commanded his head to be brought: and he went and beheaded him in the prison,
And brought his head in a charger, and gave it to the damsel: and the damsel gave it to her mother.
And when his disciples heard of it, they came and took up his corpse, and laid it in a tomb.
And the apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus, and told him all things, both what they had done, and what they had taught.
And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.
And they departed into a desert place by ship privately.
What is the apostle who »
6:30 Mark Two "Acts" word (3:14). Acts that was ordered to be messengers, plenipotentiaries, that is, today's missionaries. Since the death and resurrection of Jesus after the term of 12 disciples of Jesus became the official title (Senate only 2:14, 2:20, mandrax).

Xie Yixia, to the wilderness --
6:31 to complete its work after the return to the disciples of Jesus, where Jesus brought them to rest. God is very important, but for God to work effectively, it needs regular rest, to restore physical strength.

吃素不當 同樣會胖





一周二日素 身體有好處







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The same would be improper fat vegetarian

[-] From the nutritional point of view, the human diet Hunsu gold ratio should be 1:7, that is a sub-sub-Hun 7.
Summer is a vegetarian diet trend, many women convinced that: the summer diet multiplied because the hot weather sweating more and more heat consumption. Also some obese patients with hypertension summer because doctors asked to choose light vegetarian diet. However, according to Information Times reported, nutrition doctors advise: inappropriate vegetarian equally obesity, and even obesity. Vegetarian cooking practices to determine their calorie and fat content.

Vegetarian many "hidden fat"

Vegetables without meat, low fat content itself, many people will be able to guarantee that the vegetarian health, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical School nutrition doctor had said Castle Peak, pure taste like vegetables than Huncai Chaxie, cooking process, and more generally oil Multi-seasonings, to increase the smell and taste vegetables. As a result, people unknowingly but will more stealth fat intake. Will trigger a variety of diseases. There are many examples of this, we also found that many living in long-term vegetarian monks many nuns were obese. "Bai Bing is not the source of meat, vegetarian food can not be anti-Baibing, the key is to see how you eat, how much to eat." Castle Peak has said.

On the 2nd week of good health

Some people think that, tofu and vegetables, both to add protein and contains vitamins and plant fiber, can guarantee human nutrition. Castle Peak has said, beans and vegetables of amino acids is incomplete, Huncai compatible with the need to have a complete amino acid. In addition, plant food elements manganese contained in the human body to absorb that only meat food contained in manganese easily be absorbed into the body.

Not Chihun (including milk do not eat eggs), nutritional imbalance, immune function is weak, vulnerable to all kinds of infectious diseases, but also prone to anemia, osteoporosis and other diseases. Normal within a week and a day or two vegetarian choices, Chihun reduce the intake of high-fat,-intestinal, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular more benefits. Because, in the total carbohydrate and vegetarian dietary fiber content higher, saturated fat (bad fat) decreased significantly.

Do not resist meat resist eggs

At present the facts have proven that eating eggs and dairy vegetarian and will not result in serious nutritional deficiencies. So, if you only for the purpose of vegetarian diet, do not eat meat, do not eat eggs Buhe milk yogurt. Otherwise, people are Shouxia Lai, but the disease upper body, the whole spirit of Weimi people, but also significantly easier old.

Completely vegetarian who, in addition to attention to eat more beans, Gu Lei, fungi, vegetables, food, consult a dietitian to add complex vitamins, diet, such as cellulose.


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

Aug13 ,08薄膜包覆腫瘤 5年存活率逾半Film-coated tumor five-year survival rate of more than half+馬可福音Mark6:17-24

6:17 先是希律為他兄弟腓力的妻子希羅底的緣故,差人去拿住約翰,鎖在監裡;因為希律已經娶了那婦人。
6:18 約翰曾對希律說:“你娶你兄弟的妻子是不合理的。”
6:19 於是希羅底懷恨他,想要殺他,只是不能。
6:20 因為希律知道約翰是義人,是聖人,所以敬畏他,保護他,聽他講論,就多照著行(註:有古卷作“游移不定”),並且樂意聽他。
6:21 有一天,恰巧是希律的生日,希律擺設筵席,請了大臣和千夫長,並加利利作首領的。
6:22 希羅底的女兒進來跳舞,使希律和同席的人都歡喜。王就對女子說:“你隨意向我求甚麼,我必給你。”
6:23 又對她起誓說:“隨你向我求甚麼,就是我國的一半,我也必給你!”
6:24 她就出去對她母親說:“我可以求甚麼呢?”她母親說:“施洗約翰的頭!”
6:17-19 巴勒斯坦有四個省,各省均有統治者。希律安提帕是加利利省的統治者,福音書中稱為希律;他的兄弟腓力治理特拉可尼和以土利亞兩省。希羅底本是腓力的妻子,但後來離開腓力,嫁給了希律。約翰指責他們犯姦淫,希羅底便報復殺害約翰。她寧可想辦法剷除那公開她罪行的人,也不除掉自己的罪。這也正是宗教領袖要對付耶穌的真正原因。

6:20 希律雖然敬重約翰的正直,可是在妻子、同伴和家人的壓力下,還是把約翰殺了。你在壓力下的行動,往往會反映出你真實的一面。

6:22-23 希律是羅馬政權下的一個地方官,無江山可言。他說要把江山的一半給希羅底的女兒,是表示她無論求甚麼,他都會答應。希羅底的女兒要約翰的頭,希律若在賓客面前拒絕,便失信於人。說話的威力很大,一句簡單的話可闖出大禍來。說話非小心不可。
For Herod himself had sent forth and laid hold upon John, and bound him in prison for Herodias' sake, his brother Philip's wife: for he had married her.
For John had said unto Herod, It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife.
Therefore Herodias had a quarrel against him, and would have killed him; but she could not:
For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man and an holy, and observed him; and when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly.
And when a convenient day was come, that Herod on his birthday made a supper to his lords, high captains, and chief estates of Galilee;
And when the daughter of the said Herodias came in, and danced, and pleased Herod and them that sat with him, the king said unto the damsel, Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt, and I will give it thee.
And he sware unto her, Whatsoever thou shalt ask of me, I will give it thee, unto the half of my kingdom.
And she went forth, and said unto her mother, What shall I ask? And she said, The head of John the Baptist.
"Zhongyannier!" I hate that I am a person of the reviews, why is this? »
6:17-19 Palestinian There are four provinces, the provinces are the rulers. Herod Antipas is the ruler of Galilee, known as Herod in the Gospel, his brother Philip governance Trafalgar Marconi and soil Elijah provinces. Xi Luo Master Copy is Philip's wife, but later left Philip, married to Herod. John accusing them of committing adultery, Xi Luo at the end of it revenge killing John. She would prefer to find ways to eradicate it open her crimes, not get rid of their crimes. This is the religious leaders to tackle the real causes of Jesus.

The face of public pressure, I Zeshan stubborn, or bow to compromise »
Although John Herod 6:20 respect the integrity, but his wife, peer and family pressure, or to kill John. You are under pressure from the action, you will always reflect the true side.

From the mouth disease, Huocongkouchu. I have experienced many examples of failure……
6:22-23 Herod Rome is under the regime of a local official, without Jiangshan to speak of. He said they Jiangshan the end of the half to Xi Luo's daughter, said she is seeking no matter what, he will promise. Xi Luo at the end of the first daughter to John, guests in front of Herod if rejected, would break faith with the people. The powerful words, a simple words can be to break Dahuo. Non-careful not to speak.

薄膜包覆腫瘤 5年存活率逾半





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Film-coated tumor five-year survival rate of more than half

● the treatment of liver cancer and tumor stage are inseparable. Clinically, liver cancer have different phases, Taipei Veterans General Hospital general surgeon Dr. Gar-Yang Chau explained that according to tumor size, less than 1 centimeter tumor is small, larger than 1 centimeter tumor is large; e. the number of points, A tumor was found only for the single, two more than for multiple tumor and another to consider whether there is a vascular invasion, if transferred to the lungs, bones, etc., is the fourth most.
"Film-coated" type of tumor, are often single, no transfer, no vascular invasion, the classification of liver cancer is the first phase, five-year survival rate of more than 50%; Phase II, Phase III liver cancer five Year survival rates were reduced to 30% of the five, 20%, while the fourth has been transferred is not suitable for liver cancer surgery.

Director of the Department of Surgery at National Taiwan University Hospital said P. H. Lee, the so-called "Film", in fact, organizations like inflammation, fibrosis coating from the tumor, compared with irregular shape, not film, or all of a sudden went to the blood vessels, more than cancer, Film-coated liver cancer grow more slowly, and better recovery. (LIU Hui-min)


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

Aug 12,08半邊頭頸發麻 心發毛Half of head and neck numbness becareful+馬可福音Mark6:9-16

6:9 只要穿鞋,也不要穿兩件褂子。”
6:10 又對他們說:“你們無論到何處,進了人的家,就住在那裡,直到離開那地方。
6:11 何處的人不接待你們,不聽你們,你們離開那裡的時候,就把腳上的塵土跺下去,對他們作見證。”
6:12 門徒就出去傳道,叫人悔改;
6:13 又趕出許多的鬼,用油抹了許多病人,治好他們。
6:14 耶穌的名聲傳揚出來。希律王聽見了,就說:“施洗的約翰從死裡復活了,所以這些異能由他裡面發出來。”
6:15 但別人說:“是以利亞。”又有人說:“是先知,正像先知中的一位。”
6:16 希律聽見卻說:“是我所斬的約翰,他復活了。”
6:11 虔誠的猶太人離開外邦地方時,會跺掉腳上的塵土,表示不被外邦人影響,外邦人的習俗與自己無關。使徒離開猶太城市時把腳上的塵土跺掉,則清楚表示那裡的人拒絕耶穌和祂的信息,與他們無關。耶穌清楚表明人要為自己對福音的態度負責。門徒只要忠心、清楚地傳講福音信息,遭人拒絕後他們不會受責備。別人拒絕基督拯救的信息,我們無須負責;不過,我們有責任忠實地向別人講明這個信息。

6:14-15 希律跟許多人一樣,不知道耶穌的真正身分。他們不能接受耶穌自稱為神的兒子,便虛構一些理由來解釋耶穌的能力和權威。希律認為耶穌是復活了的施洗約翰,一些熟識舊約的人則認為祂是以利亞(參瑪4:5),還有一些人認為祂是摩西、以賽亞、耶利米一類的先知。今天人們仍須拿定主意,認清耶穌是誰。有些人以為只要能夠說出祂是甚麼人——先知、教師或是好人、義人,祂在他們生命中的影響力就會大減。然而,無論人怎樣想,也不能改變耶穌的真正身分。
But be shod with sandals; and not put on two coats.
And he said unto them, In what place soever ye enter into an house, there abide till ye depart from that place.
And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.
And they went out, and preached that men should repent.
And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them.
And king Herod heard of him; (for his name was spread abroad:) and he said, That John the Baptist was risen from the dead, and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him.
Others said, That it is Elias. And others said, That it is a prophet, or as one of the prophets.
But when Herod heard thereof, he said, It is John, whom I beheaded: he is risen from the dead.
Others rejected the Gospel, we have the responsibility for what »
6:11 devout Jews leave外邦places, the dust feet Duo out that the Gentiles are not affected, the custom of the Gentiles has nothing to do with their own. Acts from the Jewish city of dust Duo feet out, then made it clear that people there refused to Jesus and his message has nothing to do with them. Jesus made it clear that people should themselves responsible for the attitude of the Gospel. As long as loyal disciples, clear-speaking evangelical message, after being refused they will not be to blame. Others refused to Christ to save the information, we do not need to charge, but we have the responsibility to faithfully made it clear that this information to others.

I am the eyes of Jesus is……
6:14-15 Herod like many people, do not know the true identity of Jesus. They can not accept Jesus claiming to be the Son of God, we fictitious reasons to explain the ability and authority of Jesus. Herod the view that Jesus is the resurrection of John the Baptist, some people are familiar with the Old Testament that he is Elijah (see Mary 4:5), there are some people think that he is Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah A prophet. Today, people still undecided, clearly understand who Jesus is. Some people think that as long as he can tell what is - a prophet, teacher or the good, righteous, and he lives in their influence will大减. However, no matter what people think, does not change the true identity of Jesus.

半邊頭頸發麻 心發毛




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Half of head and neck numbness becareful

Q: Dear Dr. money, I was nearly 40-year-old office worker, the computer all day and keep company, and is very busy, has repeatedly in recent days that the right half of his head, neck or even a sudden numbness. Ma and such a long time before computers, neck and shoulder to the fingertips of Suanma pain very different.
Is this possible that the blood clots? » Because of age similar to the last stroke of good friends suddenly collapsed, a bit of Papa. To be honest, I have recently been such a sudden do a bit of head and neck numbness "scalp tingling," can be said to be Shenxinjupi, also requested the money to help the doctor. (Miss Hu, the Liberal industry)

Answer 1: Miss Hu Ni Hao, your head and neck numbness is only occasionally to time, or repeated in » In fact, is essential, because it will involve you in the end the problem from there, will also affect the diagnosis of the disease. As in the letter did not mention this part, so we can not do a detailed explanation on the general situation can only be answered.

Blood clots affect more than head and neck

If only the head and neck tingling discomfort, and I think the relevance of blood clots should not high, this is because once the blood clots blocked, affecting the entire Half of the limbs, and not only confined to the head and Neck only.

In such circumstances, I think you may be the defects and nervous system, and the pathogenesis of many factors, the most likely factor is pressure. You think want to see, in particular whether the recent busy » Or sudden changes in daily life patterns » If these circumstances, it may slow down the pace, perhaps ease the discomfort.

If not assured, I propose to be the major hospitals of medical treatment and accept the neurological diagnosis.

(Consulting physicians: Taipei Veterans General Hospital heart medicine Dr. Xu Cui Lie)

Answer 2: I also think that Miss Hu and the illnesses may be related to the nervous system, but just as Dr. Xu said, your head and neck numbness length of time is essential, because in all the possible reasons, the duration of each of the attack are Not the same.

Diagnosis is also time to attack targets

For example, if the blood clots caused by anesthesia pain, time ranging from a few minutes to several hours if the brain is not normal discharge caused by epilepsy, often caused discomfort to maintain only a short period of just a few seconds; Multiple sclerosis causes the brain inflammation, Ma pain the longest time, usually sustainable more than a day, if and migraine pain related to anesthesia, the onset time from hours to several days.

In addition, emotional problems, sometimes pain-induced anesthesia, but the attack time difficult to control, may be a long short. Such emotional problems, often caused by too much anxiety or tension.

That being the case, I suggest that Miss Hu may wish to find time to the hospital for detailed examination, inspection include assessment of brain function, brain examination, vascular ultrasound, CT brain scan, or MRI brain scan, and so on.

(Consulting physicians: Taipei Medical University Hospital for the Department of Neurology, Dr. Wu Chao-rong) (Lin education)


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