Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Feb6 ,08女性骨髓變精蟲Female's bone marrow change into sperm+馬太福音Matthew12:41-50


12:41 當審判的時候,尼尼微人要起來定這世代的罪,因為尼尼微人聽了約拿所傳的,就悔改了;看哪,在這裡有一人比約拿更大。
12:42 當審判的時候,南方的女王要起來定這世代的罪,因為她從地極而來,要聽所羅門的智慧話;看哪,在這裡有一人比所羅門更大。
12:43 污鬼離了人身,就在無水之地過來過去,尋求安歇之處,卻尋不著。
12:44 於是說:‘我要回到我所出來的屋裡去。’到了,就看見裡面空閒,打掃乾淨,修飾好了,
12:45 便去另帶了七個比自己更惡的鬼來,都進去住在那裡。那人末後的景況比先前更不好了。這邪惡的世代也要如此。”
12:46 耶穌還對眾人說話的時候,不料,他母親和他弟兄站在外邊,要與他說話。
12:47 有人告訴他說:“看哪,你母親和你弟兄站在外邊,要與你說話。”
12:48 他卻回答那人說:“誰是我的母親?誰是我的弟兄?” 
12:49 就伸手指著門徒說:“看哪,我的母親,我的弟兄。
12:50 凡遵行我天父旨意的人,就是我的弟兄、姐妹和母親了。”
12:39-41 約拿是一個先知,受神差派到亞述的尼尼微城。亞述是一個極兇殘和好戰的國家,約拿嘗試逃避這個任務,結果在大魚腹中三日三夜,當他出來之後,很勉強地去尼尼微城,傳講神的信息,結果全城的人都悔改了。相反,耶穌來到祂的族人那裡,他們卻不肯悔改,耶穌在這裡很清楚地說,祂的復活將會證實祂是彌賽亞,祂死後三日便會復活,正如約拿在魚腹中三日後重得生機一樣。約拿書記載了約拿的事蹟。

12:41-42 約拿的時代,尼尼微城是亞述的首都,是一個罪惡滿盈的城市(參拿1:2),但當約拿傳道後,全城立即悔改。南方的女王也曾從遠方來見以色列王所羅門,學習他的智慧(參王上10:1-10;路11:31-32註釋)。當神向這些外邦人展示自己時,他們就能認識真理;此刻,神就在這些宗教領袖面前,他們卻置之不理。你如何回應你掌握的真理與憑證呢?

12:43-45 耶穌特別描述以色列人和宗教領袖的心態:單單打掃乾淨自己的心,卻沒有讓神充滿,這就給撒但留下許多進入的機會。以斯拉記記載了百姓怎樣清除自己的偶像,卻沒有讓神的愛來代替偶像,沒有順從神。除去生命中的罪是第一步,我們必須讓神的道和聖靈來充滿我們的生命,不讓撒但有機可乘。

12:46-50 耶穌並非否定自己對地上家庭的責任,相反,祂批評那些宗教領袖沒有遵行舊約中孝敬父母的命令(15:1-9)。當耶穌被釘在十字架上的時候,仍為母親的將來安排(參約19:25-27),祂的母親和兄弟在五旬節時也在門徒住的樓上出現(參徒1:14)。這裡耶穌指出了屬靈關係正如肉身關係一樣密切,祂為新的信徒群體(普世教會),就是我們屬靈的家鋪路。
12:41 The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.
12:42 The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.
12:43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.
12:44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.
12:45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.
12:46 While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him.
12:47 Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee.
12:48 But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?
12:49 And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!
12:50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.
Fate of Being Drowned in three nights on the 3rd, the public barely preaching repentance; befall a human Jesus, the resurrection after death again on the 3rd, who has personally see heart……
12:39-41 is a prophet Jonah, the Shencha sent to the Assyrian city of Nineveh. Assyrian is a very brutal and warlike country, Jonah tried to evade this task, resulting in a big fish baby on the 3rd and three nights, when he out, very reluctantly to the city of Nineveh, God-stresses information, results City of the people to repent. On the contrary, Jesus came to His people there, but they refused to repent, Jesus said very clearly here, and he confirmed that he will be the resurrection of the Messiah, he will be on the 3rd resurrection after death, as in Jonah in the Fate of Being Drowned Three days later in life-like. Jonah Jonah recorded deeds.

I would like to strive for the main, but after listening to the sermon forget that even read the Bible, I still……
12:41-42 Jonah times, the Assyrian Nineveh City is the capital surplus is a crime for the city (with the Senate 1:2), but Jonah preaching, the city immediately repentance. Queen of the South have to see Israel from afar-Solomon, learning his wisdom (see Wang on 10:1-10; Notes Road 11:31-32). When God to these Gentiles display their own, they will be able to understand the truth; at the moment, God in the face of these religious leaders, they are ignored. How do you respond to the truth and you have proof?

Your heart is ready, open look, Jesus Where?
12:43-45 Jesus described the Israelis and in particular the mentality of religious leaders: simply sweep clean their own heart, but not so full of God, which left many to Satan entered opportunities. Ezra records of the people in mind how their idols removed, but did not let the love of God to replace the idols, not obedience God. Remove life in the crime is a first step, we must allow the Holy Spirit of God, and our life was full, not Satan opportunity.

Obviously not one, the people in the church have said that brothers and sisters, why?
12:46-50 Jesus is not to deny its own responsibility on the family, on the contrary, he criticized those who did not comply with religious leaders in the Old Testament parents treated them with filial respect the orders (15:1-9). When Jesus is nailed to the cross when, at the mother's future arrangements (Senate about 19:25-27), His mother and brother are in the Pentecostal when the disciples lived upstairs in the (Senate only 1:14 ). Here Jesus pointed out that the relations between the spiritual relationship as close as flesh, His followers for the new groups (the Universal Church), is our spiritual home paving.

女性骨髓變精蟲 生孩子不用男人













Female's bone marrow change into sperm ,born children do not have to men

[CNA] British media reports, British scientists prepared to women's bone marrow into sperm, after no need to create the life of a man.
British "Daily Mail" reported that this breakthrough female homosexual couples can have in biology belonging to their children.

If homosexuals can be home-law, the use of male bone marrow manufacture eggs.

But critics warned that this would be tantamount to exclude men outside, the kids may be beyond the means of completely artificial birth.

The study identified stem cells, which is the body's "mother" cells can be turned into various types of cells.

According to the "New Scientist" the journal report, the scientists intend to women from the donor's bone marrow stem cells removed, and then the use of special chemicals and vitamins will be stem cells into sperm.

Professor of Naxienie Newcastle have submitted allowed for the study, he was prepared to start within two months experiment.

Biologists went ahead in mice using this technology, they believe that can be created within two years early "female sperm." But to create a fertilized egg can mature sperm, is likely to three years.

Now bone marrow can be used to create the initial male sperm.

From the age of the donor's bone marrow stem cells removed, avoiding the use of embryos on moral issues.


Read more news, see the World Journal.

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