Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Jul8 ,08小朋友偏食 真的長不高 children should be a week more than 40 kinds of food intake+馬可福音Mark2:22 -28

2:22 也沒有人把新酒裝在舊皮袋裡,恐怕酒把皮袋裂開,酒和皮袋就都壞了﹔惟把新酒裝在新皮袋裡。”
2:23 耶穌當安息日從麥地經過。他門徒行路的時候,掐了麥穗。
2:24 法利賽人對耶穌說:“看哪,他們在安息日為甚麼做不可做的事呢?”
2:25 耶穌對他們說:“經上記著大衛和跟從他的人缺乏、飢餓之時所做的事,你們沒有念過嗎?
2:26 他當亞比亞他作大祭司的時候,怎麼進了 神的殿,吃了陳設餅,又給跟從他的人吃;這餅除了祭司以外,人都不可吃。”
2:27 又對他們說:“安息日是為人設立的,人不是為安息日設立的。
2:28 所以,人子也是安息日的主。”
2:23 律法說明農夫收割時,不可以割盡田角和田頭,好讓旅客和窮人可以拾遺落的麥穗吃(參利19:9-10;申23:25)。在田邊掐麥穗吃是當時社會可以接受的行為,不算犯法。走在人家田間的阡陌上也不算是闖入私人重地。

2:24 神的律法說明在安息日不可以收割(參出34:21)。這條律法的原意是讓農夫不要因貪心在安息日下田工作而忽略了神;同時也讓工人可以休息。法利賽人卻把耶穌和門徒掐麥穗說成收割。耶穌和門徒顯然不是摘來售賣賺取利益,只是找東西吃罷了。法利賽人只看律法字面上的解釋,漠視了它的真正意義。

2:24 很多法利賽人甘於被人訂的條例和傳統囚禁,以致看不清楚甚麼是善是對。耶穌暗示安息日是行善的日子(3:4)。神設立安息日作為休息和敬拜的日子,不是要我們只顧休息,連舉手之勞也不幫助人。不要讓你的“安息日”變成縱容自己自私自利的機會。

2:25-28 耶穌用大衛的例子(參撒上21:1-6)來指出法利賽人的指摘是何等的荒謬。神設立安息日是為人而不是祂自己的益處。人在安息日休息,不會叫神得到甚麼好處,卻可使人花時間親近神,讓身體和靈性都能夠恢復元氣。法利賽人卻認為安息日的條例比其意義還重要。大衛和耶穌都明白神律法的真正本義是增進人對神和其他人的愛。我們若不明白律法的本義,就不要把律法強加於別人身上,否則只會作出不適當的判斷,傷害別人。
And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles.
And it came to pass, that he went through the corn fields on the sabbath day; and his disciples began, as they went, to pluck the ears of corn.
And the Pharisees said unto him, Behold, why do they on the sabbath day that which is not lawful?
And he said unto them, Have ye never read what David did, when he had need, and was an hungred, he, and they that were with him?
How he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest, and did eat the shewbread, which is not lawful to eat but for the priests, and gave also to them which were with him?
And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:
Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.
Do not cut the wheat is left to the poor and visitors, do you have to leave people in need, "Mr Mak" »
2:23 law that farmers harvest, the fields do not cut corners and Agrocybe, so that visitors with theft by finding and the poor can eat the wheat (see Lee 19:9-10; Shanghai 23:25). In Tanabe Qia eat wheat was socially acceptable behavior, not the law. People walk in the Qianmo on the field is not heavily into the private sector.

Pharisee only see the cloak of law, can not see the true meaning of the law. I understand the rules of the spiritual is also not so shallow »
2:24 God's law that can not be harvested on the Sabbath (the Senate to 34:21). This law is intended to allow farmers not to let greed in the fields of the Sabbath and neglect of the gods, but also allow workers to rest. Pharisee却把Jesus and his disciples as Qia wheat harvest. Jesus and his disciples is not picked to make the sale of interests, only to find the things Chiba. Pharisee only literal interpretation of the law, ignoring its true meaning.

Maintain the system, reasonable compassionate people's needs and sensible. First elected to both, I can how the election » How can both reasonable »
2:24 Pharisee many people were willing to set regulations and traditional prison, which not clear what is good yes right. Jesus is good that the Sabbath day (3:4). God established the Sabbath as a day of rest and worship, we should not just rest, even Jushouzhilao not help people. Do not let your "Sabbath" to condone their own selfish opportunities.

Sometimes I would only ask others to abide by the rules, the neglect of the underlying……
2:25-28 Jesus used the example of David (the Senate sprinkled 21:1-6) that the accused Pharisee how absurd. God established the Sabbath he is well and not their own benefits. In the Sabbath rest, God will not ask what benefits, but people can spend time close to God, physical and spiritual can restore their strength. Pharisee think of the Sabbath more important than its significance. David and Jesus all understand the law of God is to enhance the true meaning of God and other people who love. If we understand the law of the original meaning, not the law should be imposed on someone else, otherwise they will only make improper judgement, hurt others.

小朋友偏食 真的長不高
3至6歲孩子 一周應攝取40種以上食物 若低於20種 就算重度偏食









瀏覽更多新聞,請看世界日報電子報 ePaper

Kids really Chang Bugao partial eclipse
3-6-year-old children should be a week more than 40 kinds of food intake below 20 even if the severe partial eclipse

Wang partial eclipse three-year-old girl, her mother very worried.

[Had] the Greek text of the child to the attention of the partial eclipse, according to Taiwan Linkou Chang Gung Children's Hospital investigation, 2-4-year-old partial eclipse also瘦小children, the same age children than the average dwarf 6.13 cm and weighing 2.04 kg less physical, less attention, Easy to fear unfamiliar environment, the number of attendance has more.
Research in June this year for children 2-4 years old at 300 questionnaires sent, feeding the children by their parents to assess the situation to mark. Research found that 60% of children have partial eclipse phenomenon, of which a quarter of height, weight behind the Shibai in the same age children in the following points, but five percent of parents do not know the child backward, a warning

Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital hepatobiliary children gastrointestinal doctor Hsun-Chin Chao said that to 3-6 years old children, one week should be more than 40 kinds of food intake, if less than 20, even if the severe partial eclipse.

3-year-old Wang Xiaomei only 11.7 kilograms, but in general the same age, children have more than 15 kilograms, she only like rice, vegetables, fruits, meat do not love each meal should be 1-2 hours, chewing very slow, difficult swallowing, Her mother a headache.

Hsun-Chin Chao said: "The 4-year-old before the partial eclipse is the golden period of correction" to the 5,6-year-old, the children have to develop more preferences, it was too late. Children and parents forced feeding partial eclipse, improper reward or blame, feeding on snacks, or the children themselves do not like to chew, such as fear of food, the proposed multi-let the children try new foods transform cooking, three meals a day regularly, and to encourage replacement Over-rewarded or abuse, dining, calmly, do not watch TV, do not play with toys, and so on.

Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital nutrition therapy recommended by nutritionists Ya-Hui Chen, from the non-staple food, they should be given the children many attempts, like mud paste, Suimo, such as, for example, Steaming and Jiaorou alternative milk, the same protein intake, Increase in oral stimulation. 3-year-old or more children can communicate through the game, for example, to identify 10 children, "vegetables and good friends", "fruit and good friends" and recognize vegetables, and interest.

Improve the partial eclipse, patience, nutrition clinic at the hospital could take from March to June. Linkou Chang Gung Children director of intellectual theory, autism, Yasiboge症等children, congenital more sensitive persistence, some people eat only pure white food such as rice, flour, milk, or green or do not eat meat, Feel nausea, parents need to give children more time so that they gradually accept other natural food.


For more information, see World Journal News ePaper.

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