Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Jun24 ,08過敏藥上癮有後遺症?Allergy drug addiction have sequels+馬可福音Mark 1:7-9

1:7 他傳道說:“有一位在我以後來的,能力比我更大,我就是彎腰給他解鞋帶也是不配的。
1:8 我是用水給你們施洗,他卻要用聖靈給你們施洗。”
1:9 那時,耶穌從加利利的拿撒勒來,在約旦河裡受了約翰的洗。
1:7-8 當時,雖然約翰是四百年來第一位真先知,但耶穌遠遠超越他。約翰指出跟那位將要來的比較,自己是如何的微不足道,甚至不配為祂做解鞋帶這件最下賤的工作。約翰開展的工作由耶穌來完成;約翰為救贖開路,耶穌來成就救贖計劃。

1:8 約翰說耶穌將用聖靈為人施洗,也就是說耶穌將差遣聖靈來住在信徒心裡。約翰用水施洗,預備人接受基督的信息。這個洗禮代表悔罪、謙卑、願意離開罪惡,是屬靈生命的起點。當耶穌用聖靈施洗,聖靈就把人完全改變。耶穌赦免我們的罪,更賜我們力量為祂而活。

1:9 既然約翰的洗禮為人認罪悔改而設,耶穌為甚麼要接受約翰的洗呢?最偉大的先知以賽亞、耶利米、以西結等都要認罪悔改,耶穌卻不必認罪,祂根本沒有罪。耶穌雖然不需要赦罪,卻受了洗,為的是要:(1)開始祂的工作——為全人類帶來救贖的信息;(2)支持約翰的事工;(3)與我們的人性和罪認同;(4)為我們樹立榜樣。

1:9 耶穌在拿撒勒居住,在那裡長大(參太2:22-23)。拿撒勒是加利利的一個小鎮,位於加利利海和地中海之間,是貿易通道的樞紐,可以接觸其他的文化(參約1:46),也能自給自足。因為這鎮是羅馬軍隊在該區的前哨站,許多猶太人都討厭、避開它。
And preached, saying, There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose.
I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.
And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.
Houlaijushang the face of Jesus, John the Baptist this performance, exposure similar situation, what would I »
1:7-8 at the time, although John is the first true 400 years to the prophet, but Jesus far beyond him. John pointed out that following who will want to come to the comparison, he is of how insignificant, or even not qualified for him to do this most of shoelaces Xiajian work. John the work carried out by Jesus to complete; John pave the way for salvation, Jesus achievements to salvation plan.

If the spiritual life is a starting point and end point is 10, in which I now point »
John 1:8 Jesus said the Holy Spirit will use the Baptist people, that is Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit will be faithful to live in hearts. John the Baptist water and be prepared to accept Christ's message. On behalf of the baptism of repentance, humility and are willing to leave the crime, is the starting point of spiritual life. When the baptism of Jesus by the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit put people completely changed. Jesus forgive us our sins and more power to him our thanks to live.

To others made their own reasons for unnecessary things, their grievances are, or have other significance »
John 1:9 since the baptism of repentance and for people to plead guilty, accept Jesus Why should John do the washing » The greatest of the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and so have pleaded guilty to repent, Jesus has not pleaded guilty, he is not guilty. Although Jesus does not need Shezui, but by the washing, is to: (1) His work - for the salvation of all mankind bring the information, (2) to support John's ministry, (3) Our humanity and the crime of identity, (4) set an example for us.

Jesus born in Bethlehem, Nazareth growth, it is being flouted, you know why? »
1:9 Jesus lived in Nazareth, where they grew up (see too 2:22-23). Nazareth is a small town in Galilee, located between the Sea of Galilee and the Mediterranean, is a hub for trade routes, you can contact other cultures (the Senate about 1:46), can be self-sufficient. This is because the town of Rome's military outposts in the area, many Jews are hated, to avoid it.










Allergy drug addiction have sequels

[Wang] was the Greek text to their own physical allergy and insomnia, know that the anti-histamine allergy treatment will lethargy, the market has sold sleeping pills containing anti-histamine, anti-histamine to eat but, in addition to the elimination of this beautiful side effects of insomnia , Will not cause other bad consequences »
Shin Kong Hospital in Taipei ENT Dr. Chiu Yu Xun said that the anti-histamine nose is used to treat common allergy drug, but if patients have insomnia problems, the proposal should find out the reasons, adjustments to resolve, is the fundamental way.

The side effects of anti-histamine is lethargy, but this side effect is "beautiful", vary from person to person.

As the first generation of anti-histamine easily lead to drowsiness, and later developed a second generation of long-acting anti-histamine that, in order to reduce the side effects of drowsiness.

When allergy patients in the daytime work, driving, operating machinery, the brain needs to maintain a clear head, the second choice of physician prescribed anti-histamine drugs and more appropriate, bedtime is the first generation of drugs available, even if the lethargy and relatively okay.

Many cold medicines, also contain anti-histamine, after taking Hunhun Hun Chenchen, some people do not feel comfortable, and long-term use of specific anti-histamine, but also prone to drug-resistant.


Read more news, see World Journal.

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