Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Monday, June 2, 2008

Jun23 ,08五官端正 健康加分Wuguanduanzheng health points+馬可福音Mark 1:4-6

1:4 照這話,約翰來了,在曠野施洗,傳悔改的洗禮,使罪得赦。 
1:5 猶太全地和耶路撒冷的人都出去到約翰那裡,承認他們的罪,在約旦河裡受他的洗。
1:6 約翰穿駱駝毛的衣服,腰束皮帶,吃的是蝗蟲野蜜。
1:2-3 約翰呼召百姓修直基督的路,意思是要百姓離棄自私的生活方式和罪惡,尋求神的赦免,藉著相信並服從全能神的話,與祂建立關係(參賽1:18-20;57:15)。

1:4 當時,羅馬的重要官員出巡,前面都有使者開路。百姓看見使者來,便知道一位重要人物快將出現。馬可就是要以施洗約翰來宣告有史以來最重要的人物——耶穌快到來了。

1:4 約翰選擇住在曠野有幾個原因:(1)避免分心,以至能聽到神的指示;(2)引人注意;(3)表明自己與虛偽的宗教領袖完全不同,他們喜愛華舍高位過於神的工作;(4)應驗舊約的預言:在曠野有人聲呼喊(參賽40:3)。

1:4 猶太人經常為轉信猶太教的外族人施洗,但是約翰的洗禮是一個可見的記號,表示一個人決定改變自己的生命,離棄罪惡和自私自利的生活方式,轉向神。約翰採用了這個為人熟識的習俗,並賦予新的意義——悔改。初期教會更進一步,把洗禮與耶穌的死和復活聯繫起來(參羅6:3-4;彼前3:21)。

1:5 約翰傳道是要預備百姓接受耶穌是神的兒子。他要求百姓承認自己的罪。這標誌著人與神的關係有一個嶄新的開始。

1:6 約翰穿的不是當時流行的裝束,而是像先知以利亞穿的(參王下1:8),好與宗教領袖有所分別。當時宗教領袖穿長袍,顯示他們對自己地位的自豪感(12:38)。約翰引人注目的裝束正映襯著他引人注目的信息。
John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.
And there went out unto him all the land of Judaea, and they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing their sins.
And John was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loins; and he did eat locusts and wild honey;
"Repair the main straight road" » The original is bending the right »
John 1:2-3 Christ calling people straight repair the road, meaning that people should abandon selfish way of life and evil and seek God's pardon, by and subordinate to believe that the Almighty God, and he established relations (1 entries: 18-20; 57:15).

Why not start Mark stresses the birth of Jesus, John the Baptist missionary but stresses it »
1:4 at the time, Rome's important Chuxun officials, the envoys are open in front. Emissary to see the people, we will know an important figure will soon appear. Mark John the Baptist is to be declared to the most important figures in history - to the approaching Jesus.

John the Baptist lived in the wilderness, is to vary standard Qili, or do not have the intention »
John 1:4 to live in the wilderness for several reasons: (1) To avoid distraction, and can hear God's instructions, (2) interesting (3) that they and the hypocrisy of religious leaders completely different, their favorite Care is too high, the work of God, (4) fulfilled the Old Testament prophecy: It was sound in the wilderness shouting (entries 40:3).

You want to test what is one thing »
1:4 Jews often to the letter Jewish Wai Zuren the Baptist, but John's baptism is a visible sign that a person decided to change their lives, to abandon evil and selfish way of life, to God. John used the people familiar with the customs, and to give new meaning - to repent. The early Church further, and the baptism of Jesus's death and resurrection link (see Luo 6:3-4; Biqian 3:21).

I have to change their ideas, attitudes, can we hear that Jesus information » Really? »
John 1:5 mission is to prepare people to accept Jesus is the Son of God. He called on people to recognize their crimes. This indicates that the relationship between man and God have a new start.
Do you need to change in order to hear and understand the message of Jesus » People admit that they need a pardon before receiving a pardon; to accept Jesus must repent. Now that the world reject the temptation of death, evil and harmful to the idea of testing it.

Some people say that Christians have special costumes, some say not, in the end have no »
1:6 John was not wearing the popular clothing, but like Elijah the prophet wearing the (Senate-under 1:8), religious leaders and the good the difference. At that time, religious leaders, wearing robes, indicating that they are the pride of their position (12:38). John dramatic attire is Yingchen his eye-catching information.

五官端正 健康加分

【新華網】一張對稱端正的臉往往給人美的享受,而這些長相俊美的人還會因此擁有健康的身體。據生命時報引述 「印度時報」報導,英國科學家在一項大型調查中發現,五官對稱、外表俊俏可能意味著這個人擁有良好的基因、身體更加健康。







Wuguanduanzheng health points

[-] Correct a symmetrical faces are often gives people the enjoyment of the United States, which looks Junmei people will therefore have a healthy body. According to Life Times quoted "Indian Times" reported that British scientists in a large-scale survey found that symmetrical facial features, appearance Junqiao may mean that this person has good genes, more physical health.
Li Zhi to give people born beauty, but why? Guashang Gou and health » British Sterling University of Gbadolite Erbo Shi and his colleagues conducted the study. They collected a large number of human facial photographs, including Europeans, Africans, Asians, etc., and their facial measurements, and then ask volunteers to rate the photos, which elected a more masculine men of gas, which more women Yinrou with the United States.

The results showed that volunteers who Wuguanduanzheng symmetry of the evaluation were generally higher, so that people do better. The researchers then investigated the state of health of these people, found that the higher the score, the better health status.

Researchers analyzed, usually people are pretty happy to find a partner, in biology, can be understood as to their good genes and gene combination, with a view to have a better next generation. Therefore, the people of those Wuguanduanzheng better, be good at disease resistance, and respond to environmental pressures.

At the same time, people usually looked good complexion, have a better mental state, which also shows their good health.


Read more news, see World Journal.

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