Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Monday, June 2, 2008

Jun21 ,低血糖致命!睡夢中猝死!08Low blood sugar fatal! Asleep sudden death!+創世記Genesis28:15 -22


28:15 我也與你同在,你無論往哪裡去,我必保佑你,領你歸回這地,總不離棄你,直到我成全了向你所應許的。”
28:16 雅各睡醒了,說:“耶和華真在這裡,我竟不知道!”
28:17 就懼怕說:“這地方何等可畏!這不是別的,乃是 神的殿,也是天的門。”
28:18 雅各清早起來,把所枕的石頭立作柱子,澆油在上面。
28:19 他就給那地方起名叫伯特利(註:就是“ 神殿”的意思);但那地方起先名叫路斯。
28:20 雅各許願說:“ 神若與我同在,在我所行的路上保佑我,又給我食物吃、衣服穿,
28:21 使我平平安安地回到我父親的家,我就必以耶和華為我的 神,
28:22 我所立為柱子的石頭也必作 神的殿,凡你所賜給我的,我必將十分之一獻給你。”
28:19 伯特利在耶路撒冷以北大約十六公里、別是巴以北大約一百公里處。就在別是巴,雅各離家逃亡。伯特利是亞伯拉罕進入迦南地後,最初向神獻祭的地方,起初是敬拜神的一個重要中心,後來卻變成拜偶像的中心。先知何西阿曾譴責那裡的惡行。

28:20-22 雅各是否跟神討價還價呢?他可能因為對敬拜和事奉神的事無知,而把神當作為一點賞錢而做工的僕人。但是雅各也可能不是跟神討價還價,而是把自己的前途交託給神。實際上他可能對神說:“因為你賜福與我,所以我順從你。”不管他是跟神討價還價,還是把自己交託給神,神都賜福給他,並要他學一些艱難的功課。
And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.
And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew it not.
And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.
And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it.
And he called the name of that place Bethel: but the name of that city was called Luz at the first.
And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on,
So that I come again to my father's house in peace; then shall the LORD be my God:
And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house: and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee
From the center of worship of God, to the idolaters Centre……
28:19 Bethel in about 16 kilometers north of Jerusalem, Israel is not about 100 kilometres north. On the other is in Pakistan, Jacob fled from home. Bethel is to enter Canaan to Abraham, the first sacrifice to God, worship God is the beginning of an important centre, and later became the center of the idolaters. Where the prophet Hosea has condemned the evil.

The road ahead will be entrusted to God » The road ahead will be entrusted to God!
28:20-22 Jacob whether to bargain with God? » He may serve both God and the worship of things ignorance, and to God that Shangqian and work as a servant. But James could not bargain with God, but to entrust the future of their God. Actually, he may God said: "because you are blessed with me, so I defer you." Whether he is bargaining with God, or to entrust their God, God bless him and want him to learn some difficult Homework.














Low blood sugar fatal! Asleep sudden death!

[Li] as long as a person angry anger, it will become Litaiwuqiong绿巨人浩克the monster, but in daily life, it was because blood sugar is too low and did not timely to eat candy stars, as if into another person, the chaos began nonsense Language, no reason to Luanma, even stripped clothes. Doctors advise, should not be underestimated hidden by low blood sugar crisis.
Taipei Veterans General Hospital by Dr. Hu Qimin metabolic American Diabetes Association recently attended the annual seminar, he said, low blood sugar caused by side effects, the medical profession at home and abroad have become the focus of attention, and even some reports speculated that may lead to low blood sugar Sudden death.

U.S. National Institutes of Health, a new clinical study of the accident report found that strict control of diabetes with HbA1c and may not be good, compared with the consolation group, blood glucose control group mortality rate even higher, year mortality rate was 1.41 percent, And 1.14 percent for the consolation group.

The study treated a total of 10,000 diabetes, a group of the drug to control blood pressure, HbA1c down to 6.4 (normal is between 4-6), another group will be in control of HbA1c 7.5, the original five-year Research projects during the three and a half years, Jiuhan suspended. Because the study period, 203 deaths in the control group, strict control of blood glucose to 6.4 deaths in this group there are 257 people.

"Hypoglycemia really terrible!" Metabolic Tri-Service General Hospital director, said Shi Guang, some of the old sick diabetic to sleep in the middle of the night when, suddenly hypoglycemia, not a time to eat candy or drink fruit juice, may be struggling just a few, Died in their sleep.

Hu Qimin said that the blood sugar to the 1950s, patients usually appear palpitations, cold sweats and other symptoms, at this time, some of the sympathetic nerve lesions are not sick old Yizhuang, until the blood sugar down to 30,40, there will be Seizures, convulsions, coma or behaviour change awareness of the symptoms, we must first aid emergency hospital.

Hu Qimin stressed that some diabetics a low blood sugar, it will strip clothes, Shenzhibuqing, nonsense, cognitive function deteriorated, the whole people become Ben Ben and his family also thought it was ghosts Fu Shen. If in their sleep, the patient could not Chitang, lying in bed a strange sound, terrified his family.

According to statistics, about 30% of low blood sugar of diabetics suffer from the painful experience of different symptoms, the latest foreign clinical study also found that diabetes in every 100 people in each of at least one person will be seriously low blood sugar, serious, May also cause death.

To help players with candy

Hu Qimin reminded, suffering from diabetes who have put in your pocket to be a few candies, as a life-saving pills, to prepare for rainy day, if already in a coma, it is necessary first aid immediately to hospital.


Read more news, see World Journal.

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