Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Jun25 ,0817歲前戀愛 心理障礙埋隱患17-year-old former love psychological barrier buried hidden danger+馬可福音Mark1:10 -15

1:10 他從水裡一上來,就看見天裂開了,聖靈彷彿鴿子,降在他身上。
1:11 又有聲音從天上來,說:“你是我的愛子,我喜悅你。”
1:12 聖靈就把耶穌催到曠野裡去。
1:13 他在曠野四十天,受撒但的試探,並與野獸同在一處;且有天使來伺候他。
1:14 約翰下監以後,耶穌來到加利利,宣傳 神的福音,  
1:15 說:“日期滿了, 神的國近了!你們當悔改,信福音!”
1:10-11 聖靈彷彿鴿子降在耶穌身上,父神從天上發出聲音證明耶穌是祂的兒子。這就是所有福音書記載耶穌的事蹟和教導的基礎。這裡我們看到聖父、聖子和聖靈。

1:12-13 耶穌離開人群往曠野去受撒但試探。除非我們作出讓步,否則試探不能對我們造成任何傷害。我們不要憎惡內心的試探,因為神可以藉此叫我們剛強,領受祂寶貴的教誨。當我們面對撒但的試探和騷擾時,不要忘記耶穌。祂運用神的話語來抵擋撒但,並且得勝,我們也可以照樣做。

1:12-13 撒但是背叛神的天使。牠是真實存在,不是象徵性的稱謂,並時刻與神和順服神的人作對。在伊甸園裡牠試探夏娃,慫恿她犯罪;在曠野牠試探耶穌,卻沒有成功(參太4:1-11)。被試探不是罪,但試探人或向試探讓步就是罪。

1:12-13 耶穌為了完全與人認同而忍受撒但的試探。祂面對過試探且勝過試探,可指導我們如何面對試探而不犯罪,是我們的榜樣。祂經歷過我們的遭遇,知道我們的需要,就成為我們的幫助(參來4:15-16)。

1:14-15 神的福音是甚麼?馬可福音記載耶穌所說的頭幾句話就是祂教導的核心:期待已久的彌賽亞已經來到,罪惡力量將要被粉碎,神在世上的統治將要開始。聽到這個信息的大部分是貧窮、被壓迫和沒有希望的人。對他們來說,耶穌的話為他們帶來自由、公義和盼望。這就是福音。
And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:
And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
And immediately the Spirit driveth him into the wilderness.
And he was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted of Satan; and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered unto him.
Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,
And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
What a dramatic life! To see how Jesus from the humble into the noble……
1:10-11 as if the pigeons down in the Holy Spirit on Jesus, the father sent voice from the sky that Jesus is His son. This is all the Gospel records Jesus's deeds and to teach the foundation. Here we see the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.

At present temptation, Tantebuan, Movable have to be action, I can do »
1:12-13 Jesus left the crowd to the wilderness by Satan to test. Unless we make concessions, or test can not cause any harm to us. We do not hate heart test, because God told us to be forceful, he received valuable advice. When we are faced with the trial and harassment of Satan, do not forget Jesus. His use of the Word of God to resist Satan, and winning, we can also do the same.

"Beware of Satan" and "what it is not just a symbolic title of this» "
1:12-13 Satan is a betrayal of God's angels. It is real, not symbolic title, and time with God and God's people against God. In the Garden of Eden, Eve test it, encouraging her crime; Jesus in the wilderness test it, but without success (see too 4:1-11). Testing was not the crime, but the test or to test the concession is the crime.

Jesus endured test, there are so many of the original meaning……
To 1:12-13 Jesus entirely endure but Satan who agree tempted. His face-off test and better than the test, can guide us how to face trial rather than a crime which is our example. He experienced our experience, we know the needs will become our help (the Senate to 4:15-16).

What is the gospel of God ?
1:14-15 What is the gospel of God » Mark records Jesus said the first he taught a few words is the core: the long-awaited Messiah has come, the evil forces will be crushed, the rule of God in the world will begin. Most have heard the message of poverty, oppression and no hope of the people. For them, Jesus, then bring them freedom, justice and hope. This is the gospel.

17歲前戀愛 心理障礙埋隱患






17-year-old former love psychological barrier buried hidden danger

[中新网- the United States to a study, the 17-year-old former Tanqingshuoai the boy, unable to cope with the first love because of the emotional distress and psychological barriers for the future will be planted hidden danger.
According to Health and Life News reported that the United States from Cornell University and the University of North Carolina a group of people sociology joint study pointed out that regardless of whether these teenagers really have a particular love object, or Ziwotaozui infatuated with the star idols, there may not Know how to deal with these feelings and lead to future mental depression and alcoholism. In addition, girls than boys makes it easy for the feelings of relations between men and women injured.

Studies have shown that feelings of disputes so that girls develop into a depression to increase by one third. The study results can explain why the United States and Britain, young women suffering from depression are twice the young man, suffering from Xiangsi Bing and the boys, girls have more opportunity than to crime and alcoholism.


Read more news, see World Journal.

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