Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Monday, June 2, 2008

Jun 22,08短時間禁食 有助適應時差Short-term fasting will help to the time difference+馬可福音Mark1:1 -3

1:1 神的兒子,耶穌基督福音的起頭。
1:2 正如先知以賽亞(註:有古卷沒有以賽亞三個字)書上記著說:“看哪,我要差遣我的使者在你前面,預備道路。”
1:3 “在曠野有人聲喊著說:‘預備主的道,修直他的路。’”
1:1 人經歷了興奮的事,自然想告訴別人。分享自己的經歷,能重溫當時興奮的情景,那經歷就會重現。讀馬可福音頭幾句話已經可以感受到作者興奮的心情。想像一下自己在人群中看耶穌治病和教導人;想像一下自己是門徒中的一個,回應耶穌的愛和勉勵的話。耶穌為了每一個人來到世間,既為了活在二千年前的人,也為了我們這些今天活著的人。

1:1 馬可不是十二使徒之一,不過他本人極可能認識耶穌。馬可福音有如一部敘事小說,節奏明快,他筆下的耶穌是用行動來支持自己的話,不斷證實自己是神的兒子。這卷書是寫給羅馬基督徒的。當地人信奉多神,所以馬可要讓讀者認識到耶穌才是神獨一、真正的兒子。

1:2 耶穌進入人類歷史的一刻,正受羅馬統治的文明世界相當和平,交通方便,也有共通語言。因此,耶穌的生平、死亡、復活的信息能夠迅速地傳遍廣大的羅馬帝國。

1:2-3 以賽亞是舊約中一位偉大的先知。他在耶穌和約翰出現之前七百多年預言拯救者(耶穌)及其先鋒(施洗約翰)將臨到以色列。這是神對他的承諾,他把這個預言和救贖的信息記載在以賽亞書後半部中。很多人盼望救贖主來臨,以賽亞的話成為他們的安慰。我們想到神必成就祂的應許,也能得著安慰。馬可福音不單是一個故事,更是神的話語,神藉此向我們啟示祂為人類歷史安排的計劃。
The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God;
As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.
The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.
Mark put us into the beginning of a gospel book, what I have to read it? »
1:1 who has experienced the excitement, and would like to tell others. Share their experiences, was excited to revisit the scenes, that experience will be reproduced. Reading Mark the first to say a few words can already feel the excitement from the heart. Imagine the crowd do their own medical treatment and Jesus taught people imagine themselves as disciples of a response to the love of Jesus and encouraged it. Jesus came to the world for everyone, not only to live in 2000 before the people, as well as to those of us alive today, the people.

I know the number of Jesus? » To Jesus, I wrote a book for the protagonist, I will write what is »
1:1 Ma is not one of the 12 apostles, but he is very likely to recognize Jesus. Mark is like a narrative fiction, simple rhythm, he is described by the Jesus action to support its case, confirmed that he is constantly the Son of God. This volume book is written for the Christian Rome. Many local people believe in God, so Mark to let readers realize that Jesus is God alone, the real son.

"According to the arrangements for the will of God is the best!" This sentence has been implemented in history there may be a reflection of your faith experience »
1:2 Jesus entered human history of the moment, are subject to the rule of Rome is the civilized world peace, accessibility, but also the common language. Thus, Jesus's life, death, resurrection of information can quickly spread throughout the vast Roman Empire.
Israeli citizens are prepared to meet Jesus. Since the Old Testament Yi Juanshu last 400 years after the author of Malachi, the prophet of God did not send them there. They increasingly expect a great prophet or the Bible predicted that the Messiah come quickly (see Road 3:15).

More than 2,700 years ago, through Isaiah God has given us the commitment was achieved today what God has given us commitments » When will the realization »
Isaiah 1:2-3 is in a great Old Testament prophet. He appeared before Jesus and John predicted to save 700 years (Jesus) and Pioneer (John the Baptist)临到Israel. This is the God of his promise, he predicted that this salvation and the information recorded in the Book of Isaiah in the latter part. Many people hope that the arrival of the main salvation, Isaiah's words become their comfort. We think God will achievements him the promise, but also in the consolation. Mark is not only a story, is the Word of God, God give us inspiration to him for the history of mankind for the plan.
This scripture with the first half of the Book of Malachi Chapter 3 1, with the latter part of the Book of Isaiah Chapter 40 3.

短時間禁食 有助適應時差




對於人類來說,它也許可以抵擋時差帶來的影響。其中一名研究人員Clifford Saper表示,16個小時的禁食足夠啟動這個「進食鐘」。他舉例,從美國乘飛機到日本的旅客面對的是13至16個小時的時差,如果依靠生物鐘自行調整,一般人需要一個星期才能適應,但如果在飛機上完全不吃東西,一下飛機後立即進食,「進食鐘」就能使人更快適應新時區。



Short-term fasting will help to the time difference

[中新网- Guangzhou Daily reported that "Science" magazine published a newly found that in addition to biological clock, we still exist in the brain is called a "consumption of 10 minutes," the physiological rhythm. This discovery, the short-term ban Fresh so that people can better adapt to the time difference.
A subsidiary in the United States at Harvard University Medical Center researchers found that although most of the time, the lighting changes from the control of the "biological clock" controls the body's physiological rhythm, but the consumption is light, the brain's "eating bell" Will begin to "say."

Experts believe that "eating bell" to the survival of animals is particularly important, because it can change the behaviour of animals, avoid their mistakes because dozing and feeding opportunities.

In human terms, it may be able to withstand the effects of jet lag. One of the researchers said Clifford Saper, 16 hours of fasting enough start this "eating bell." He cited as an example, from the United States to Japan by plane passengers face a 13 to 16 hour time difference, if rely on the biological clock to adjust, most people need one week to adapt to, but if the plane is completely do not eat things, the aircraft immediately after Eating, "eating bell" will be able to make faster to adapt to the new time zone.


Read more news, see World Journal.

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