Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Monday, June 2, 2008

Jun14,08 又熬夜 又染髮 加速雄性禿dye hair and sleep late the male bald+創世記Genesis27:37-46

27:37 以撒回答以掃說:“我已立他為你的主,使他的弟兄都給他作僕人,並賜他五穀新酒可以養生。我兒,現在我還能為你做甚麼呢?”
27:38 以掃對他父親說:“父啊,你只有一樣可祝的福嗎?我父啊,求你也為我祝福!”以掃就放聲而哭。
27:39 他父親以撒說:“地上的肥土必為你所住;天上的甘露必為你所得。
27:40 你必倚靠刀劍度日,又必事奉你的兄弟;到你強盛的時候,必從你頸項上掙開他的軛。”
27:41 以掃因他父親給雅各祝的福,就怨恨雅各,心裡說:“為我父親居喪的日子近了,到那時候,我要殺我的兄弟雅各。”
27:42 有人把利百加大兒子以掃的話告訴利百加,她就打發人去,叫了她小兒子雅各來,對他說:“你哥哥以掃想要殺你,報仇雪恨。
27:43 現在,我兒,你要聽我的話:起來逃往哈蘭我哥哥拉班那裡去,
27:44 同他住些日子,直等你哥哥的怒氣消了。
27:45 你哥哥向你消了怒氣,忘了你向他所做的事,我便打發人去把你從那裡帶回來。為甚麼一日喪你們二人呢?”
27:46 利百加對以撒說:“我因這赫人的女子,連性命都厭煩了;倘若雅各也娶赫人的女子為妻,像這些一樣,我活著還有甚麼益處呢?”
27:41 以掃非常惱怒雅各,他看不到自己先放棄長子名分的錯誤。嫉妒惱怒會遮蔽我們的眼睛,使我們看不見自己所擁有的,只計較自己所沒有的。

27:41 當以掃失去家族的寶貴祝福之後,他的前途突然改變了。他因惱怒而決定要殺死雅各。當我們失去極其寶貴的東西,或者別人串謀對付自己而得手時,最自然的反應就是發怒。但我們也可以用下列幾種方法來控制自己的情緒:(1)認清自己對事情的反應;(2)祈禱求神賜力量;(3)求神幫助,即使在逆境中,也能看到轉機。
And Isaac answered and said unto Esau, Behold, I have made him thy lord, and all his brethren have I given to him for servants; and with corn and wine have I sustained him: and what shall I do now unto thee, my son?
And Esau said unto his father, Hast thou but one blessing, my father? bless me, even me also, O my father. And Esau lifted up his voice, and wept.
And Isaac his father answered and said unto him, Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above;
And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.
And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him: and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob.
And these words of Esau her elder son were told to Rebekah: and she sent and called Jacob her younger son, and said unto him, Behold, thy brother Esau, as touching thee, doth comfort himself, purposing to kill thee.
Now therefore, my son, obey my voice; and arise, flee thou to Laban my brother to Haran;
And tarry with him a few days, until thy brother's fury turn away;
Until thy brother's anger turn away from thee, and he forget that which thou hast done to him: then I will send, and fetch thee from thence: why should I be deprived also of you both in one day?
And Rebekah said to Isaac, I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth: if Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, such as these which are of the daughters of the land, what good shall my life do me?
Jealous anger will fool people's eyes, my eyes now to see what is »
So very angry 27:41 to Jacob that he did not see his eldest son to give up sub mistake. Jealous anger will cover our eyes so that we can not see their own, and only care about themselves do not have.

Living in unsatisfactory, relying on God emotional control is very important. I was how to control their own emotions »
27:41 So when the family lost a valuable blessing, he suddenly changed the future. He was angry and decided to kill Jacob. When we lost something extremely valuable, or deal with their own and other people of conspiracy to succeed, the most natural reaction is anger. But we can also use the following methods to control their emotions: (1) a clear understanding of what their own response (2) prayer Pray thanks to strength (3) Pray that God will help, even in the face of adversity, but also can see To turn for the better.

又熬夜 又染髮 加速雄性禿


24歲夜貓族 禿到去求醫



對抗雄性禿 先搞定頭皮




活化毛囊後 髮根冒出頭



心情放輕鬆 無形生髮劑




dye hair and sleep late the male bald

<1-> along the lines of the forehead of the time when both sides back to the minor. Men have a high forehead of the line, do not necessarily belong to the back line, but genetic and family history of it.
triangular, usually symmetrical in the forehead, temporal (temple) Fa-back.

[Lin Shan Zhuozhuo is beautiful - a lot of helpless men. As the saying goes: "bald 9-10", high-tech industry, doctors, lawyers such as income, life stress, is also charged of the high-risk groups. However, men are not out of the patent, is also facing many women out of the crisis.
Night Cat 24-year-old bald people to seek medical attention to

A 24-year-old male, no male bald family history, but long-term in the early morning two or three before sleep, love to smoke, drink sweet beverages, on the results of a young age out of the unusual, head increasingly sparse, did hasten to seek Medical care and rescue hair.

Taiwan's Kaohsiung Nguyen General Hospital doctors said Zhang Qi-Chang, genetic, Aoye, pressure, smoking and host irritating food, and infection, are the main cause of the loading.

Confrontation to get the male bald scalp

Of the reasons men and women with different men in adolescence after the swap will encounter the problem, newborn hair more vulnerable Xiruan gradually, a long, hair follicles will lose its function, that is, male bald.

Women out of the more common in post-natal, excessive use of hair styling products or diet, inappropriate medication, and so on.

Cheung said Zhang Qi, male bald confrontation, we should first deal with the scalp; scalp oil to clog pores and multi-acquired infections increase, the need to strengthen clean, pulp attention to massage the scalp can not Zhuache scalp with your fingers; can be serious Medication, about 2-6 weeks, an average of three weeks can be improved.

After the activation of the hair follicle root out the first

Then activation of hair follicles, hair follicles to grow small Baimao, a hair follicle or next to grow a small Baimao, which takes 2-3 weeks time. Continue to be a long white hair, to slowly close to the brown hair, the hair at this time that two, two grown, it will take 3-4 months.

Zhang Qi-Zhang pointed out that a hair on only one centimeter long, progress from two to three hair and will take about six months, if bald types of V-(No. 5), would take longer. At this time the hair is still more than fine, to use strong-hair, long hair Biancu change. Tuqiang changed in the period, eat sulfur, iron, copper and zinc food, can reduce the fault.

Relax mood invisible Sheng Faji

Zhang Qi-Zhang reminded, bald and male genes, a family history should guard against premature evoked out hair, starting from the rest of life, such as Aoye less and less eat or drink junk food, less hairdryer, dyeing, perm, and to keep the scalp Good blood circulation, motorcycle race, people love hats, wigs easy for people long hair tight, resulting in hair loss. In addition, easy to maintain emotional balance, more intangible Shengfa Ji. If you have symptoms, Chenzao processing, and must be psychologically prepared for the long-term operations.


Read more news, see World Journal.

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