Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Nov5,07請注意家中使用的牙 膏toothpaste at home + 界限Boundaries

靈命日糧 - 2007年11月5日
讀經: 耶利米書5章20-29節
金句: 「耶和華......用沙為海的界限。」(耶利米書5章22節)
全年讀經: 耶利米書34-36章;希伯來書2章


November 5, 2007
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Jeremiah 5:20-29
[God has] placed the sand as the bound of the sea. —Jeremiah 5:22
-->About this cover

Not a year goes by without a natural disaster causing chaos somewhere in the world. Floods, hurricanes, and tsunamis destroy lives, homes, and livelihoods.
No one would argue that the seas have a “right” to violate their established boundaries and crash across the coastline. In fact, people agree that disaster occurs whenever the sea breaches the shoreline. God Himself has “placed the sand as the bound of the sea” (Jer. 5:22).
God also established boundaries for human behavior. Yet not a day goes by without countless violations of His commands, resulting in disastrous physical and spiritual consequences. Amazingly, we often argue that we have the “right” to violate these boundaries.
In the days of the prophet Jeremiah, God’s people had stepped out of bounds, using deceit to become rich and refusing to defend the needy (5:27-28). The result was disaster. God said, “Your sins have withheld good from you” (v.25).
Within creation there is inherent order. Violating it has inherent consequences. God in His kindness simply and lovingly communicated to us the order of things so that we can avoid those consequences. We are wise to know and to stay within His prescribed boundaries. —Julie Ackerman LinkJulie Ackerman Link-->
Lord, keep us on the narrow way,Where no corruption, woe, nor evil can destroy,Where Your right hand defeats the worldly frayTo lead us into Your eternal joy. —Mollon
Disregarding God’s order leads to disorder!
For similar resources, search these topics:Basics Of Faith > God > Creator
Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 34-36; Hebrews 2

請注意家中使用的牙 膏

為了健康請注意家中使用的牙膏, 除了Triclosan 三氯沙, 另有5 種名稱。
消基會昨天抽 查市售清潔用品,發現包括牙膏、洗碗精、濕紙巾、洗手乳等多項清潔用品都含有三 氯沙。消基會要求主管機關立即要求業者將含三 氯沙的產品下架,確認安全及加註警告標示後再上架。美國日前一項研究指清潔用品含三 氯沙可能致癌,消基會昨天要求主管機關重視這個訊息,並儘速訂定標準、建立檢驗機制。台灣師大化學所教授吳家誠表示,廠商 為了增加清潔品的香味或增加殺菌效果,會添加三氯沙。吳家誠表示,三氯沙是一種雌激素,會透過皮膚層進入體內 ,日積月累形成腫瘤,或導致賀爾蒙失調。吳家誠表示,三氯沙的抑菌力相當強,水中只要加入零點零三ppm (百萬分之一)濃度的三 氯沙,水中的生物就無法生長。但市面上的清潔用品有的加到百分之零點三,是足以殺菌的一千萬倍。如果讓這麼高濃度的三 氯沙吃進體內,體內的好菌、壞菌全都會死光光。吳家誠指出,美國環保署已將三氯沙註冊為殺蟲劑的一 種,它的結構很接近一些高毒性的化學物,例如戴奧辛、氯苯、氯 酚。含三氯沙的產品,可能與含氯的自來水一起使用而有致癌風險。消基會建議消費者,盡量不要使用含三氯沙的清潔用 品,如果一定要用的話,切記不要吞食。市面上有些化妝品也含三氯 沙,消基會建議消費者不要使用。
吳家誠昨天公布六種三氯沙的英文名稱: Triclosan 、 Aquasept 、 Gamophen 、 Irgasan 、 Sapod erm 、 Ster_Zac 。他 說,廠商可能 為了規避監督,而改用任何一種名稱。 市售含三 氯沙( Triclosan )商品一覽表 類別 / 名稱 / 價格 ( 元 ) 牙膏類 / 高露潔-防蛀含氟及預防牙齦炎牙膏 / 59 牙膏類 / 高露潔-防蛀含氟及預防牙齦炎牙膏(美白) / 59 牙膏類 / 百靈-牙周病牙膏 / 99 牙膏類 / 黑人牙膏-天然草本含氟牙膏 / 65 洗碗精類 / 毛寶抗菌洗碗精 / 55 冷洗精類 / 依必朗-柔軟冷洗精 / 89 濕紙巾類 / 沙威隆-清爽潔膚抗菌濕巾 / 79 洗手乳類 / 白博士-抗菌洗手乳 / 75 洗手乳類 / 綠的肥皂 / 79 洗手乳類 / 沙威隆 / 75 洗面乳 / 可伶可俐調理洗面露 / 85 消基會╱資料提供 黃美 真
Please note that the use of toothpaste at home Please note home for health used in toothpaste, in addition to Triclosan triclosan sand, and another five kinds of names. Consumers Foundation yesterday sampling commercial cleaning supplies, findings included toothpaste,洗碗精, wet towels, wash milk, and other supplies are a number of clean sand containing triclosan. The foundation will request the competent authorities immediately asked the industry to products containing triclosan sand under the planes, confirmed safety and the addition erected after the warning label. The United States recently a study that cleaning materials may be carcinogenic sand containing triclosan, the Consumers Foundation yesterday demanded authorities take this message and set the standard as soon as possible, establish inspection mechanism. Taiwan Normal University professor of chemistry Chia-cheng said that the cleaning goods manufacturers to increase the scent or bactericidal effect increase will add triclosan sand. Ng Ka-shing said that the sand is a triclosan estrogen, will enter the body through the skin layer, the cumulative formation of tumors, or lead to hormone imbalance. Ng Ka-shing said that the inhibition of triclosan sand quite strong, and as long as the water by adding 0.03 ppm (parts per million) concentration of triclosan sand, the water can not be the biological growth. However, the market imposes some cleaning supplies 0.3%, the 10 million is sufficient sterilization times. If we allow such a high concentration of triclosan sand eat into the body, the body's good bacteria and bad bacteria entire city死光光. Ng Ka-shing pointed out that the EPA has triclosan sand registered as a pesticide, it is very close to the structure of some highly toxic chemicals, such as dioxin, chlorobenzene, pentachlorophenol. Sand products containing triclosan, may be used in conjunction with chlorine in tap water and a carcinogenic risk. The Consumers Foundation advised consumers, so as not to use the clean sand containing triclosan supplies, must use if so, make sure not to devour. The market also some cosmetics containing triclosan sand, the Consumers Foundation advised consumers not to use. Ng Ka-shing announced yesterday six 3 The English name of chlorine sand: Triclosan, Aquasept, Gamophen, Irgasan, Sapod erm, Ster_Zac. He said that in order to circumvent the manufacturers may supervision, and to switch to any of the names. Commercial sand containing triclosan (Triclosan) list of goods Type / name / price (yuan) Toothpaste / Colgate -防蛀fluoride toothpaste and prevent gingivitis / 59 Toothpaste / Colgate -防蛀fluoride toothpaste and prevent gingivitis (whitening) / 59 Toothpaste / Braun - periodontal disease toothpaste / 99 Toothpaste / black toothpaste - natural herbal fluoride toothpaste / 65 洗碗精/ hair-antibacterial洗碗精/ 55 Cold washing fine / Bi according to Lang - soft cold wash fine / 89 Wet towels /沙威隆- cleaner Jiefu antibacterial湿巾/ 79 Wash dairy / White Dr. - antibacterial wash milk / 75 Wash dairy / Green soap / 79 Wash dairy /沙威隆/ 75 洗面乳/可伶may Li conditioning洗面Lu / 85 The foundation will provide information ╱ Huang Meizhen

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