Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Nov2,07肥胖誘發6種癌症Obesity-induced six kinds of cancer +遺失的禱告Lost Prayers

靈命日糧 - 2007年11月2日

遺失的禱告 讀經: 詩篇86篇1-7節
金句: 「我在患難之日要求告你,因為你必應允我。」(詩篇86篇7節)
全年讀經: G耶利米書27-29章;提多書3章



November 2, 2007
Lost Prayers
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Psalm 86:1-7
In the day of my trouble I will call upon You, for You will answer me. —Psalm 86:7
-->About this cover

The headline read: Unanswered Prayers: Letters To God Found Dumped In Ocean.
The letters, 300 in all and sent to a New Jersey minister, had been tossed in the ocean, most of them unopened. The minister was long dead. How the letters came to be floating in the surf off the New Jersey shore is a mystery.
The letters were addressed to the minister because he had promised to pray. Some of the letters asked for frivolous things; others were written by anguished spouses, children, or widows. They poured out their hearts to God, asking for help with relatives who were abusing drugs and alcohol, or spouses who were cheating on them. One asked God for a husband and father to love her child. The reporter concluded that all were “unanswered prayers.”
Not so! If those letter-writers cried out to God, He heard each one of them. Not one honest prayer is lost to His ears. “All my desire is before You,” David wrote in the midst of a deep personal crisis, “and my sighing is not hidden from You” (Ps. 38:9). David understood that we can cast all our cares on the Lord, even if no one else prays for us. He confidently concluded, “In the day of my trouble I will call upon You, for You will answer me” (86:7) —David H. RoperDavid H. Roper-->
God has given you His promiseThat He hears and answers prayer;He will heed your supplicationIf you cast on Him your care. —Bernstecher
Jesus hears our faintest cry.
For similar resources, search these topics:Relationships > Relating to God > Prayer
Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 27-29; Titus 3



防癌9招 瘦身居首
腰圍增1吋 患大腸癌風險高8%
專家小組成員之一、新西蘭奧塔古大學人類營養學及醫學系教授Jim Mann更表示,中央肥胖人士風險更高,腰圍每增加一吋,患上大腸癌的風險便高8%。脂肪之所以增加癌症風險,是因為它會令體內荷爾蒙分泌失衡,釋放出雌激素,增加細胞病變風險。

Obesity-induced six kinds of cancer (November 2, 2007) HK Ming Pao: international cancer research authority, "the World Cancer Research Foundation," the latest report confirmed that obesity is the main cause cancer after smoking the culprits, can induce six kinds of cancer, including colon, esophagus, pancreas, kidney, endometrial and breast cancers.大肚腩are higher risk, even with normal body weight and fat it is more high-risk, 9 strokes anti-cancer strategy is "not too light in weight of the circumstances, the more thin as possible" and to be after the 21-year-old has maintained normal body weight, waist circumference with age to avoid excess. Anti-Cancer nine strokes thin top The Foundation also the first time warned that the public should never use anti-cancer nutritional supplements, for certain high-dose supplements will increase cancer risk (see another version); The remaining anti-cancer declined with tactics including sugar drinks, daily exercise 30 minutes, and eat less red meat, drinking alcohol, quit salt, more vegetables and breast-feeding . Experts refer to everyone with adequate guidelines, the Global cancer cases could be reduced one-third. The study is the world Cancer Research Foundation since 97 published the first report of the Expert announced after the second global report on 21 internationally renowned scientists panel of experts and spent five years as the cancer global 7000 a number of scientific proof for review, a comprehensive "that can increase cancer "The risk of a variety of factors, including significant discovery is a result of obesity-induced cancer has been referred to the first report of one kind of (endometrial cancer) sharply increased to six kinds, and may increase the risk of gallbladder cancer. By 1-inch waist with colorectal cancer risk 8% higher Member of the Panel of Experts, of the University of New Zealand Horta and human nutrition Jim Mann, a professor of medicine, said that a central obesity are higher risk, each additional inch waist circumference, the risk of suffering from colorectal cancer is 8% higher. The reason why fat increases cancer risk, because it will make imbalance in hormone secretion, the release of estrogen, increasing the risk of disease. City people rarely campaigns, TV looks into a holiday more at home on weekdays to eat high-calorie foods, sweet drinks, fast food, are caused by fat causes cancer that evoked the culprits, The Group recommended that the public should not too light in weight (BMI of not less than 18.5) circumstances, " the more lean better, "the normal weight should also bear in mind not too much fat, waist circumference, to less than 31.5 inches, less than the 35.5-inch man, even old age gradually, we must maintain waist纤瘦. BMI between 18.5 to 23, considered moderate weight. The first set eating red meat indicators: Weekly 12.5  Campaign, the basic daily to at least do 30 minutes moderately vigorous exercise, when bodily functions upgrade, daily exercise to increase to one hour. Foundation for the first time that mothers continue breast-feeding for at least six months, suffering from breast cancer can reduce the risk. Experts more cattle, pigs, sheep, and other anti-cancer consumed red meat set standards, the week should not eat more than 12.5 , or a daily average volume of less than two only eat the red meat mahjong tiles. The World Cancer Research Foundation, the Asian Development Director Stone Granville pointed out that if the public in accordance with the Expert Group's recommendations IX anti-cancer and change their daily lives, the global cancer cases will be reduced one third. Center for Health Protection Thomas Tsang, director of the view that the report of the anti-cancer proposal is very comprehensive, scientific evidence and have the support of the Department of Health will be carefully examined and, if applied to Hong Kong, will be promoted.

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