Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nov14,07蘇格拉底談人生Socrates on life +失去朋友Why We Have Value

靈命日糧 - 2007年11月14日
讀經: 耶利米哀歌3章19-29節
金句: 「我們不至消滅,是出於耶和華諸般的慈愛,是因他的憐憫不至斷絕。」(耶利米哀歌3章22節)
全年讀經: 耶利米哀歌3-5章;希伯來書10章19-39節

我靈鎮靜!上主今在你旁;憂痛十架,你要忍耐擔當;信靠天父,為你安排主張;萬變之中,惟主信實永長。von Schlegel

November 13, 2007
Why We Have Value
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: Psalm 8
As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God. —John 1:12
-->About this cover

In a commencement address to a graduating class at Miami University, columnist George Will gave some statistics that help to diminish our sense of self-importance. He pointed out that “the sun around which Earth orbits is one of perhaps 400 billion stars in the Milky Way, which is a piddling galaxy next door to nothing much.” He added, “There are perhaps 40 billion galaxies in the still-unfolding universe. If all the stars in the universe were only the size of the head of a pin, they still would fill Miami’s Orange Bowl to overflowing more than 3 billion times.”
There is a plus side to all that overwhelming data. The God who created and sustains our star-studded cosmos in its incomprehensible vastness loves us. And He doesn’t just love the human race as an entity of multiplied billions. He loves us individually. What Paul exclaims to be true about himself is true about each of us in all our insignificance: Christ “loved me and gave Himself for me” (Gal. 2:20).
Astronomically, we are insignificant. But we are the beloved objects of God’s care. While we have no reason for pride, we are inexpressibly grateful to the Lord whose love for us personally is revealed at Calvary’s cross. —Vernon C GroundsVernon C Grounds-->
Loved with everlasting love,Led by grace that love to know,Gracious Spirit from above,Thou hast taught me it is so! —Robinson
We have nothing to boast of but that we’re dearly loved by God.
For similar resources, search these topics:Basics Of Faith > God > Creator
Bible in One Year: Lamentations 1-2; Hebrews 10:1-18


柏拉圖有一天問老師蘇格拉底什麼是愛情? 蘇格拉底叫他到麥田走一次,要不回頭地走,在途中要摘一棵最大最好的麥穗,但只可以摘一次,柏拉圖覺得很容易,充滿信心地出去。 誰知過了半天他仍沒有回去,最後,他垂頭喪氣出現在老師跟前訴說空手而回的原因:「很難得看見一株看似不錯的,卻不知是不是最好,不得已,因為只可以摘一次,只好放棄,再看看有沒有更好的,到發現已經走到盡頭時,才發覺手上一棵麥穗也沒有。」 這時,蘇格拉底告訴他:「那就是愛情---愛情是一種理想,而且很容易錯過。」

柏拉圖有一天問老師蘇格拉底什麼是婚姻? 蘇格拉底叫他到彬樹林走一次,要不回頭地走,在途中要取一棵最好、最適合用來當聖誕樹用的樹材,但只可以取一次。柏拉圖有了上回的教訓,充滿信心地出去。 半天之後,他一身疲憊地拖了一棵看起來直挺、翠綠,卻有點稀疏的杉樹。 蘇格拉底問他:「這就是最好的樹材嗎?」 柏拉圖回答老師:「因為只可以取一棵,好不容易看見一棵看似不錯的,又發現時間、體力已經快不夠用了,也不管是不是最好的,所以就拿回來了。」 這時,蘇格拉底告訴他:「那就是婚姻---婚姻是一種理智,是分析判斷,綜合平衡的結果。」

柏拉圖有一天問老師蘇格拉底什麼是外遇? 蘇格拉底還是叫他到樹林走一次,可以來回走,在途中要取一支最好看的花,柏拉圖又充滿信心地出去。 兩個小時之後,他精神抖擻地帶回了一支色彩豔麗但稍稍枯萎的花。 蘇格拉底問他:「這就是最好的花嗎?」 柏拉圖回答老師:「我找了兩小時,發覺這是最盛開最美麗的花,但我採下帶回來的路上,它就逐漸枯萎下來。」 這時,蘇格拉底告訴他:「那就是外遇---外遇是誘惑的。它也猶如一道閃電,雖照亮,但稍縱即逝;而且,追不上,留不住。」

柏拉圖有一天問老師蘇格拉底什麼是生活? 蘇格拉底還是叫他到樹林走一次,可以來回走,在途中要取一支最好看的花。柏拉圖有了以前的教訓,又充滿信心地出去。 過了三天三夜,他也沒有回來。蘇格拉底只好走進樹林裡找他,最後發現柏拉圖已在樹林裡露營紮寨。 蘇格拉底問他:「你找著最好看的花??」 柏拉圖指著邊上的一朵花說:「這就是最好看的花。」 蘇格拉底問:「為什麼不把它帶出去呢?」 柏拉圖回答老師:「我如果把它摘下來,它馬上就枯萎。即使我不摘它,它也遲早會枯。所以我就在它還盛開的時候,住在它邊上,等它凋謝的時候,再找下一朵。這已經是我找著的第二朵最好看的花。」 這時,蘇格拉底告訴他:「 你已經懂得生活的真諦了---生活是追隨與欣賞,對生命中的每一次美麗。」
Socrates on life Plato's Socrates teacher asked one day what is love?
Socrates told him to take a wheat field, or back in this direction, and the way to pick the best one the largest wheat, but can only pick one, Plato find it very easy to confidently out. Even though he still had a half-day did not go back, finally, he appeared in were left crestfallen teachers in front complaining空手而回reasons: "It is hard to see in a seemingly good, but I do not know is not the best, a last resort, because one can only pick , to give up, to see if there is any better, to have come to an end found only when they are found to have a wheat has not. "
Then, Socrates told him: "It is love - love is a kind of ideal, but is also very easy to miss." Plato's Socrates teacher asked one day what is marriage?
Socrates told him to take a mangrove-bin, or turn in this direction, and the way to take a best and the most appropriate for use when the tree Christmas tree wood, but can only take one. Plato back on the lessons have full confidence out. After half a day, he dragged an exhausted and had a look straight green, but a bit sparse Pine. Socrates asked him: "This is the best tree wood?" Plato's answer to the teacher: "Because can only take one, seemingly is not easy to see a good, also found time manual has been fast enough, no matter is not the best, so Take back." Then, Socrates told him: "marriage - that is, marriage is a sensible, is the analysis and judgment, the overall balance of results." Plato's teacher asked one day what Socrates is an affair? Socrates or tell him to go to a forest, can go back and forth, the best way to take a look at the flowers, Plato and confidently out. Two hours later, he returned to the high spirit Strip a colorful but slightly withered flowers. Socrates asked him: "This is the best way to spend?" Plato's answer to the teacher: "I looked for two hours and found that this is the most beautiful flowers in full bloom, but I brought back under the mining road, it is gradually dying down." Then, Socrates told him: "That is an affair - an affair is the temptation. Together it is like lightning, although illuminate, but operational opportunities exist only fleetingly Moreover, behind,留不住." Plato's Socrates teacher asked one day what is life?
Socrates or tell him to go to a forest, can go back and forth, the best way to take a look at the flowers. Plato has previously learned, yet is full of confidence to go out. After three days and three nights, he did not come back. Socrates had walked into the woods looking for him and found that Plato has been camping in the woods, take stockade. Socrates asked him: "Do you找着best to see flowers?" Plato pointing to the edge of a flower, said: "This is the best look at the flowers." Socrates asked: "Why not take it away?" Plato's answer to his teacher: "If I won it, it immediately withered. Even if I do not pick it, it will sooner or later blight. Therefore, I will also blooming time, living in the edge of it, it withers, and so the often, finding the next one. this is my找着the second best Duo look at the flowers. " Then, Socrates told him: "You already know the true meaning of life - life is to follow and appreciate the lives of every beautiful."

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