創世記 |
8:1 | 神記念挪亞和挪亞方舟裡的一切走獸牲畜。 神叫風吹地,水勢漸落。 |
8:2 | 淵源和天上的窗戶都閉塞了,天上的大雨也止住了。 |
8:3 | 水從地上漸退。過了一百五十天,水就漸消。 |
8:4 | 七月十七日,方舟停在亞拉臘山上。 |
8:5 | 水又漸消,到十月初一日,山頂都現出來了。 |
8:6 | 過了四十天,挪亞開了方舟的窗戶, |
8:7 | 放出一隻烏鴉去。那烏鴉飛來飛去,直到地上的水都乾了。 |
8:8 | 他又放出一隻鴿子去,要看看水從地上退了沒有。 |
8:9 | 但遍地上都是水,鴿子找不著落腳之地,就回到方舟挪亞那裡,挪亞伸手把鴿子接進方舟來。 |
8:10 | 他又等了七天,再把鴿子從方舟放出去。 |
8:11 | 到了晚上,鴿子回到他那裡,嘴裡叼著一個新擰下來的橄欖葉子,挪亞就知道地上的水退了。 |
8:12 | 他又等了七天,放出鴿子去,鴿子就不再回來了。 |
8:6-16 挪亞先放出一隻烏鴉,看看地上的水乾了沒有。不過他在神吩咐之前並沒有走出方舟,他等候神的時間。神知道雖然洪水已退,但地面並沒有乾透,挪亞不宜出去冒險。他在方舟上等了整整一年,這是何等大的耐心!在艱難的時刻中,我們必須等候,求神賜給我們像挪亞那樣的耐性。
8:1 | And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged; | |
8:2 | The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained; | |
8:3 | And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated. | |
8:4 | And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. | |
8:5 | And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen. | |
8:6 | And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made: | |
8:7 | And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth. | |
8:8 | Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground; | |
8:9 | But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark. | |
8:10 | And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark; | |
8:11 | And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth. |
8:6-16 Noah first released a crow and see the ground water does not dry. However, he told before God and not out of the Ark, he wait for God's time. God knows Although floods have retreated, but the ground does not dry up, not out Noah adventure. He's Ark waited for a whole year, this is how the patience! In difficult times, we must wait, pray like Noah did give us patience.
General health of hiccup would go away.
[-] Hiccup, the medical "hiccup" is the diaphragm involuntary contraction intermittent movement, the air was suddenly inhaled respiratory tract, and inspiratory phase with the closure of the glottis suddenly issued a special kind of a short beep. Continuous diaphragm contraction to reduce the pressure within the chest can have chest discomfort. Market newspaper reported, and the spirit of healthy people by stimulating rapid swallowing or dry food and drinking less at the same time, can occur hiccup, but it can go away.
In a meal, you will drink mineral water, fruit juice or other drinks?
If you drink a lot of drinks, a full stomach Cypriots, dilute the digestive fluid, the lower the concentration of digestive juice, will be more severe hiccup.
Recommendations: it is best not to eat, drink plenty of water or other beverages.
The situation headache, you take a headache "Bubble" pills?
Some tablets, such as Afghanistan aspirin, dissolved in the water will be out carbonate gas. This carbonate gas will cause hiccups.
Recommendations: A taking aspirin and other easily fizzy drugs at the same time taking gel, it smashed the big carbonated bubbles foam to make it small, easily absorbed by the blood, and quickly dashed in the stomach.
Three cases like Carbonated beverages?
Geleguan bottle of champagne from the in - or out of compressed gases in the same strength from the digestive system emerge.
Recommendations: forget such drinks bar, not drink beverages with straw, not chewing gum. Digestive system is full of these things to excess air, which led to hiccup.
What is the situation four things you anxious?
When you are in a state of mental stress, the body's need for oxygen increases. Results will be like as a mechanical fish sucked into a lot of air through your mouth, caused hiccup.
Recommendations: to oxygen cocktail or a glass of mineral water oxygenation supplementary oxygen.
Five cases just drink coffee or hot tea overheating?
Scientists at the University of the United States in Salt Lake City that soup hot beverages will be steam together with the large number of air inhaled in vivo, and in order to allow thermal cooling things quickly, you inflatable, this will be in a large amount of air inhaled.
Proposals: such as soup hot beverages cooler temperatures Zaikai.
Six cases eat fast food?
After dining at fast food shops often hiccup. Rushed to eat, many will be inhaled air.
Recommendations: Do not put all of a sudden, the food was eliminated - eat small plots, Xijiaomanyan. Guarantee adequate meal time, not to rush to赶路.
VII meal is not say too much?
This situation will lead to hiccup.
Recommendations: eat, it is best to eat quiet. If you have a hiccup, as far as possible to Bieqi, do you think the next Ge came, the food swallow. So 2-3 times, and then to take deep breaths, and then to repeat the aforementioned action.
8 hiccup situation when the odour?
With hiccup, a sweet and sour stomach Gollum voice. If the smell is sour, that the strong acid; If it is bitter, bile that surge If it is decomposed (rotten eggs) taste, and the hydrogen sulfide, the Food and paste resistance to stay in the stomach longer form hydrogen sulfide.
Recommendations: to find doctors. This Ge and stomach problems, enteropathy, liver, gallbladder and other diseases.
Resisted treatment of small hiccup
Treatment hiccup, we must first of the original hiccup caused the disease, followed by the symptomatic treatment. Here are some of the simple and practical method to block the nerve reflexes而使hiccup suspension.
1. Distracted and eliminate tension and adverse stimulus.
2. First Shenxi one breath, and then Biezhu, to hold long time, and then exhaled, repeated several times.
3. Drinking water, especially hot water to drink little, drink a big mouth, at the Yanxia.
4. Wash clean hands, I will be inserted in the index finger and gently stimulate the throat.
5. Packed in plastic bags will be mixed gas inhalation in the mixed gas containing 90% oxygen and 10% carbon dioxide.
6. Juebi ginger tablets.
7. Wash raw leek, after oral Caizhi squeeze.
8. Shidi (referring to the fresh persimmon or pedicle persimmon) each 20, a 100 ml Jianshui, a two oral, a 50 ml. , As appropriate, can also increase leek seed Tong Jian.
In addition, some methods, or help you leave early end to hiccup. For example, eating a teaspoon of sugar, dry swallowing (not qualified water), is an effective method. In a few minutes after the stop hiccup, because sugar in the mouth will change in the original nerve impulses to block the diaphragm muscle contraction to be intermittent. Again, when available hiccup thumb pressing the middle finger joints, the second about 10 seconds, the rule hiccup also helpful.
Read more news, see the World Journal.
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