Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Jan14,08 病毒感染 可能引發精神分裂症Infection may trigger schizophrenia +馬太福音Matthew9:33-38


9:33 鬼被趕出去,啞巴就說出話來。眾人都希奇說:“在以色列中,從來沒有見過這樣的事!”
9:34 法利賽人卻說:“他是靠著鬼王趕鬼。”
9:35 耶穌走遍各城各鄉,在會堂裡教訓人,宣講天國的福音,又醫治各樣的病症。
9:36 他看見許多的人,就憐憫他們,因為他們困苦流離,如同羊沒有牧人一般。
9:37 於是對門徒說:“要收的莊稼多,做工的人少 ;
9:38 所以,你們當求莊稼的主,打發工人出去收他的莊稼。”
9:34 法利賽人控告耶穌四項罪:褻瀆神,與不道德的人為伍,不敬虔和服事撒但。法利賽人為甚麼要這樣毀謗耶穌呢?因為耶穌(1)漠視他們的宗教權威;(2)削弱了他們對群眾的控制力;(3)挑戰他們所寶貝的信念;(4)揭露了他們缺乏真誠的動機。

9:34 正當法利賽人質問、議論和反對耶穌之時,群眾卻在他們面前得到醫治和生命的改變。他們的懷疑並不是基於缺乏憑證,乃是忌妒耶穌受人擁戴而已。

9:35 天國的福音就是人們期待已久、在應許中的彌賽亞終於來臨了,祂醫治的神蹟證明了祂教導的真實。

9:35-38 耶穌需要祂的工人懂得怎樣處理人的問題。我們應該去安慰別人、指示別人生命之道,因為在我們困難的時候,也曾經歷神和祂僕人的幫助(參林後1:3-7)。

9:36 以西結也用沒有牧人的羊來形容以色列(參結34:5-6),耶穌來就是作那牧人,就是那位告訴我們怎樣避免掉進人生陷阱裡的牧人(參約10:14)。

9:37-38 耶穌把跟從祂的群眾比作要收割的莊稼。許多人已經預備好把生命交託給基督,只等人指示他們如何去信主。耶穌吩咐我們去祈求有人回應這個需要,去作福音的工人。當我們為一些事情祈禱時,神常常會藉著使用我們來答覆我們的祈求,這樣我們就要預備自己被神使用,指引別人到神那裡。

9:33 And when the devil was cast out, the dumb spake: and the multitudes marvelled, saying, It was never so seen in Israel.
9:34 But the Pharisees said, He casteth out devils through the prince of the devils.
9:35 And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.
9:36 But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.
9:37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;
9:38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
Jesus also depend on ghosts? It is not, or making uninformed Pharisee is it……
934 Pharisee charged with four crimes Jesus: desecration of God, in association with the immoral people, humble and serve Satan. Pharisee Defamation Why should this Jesus? Because Jesus (1) ignores their religious authority, (2) weaken its ability to control their masses, (3) challenges the belief they Darling (4) exposing their lack of sincere motives.

When others than you strong, you will be jealous?
934 Pharisee legitimate questions, comments and objections Jesus, but the people in front of them receive treatment and life changes. Their scepticism is not based on lack of evidence, Jesus is the subject of jealousy support it.

You imagine the gospel of the kingdom of heaven is……
9:35 paradise, the Gospel is what people have been expecting for a long time, the promised Messiah has finally come, and he proved that the miracle cure he taught real.

Although trouble was still a blessing, and why?
9:35-38 Jesus he needs workers know how to deal with the problem. We should try to comfort others, the Road instructed the lives of others, because in our difficult time, he has experienced God and the help of his servant (cf.-lam after 1:3-7).

If we do not have Jesus……
9:36 Ezekiel no pastor also used to describe Israel sheep (cf. guitar 34:5-6), is for Jesus to the shepherds, who tell us about how to avoid falling into the trap pastoral life (cf. about 10: 14).

Crop was ripe, but I Gan?
9:37-38 Jesus to follow him to the masses than to harvest crops। Many people have prepared the life of Christ entrusted only, and others on how they should write to the main. Jesus commanded us to pray for someone to respond to this need for the Gospel to the workers. When we pray for something, God often used by us to answer our prayer, so we have to prepare themselves to use God to guide people to God.

病毒感染 可能引發精神分裂症









Infection may trigger schizophrenia

● Sweden "Daily News" recently reported that the Swedish study carried out by a large-scale study results show that mental illness such as schizophrenia and brain infection There is a certain correlation.
According to reports, the Swedish Karolinska Medical School study on the 1973-1985 period were born more than 120 million Swedish study obtained after these conclusions. This is so far the world's largest similar studies. Over 120 million subjects in the 13-year-old in 9000 before suffering from encephalitis, which has about 2,300 people suffering from schizophrenia or other mental illnesses.

Encephalitis mainly by viruses or bacteria infection. Comparative study shows that mental illness such as schizophrenia caused encephalitis and bacterial infections not related, but caused encephalitis virus infection There is a certain correlation. For example found in a study of cytomegalovirus infection of the brain caused the prevalence of schizophrenia risk 60 percent higher than ordinary people, mumps virus caused encephalitis infected people with schizophrenia than double the risk than ordinary people .

But research also shows that only certain brain infection will increase people suffering from mental illnesses such as schizophrenia risk, which is usually caused infected with the virus penetrated the ability of the brain tissue. The researchers pointed out that the major mental illness such as schizophrenia or from genetic factors may be caused by brain infection in which the role might not be great.

The study results in the first period, "American Journal of Psychiatry" in 1998.



Read more news, see the World Journal.

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