Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Jan13, 08 脫脂、低脂牛奶 或增腫瘤誘發率Skim, or low-fat milk was induced by tumor +馬太福音Matthew9:25 -32


9:25 眾人既被攆出,耶穌就進去,拉著閨女的手,閨女便起來了。
9:26 於是這風聲傳遍了那地方。
9:27 耶穌從那裡往前走,有兩個瞎子跟著他,喊叫說:“大衛的子孫,可憐我們吧!”
9:28 耶穌進了房子,瞎子就來到他跟前。耶穌說:“你們信我能做這事嗎?”他們說:“主啊,我們信!”
9:29 耶穌就摸他們的眼睛,說:“照著你們的信給你們成全了吧!”
9:30 他們的眼睛就開了。耶穌切切地囑咐他們說:“你們要小心,不可叫人知道。”
9:31 他們出去,竟把他的名聲傳遍了那地方。
9:32 他們出去的時候,有人將鬼所附的一個啞巴帶到耶穌跟前來。
9:23-26 這個管理會堂的人一直沒有到耶穌那裡,直至他的女兒死了,似乎已經太遲了,但耶穌不僅去探望喪家,更使他們的女兒復活!在我們的生命裡,某些事有時看來已經太遲了,誰都幫不上忙了,惟有基督能將之改變。祂能挽回破裂的關係,使人戒除不良的嗜好、醫治心靈的創傷、帶來寬恕。你是否正在看來是絕望的處境中?要記得基督能夠成就不可能的事。

9:27 猶太人知道彌賽亞是大衛的後裔(參賽9:7),所以很多時用“大衛的子孫”來稱呼耶穌,表示祂就是彌賽亞。馬太福音在這一節第一次出現這個稱號。(有關耶穌叫瞎眼的人看見的預言,請參賽29:18;35:5;42:7。)

9:27-30 耶穌沒有立刻答應這兩個瞎子的請求,祂要看看他們是否有信心。並非每個向神發出請求的人都真正相信神可以幫助他,耶穌等候並查問這兩個瞎子,為要加強他們的信心。當你認為神很久還沒有回答你的禱告,要想到祂可能正在考驗你的信心。你是否真的相信神可以幫助你?你是否真的希望祂幫助你呢?

9:28 這兩個瞎子堅持不懈,直走進耶穌所在的房子裡。他們知道耶穌可以醫治自己,就不讓任何東西阻礙他們找耶穌——這就是真信心。你相信耶穌可以滿足你每一個需要,就不要讓任何人或事攔阻你到祂那裡去。

9:30 耶穌吩咐這兩個人要保守得醫治的秘密,因為祂不想別人認為祂是為行神蹟而行神蹟,祂醫治是出於神對人的憐憫,同樣也希望把屬靈的醫治帶給這個犯罪害病的世界。

9:32 耶穌在地上的時候,魔鬼的勢力看來特別活躍。雖然我們不能常常確實地知道為甚麼鬼會存在,牠怎樣存在,但牠會對人造成身體上和精神上的問題,這裡記錄的鬼就令這個人不能說話。(有關鬼的解釋,請參8:28;可1:23的註釋。)
9:25 But when the people were put forth, he went in, and took her by the hand, and the maid arose.
9:26 And the fame hereof went abroad into all that land.
9:27 And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, Thou son of David, have mercy on us.
9:28 And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord.
9:29 Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.
9:30 And their eyes were opened; and Jesus straitly charged them, saying, See that no man know it.
9:31 But they, when they were departed, spread abroad his fame in all that country.
9:32 As they went out, behold, they brought to him a dumb man possessed with a devil.
He heard a long time whether the response? Whether the anxiously awaited? Jesus is the revival of the girls on what is your inspiration?
9:23-26 halls of this administration to Jesus there has not been, until his daughter died, it seems too late, but Jesus not only to visit funeral homes, their daughter resurrection! In our lives, some things sometimes seem too late, everyone Bangbushang busy, the only Christ can change. He can restore the broken relationship, people quit bad habits, heal the trauma brought forgiveness. It is whether you are desperate situation? Christians should remember that achievement impossible.

Who is the Messiah? Jews so he called the……
9:27 Jewish Messiah is that the descendants of David (entries 9:7), so many "David's children and grandchildren" to refer to Jesus, said he is the Messiah. Mat. In this section the first time this title. (The Jesus called people to see the blind predictions, please entries 29:18; 35:5-6; 42:7.)

Although I sincerely pray that, even Lei Liu, seems to be no response, where you Jesus?
9:27-30 Jesus did not immediately agreed to the request of two blind,祂要see whether they have confidence in it. Not every request issued to the God who truly believe that God can help him, and ask Jesus for these two blind, in order to strengthen their confidence. When long do you think God has not answered your prayer, it is necessary to think he may be the test of your confidence. Do you really believe that God can help you? Do you really want him to help you?

It seems that the hearts of a lot of space, not to meet, who can fill it?

9:28 two blind perseverance and straight into the house where Jesus. They know that Jesus can heal themselves, not let anything hinder them find Jesus - that is really confidence. You believe in Jesus to meet your every need, and not to let you go to any Renhuoshi Arresting him where to.

Jesus miracles is not publicity, but today we are doing good deeds will advance publicity?
9:30 Jesus told these two individuals should be conservative in the treatment of the secret, because he did not want others to think that he is the miracles and miracles, he was treated for God's mercy on the people, and also hopes to spiritual healing bring this crime sickly world.

In fact, ghosts do not light on the destructive forces of the strength of what you Cognitive it?
9:32 Jesus on the ground, the forces of the devil appears particularly active. Although we often do not know why there will be ghosts, and how it exists, but it will cause physical and mental problems, the ghosts here on the record this person unable to speak. (Relating to the interpretation of ghosts, please 8:28; the Notes may be 1:23.)

脫脂、低脂牛奶 或增腫瘤誘發率




其中一份研究是由夏威夷大學癌症研究中心的卜宋義(Song-Yi Park,音譯)博士針對8萬2483人進行8年的追蹤,研究從1993年持續到2002年,受測者是居住再加州和夏威夷五個不同種族居民,年齡在45到75歲之間,研究期間紀錄他們的飲食習慣,體重,是否抽菸和抽菸量,教育程度等。






Skim, or low-fat milk was induced by tumor

PRC reportedly many people choose to drink thin "skim milk", but to remind you to be careful of. According to the latest studies show that low-fat or skim milk may increase the chance of suffering from cancer.
According to the two published in the "American Epidemiological" Journal of the report, low-fat or skim milk will increase limitations (localized) or benign (nonaggressive) suffering from cancer risk, and even further improve the probability of induced malignant tumor , but the whole milk has no such worries.

Besides these two studies at the same time overthrowing the dairy will affect vitamin D metabolism, thus increasing suffering from prostate (prostate) that the probability of cancer, the report said, there is no relationship.

One study was conducted by the University of Hawaii Cancer Research Center of BU SONG Yi (Song-Yi Park, phonetic) against Dr. 82,483 people eight years of follow-up study from 1993 continued into 2002, the measurement is the living California and Hawaii to five different ethnic residents, aged between 45 to 75 years of age, the study record their eating habits, weight, smoking and smoking in education degree.

In the eight-year period, 4,404 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer, control their eating habits, and did not find any sources of food intake of calcium or vitamin D and an increase in the incidence of prostate cancer.

The report concluded that the intake of milk and dairy products has nothing to do with prostate cancer risk. But research has found that low-fat or skim milk will certainly increase the incidence of cancer.

Another study by the National Cancer Center conducted a similar study in 1995 to 2001, against 293,888 men for a six-year follow-up, also has found calcium and vitamin D and prostate cancer relationship, and defatted Milk is suffering from prostate cancer and relevant.


Read more news, see the World Journal.

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