10:34 | 你們不要想,我來是叫地上太平;我來並不是叫地上太平,乃是叫地上動刀兵。 |
10:35 | 因為我來是叫‘人與父親生疏,女兒與母親生疏,媳婦與婆婆生疏。 |
10:36 | 人的仇敵就是自己家裡的人。’ |
10:37 | 愛父母過於愛我的,不配作我的門徒;愛兒女過於愛我的,不配作我的門徒。 |
10:38 | 不背著他的十字架跟從我的,也不配作我的門徒。 |
10:39 | 得著生命的,將要失喪生命;為我失喪生命的,將要得著生命。 |
10:40 | 人接待你們,就是接待我;接待我,就是接待那差我來的。 |
10:41 | 人因為先知的名接待先知,必得先知所得的賞賜;人因為義人的名接待義人,必得義人所得的賞賜。 |
10:42 | 無論何人,因為門徒的名,只把一杯涼水給這小子裡的一個喝,我實在告訴你們,這人不能不得賞賜。” |
10:29-31 耶穌說神關心各樣的事情,甚至是麻雀的需要。你比那些小鳥貴重得多,神甚至差遣祂獨生的兒子為你而死(參約3:16)。祂給你尊貴的地位,你不必害怕別人的恐嚇或困難的考驗,這些都不能動搖神對你的愛,也不能把聖靈從你心裡趕走。但並不表示祂將會免去你一切的困難(參10:17, 21),生命的價值就在這些生活的磨難與受辱中承受真實的考驗,在其中屹立不倒就顯出其真正的價值。在困難中仍然堅信基督的人,才真正得到這長存價值,必獲得極大的賞賜(參5:11-12)。
10:34 耶穌帶來的和平,並非那種掩飾彼此歧見而粉飾出來的和諧。選擇跟隨耶穌的人和不跟隨耶穌的人之間一定會有矛盾和不和,但我們可以盼望總有一天矛盾可以化解。(有關耶穌作為和平使者的討論,請參5:9;賽9:6;約14:27。)
10:34-39 委身基督可能會使我們與朋友和所愛的人分隔。耶穌這樣說並不是鼓勵我們違背父母或在家中引起紛爭,反而顯明祂要求我們作決定。由於有些人跟從祂,有些則拒絕,兩者之間必引起無可避免的衝突。當我們背起十字架跟從祂,我們與別人不同的價值觀、道德、目標和決定,就必使我們與他人有距離。不要忽略你的家人,但也不要忘記你對神的委身比他們更重要,祂應該在你生命的首位。
10:37 耶穌呼召我們,不是要我們尋求生命的舒適和安寧,而是要我們承擔一個更高的使命。愛家庭是神的律法,但有時這分愛也可能成為只顧個人利益的一個藉口,叫我們不去事奉神,不去做祂的工。
10:38 背起我們的十字架來跟從耶穌,是公開承認與基督的關係,經歷別人的反對,並願意為祂的緣故面對任何事,甚至為祂受苦受死。
10:39 這節經文顯示出真理的兩面:抓緊生命可能使我們在今生和來生喪失從神而來最好的東西。當我們愈喜愛今生的報酬——享受、權勢、受擁戴、經濟保障,就愈會發現這些東西是何等虛空。因此,享受生命的最佳途徑,就是放棄貪戀世上報酬的心,自由地跟從基督,這樣,我們將會承受永生,並立刻開始經歷跟從祂的好處。
10:42 我們如何對待別人可以用來量度我們愛神之心。耶穌以給一個口渴小孩一杯涼水的例子,作為無私服事的榜樣。神視自己為領受者一樣,注意每一件我們做或沒有做的善事。今天你是否無私地服事他人呢?雖然可能沒有人看見,但神注意著你的善行。
10:34 | Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. | |
10:35 | For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. | |
10:36 | And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. | |
10:37 | He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. | |
10:38 | And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. | |
10:39 | He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. | |
10:40 | He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. | |
10:41 | He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward. | |
10:42 | And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward. |
Look in a mirror, look, you can see what kind of itself? How do you think God see you?
10:29-31 Jesus said that God concerned about a variety of things, and even the sparrow needs. You much more valuable than those birdies, and even sent him alone God Health son to die for you (cf. about 3:16). He distinguished status to you, you do not need to fear of intimidation or other difficult tests, which can shake your love of God, the Holy Spirit can not drive away from your heart. It does not mean that he will be removed from you all the difficulties (see 10:17, 21), the value of life on the hardships of life in these humiliated and bear true test, in which the show stand up well against its true value. Christians during difficult times still firmly believe that people who really have this longstanding value, will get a big reward (cf. 5:11-12).
Jesus is not peace-jun bring peace? That he has brought about?
10:34 Jesus brought peace, which is not to whitewash and conceal their differences out of harmony. Choose to follow Jesus and not between those who follow Jesus will surely be contradictions and does not, but we can hope that the day will come when conflicts can be resolved. (Jesus as a messenger of peace of the discussion, reference is made to 5:9;赛9:6; about 14:27.)
If your family is asking you to idolatry, you will not kicked up a row with them?
10:34-39 committed Christians we could with friends and loved one separate. Jesus encourages us to say this is not contrary to their parents at home or in disputes, but Xianming, he asked us for a decision. Because some people to follow him, while others refused, between the two will inevitably cause conflict. When we follow her own crucified Him, we are different people with the values, ethics, objectives and decisions is essential to the difference between us and others. Do not neglect your family, but you must not forget that God is more important than their commitment, he should be first in your life.
Caritas Family is not the law of God? He Chuciyan Jesus?
10:37 Jesus calls us, we should not seek the comfort and peace of life, but we should bear a higher mission. God's love is family law, but sometimes it's the only love could also become a personal interest as a pretext, and that we do not serve God, he does not do the work.
Cross the road, a difficult Hangleba, you would take?
We 10:38 on her own cross to follow Jesus Christ is openly admitted that the relationship between the experience of others against, and the reason he is willing to face anything, or even suffer death for him.
"A" and "lost" between the two sides of a coin? How much distance?
10:39 This section shows the truth of the scriptures on both sides: To pay close attention so that our lives may be in this life and the next life from the loss of the best things come from God. When we pay more love this life - to enjoy, power, the support, financial security, the more these things will find that what is empty. Therefore, the best way to enjoy life, is eager to give up the heart of the world pay, the freedom to follow Christ, so that we will inherit eternal life, and he immediately began to experience the benefits follow.
Have to pay, the expectation praise in serving others, in your heart to what?
10:42 how we treat others can be used to measure the heart of our Eros. Jesus in to a thirsty child a cup of cold water example, serve as a selfless example. God regard themselves as recipients, pay attention to every one we have done or have not done a good cause. Today you selflessly serve others? Although people may not have seen, but God attention to your good deeds.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10:29-31 Jesus said that God concerned about a variety of things, and even the sparrow needs. You much more valuable than those birdies, and even sent him alone God Health son to die for you (cf. about 3:16). He distinguished status to you, you do not need to fear of intimidation or other difficult tests, which can shake your love of God, the Holy Spirit can not drive away from your heart. It does not mean that he will be removed from you all the difficulties (see 10:17, 21), the value of life on the hardships of life in these humiliated and bear true test, in which the show stand up well against its true value. Christians during difficult times still firmly believe that people who really have this longstanding value, will get a big reward (cf. 5:11-12).
Jesus is not peace-jun bring peace? That he has brought about?
10:34 Jesus brought peace, which is not to whitewash and conceal their differences out of harmony. Choose to follow Jesus and not between those who follow Jesus will surely be contradictions and does not, but we can hope that the day will come when conflicts can be resolved. (Jesus as a messenger of peace of the discussion, reference is made to 5:9;赛9:6; about 14:27.)
If your family is asking you to idolatry, you will not kicked up a row with them?
10:34-39 committed Christians we could with friends and loved one separate. Jesus encourages us to say this is not contrary to their parents at home or in disputes, but Xianming, he asked us for a decision. Because some people to follow him, while others refused, between the two will inevitably cause conflict. When we follow her own crucified Him, we are different people with the values, ethics, objectives and decisions is essential to the difference between us and others. Do not neglect your family, but you must not forget that God is more important than their commitment, he should be first in your life.
Caritas Family is not the law of God? He Chuciyan Jesus?
10:37 Jesus calls us, we should not seek the comfort and peace of life, but we should bear a higher mission. God's love is family law, but sometimes it's the only love could also become a personal interest as a pretext, and that we do not serve God, he does not do the work.
Cross the road, a difficult Hangleba, you would take?
We 10:38 on her own cross to follow Jesus Christ is openly admitted that the relationship between the experience of others against, and the reason he is willing to face anything, or even suffer death for him.
"A" and "lost" between the two sides of a coin? How much distance?
10:39 This section shows the truth of the scriptures on both sides: To pay close attention so that our lives may be in this life and the next life from the loss of the best things come from God. When we pay more love this life - to enjoy, power, the support, financial security, the more these things will find that what is empty. Therefore, the best way to enjoy life, is eager to give up the heart of the world pay, the freedom to follow Christ, so that we will inherit eternal life, and he immediately began to experience the benefits follow.
Have to pay, the expectation praise in serving others, in your heart to what?
10:42 how we treat others can be used to measure the heart of our Eros. Jesus in to a thirsty child a cup of cold water example, serve as a selfless example. God regard themselves as recipients, pay attention to every one we have done or have not done a good cause. Today you selflessly serve others? Although people may not have seen, but God attention to your good deeds.
These people, easy stroke
Family history is a little more movement dizziness or tinnitus
Taichung Mayor Jason Hu and Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu have had a stroke and collapsed. Experts stress that fact is not difficult to stroke prevention, early to ascertain if they are high-risk groups, and to prevent them from everyday life, we will be able to stay away from turmoil.
Experts said that the stroke risk factors can be divided into two categories, first, not to change the risk factors, first, by way of medical treatment or lifestyle changes risk factor. Difficult to change the risk factors are age, sex and family history of three men over 45 years of age, women over 55 years of age, it is easy stroke, stroke risk and men than women. As for the home of 55-year-old male relatives in the past, the relatives of 65-year-old female, had a myocardial infarction or sudden death, the risk of a stroke higher.
Can be made through medical or lifestyle changes more risk factors in the disease are high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, high blood lipids and sickle anemia. In the life style, there are obesity, smoking, drinking, lack of exercise, diet, as well as a partial,嗜eat high-cholesterol food, Changhe coffee, oral contraceptives, such as taking drugs such as amphetamines.
Stroke often precursors, such as eyes or a sudden blurred vision, sudden limb weakness or hemi-facial numbness and hemiplegia, a slow and there is understanding of what obstacles suddenly appeared tinnitus or dizziness and falls for no reason, sudden severe headache of unknown causes , so that once the above circumstances, we must immediately seek medical treatment, the golden time for treatment.
/ Lin education
Read more news, see the World Journal.
Family history is a little more movement dizziness or tinnitus
Taichung Mayor Jason Hu and Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu have had a stroke and collapsed. Experts stress that fact is not difficult to stroke prevention, early to ascertain if they are high-risk groups, and to prevent them from everyday life, we will be able to stay away from turmoil.
Experts said that the stroke risk factors can be divided into two categories, first, not to change the risk factors, first, by way of medical treatment or lifestyle changes risk factor. Difficult to change the risk factors are age, sex and family history of three men over 45 years of age, women over 55 years of age, it is easy stroke, stroke risk and men than women. As for the home of 55-year-old male relatives in the past, the relatives of 65-year-old female, had a myocardial infarction or sudden death, the risk of a stroke higher.
Can be made through medical or lifestyle changes more risk factors in the disease are high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, high blood lipids and sickle anemia. In the life style, there are obesity, smoking, drinking, lack of exercise, diet, as well as a partial,嗜eat high-cholesterol food, Changhe coffee, oral contraceptives, such as taking drugs such as amphetamines.
Stroke often precursors, such as eyes or a sudden blurred vision, sudden limb weakness or hemi-facial numbness and hemiplegia, a slow and there is understanding of what obstacles suddenly appeared tinnitus or dizziness and falls for no reason, sudden severe headache of unknown causes , so that once the above circumstances, we must immediately seek medical treatment, the golden time for treatment.
/ Lin education
Read more news, see the World Journal.
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