8:17 | 這是要應驗先知以賽亞的話,說:“他代替我們的軟弱,擔當我們的疾病。” |
8:18 | 耶穌見許多人圍著他,就吩咐渡到那邊去。 |
8:19 | 有一個文士來,對他說:“夫子,你無論往哪裡去,我要跟從你。” |
8:20 | 耶穌說:“狐狸有洞,天空的飛鳥有窩,人子卻沒有枕頭的地方。” |
8:21 | 又有一個門徒對耶穌說:“主啊,容我先回去埋葬我的父親。” |
8:22 | 耶穌說:“任憑死人埋葬他們的死人,你跟從我吧!” |
8:23 | 耶穌上了船,門徒跟著他。 |
8:24 | 海裡忽然起了暴風,甚至船被波浪掩蓋。耶穌卻睡著了。 |
8:25 | 門徒來叫醒了他,說:“主啊,救我們,我們喪命啦!” |
8:16-17 馬太繼續顯示耶穌的王者風範。祂伸手一摸,病就得醫治(參8:3, 15);祂一開口說話,鬼就在祂面前竄逃(8:16)。耶穌有權柄和能力戰勝所有邪惡勢力、疾病和一切罪惡。疾病與邪惡是人活在墮落世界的結果,將來,神會除去一切罪惡,也就再沒有疾病和死亡。故耶穌醫治的神蹟,是使人預嘗到天國的經歷。
8:19-20 跟隨耶穌並不容易,通常要付上很大的代價和犧牲,並不一定會得到地上的回報和保障。耶穌自己連枕首的地方也沒有,你可能發覺跟隨基督令你失去名譽、友誼或嗜好。跟隨基督的代價高,但作基督門徒的價值更高,這是一項存到永遠的投資,報酬是難以想像的。
8:21-22 這個門徒並不是請求耶穌讓他先回去埋葬已死的父親,而是在拖延,要等父親死去後才跟隨耶穌。也許他是長子,希望得到父親的遺產;也許他害怕離家,跟隨一個周遊的傳道人,令父親忿怒。無論他所關心的是甚麼,都是不想立刻向基督委身。耶穌沒有接受他的藉口。祂總是直截了當地回應那希望跟從祂的人,為要確定他們已經衡量過代價,放下一切條件來跟從祂。作為神的兒子,耶穌要求人毫不猶疑地完全效忠祂,即使對家庭的忠誠也不能超過順服神的優先次序。祂直接要求我們省察自己,跟隨祂在我們的心中是排在甚麼位置上。不管有何等重要的事,也不應拖延跟隨基督的決定,沒有任何事情比完全委身基督更重要。
8:23 耶穌的門徒很多是漁夫,所以這船應當是漁船,用槳和帆做動力,船倉很大,足可容下耶穌和十二門徒。第一世紀的歷史學家約瑟夫告訴我們:當時有三百多艘漁船在加利利海作業,當有風暴時人們就把帆拉下,以免帆破裂並使船更易控制。
8:24 加利利海十分特別,它不大,只有二十一公里長、十一公里寬,卻有四十五公尺深,比海平面低二百多公尺。風暴會突如其來從周圍的山上撲下,之前沒有任何象,海水翻起巨浪來,可高達六公尺。此時,門徒就在這樣的險境中。
8:25 門徒雖然親眼看過許多神蹟,他們卻恐懼這場風暴。作為有經驗的水手,他們知道這場風暴的危險性,只是不知道基督有控制大自然的能力。在我們的生活裡,也常常以為有某些領域是神不能或不會工作的。當我們真正認識祂,就會明白耶穌的能力可以平靜風暴,也同樣可以平靜我們生命中的狂風巨浪,只要我們尋求祂,祂必願意幫助我們,即使在可怕的試煉中,我們也不應看輕祂的能力。
8:17 | That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses. | |
8:18 | Now when Jesus saw great multitudes about him, he gave commandment to depart unto the other side. | |
8:19 | And a certain scribe came, and said unto him, Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest. | |
8:20 | And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. | |
8:21 | And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. | |
8:22 | But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead. | |
8:23 | And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. | |
8:24 | And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. | |
8:25 | And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. |
Yimo hand, I opened, people had fled shortage of treatment ghosts, Jesus can be terrific……
Matthew 8:16-17 Jesus continue to show the king demeanor. His hand Yimo, patients must heal (cf. 8:3, 15); he began to speak, ghost Xiaokelahat Mahemut and others fled before him in the (816). Jesus has power and the capability to overcome all the forces of evil, disease and all evil. Disease and evil people live in the fallen world the results of the future, God will remove all evil, it no longer disease and death. Jesus is the miracle cure, people pre-tasted heavenly experience.
Want to follow Jesus, I want to love, Haonan election ah……
8:19-20 follow Jesus is not easy, usually to pay a high price and sacrifice, will not necessarily be on the return and protection. Jesus himself even pillow first place have not, you may find that you follow Christ lost honour, friendship, or hobbies. Follow Christ's price is too high, but for the higher value disciples of Christ, which is always a deposit to the investment return is unthinkable.
That day I relaxed life that I would like to follow the Lord, I……
8:21-22 request of the disciples of Jesus not to let him go back to bury the dead father, but in the delay, we have to wait until his father died follow Jesus. Perhaps, he is the eldest son, hoping to obtain his father's legacy, perhaps he was afraid the home, with a tour of the Missionary Society, the father of anger. Whether he is concerned with what is not immediately commitment to Christ. Jesus did not accept his excuse. He always straightforward response to the hope that those who follow him, in order to determine their price has been weighed, put aside all the conditions to follow him. As the Son of God, Jesus asked people not hesitate to completely loyal to him, even if the loyalty of the family should not exceed Obey God's priorities. He directly asked us to realise their own and follow him in our hearts what is the position in the row. Whatever such an important matter should not delay the decision to follow Christ, no matter than fully committed Christians are even more important.
Suddenly, a wave play up very Qiaojiabuzhu, then you will……
8:23 a disciple of Jesus is a lot of fishermen, so it should be a fishing boat with oar and sail powered, Chuancang very capable of Jesus and the 12 disciples Yongxia. The first century historian Joseph tells us: There were more than 300 fishing vessels operating in the Sea of Galilee, when people hear turmoil dragged into the fan, and to avoid rupture ship sails more control.
A small lake, Fanqi waves can be unnerving to……
8:24 Sea of Galilee very special, it not only 21 km long and 11 km wide, there are 45 meters deep and more than 200 lower than the sea level meters. Sudden storm Pixia from the surrounding hills, as there is no prior seawater Fanqi waves, can be as high as six meters. At this time, the disciples on the danger of this.
Heart know that he will be conservative, and may face difficulties when…… disciples is so, I also……
8:25 disciples Although personally seen many miracles, but they fear the storm. As an experienced sailor, and they know the danger of the storm, but do not know Christ is the ability to control nature. In our lives, and are often thought that there are certain areas or not God is not working. When we truly recognize him, Jesus will understand that the ability to calm turmoil, we also can be calm in the life of the wind waves, as long as we find him,祂必willing to help us, even in the terrible test, we should not be underestimated His capacity.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Matthew 8:16-17 Jesus continue to show the king demeanor. His hand Yimo, patients must heal (cf. 8:3, 15); he began to speak, ghost Xiaokelahat Mahemut and others fled before him in the (816). Jesus has power and the capability to overcome all the forces of evil, disease and all evil. Disease and evil people live in the fallen world the results of the future, God will remove all evil, it no longer disease and death. Jesus is the miracle cure, people pre-tasted heavenly experience.
Want to follow Jesus, I want to love, Haonan election ah……
8:19-20 follow Jesus is not easy, usually to pay a high price and sacrifice, will not necessarily be on the return and protection. Jesus himself even pillow first place have not, you may find that you follow Christ lost honour, friendship, or hobbies. Follow Christ's price is too high, but for the higher value disciples of Christ, which is always a deposit to the investment return is unthinkable.
That day I relaxed life that I would like to follow the Lord, I……
8:21-22 request of the disciples of Jesus not to let him go back to bury the dead father, but in the delay, we have to wait until his father died follow Jesus. Perhaps, he is the eldest son, hoping to obtain his father's legacy, perhaps he was afraid the home, with a tour of the Missionary Society, the father of anger. Whether he is concerned with what is not immediately commitment to Christ. Jesus did not accept his excuse. He always straightforward response to the hope that those who follow him, in order to determine their price has been weighed, put aside all the conditions to follow him. As the Son of God, Jesus asked people not hesitate to completely loyal to him, even if the loyalty of the family should not exceed Obey God's priorities. He directly asked us to realise their own and follow him in our hearts what is the position in the row. Whatever such an important matter should not delay the decision to follow Christ, no matter than fully committed Christians are even more important.
Suddenly, a wave play up very Qiaojiabuzhu, then you will……
8:23 a disciple of Jesus is a lot of fishermen, so it should be a fishing boat with oar and sail powered, Chuancang very capable of Jesus and the 12 disciples Yongxia. The first century historian Joseph tells us: There were more than 300 fishing vessels operating in the Sea of Galilee, when people hear turmoil dragged into the fan, and to avoid rupture ship sails more control.
A small lake, Fanqi waves can be unnerving to……
8:24 Sea of Galilee very special, it not only 21 km long and 11 km wide, there are 45 meters deep and more than 200 lower than the sea level meters. Sudden storm Pixia from the surrounding hills, as there is no prior seawater Fanqi waves, can be as high as six meters. At this time, the disciples on the danger of this.
Heart know that he will be conservative, and may face difficulties when…… disciples is so, I also……
8:25 disciples Although personally seen many miracles, but they fear the storm. As an experienced sailor, and they know the danger of the storm, but do not know Christ is the ability to control nature. In our lives, and are often thought that there are certain areas or not God is not working. When we truly recognize him, Jesus will understand that the ability to calm turmoil, we also can be calm in the life of the wind waves, as long as we find him,祂必willing to help us, even in the terrible test, we should not be underestimated His capacity.
Temperatures dropped beware of a stomach illness
[] - With the arrival of winter, to come to the hospital because of stomach problems of young people attending the additional up. Just go to work near Li, because usually work pressure has led to the nervous system and endocrine system dysfunction, and the diet should not, and temperatures dropped, then to come in gastropathy. The experts confirmed Li suffering from chronic gastritis.
Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University medical professor at good digestion-ling said that the young people should also prevent stomach problems. As the temperature dropped, the body in the cold, increased gastric acid secretion, gastrointestinal spasm in contraction, reducing resistance and easy to stomach illness recurrence. The workers will be a result of work pressure and tension caused by the absence of a long-term, over exertion, such as the incidence of eating.
For a number of young people gastropathy phenomenon, good high-ling stressed the need to make reasonable arrangements life of diet, reducing stress. To maintain the spirit of a happy mood, participate in the appropriate sports, the opportunity to reduce the incidence. Day-to-day meals should be warm, soft, light, Su, Yixiaohua mainly to Shaoshichecan, regular quantitative, quit alcohol. And when not to collect stomach pain medication, should go to regular hospital treatment,遵医嘱medication.
Read more news, see the World Journal.
[] - With the arrival of winter, to come to the hospital because of stomach problems of young people attending the additional up. Just go to work near Li, because usually work pressure has led to the nervous system and endocrine system dysfunction, and the diet should not, and temperatures dropped, then to come in gastropathy. The experts confirmed Li suffering from chronic gastritis.
Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University medical professor at good digestion-ling said that the young people should also prevent stomach problems. As the temperature dropped, the body in the cold, increased gastric acid secretion, gastrointestinal spasm in contraction, reducing resistance and easy to stomach illness recurrence. The workers will be a result of work pressure and tension caused by the absence of a long-term, over exertion, such as the incidence of eating.
For a number of young people gastropathy phenomenon, good high-ling stressed the need to make reasonable arrangements life of diet, reducing stress. To maintain the spirit of a happy mood, participate in the appropriate sports, the opportunity to reduce the incidence. Day-to-day meals should be warm, soft, light, Su, Yixiaohua mainly to Shaoshichecan, regular quantitative, quit alcohol. And when not to collect stomach pain medication, should go to regular hospital treatment,遵医嘱medication.
Read more news, see the World Journal.
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