馬太福音 |
10:25 | 學生和先生一樣,僕人和主人一樣也就罷了。人既罵家主是別西卜(註:“別西卜”是鬼王的名),何況他的家人呢! |
10:26 | 所以,不要怕他們。因為掩蓋的事,沒有不露出來的;隱藏的事,沒有不被人知道的。 |
10:27 | 我在暗中告訴你們的,你們要在明處說出來;你們耳中所聽的,要在房上宣揚出來。 |
10:28 | 那殺身體不能殺靈魂的,不要怕他們;惟有能把身體和靈魂都滅在地獄裡的,正要怕他。 |
10:29 | 兩個麻雀不是賣一分銀子嗎?若是你們的父不許,一個也不能掉在地上。 |
10:30 | 就是你們的頭髮也都被數過了。 |
10:31 | 所以,不要懼怕!你們比許多麻雀還貴重。 |
10:32 | 凡在人面前認我的,我在我天上的父面前也必認他; |
10:33 | 凡在人面前不認我的,我在我天上的父面前也必不認他。 |
10:25 別西卜是蒼蠅之主和鬼王,其實法利賽人是稱耶穌為“撒但”(參9:34),控告祂靠著別西卜的能力趕鬼(參12:24)。有時人會把善稱為惡,完美的耶穌也曾被指為邪惡,祂的門徒也要準備接受相似的污蔑,但堅持到底的人將會得到平反(10:22)。
10:29-31 耶穌說神關心各樣的事情,甚至是麻雀的需要。你比那些小鳥貴重得多,神甚至差遣祂獨生的兒子為你而死(參約3:16)。祂給你尊貴的地位,你不必害怕別人的恐嚇或困難的考驗,這些都不能動搖神對你的愛,也不能把聖靈從你心裡趕走。但並不表示祂將會免去你一切的困難(參10:17, 21),生命的價值就在這些生活的磨難與受辱中承受真實的考驗,在其中屹立不倒就顯出其真正的價值。在困難中仍然堅信基督的人,才真正得到這長存價值,必獲得極大的賞賜(參5:11-12)。
10:25 | It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household? | |
10:26 | Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. | |
10:27 | What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. | |
10:28 | And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. | |
10:29 | Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. | |
10:30 | But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. | |
10:31 | Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. | |
10:32 | Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. | |
10:33 | But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. |
10:25-Khasib is not the proprietors and flies Guiyu, in fact Pharisee that Jesus is "Satan" (Senate 934), accused him of the ability to rely on other Khasib rush ghost (cf. 12:24) . Sometimes people will call good evil, and Jesus has the perfect accused of evil, he's also ready to accept similar to the disciples of slander, but insisted in the end people will be vindicated (10:22).
Look in a mirror, look, you can see what kind of itself? How do you think God see you?
10:29-31 Jesus said that God concerned about a variety of things, and even the sparrow needs। You much more valuable than those birdies, and even sent him alone God Health son to die for you (cf. about 3:16). He distinguished status to you, you do not need to fear of intimidation or other difficult tests, which can shake your love of God, the Holy Spirit can not drive away from your heart. It does not mean that he will be removed from you all the difficulties (see 10:17, 21), the value of life on the hardships of life in these humiliated and bear true test, in which the show stand up well against its true value. Christians during difficult times still firmly believe that people who really have this longstanding value, will get a big reward (cf. 5:11-12).
睡個好覺 有五大魔力
魔力一 延年益壽 身體健康
魔力二 容光煥發 神清氣爽
魔力三 頭腦清晰 少出錯誤
Insufficient sleep easy increased health risks, such as heart disease, diabetes, weight gain, and other issues.
[-] Market newspaper reported, I do not know since when, "Jiayeban, Lianzhouzhuai" had become a way of life. Unwittingly, our sleep time was reduced. , The Internet, electronic games, there are a lot of TV channels, more and more people can not give up, or still could not escape the pressure of it hard for people to Chengmin? But in any case, sleep can not be ignored. Experts say sleep well, in fact has five magic.
Magic a healthy longevity
In the United States, more than 40 percent of the people from Monday to Friday not sleep more than seven hours, a lot of people have a result, all kinds of consequences. United States, "Harvard Medical School teach you a feel good sleep," a book author Lawrence. Epstein doctors said: "Sleep and the links between health, poor sleep and the link between disease, is becoming increasingly obvious." In the 1950s, people's average sleep time of 8 hours, and in recent years has been reduced to less than seven hours. At the same time, are also increasingly common in patients with hypertension, blood pressure and heart rate usually sleep time to a minimum, and getting enough sleep, is likely to have higher blood pressure performance. Other research also shows that insufficient sleep easy increased health risks, such as a heart disease, diabetes, weight gain, and other issues.
Sleep well can really help you to resist disease. Northwestern University in Chicago in the United States of sleep and circadian rhythm Philip Andean deputy director of the center. Quarter, said: "The lack of sleep, the body's stress hormones will be increased, the situation will be increased inflammation, both of which lead to reduced immune system function." Actually, the full influenza vaccine can also sleep better and give full play to effect. According to the University of Chicago study, a group of subjects were not limited daily sleep more than four hours, and then sleep under the shortage of vaccine, with good results with sleep vaccinated group compared and found that the former not the latter antibody half.
Simple word, sleep eat, live to old age. So earlier said Good Night, and you can maintain the energy, the long long time.
The radiant magic exhilarating activities
If at Zhishui 45 hours, down several days in a row, not only every pain不已(such as headaches and stomach discomfort), will be similar metabolic changes in the aging process. Therefore, unable to sleep at night after having poor gas is not surprising. The reason may be related to growth hormone.渐长age and still be able to maintain good complexion, the body of a growth hormone功不可没. American Heart surgeon, "love their own" health Series co-author of He Semitism. Ozzy said that the growth hormone level in the 20-year-old to 60-year-old annual decline between. "Growth hormone返老还童people have a sense of, if there are many of these hormones in your muscles will be more solid, skin changes, and the people seem more attractive. Growth hormones in order to maintain the higher the better, and most good way is to sleep. "
Magic three errors to less lucid
Getting enough sleep not only have health problems, but will also affect attention, and ability to act, memory and mood. New York Methodist Hospital, Girard, director of the Center for sleep disorders. Lamba more, said: "A person's sleep both in terms of quality and quantity, were disrupted and will have long-term physical and mental effects."
Insomnia on the sensing capability of the physiological effects similar excessive drinking. If maintained for 17 hours awake, equivalent to a blood alcohol content of 0.05% (as in the one hour, drank two glasses of wine).
People often stay up late to the attention of: recent studies show that, if you have two sets of control in the Clock gene variant, will tend to "Wanshui evening" sleep patterns. If such a person insomnia, will be shown more serious than most people's cognitive defects, such as forgetfulness, inability to concentrate energy. In the United States, lack of sleep caused it difficult to concentrate on driving caused the accident, the annual claimed the lives of more than 1,500 people.
De Maryland, the United States Army Research Institute conducted a study results disturbing: insufficient sleep will affect the moral judgement. The findings of the doctors and soldiers the meaning of this very important industry. But imagine if teachers, businessmen, lawyers, construction workers, but also because insufficient sleep caused moral conduct of a serious fault impact is? Therefore, guarantee a good sleep McGREGOR, you can make more in line with common sense decision.
Magic IV happy reduce escalating pressure
Sleep Foundation, in 2005 the United States had done a survey specifically for adults, including more than half of the people must recognize that they have at least a few weeks each night insomnia.
New research indicates that the insomnia of stress hormones than those of ordinary people high, the body in highly active, it is not easy to sleep easy. Insomnia lead to greater pressure, or even serious consequences. "The people will feel depressed, and forgetful. Insomnia in my life is the most tragic thing." Paul. Nelson, Illinois, United States, 42-year-old, in his most serious insomnia, I have a total of 30 days for the Zhishui 30 hours. He recalled that "I sometimes no way to work, often careless driving rushed lawn, or even撞进trees, all because of inability to concentrate."-Semitism. Ozzy, said: "People tend to lack of sleep lead to depression, insomnia can lead to depression, which form a vicious circle; Conversely, the reason is the same: adequate sleep, of course, is a happy mood."
Magic five farewell obesity bad diet
In the United States, the majority of people's sleep time is shorter and shorter, Coincidentally, the weight was too obese people has also increased. The latest research shows that insufficient sleep are more vulnerable to obesity. "Good Night: Dr. teach you sleep around, sleep well, live healthy," a book author Mike. Dr. Bruce explained: "In the absence of sleep, decreased metabolism, appetite has increased, thus leading to obesity insomnia is entirely logical." Insufficient sleep will reduce the people are satisfied leptin, at the same time will increase the feeling that hunger more flu from hormone.
Bruce said: "Another point Surprisingly, insomnia will affect our view on the choice of food, especially people eat high-carbohydrate, high-sugar foods." That is because insomnia reduced insulin sensitivity, lack of sleep increase the risk of type 2 diabetes risk.
In short, adequate sleep will help resistance口腹之欲, exhilarating activities wake up.
How long enough sleep?
Sleep for a long period of time to be adequate, in fact difficult inconclusive. Over the years, the general view that adults need eight hours of sleep each day. However, according to Washington State University study shows that each person needs depends on the duration of sleep gene.
Some people seem sleep has been small but vibrant, it is because of the high efficiency of genetic sleep gene. On the other hand, some people need a lot of sleep enough, inverted is not necessarily due to genetic factors, may be suffering from sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea症等, disrupting the sleep time and quality, but after treatment will be has improved.
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