9:1 | 神賜福給挪亞和他的兒子,對他們說:“你們要生養眾多,遍滿了地。 |
9:2 | 凡地上的走獸和空中的飛鳥,都必驚恐、懼怕你們;連地上一切的昆蟲並海裡一切的魚,都交付你們的手。 |
9:3 | 凡活著的動物,都可以作你們的食物,這一切我都賜給你們,如同菜蔬一樣。 |
9:4 | 惟獨肉帶著血,那就是牠的生命,你們不可吃。 |
9:5 | 流你們血、害你們命的,無論是獸是人,我必討他的罪,就是向各人的弟兄也是如此。 |
9:6 | 凡流人血的,他的血也必被人所流;因為 神造人,是照自己的形像造的。 |
9:7 | 你們要生養眾多,在地上昌盛繁茂。” |
9:8 | 神曉諭挪亞和他的兒子說: |
9:9 | “我與你們和你們的後裔立約, |
9:10 | 並與你們這裡的一切活物,就是飛鳥、牲畜、走獸,凡從方舟裡出來的活物立約。 |
9:5 神要每一個人為自己所行的負責。我們若傷人殺人,神必追討、刑罰,伸張公義。
9:5-6 神照自己的形像造人,並賜人永生。人皆具有使之與禽獸不同的特質,例如道德、理性、創造力、自尊等。神要我們尊重所有人生命中神的形像。所以殺人就是殺有神的形像的人,是彌天大錯。
9:1 | And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. | |
9:2 | And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered. | |
9:3 | Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. | |
9:4 | But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat. | |
9:5 | And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man. | |
9:6 | Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man. | |
9:7 | And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein. | |
9:8 | And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying, | |
9:9 | And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you; | |
9:10 | And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you; from all that go out of the ark, to every beast of the earth. |
9:5 for God to every person responsible for their own deeds. If we wounding murder, God will recover the penalty, upheld justice.
Respect for all life in God's image, representing what is the point?
9:5-6 as his own image God made man, and thanks to people eternal life। So that everyone has a different nature and animals, such as moral, rational, creativity, self-esteem. God wants us to respect all life in God's image. So murder is killing the image of God, is Mitian big mistake.
Please read carefully??. AND be careful when you go to the bathroom !!!
Three women in
a 5-day period, all with the same symptoms.
Fever, chills, and vomiting, followed by muscular collapse,
paralysis and finally, death.
There were no outward signs of trauma.
Autopsy results showed toxicity in the blood. These women did not know each other and seemed to have nothing in common. It was discovered, however, that they had all visited the
same Restaurant (Olive Garden) within days of their deaths. The Health Department descended on the restaurant , shutting it down. The food, water, and air conditioning were all inspected and tested, to no avail.
The big break came when a waitress at the restaurant was rushed to the hospital with similar symptoms. She told doctors that she had been on vacation, and had only went to the restaurant to pick up her check.
She did not eat or drink while she was there, but had used the restroom.
That is when one toxicologist, remembering an article he had read, drove out to the restaurant, went into the restroom and lifted the toilet seat .
Under the seat, out of normal view , was a small spider. The spider was captured and brought back to the lab, where it was determined to be the Two-Striped Telamonia (Telamonia dimidiata), so named because of its reddened flesh color; This spider's venom is extremely toxic, but can take several days to take effect. They live in cold, dark, damp climates, and toilet rims provide just the right atmosphere.
Several days later a lawyer from
The Civilian Aeronautics Board (CAB) ordered an
immediate inspection of the toilets of all flights from India and discovered the Two-Striped Telamonia (Telamonia dimidiata) spider's nests on 4 different planes!
It is now believed that these spiders can be anywhere in the country.
So please, before you use a public toilet, lift the seat to check for spiders. It can save your life!
And please pass this on to everyone you care about.
座位下,出於正常的看法,是一個小蜘蛛。蜘蛛被抓獲,並帶回實驗室,在那裡被定為兩條紋telamonia ( telamonia dimidiata ) ,所以命名,因為它的紅,果肉顏色;這種蜘蛛的毒液是極其有毒的,但可以採取若干天內採取效果。他們生活在寒冷,黑暗,潮濕的氣候,和廁所鋼圈提供公正適當的氣氛。
幾天後,律師從傑克遜維爾出現在一家醫院急診室。在他死之前,他告訴醫生,他已遠離商業,採取了飛機從印度尼西亞,改變飛機在新加坡,然後返回家園。他沒有訪問(橄欖樹花園) ,而有。他(象所有的其他受害者) ,有什麼被定為爆胎傷口,對他的右臀部。調查人員發現該飛機他就源自印度
立即檢查廁所的所有航班從印度,並發現兩條紋telamonia ( telamonia dimidiata )蜘蛛的巢,對4種不同的飛機!
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