9:9 | 耶穌從那裡往前走,看見一個人名叫馬太,坐在稅關上,就對他說:“你跟從我來。”他就起來,跟從了耶穌。 |
9:10 | 耶穌在屋裡坐席的時候,有好些稅吏和罪人來,與耶穌和他的門徒一同坐席。 |
9:11 | 法利賽人看見,就對耶穌的門徒說:“你們的先生為甚麼和稅吏並罪人一同吃飯呢?” |
9:12 | 耶穌聽見,就說:“康健的人用不著醫生,有病的人才用得著。 |
9:13 | 經上說:“‘我喜愛憐恤,不喜愛祭祀。’這句話的意思,你們且去揣摩。我來,本不是召義人,乃是召罪人。” |
9:14 | 那時,約翰的門徒來見耶穌,說:“我們和法利賽人常常禁食,你的門徒倒不禁食,這是為甚麼呢?” |
9:15 | 耶穌對他們說:“新郎和陪伴之人同在的時候,陪伴之人豈能哀慟呢?但日子將到,新郎要離開他們,那時候他們就要禁食。 |
9:16 | 沒有人把新布補在舊衣服上,因為所補上的反帶壞了那衣服,破的就更大了。 |
馬太原來是從事那可厭的職業的 ……
9:9 馬太本是猶太人,受羅馬政府委任作該地區的稅官,負責向市民和路過這城經商的商人收取稅款。稅官可以在收取稅款時索取佣金,但他們多數都會濫收佣金來增加自己的收入。猶太人都憎恨稅官詐取金錢和支持羅馬政府。
9:9 當耶穌呼召馬太作門徒時,馬太就放棄了厚利的職業來跟隨耶穌。神呼召你去跟隨祂時,你是否也像馬太一樣放棄許多既有的東西?有時候決志跟隨基督會有一些困難或痛苦的抉擇,我們需要像馬太一樣,放棄那攔阻我們跟從基督的東西。
9:10-13 馬太經常欺詐百姓,耶穌與他一起吃飯,就會損害祂的聲譽,但耶穌仍尋找和改變他。知道神的信息可以改變任何人,我們就不必害怕去接觸那些活在罪惡中的人了。
9:11-12 法利賽人關心自己表面的聖潔過於對人的幫助;常常批評而不會鼓勵人;表面尊重別人而沒有實際幫助。但神關心所有的人,包括有罪和受傷的人。基督徒要效法耶穌的榜樣,跟那些貧窮、不道德、孤單和被拒絕的人分享福音,並非只關懷那些良善、受擁護、有財有勢的人。
9:13 自以為義的人是不能得救的,跟從耶穌先要承認自己有需要,並承認自己並不擁有一切答案。(有關“我喜愛憐恤,不喜愛祭祀”的解釋,請參何西阿書7章的附表。)
9:14 施洗約翰發出的嚴厲信息,重點在於律法,當人看到神的律法,把自己的行為與之比較時,就知道自己離神的要求太遠了,自己實在差得很,必須悔改;而耶穌的信息焦點在於生命、悔改歸向神。約翰的門徒有正確的開始,但還要更進一步,就是信靠耶穌。你所注目的是律法,還是基督呢?
9:14-15 約翰的門徒禁食是表示為罪哀慟,預備彌賽亞的來臨。天國降臨好像結婚的筵席,耶穌就是新郎,祂的門徒是陪伴,新郎既出席筵席,陪伴就不應當哀哭或禁食,所以,耶穌的門徒無須禁食。耶穌並非譴責禁食,祂自已也禁食(參4:2),祂只強調禁食要有正確的理由。
9:9 | And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him. | |
9:10 | And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples. | |
9:11 | And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners? | |
9:12 | But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. | |
9:13 | But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. | |
9:14 | Then came to him the disciples of John, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not? | |
9:15 | And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast. | |
9:16 | No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse. |
Matthew is engaged in the original repulsive career……
Matthew 9:9 of the Jews, appointed by the Rome government for the region Shuiguan responsible for passing this to the public and the city business tax charge businessmen. Shuiguan can obtain in the collection of taxes, the commission, but most of them will overcharging commission to increase their revenues. Jews hate Shuiguan to extract money and support for the Rome government.
Matthew money not to Jesus? Follow Christ, to pay the price, you ready?
When Matthew 9:9 Jesus calls for disciples, Matthew give up the profits to follow Jesus career. God calling you to follow him, do you also give up as many as Matthew both things? Christians must follow-sometimes there might be some difficulties or suffering choice, we need like Matthew, interceptions that we give up something to follow Christ.
Jesus was and sinners together, I can do?
Matthew 9:10-13 often fraudulent people, and Jesus eating with him, he will damage the reputation of, but still look for Jesus and change. Know that God can change any of the information, we need not fear that to reach those who live in sin in the people.
Not guilty and more people exchanges, will be from the impact, you think so?
9:11-12 Pharisee concerned about the sanctity of their surface with the help of people too; often criticize and not to encourage people to surface and respect others and not practical help. But God concerned about all people, including guilt and injured people. Christians must follow the example of Jesus, with the poor, immoral, and lonely people who were refused to share the gospel, not only those of good care, the support of the rich and powerful people.
I can deal with its own problems, I have done quite well, and why I need Jesus?
9:13 thinks justice is not saved, and to follow Jesus must acknowledge that they need, and admit that he does not have all the answers. ( "I love compassion, love offerings" to explain, please Hosea Chapter 7 of the Schedule.)
John the Baptist and Jesus have focused on the information, they say, you done?
9:14 John the Baptist issued stringent information, focusing on the law, when people see that the law of God, compared with their behavior, they know the requirements of their own far away from God, it is poor in their own very, must repent, and the message of Jesus is the focus of life, repentance men to God. John's disciples are correct, but would also like to go further, that is to trust Jesus. Your attention is the Torah, or Christians?
Is Jesus they do not like fasting? Fasting is kind of good behavior ah……
John 9:14-15 is a disciple of fasting that for the crime of mourning, preparing the advent of the Messiah. Fell like heaven marriage feast, Jesus is the bridegroom, he is a disciple of the company, both attended the banquet and groom, accompanied by fasting or the earth will mourn should not, therefore, not a disciple of Jesus fasting. Jesus does not condemn fasting, and he himself also fasting (cf. 4:2), he stressed that only a proper reason fasting.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Matthew 9:9 of the Jews, appointed by the Rome government for the region Shuiguan responsible for passing this to the public and the city business tax charge businessmen. Shuiguan can obtain in the collection of taxes, the commission, but most of them will overcharging commission to increase their revenues. Jews hate Shuiguan to extract money and support for the Rome government.
Matthew money not to Jesus? Follow Christ, to pay the price, you ready?
When Matthew 9:9 Jesus calls for disciples, Matthew give up the profits to follow Jesus career. God calling you to follow him, do you also give up as many as Matthew both things? Christians must follow-sometimes there might be some difficulties or suffering choice, we need like Matthew, interceptions that we give up something to follow Christ.
Jesus was and sinners together, I can do?
Matthew 9:10-13 often fraudulent people, and Jesus eating with him, he will damage the reputation of, but still look for Jesus and change. Know that God can change any of the information, we need not fear that to reach those who live in sin in the people.
Not guilty and more people exchanges, will be from the impact, you think so?
9:11-12 Pharisee concerned about the sanctity of their surface with the help of people too; often criticize and not to encourage people to surface and respect others and not practical help. But God concerned about all people, including guilt and injured people. Christians must follow the example of Jesus, with the poor, immoral, and lonely people who were refused to share the gospel, not only those of good care, the support of the rich and powerful people.
I can deal with its own problems, I have done quite well, and why I need Jesus?
9:13 thinks justice is not saved, and to follow Jesus must acknowledge that they need, and admit that he does not have all the answers. ( "I love compassion, love offerings" to explain, please Hosea Chapter 7 of the Schedule.)
John the Baptist and Jesus have focused on the information, they say, you done?
9:14 John the Baptist issued stringent information, focusing on the law, when people see that the law of God, compared with their behavior, they know the requirements of their own far away from God, it is poor in their own very, must repent, and the message of Jesus is the focus of life, repentance men to God. John's disciples are correct, but would also like to go further, that is to trust Jesus. Your attention is the Torah, or Christians?
Is Jesus they do not like fasting? Fasting is kind of good behavior ah……
John 9:14-15 is a disciple of fasting that for the crime of mourning, preparing the advent of the Messiah. Fell like heaven marriage feast, Jesus is the bridegroom, he is a disciple of the company, both attended the banquet and groom, accompanied by fasting or the earth will mourn should not, therefore, not a disciple of Jesus fasting. Jesus does not condemn fasting, and he himself also fasting (cf. 4:2), he stressed that only a proper reason fasting.
Poor mood, depression, increased risk of suffering from breast cancer
[-] Beijing Youth Daily reported, NBC said the United States, according to a researcher at the Netherlands published a medical paper, poor mood, depression, increased risk of suffering from breast cancer, and lung cancer, colorectal cancer or pancreatic cancer have no apparent Contact.
Shaquille O'Neal and the investigating officers. Where Dayton. Akemi said: "minor depression and increase the risk of cancer. In the longer follow-up period of breast cancer have a greater impact."
University of Maastricht where Dayton. Akemi and colleagues in the 13 involved more than 127,000 patients in a survey research data, made the summing up. Their findings will be published in the "clinical practice and mental health epidemiology" magazine. According to the study, all eight research data concluded that the depression for the individual risk of breast cancer by 12%.
But they focused on the seven factors of comprehensive data, depression and breast cancer found no obvious link between the formation. However, they at least several of the other 10-year depression in patients with follow-up survey of research data for analysis and found that depression and breast cancer risk significant link between depression formed in the risk of breast cancer in patients with non-depressed 2.5 times.
She concluded: "The evidence applicable to such occasions, it is difficult to rule out depression and antidepressant drugs on the cancer may later have had an impact. Now we do not these results can be translated into preventive intervention."
Read more news, see the World Journal.
[-] Beijing Youth Daily reported, NBC said the United States, according to a researcher at the Netherlands published a medical paper, poor mood, depression, increased risk of suffering from breast cancer, and lung cancer, colorectal cancer or pancreatic cancer have no apparent Contact.
Shaquille O'Neal and the investigating officers. Where Dayton. Akemi said: "minor depression and increase the risk of cancer. In the longer follow-up period of breast cancer have a greater impact."
University of Maastricht where Dayton. Akemi and colleagues in the 13 involved more than 127,000 patients in a survey research data, made the summing up. Their findings will be published in the "clinical practice and mental health epidemiology" magazine. According to the study, all eight research data concluded that the depression for the individual risk of breast cancer by 12%.
But they focused on the seven factors of comprehensive data, depression and breast cancer found no obvious link between the formation. However, they at least several of the other 10-year depression in patients with follow-up survey of research data for analysis and found that depression and breast cancer risk significant link between depression formed in the risk of breast cancer in patients with non-depressed 2.5 times.
She concluded: "The evidence applicable to such occasions, it is difficult to rule out depression and antidepressant drugs on the cancer may later have had an impact. Now we do not these results can be translated into preventive intervention."
Read more news, see the World Journal.
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