Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Feb1,08經常活動腳趾可健胃Regular activities toes can be Jianwei+馬太福音Matthew12:1-8


12:1 那時,耶穌在安息日從麥地經過。他的門徒餓了,就掐起麥穗來吃。
12:2 法利賽人看見,就對耶穌說:“看哪,你的門徒做安息日不可做的事了!”
12:3 耶穌對他們說:“經上記著大衛和跟從他的人飢餓之時所做的事,你們沒有念過嗎?
12:4 他怎麼進了 神的殿,吃了陳設餅,這餅不是他和跟從他的人可以吃得,惟獨祭司才可以吃。 
12:5 再者,律法上所記的,當安息日,祭司在殿裡犯了安息日,還是沒有罪,你們沒有念過嗎?
12:6 但我告訴你們:在這裡有一人比殿更大。
12:7 ‘我喜愛憐恤,不喜愛祭祀。’你們若明白這話的意思,就不將無罪的當作有罪的了。
12:8 因為人子是安息日的主。”
12:1-2 法利賽人以神的律法和猶太傳統的解釋作為基礎,訂立了三十九項安息日絕對禁止的行為,而“收割”就是其中一項。門徒掐麥穗並在手上搓麥粒,根據宗教領袖所說,他們已算是在收割。耶穌和門徒是因為肚子餓而掐麥穗,並不是在安息日工作,收割得利。法利賽人不能夠也不願意看破律法的字句意思,去明白其根本意義,他們毫無憐恤的心,一心只想控告耶穌。

12:4 陳設餅每星期更換一次,換下來的餅按例可作祭司的食物;大衛所吃的正是要換下來的舊餅(參撒上21:1-6),雖然只有祭司才可以吃此餅,但神並沒有懲罰大衛,因為他的需要比律法的細節條文更重要。耶穌的意思是:你們定我有罪,也就是定大衛的罪。宗教領袖絕不會這樣做,以免引起群眾的暴動。耶穌並不是鼓吹違反神的律法,只是強調當實踐律法時要有洞察力和同情心。

12:5 十誡禁止人在安息日工作(參出20:8-11),這是字面的意思,但神定立安息日的原意是叫人休息和敬拜神,所以祭司可以做獻祭和安排敬拜的工作。安息日的工作就是服事神、敬拜神。耶穌常常強調律法的原意,字句背後的意思,法利賽人已丟掉了律法的精神,只僵硬地要求別人和自己去遵從其字面的意思和他們對律法的解釋。

12:6 法利賽人過於注重宗教禮儀和規條,以致忘記了聖殿的真正作用——帶領人到神那裡。因為耶穌基督比聖殿更大,由祂把人帶到神那裡豈不好得多!神遠比那些為敬拜而造的物件更重要。我們注重敬拜的方式若超過敬拜的對象,雖然我們以為自己正在敬拜神,其實已經失去了祂。

12:7 耶穌對法利賽人重複猶太人歷代不斷聽到的話(參撒上15:22-23;詩40:6-8;賽1:1-17;耶7:21-23;何6:6)。只有先對準神,我們才能適當地遵守宗教的守則和禮儀。

12:8 耶穌說祂是“安息日的主”,是向法利賽人宣告自己比律法更大,更超越。對於法利賽人來說這是異端,他們不明白耶穌是神的兒子,是祂創造了安息日。創造者一定比受造物大,所以耶穌有權柄去掌管他們的傳統和規條。
12:1 At that time Jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn; and his disciples were an hungred, and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat.
12:2 But when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto him, Behold, thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the sabbath day.
12:3 But he said unto them, Have ye not read what David did, when he was an hungred, and they that were with him;
12:4 How he entered into the house of God, and did eat the shewbread, which was not lawful for him to eat, neither for them which were with him, but only for the priests?
12:5 Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the sabbath, and are blameless?
12:6 But I say unto you, That in this place is one greater than the temple.
12:7 But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless.
12:8 For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day.
Seventh Day Adventists do not really matter, those who thought the Pharisee what is?
12:1-2 Pharisee to God's law and the interpretation of Jewish tradition as a foundation, established 39 Sabbath absolutely prohibited acts, and "Harvest" is one of them. Qia wheat and disciples in the hands rubbing granule, in accordance with religious leaders said that they have considered in the harvest. Jesus and his disciples because of stomach hunger and Qia wheat is not in the Sabbath work, harvesting profit. Pharisee can not and do not want to see through the wording of the law meant to understand its fundamental meaning, they no compassion on the heart of Jesus intend to sue.

Follow blindly, they would rather not from; the Torah, is the attitude of your……
12:4 loaves per week to replace one for the cake down a rule for priests food; David eat is changing from the old pie (see 1 Samuel 21:1-6), although it only priests This can eat cake, but God does not punish David, because he needs than the details of the law is more important. Jesus means is: I am guilty you will, that is, for David's crime. Religious leaders will not do so, so as not to arouse the masses of the riots. Jesus is not advocating violation of the law of God, but stressed that the practice of law, and a sense of compassion.

They forgot the meaning behind the law, only require people to do hard, we just……
12:5 against the Ten Commandments in the Sabbath (from the Senate 20:8-11), which literally means, but God set the intention is very Sabbath rest and worship God, sacrifice and the priests can do for the work of worship . Sabbath work is to serve God, worship God. Jesus often stress that the original intent of the law, the meaning behind the words, the Pharisee have lost the spirit of the law, only the rigid and require others to comply with its own literal meaning of the law and their interpretation.

Religious ceremony and the rules can be helpful easy input only, and there may worship……
12:6 Pharisee too oriented religious rituals and rules, so forget that the real role of the Temple - to lead people to God. Temple because of greater than Jesus Christ, from the people he brought to God not much better! God than those built for the worship of the object even more important. We worship on the way over if the object of worship, even though we think that they are worshipping God, he has actually lost.

"I love compassion, love offerings", repeat the words of Jesus What is the point?
12:7 Jesus Pharisee repeat of the Jews throughout history have heard it (see 1 Samuel 15:22-23; poetry 40:6-8;赛1:1-17; Jerusalem 7:21-23; He 6:6 ). God only at the first, we can properly comply with the code of conduct and religious rituals.

Jesus is not only the Sabbath should be the main bar, he is also your home can be?
12:8 Jesus said he was "the main Sabbath" is to declare their Pharisee greater than the law, beyond. The Pharisee, this is heresy, they do not understand that Jesus is the Son of God, he created the Sabbath. Creator than the Creator, therefore Jesus have power to control their traditions and rules.










Regular activities toes can be Jianwei

[-] When there gastrointestinal discomfort, try moving moving toes. According to Chinese medicine in the newspaper reports, Japan physician study recently found that the regular activities of the toes can stomach.
Wangjing China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Chinese Medicine Professor Yang pointed out that the weakness of the spleen and stomach for people who are regular activities activities toes can really play the role of Jianpi Yangwei.

From Meridian, stomach feet after the second and third toes toe between the spleen and stomach in the inner courtyard Point is also the site of the toes. Generally, gastrointestinal function strong, standing toe grip very firmly. Therefore, the weaker gastrointestinal function, regular exercise may wish to toe.

Activities can stand toe to the foot Meridian subject to certain pressure, the toes can grip exercises, a combination of relaxation of elastic turn stimulate the formation of Meridian. Also pumped a little time each day to practice with the toe and the toe clip three things, or sitting, lying, conscious activities toes on a regular basis, gastrointestinal function will be gradually increased. In particular, the current approach of the Spring Festival, entertainment Fanju, eating unrestrained and easy to eat injured spleen and stomach, and often toes activities can help to a certain extent, spleen and stomach burden.

Professor Yang Guohua proposal, but also Shunshoujiang leg massage followed by a top-down, the effect will be more obvious. This is because a lot of leg on the digestive system on the point as of the spleen, liver Sanyinjiao feet in the medial leg, the stomach and bile in the feet Sanyang ectocnemial can Spleen in the Zusanli AAPL under the lateral knee. By by these acupoints, can play the role of Jianpi Yangwei, especially Zusanli, in the past there, "according to the terms of the three, better than the old mother hen."

Themselves at home do not deliberately emphasize the rules, can withstand the intensity to the degree, that account can be comfortable, not too hungry, too saturated massage. It must be noted that the spleen and stomach children and adults of different points, so children do not choose this method to Jianpi Yangwei.


Read more news, see the World Journal.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Jan31,08常穿高跟鞋 當心尿失禁 high heels Beware of urinary incontinence +創世記Genesis11:21-32


11:21 拉吳生西鹿之後,又活了二百零七年,並且生兒養女。
11:22 西鹿活到三十歲,生了拿鶴。
11:23 西鹿生拿鶴之後,又活了二百年,並且生兒養女。
11:24 拿鶴活到二十九歲,生了他拉。
11:25 拿鶴生他拉之後,又活了一百一十九年,並且生兒養女。
11:26 他拉活到七十歲,生了亞伯蘭、拿鶴、哈蘭。
11:27 他拉的後代記在下面:他拉生亞伯蘭、拿鶴、哈蘭。哈蘭生羅得。
11:28 哈蘭死在他的本地迦勒底的吾珥,在他父親他拉之先。
11:29 亞伯蘭、拿鶴各娶了妻:亞伯蘭的妻子名叫撒萊;拿鶴的妻子名叫密迦,是哈蘭的女兒;哈蘭是密迦和亦迦的父親。
11:30 撒萊不生育,沒有孩子。
11:31 他拉帶著他兒子亞伯蘭和他孫子哈蘭的兒子羅得,並他兒婦亞伯蘭的妻子撒萊,出了迦勒底的吾珥,要往迦南地去。他們走到哈蘭就住在那裡。
11:32 他拉共活了二百零五歲,就死在哈蘭。
11:10-27 挪亞曾咒詛迦南(9:24-27),迦南是含的兒子(10:6),是邪惡的迦南人的始祖。這裡記載了閃的後代(10:22-31),他們得到挪亞的祝福(9:26)。亞伯拉罕和整個猶太民族都是出自閃,在約書亞時代,他們終能成功地攻取迦南地。

11:26-28 迦勒底的吾珥是古時的一個重要城市。考古學家發現在亞伯蘭的時代,吾珥已經文化昌盛,對外貿易發達,還有一個龐大的圖書館。亞伯蘭在吾珥長大,想必受到良好的教育。

11:31 他拉離開吾珥往迦南地去,卻改在哈蘭定居。他走到半路就停下定居,可能是由於健康不佳、氣候不適或是恐懼。不過這些因素並沒有改變神對亞伯蘭的呼召(參12:1)。亞伯蘭尊敬父親的領導,但當他拉死後,他就繼續往迦南去。神的旨意可能是一步一步地向人顯明。住在哈蘭對亞伯蘭來說,是過渡時期。神也給予我們過渡時期和等候時期,使我們倚靠祂、信賴祂所安排的時間。只要我們在等候時耐心地遵行神的旨意,我們就會有更好的準備來回應神的呼召。
11:21 And Reu lived after he begat Serug two hundred and seven years, and begat sons and daughters.
11:22 And Serug lived thirty years, and begat Nahor:
11:23 And Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
11:24 And Nahor lived nine and twenty years, and begat Terah:
11:25 And Nahor lived after he begat Terah an hundred and nineteen years, and begat sons and daughters.
11:26 And Terah lived seventy years, and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran.
11:27 Now these are the generations of Terah: Terah begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and Haran begat Lot.
11:28 And Haran died before his father Terah in the land of his nativity, in Ur of the Chaldees.
11:29 And Abram and Nahor took them wives: the name of Abram's wife was Sarai; and the name of Nahor's wife, Milcah, the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah, and the father of Iscah.
11:30 But Sarai was barren; she had no child.
11:31 And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai his daughter in law, his son Abram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and dwelt there.
11:32 And the days of Terah were two hundred and five years: and Terah died in Haran.
With the blessing and curse of Canaan flash in the continuation of future generations, for whom blessing? Why curse?
11:10-27 Noah has been a curse Canaan (9:24-27), Canaan is the son of (10:6), the evil is the ancestor of Canaan. Flashover recorded here for future generations (10:22-31), they have the blessing of Noah (9:26). Abraham and the entire Jewish people come from the flash, in the times of Joshua, they managed to successfully invade Cana.

Ebailan civilization developed in the UR growth, or choose the final Obey God and leave. Today, I also elected?
11:26-28 Chaldeans UR is at the end of an important city in ancient times. Archaeologists found Ebailan era, UR has cultural prosperity, and foreign trade developed, there is a huge library. Ebailan grew up in the UR, presumably by a good education.

Wait, believing God is the most important homework, I was on this lesson?
11:31 him pulled him to leave UR to Cana, but to settle in Harland. He reached the halfway stop settlement may be due to poor health, climate of fear or discomfort. However, these factors did not change the call God Ebailan (see 12:1). Ebailan respect for the leadership of his father, but he Rafah after his death, he continued to Canaan to. God's will may be step by step to the person shown. Harland lived in the Ebailan, it is the period of transition. God has given us the transition period and waiting period, so that we rely on him, trust arrangements祂所time. As long as we patiently waiting in compliance with God's will, we will be better prepared to respond to God's call.

常穿高跟鞋 當心尿失禁






high heels Beware of urinary incontinence

[-] On the high heels of women legs lines lengthen a very important role in the United States, by many beautiful women favor, and some prefer to endure the pressure from the toes are reluctant to give up on the high heels of the 1,559 . According to market reports, a Harvard Medical School professor of medical research report points out that women often wear high heels easily lead to urinary incontinence.
The report pointed out that, under normal circumstances, when people are walking in the heel first landing, and this may impact force stepped down 80%, so that people feel that the movement relieve moderate. But the researchers found that women wear high heels when it is contrary to the normal movement of feet is always the first palm, palm feet, so that places excessive pressure, which other parts of the body, such as the knee, pelvis , and other parts of the shock absorbing more.

Orthopaedic surgeons believe that the greater the pressure pelvis, the muscles around (including urethral sphincter) will be faster degradation Deyu, thus voiding the urethra control weakened, causing urethral incontinence.


Read more news, see the World Journal.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Jan30,08貪吃 大腦杏仁核體作祟Tanqi amygdala of the brain cause trouble+創世記Genesis11:11-20


11:11 閃生亞法撒之後,又活了五百年,並且生兒養女。 
11:12 亞法撒活到三十五歲,生了沙拉。
11:13 亞法撒生沙拉之後,又活了四百零三年,並且生兒養女。
11:14 沙拉活到三十歲,生了希伯。
11:15 沙拉生希伯之後,又活了四百零三年,並且生兒養女。
11:16 希伯活到三十四歲,生了法勒。
11:17 希伯生法勒之後,又活了四百三十年,並且生兒養女。
11:18 法勒活到三十歲,生了拉吳。
11:19 法勒生拉吳之後,又活了二百零九年,並且生兒養女。
11:20 拉吳活到三十二歲,生了西鹿。
11:10-27 挪亞曾咒詛迦南(9:24-27),迦南是含的兒子(10:6),是邪惡的迦南人的始祖。這裡記載了閃的後代(10:22-31),他們得到挪亞的祝福(9:26)。亞伯拉罕和整個猶太民族都是出自閃,在約書亞時代,他們終能成功地攻取迦南地。
11:11 And Shem lived after he begat Arphaxad five hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
11:12 And Arphaxad lived five and thirty years, and begat Salah:
11:13 And Arphaxad lived after he begat Salah four hundred and three years, and begat sons and daughters.
11:14 And Salah lived thirty years, and begat Eber:
11:15 And Salah lived after he begat Eber four hundred and three years, and begat sons and daughters.
11:16 And Eber lived four and thirty years, and begat Peleg:
11:17 And Eber lived after he begat Peleg four hundred and thirty years, and begat sons and daughters.
11:18 And Peleg lived thirty years, and begat Reu:
11:19 And Peleg lived after he begat Reu two hundred and nine years, and begat sons and daughters.
11:20 And Reu lived two and thirty years, and begat Serug:
With the blessing and curse of Canaan flash in the continuation of future generations, for whom blessing? Why curse?
11:10-27 Noah has been a curse Canaan (9:24-27), Canaan is the son of (10:6), the evil is the ancestor of Canaan. Flashover recorded here for future generations (10:22-31), they have the blessing of Noah (9:26). Abraham and the entire Jewish people come from the flash, in the times of Joshua, they managed to successfully invade Cana.

貪吃 大腦杏仁核體作祟



也就是說,BMI較低的瘦子早已經覺得很飽,但BMI較高的人卻沒有感覺,問題就出在這個杏仁核體!當人體吃下大量食物,大腦左後方的杏仁核體會發出飽足感警告,科學家發現,BMI高的人,杏仁核體的反應比BMI低的人更遲鈍,也因此 BMI高的人一直吃下食物,大腦卻沒有飽足感,惡性循環之下,自然吃下更多的食物。




Tanqi amygdala of the brain cause trouble

PRC reportedly is of relatively good state of the people often complain, as long as a slight eat that will be said is Tanchi, but according to Times reported, the scientists found that really the "favorite secret" found that love love is not possible with the rear of a brain region called "amygdala" of the relevant because this site will be notified brain satisfied, and fat is to eat constantly, and the region is yet to start, I do not know himself have a feed.
Scientists study found, or may Tanchi and a region in the brain called "amygdala of the" closely related. United States Department of Energy Brookhaven National Research Center for 18 subjects were conducted experiments, they found that body mass index BMI is relatively high, is usually relatively obese people, even eating the same amount of food than satisfied BMI index lower and there are fewer people will come.

In other words, the lower the BMI Shouzi already feel very full, but those with higher BMI is not feeling on the issue in the amygdala of! When humans eat large quantities of food, the brain behind the left amygdala of flu warning issued satiety, the scientists found that a high BMI, the reaction of the amygdala than those with low BMI more slowly, so a high BMI who has been eating food, the brain is not satisfied, a vicious cycle, natural eating more food.

In fact, over the long scientists suggested that eating should be Xijiaomanyan, satiety to the brain can receive messages, not only devour and destroy and harm health, but also may eat too much food, but the scientific research and did not say , and high BMI in the weight management and reduce the value of BMI, the amygdala in the brain of whether there would be a more sensitive variable? But in any case, as far as possible, maintain a proper weight and slow food, physical and mental health is definitely useful.


Read more news, see the World Journal.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Jan29,0813歲前初經 乳癌機率高三倍13yrearly breast cancer three times+創世記Genesis11:1-10


11:1 那時,天下人的口音言語都是一樣。
11:2 他們往東邊遷移的時候,在示拿地遇見一片平原,就住在那裡。
11:3 他們彼此商量說:“來吧,我們要做磚,把磚燒透了。”他們就拿磚當石頭,又拿石漆當灰泥。
11:4 他們說:“來吧,我們要建造一座城和一座塔,塔頂通天,為要傳揚我們的名,免得我們分散在全地上。”
11:5 耶和華降臨,要看看世人所建造的城和塔。
11:6 耶和華說:“看哪!他們成為一樣的人民,都是一樣的言語,如今既做起這事來,以後他們所要做的事就沒有不成就的了。
11:7 我們下去,在那裡變亂他們的口音,使他們的言語彼此不通。”
11:8 於是,耶和華使他們從那裡分散在全地上,他們就停工不造那城了。
11:9 因為耶和華在那裡變亂天下人的言語,使眾人分散在全地上,所以那城名叫巴別(註:就是“變亂”的意思)。
11:10 閃的後代記在下面:洪水以後二年,閃一百歲生了亞法撒。
11:3-4 巴別塔很可能是一座美索不達米亞的古廟,與當時巴比倫的建築相似,形狀像金字塔,四邊有樓梯和斜坡,長寬均約九十公尺,是全城市的焦點。這段經文中記載的人為自己的偉大建造這座紀念塔,並要世人都看見它。

11:4 巴別塔是人類偉大的成就、世界的奇蹟,但它只是紀念人類自己,而不是紀念神。我們可能也會為自己樹立一些標記,如貴重的衣飾、華麗的房子、名貴的汽車、偉大的工作等等,叫別人留意我們的成就。這些事本身也許並不錯,但我們以這些東西來肯定自己的身分和價值時,它們就會取代了神在我們生命中的位置。我們在許多方面都可以自由發展,卻不能以自己來代替神。
11:1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
11:2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
11:3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.
11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
11:5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
11:7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
11:8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
11:9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
11:10 These are the generations of Shem: Shem was an hundred years old, and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood:
Since ancient times, humans always use all sorts of methods to promote their own achievements. Personally, I also do the same thing?
11:3-4 Babel Tower is a very likely of Mesopotamia, the temple, and was similar to the construction of Babylon, shaped like pyramids, a staircase edges and slopes, are about the length and width of 90 meters, is the City focus. This recorded in the scriptures of the great man-made its own construction of this monument, and to the people of the world have seen it.

Replace God in a variety of achievements is the modern Babel Tower, in my life, "the Babel Tower"?
11:4 Babel Tower is a great human achievement, the world's miracles, but it is only human to commemorate their own, rather than to commemorate God. We may also set some markers for themselves, such as expensive clothing, gorgeous houses, expensive cars, and the great work and so on, we called attention to the achievements of others. Perhaps these things themselves and good, but we sure these things to their own identity and values, they will be replaced God in our lives position. In many ways we are free to development, but not to replace God with their own.

13歲前初經 乳癌機率高三倍










4.將枕頭墊在背部並平躺,將左手放在腦後,以右手觸摸左乳房,依環狀方式循序漸進,要包括腋下及乳房上,做完再換另一邊做檢查,目的是看看有無腋窩淋巴結腫大。如果發現乳房存在色素沉著、凹陷或明顯突起,伴有腋窩淋巴結腫大等症狀時,多為腫瘤的跡象,應到醫院做全面系統的檢查,以確診腫瘤是良性,還是惡性。 (中新網)



13-year-old former high probability of early breast cancer three times

Women should regularly cultivate the habit of breast self-examination.

● Xinkuaibao According to reports, the latest epidemiological survey showed that Shanghai, Guangzhou and other major cities in the female population incidence rate of breast cancer has risen every year, the city has become the number one killer of women, and the development trend was younger, including 13-year-old pre-menstrual menarche women, the incidence rate of breast cancer than the more than 17-year-old female menstruation to a high incidence of two to three times.
Five factors of breast cancer in younger

"Causes of breast cancer are the main reasons for the rejuvenation of the following aspects." Hanxiaorong General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Region, said. First, young women diet changes, excessive fat intake, nutrition lead to excess precocious girls, early menarche, followed by the young women of the more open attitude, resulting in the abuse of contraceptives; and the third is to join the large-scale use of estrogen to achieve rejuvenation effects of cosmetics, and young women are reluctant to stay in shape after giving birth to the birth or breast-feeding increased the incidence of breast cancer opportunity.

In addition, the diet is also a factor that should not be overlooked, many studies show that with the hormone-related cancers such as breast cancer, and the large numbers of both intake of animal fat and protein, it is in the daily lives of the diet should be reduced to eat animal fat and protein , including whole milk, butter, red meat, limit daily intake of fat in the daily total calories to maintain the 15% -30% level.

After each menstrual be self-inspection

In fact, from the age of 24, women should regularly develop the habit of breast self-examination. From the 30-year-old started at least half a year for a breast examination, if it is found that the mammary gland hyperplasia should be three months of inspections. Han doctor said, the best way is conducted after each menstrual breast self-checking, specific methods are as follows -----

1. Seventh day of the arrival of menstruation to examine the arms on both sides of the body to observe Shuangru differences. Breast shape the contours of the integrity of the arc. Smooth skin is asymmetrical, there embossing change, whether color anomaly; final observation is nipple outward prominent, whether bilateral breast symmetry at the same level online.

2. Face mirror, raised his right hand at the back of their minds, observation right breast color, shape and whether nipple discharge, and if there are any of the same. Then for the left, Left internal mammary observation.

3. Bath, Linta body, thereby bringing milk bath, and left hand on the back of their minds, with the right middle three fingers merge to nipple as the center, slowly clockwise direction from overseas within the movement, and whether lumps Momokan or particles, the final squeeze nipple discharge to see whether there.

4. Pillows and bed pad in the back, left hand on the back of their minds, to the right hand touching the left breast, gradual and orderly manner according to ring, including breast and armpit, the other side to finish再换check to see see whether axillary lymphadenopathy. If it is found that the existence of breast pigmentation, or sag significantly processes, accompanied by symptoms such as axillary lymph nodes, for more signs of cancer, should go to hospital for a comprehensive system of checks to a benign tumor diagnosed or malignant. (AP)


Read more news, see the World Journal.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Jan28,08流感病毒 鈔票上存活兩周Notes on the survival of influenza virus for two weeks+馬太福音Matthew11:21-30


11:21 “哥拉汛哪,你有禍了!伯賽大啊,你有禍了!因為在你們中間所行的異能,若行在推羅、西頓,他們早已披麻蒙灰悔改了。
11:22 但我告訴你們,當審判的日子,推羅、西頓所受的比你們還容易受呢!
11:23 迦百農啊,你已經升到天上(註:或作“你將要升到天上嗎”) ?將來必墜落陰間,因為在你那裡所行的異能,若行在所多瑪,它還可以存到今日。
11:24 但我告訴你們:當審判的日子,所多瑪所受的,比你還容易受呢!”
11:25 那時,耶穌說:“父啊,天地的主,我感謝你!因為你將這些事向聰明通達人就藏起來,向嬰孩就顯出來。
11:26 父啊,是的,因為你的美意本是如此。
11:27 一切所有的,都是我父交付我的。除了父,沒有人知道子;除了子和子所願意指示的,沒有人知道父。
11:28 凡勞苦擔重擔的人,可以到我這裡來,我就使你們得安息。
11:29 我心裡柔和謙卑,你們當負我的軛,學我的樣式,這樣,你們心裡就必得享安息。
11:30 因為我的軛是容易的,我的擔子是輕省的。”
11:21-24 推羅、西頓和所多瑪都是罪惡昭彰、臭名遠揚的古代城市(參創18:20;結27-28章),這些城市都因其邪惡而被神咒詛或毀滅。伯賽大、哥拉汛和迦百農的人都親眼見過耶穌,然而他們頑固地拒絕為罪悔改和相信耶穌。耶穌說世界上最邪惡的城市的居民見到祂也會悔改;而加利利諸城的人見過耶穌眾多神蹟卻不肯相信,他們將要承受的刑罰,要比那些未曾見過耶穌神蹟的城市的人更大。同樣,每個角落都有教會、每個家庭都有聖經的國家或城市,其中的人若不肯悔改信耶穌,到了審判的時候,他們的罪將無可推諉!

11:25 耶穌在禱告中提到兩類人:聰明人——為自己的知識而傲慢自大;嬰孩——謙卑地敞開自己去接受神的真理。在你自己眼中,你是自以為聰明,還是以孩子般的信心尋找真理?惟有神才有一切的答案。

11:27 舊約中“知道”不單指知識,更指一個親密的關係,父神與神子的溝通是關係的中心,任何人要“知道”神,神一定會透過“子”,把祂自己啟示給人,有耶穌把神清楚地啟示給我們,讓我們可以認識祂,這是何等值得慶幸的啊!

11:28-30 “軛”是套在牛頸上的沉重木製器具,與牛要拉動的工具連在一起。人可能背負很多的重擔:(1)罪;(2)教會領袖所提出的額外要求(參23:4;徒15:10);(3)世人的反對和迫害;(4)尋找神過程中的疲憊厭倦。
11:21 Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.
11:22 But I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment, than for you.
11:23 And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day.
11:24 But I say unto you, That it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for thee.
11:25 At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.
11:26 Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in thy sight.
11:27 All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.
11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Our city is like what? You know it needs?
11:21-24 Tyrus, Sidon and the more瑪are flagrant, notorious ancient city (see a 18:20; guitar 27-28 chapter), these cities were evil because God curse or destruction. Peter赛, Gela flood and Gabriel farmers have seen for myself, Jesus, but they stubbornly refuse to repent and believe in Jesus crimes. Jesus said the world's most evil city residents will see him repentance; Zhucheng Galilee and the people have seen many miracles of Jesus but is unwilling to believe that they will have to bear the penalty than those who have not seen miracles of Jesus City people greater. Likewise, the church has every corner, every family has the Bible countries or cities, the person who refuses to repent to Jesus, to the time of the trial, their crimes will inevitably prevarication!

Some people say that humility as a person not at the end of the cup, and think of enough, you? Talk about your views……
11:25 Jesus in prayer mentioned in the two categories of people: intelligent people - for their own knowledge and arrogance; baby - humbly open ourselves to accept the truth of God. In your own eyes, you think they smart or as to the confidence of the children find the truth? Only God can answer all.

No one has ever seen God, but we can understand him, and why?
11:27 in the Old Testament "know" mean not only knowledge, that a more intimate relationship with God the Father of communication between the centre of any person to "know" God, God will be through the "son" to him their inspiration people, the God of Jesus clearly inspiration to us, he let us realize, this is what Fortunately ah!

Qianjin pressure shoulder the burden? You hear Jesus promised?
11:28-30 "conjugate" is set in the neck, the heavy wooden cattle apparatus, and bovine tools to pull together. Many people may carry the burden of: (1) crime; (2) by church leaders of the additional requirements (beside the Senate; followers 15:10) (3) of the opposition and persecution of the people of the world, (4) the process of looking for God tired of the fatigue.
Jesus from the burden of the release, he promised to us and the rest is with God's love, healing and peace, and does not mean an end to all labour. A relationship with God can meaningless and full of life have become Jiufan direction, the results of a spiritual life.


流感病毒 鈔票上存活兩周







Notes on the survival of influenza virus for two weeks

● Swiss scientists announced the results of the study show that if banknotes with the influenza virus, such as saliva mixed together, can survive more than two weeks.
Switzerland "Times" reported that some people like to use inventory notes several fingers dipping saliva, it seems that this is a hazard to public health habits.

According to reports, the University Hospital in Geneva, Switzerland on a small number of staff will be attached to the influenza virus samples used banknotes, then these notes stored in room temperature conditions. The results showed that most of the money on the survival of influenza virus only a few hours, a number of "strong" influenza virus can survive for several days, and mixed with saliva, such as the influenza virus can survive on the money two weeks or even longer.

Study leaders Yifutuomashi stressed that the influenza virus is still mainly through the air and direct contact between people spread. He also said researchers will study further notes the spread of the influenza virus specific impact. (ANI)


Read more news, see the World Journal.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Jan26,08 配偶不割包皮 會得子宮頸癌嗎?Spouses will not gotten a cervical cancer? +馬太福音Matthew11:11 -20

11:11 我實在告訴你們:凡婦人所生的,沒有一個興起來大過施洗約翰的;然而天國裡最小的比他還大。
11:12 從施洗約翰的時候到如今,天國是努力進入的,努力的人就得著了。
11:13 因為眾先知和律法說預言,到約翰為止。
11:14 你們若肯領受,這人就是那應當來的以利亞。
11:15 有耳可聽的,就應當聽!
11:16 我可用甚麼比這世代呢?好像孩童坐在街市上招呼同伴,說:
11:17 ‘我們向你們吹笛,你們不跳舞;我們向你們舉哀,你們不捶胸。 ’
11:18 約翰來了,也不吃,也不喝,人就說他是被鬼附著的; 
11:19 人子來了,也吃也喝,人又說他是貪食好酒的人,是稅吏和罪人的朋友。但智慧之子,總以智慧為是(註:有古卷作“但智慧在行為上就顯為是”)。”
11:20 耶穌在諸城中行了許多異能,那些城的人終不悔改,就在那時候責備他們說:
11:11 從來沒有人比約翰更好地完成神給他的使命,但在神將來的國度中,所有人都比約翰能承繼更多的屬靈產業,因為他們會看見和認識到基督和祂在十字架上成就的事。

11:12 對這節經文的意義普遍有三種看法:(1)耶穌可能指往神那裡的一個龐大運動,而這個運動的動力由約翰的傳道開始;(2)可能反映那些激進的猶太人的期望,希望天國通過傾覆羅馬而降臨;(3)進入天國需要有勇氣、不搖動的信心、決心和堅忍,因逼迫會擊打耶穌的跟從者。

11:14 約翰並不是復活了的以利亞,但他取了以利亞的先知角色——大膽地對抗罪惡、引導人到神那裡(參瑪3:1)。

11:16-19 耶穌譴責那個世代的人的心態,不論祂說甚麼或做甚麼,這些人都與祂敵對。祂挑戰他們離開舒適、安全和自我中心的生活,他們就譏諷和懷疑祂。聽從神可能要我們改變自己的生活方式,你有沒有因此而為自己不一致的行為辯護?
11:11 Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
11:13 For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.
11:14 And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come.
11:15 He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
11:16 But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows,
11:17 And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented.
11:18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil.
11:19 The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.
11:20 Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done, because they repented not:

配偶不割包皮 會得子宮頸癌嗎?







Spouses will not gotten a cervical cancer?

● whether male circumcision, whether the increase will affect the spouses of cervical cancer incidence? Whether there is a related study discuss this?
Taipei Medical University Hospital Maternity Department, as director of the Center for Yanyuan your mirror that early study was to observe the habits of the nation have circumcision, the risk of cervical cancer women get lower, but earlier studies without control group, only simple statistics analysis of a recent study of the control group, found that the literature, inflammation, infection and other factors removed foreskin is too long and does not affect the risk of cervical cancer.

Some people think that the past, the male foreskin is too long, their sexual partners more likely suffering from cervical cancer, this argument is easy to think long Cangwanagou foreskin, it is possible breeding ground for the virus.

At present the cause of cervical cancer was found may be infected through sexual intercourse with HPV virus (HPV) and go on to develop cervical cancer. Although the study proved that the length of the foreskin does not affect the probability of Li Ai, but the health problems of life will truly affect infection rate, a higher chance of HPV infection in women, are relatively easier to get cervical cancer. (Hui-Min Liu)


Read more news, see the World Journal.

Jan27,08 噬肉菌襲美 最愛男同志Macrophage favorite meat of gay Ximei+馬太福音Matthew11:1-10

11:1 耶穌吩咐完了十二個門徒,就離開那裡,往各城去傳道教訓人。
11:2 約翰在監裡聽見基督所做的事,就打發兩個門徒去,
11:3 問他說:“那將要來的是你嗎?還是我們等候別人呢?”
11:4 耶穌回答說:“你們去,把所聽見、所看見的事告訴約翰。
11:5 就是瞎子看見,瘸子行走,長大痳瘋的潔淨,聾子聽見,死人復活, 窮人有福音傳給他們。
11:6 凡不因我跌倒的就有福了。”
11:7 他們走的時候,耶穌就對眾人講論約翰說:“你們從前出到曠野是要看甚麼呢?要看風吹動的蘆葦嗎?
11:8 你們出去到底是要看甚麼?要看穿細軟衣服的人嗎?那穿細軟衣服的人是在王宮裡。
11:9 你們出去究竟是為甚麼?是要看先知嗎?我告訴你們:是的,他比先知大多了。
11:10 經上記著說:‘我要差遣我的使者,在你前面預備道路。’所說的就是這個人。
11:2-3 約翰被希律監禁了。希律和他自己的嫂子結婚,約翰公開責備希律的這種罪行(14:3-5)。(有關約翰和希律的生平,請參約1章,可6章的人物介紹。)

11:4-6 當約翰在監獄中經過年餘後,開始疑惑究竟耶穌是不是真正的彌賽亞。耶穌回答約翰的疑問,指出祂醫治好瞎子、瘸子和聾子,使痲瘋病者得到痊愈,叫死人復活和傳揚神的福音給貧窮人,這些行動已經說明了祂的身分。當你懷疑自己的得救、罪是否已得赦或者神在你生命中的工作時,就應注意聖經的憑據和你生命的改變,不要轉離基督,乃要轉向祂。
11:1 And it came to pass, when Jesus had made an end of commanding his twelve disciples, he departed thence to teach and to preach in their cities.
11:2 Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples,
11:3 And said unto him, Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?
11:4 Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see:
11:5 The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.
11:6 And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.
11:7 And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind?
11:8 But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings' houses.
11:9 But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet.
11:10 For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.
John imprisonment can be very reason, you know what? If you, you will……
11:2-3 by Herod imprisoned John. Herod and his sister-in-law marriage, John Herod openly blame this crime (14:3-5). (On the life of John and Herod, please refer to Chapter 1, Chapter 6 on the figures.)

Road belief, often confused, but dare not think carefully, for fear once the letter is not really - in fact……
When John 11:4-6 in prison more than a year after the beginning of doubts whether Jesus is not really the Messiah. John Jesus answered questions, he pointed out that a good cure the blind, deaf and the lame to be cured leprosy patients, called the resurrection of the dead and to spread the gospel of God to poor people, these actions have described him identity. When you doubt their own salvation, whether the crime has been or may be forgiven God in your life's work, they should pay attention to the Bible and the evidence of the change in your life, do not turn away from Christ, is to shift him.

噬肉菌襲美 最愛男同志






研究作者、舊金山加州大學教授錢伯斯(Dr. Henry F. Chambers)警告,除非微生物實驗室能確認此新型細菌的結構,以及醫師正確開立抗生素治療,否則這種細菌將不只是在同志間大流行,亦將感染其他民眾,造成嚴重威脅。




Macrophage favorite meat of gay Ximei

PRC reportedly pointed out that a recent medical research, with a multiple drug resistance, can lead to macrophage meat-acquired pneumonia, can be serious and even fatal new "macrophages meat" (flesh-eating) Super Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) the United States is the homosexual population is concentrated in San Francisco, Boston, New York, Los Angeles and other cities have spread rapidly, the city of San Francisco gay chance of infection is the other residents of the city 13 times.
The New York Times reported, this study examines San Francisco, Boston, the two cities of the out-patient clinics and medical centers record. University of California, San Francisco researchers found that the San Francisco Castro District, the nation's largest gay residents in the area every 588 people, one person infected with this new type of Staphylococcus aureus. San Francisco residents per 3,800 people there have been infected.

This Staphylococcus aureus clusters of homosexuals in the region "quickly and may spread nationwide." The bacteria most easily transmitted through anal sex, male homosexuals are usually infected through contact with skin bacteria in the septic buttocks or genital sores. In addition people, and if the carriers have skin contact or contact with infected objects, but also the possibility of infection.

The researchers suggest using wash hands thoroughly with soap and water or contact location, may prevent skin contact is the most effective way of the people, especially frequent activities should develop this kind of habit.

According to the United States Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention statistics, in 2005 there are nearly 19,000 people nationwide died from infection Staphylococcus aureus. The bacteria was first spread in the medical institutions, in recent years the source of infection spread to places outside hospitals. People who are infected with a serious skin abscess sores or ulcers, and other symptoms, the bacteria entered the body through the skin, fat and muscle swallowed, it is also known as the "bite of meat." Staphylococcus aureus treatment is difficult because of its penicillin resistance and a range of antibiotics.

The study's authors, University of California, San Francisco Professor Chambers (Dr. Henry F. Chambers) warned that unless the microbiology laboratory to confirm the structure of this new type of bacteria, as well as the opening of physicians correct antibiotic treatment, or else the bacteria will not only comrades in the major popular, other people will be infected, resulting in a serious threat.

The study published in the "Internal Medicine records" Internet journal.


Read more news, see the World Journal.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Jan25,08 省電燈泡 恐致皮膚病惡化Energy saving light bulbs to the skin may worsen+創世記Genesis10:17-32


10:17 希未人、亞基人、西尼人、
10:18 亞瓦底人、洗瑪利人、哈馬人,後來迦南的諸族分散了。
10:19 迦南的境界是從西頓向基拉耳的路上,直到迦薩;又向所多瑪、蛾摩拉、押瑪、洗扁的路上,直到拉沙。
10:20 這就是含的後裔,各隨他們的宗族、方言,所住的地土、邦國。
10:21 雅弗的哥哥閃,是希伯子孫之祖,他也生了兒子。
10:22 閃的兒子是以攔、亞述、亞法撒、路德、亞蘭。
10:23 亞蘭的兒子是烏斯、戶勒、基帖、瑪施。
10:24 亞法撒生沙拉;沙拉生希伯。
10:25 希伯生了兩個兒子,一個名叫法勒(註:就是“分”的意思),因為那時人就分地居住。法勒的兄弟名叫約坍。
10:26 約坍生亞摩答、沙列、哈薩瑪非、耶拉、
10:27 哈多蘭、烏薩、德拉、
10:28 俄巴路、亞比瑪利、示巴、
10:29 阿斐、哈腓拉、約巴,這都是約坍的兒子。
10:30 他們所住的地方是從米沙直到西發東邊的山。
10:31 這就是閃的子孫,各隨他們的宗族、方言,所住的地土、邦國。
10:32 這些都是挪亞三個兒子的宗族,各隨他們的支派立國。洪水以後,他們在地上分為邦國。
10:8-9 寧錄是誰?聖經只說他是孔武有力的獵人,我們對他其餘的事所知不多。大有恩賜的人容易驕傲,寧錄也許就是這樣。有人認為他是不信真神的大巴比倫帝國的鼻祖。
10:17 And the Hivite, and the Arkite, and the Sinite,
10:18 And the Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the Hamathite: and afterward were the families of the Canaanites spread abroad.
10:19 And the border of the Canaanites was from Sidon, as thou comest to Gerar, unto Gaza; as thou goest, unto Sodom, and Gomorrah, and Admah, and Zeboim, even unto Lasha.
10:20 These are the sons of Ham, after their families, after their tongues, in their countries, and in their nations.
10:21 Unto Shem also, the father of all the children of Eber, the brother of Japheth the elder, even to him were children born.
10:22 The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram.
10:23 And the children of Aram; Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Mash.
10:24 And Arphaxad begat Salah; and Salah begat Eber.
10:25 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was Joktan.
10:26 And Joktan begat Almodad, and Sheleph, and Hazarmaveth, and Jerah,
10:27 And Hadoram, and Uzal, and Diklah,
10:28 And Obal, and Abimael, and Sheba,
10:29 And Ophir, and Havilah, and Jobab: all these were the sons of Joktan.
10:30 And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou goest unto Sephar a mount of the east.
10:31 These are the sons of Shem, after their families, after their tongues, in their lands, after their nations.
10:32 These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood.
Proud of the heart, but people forget the people who are just……
10:8-9-recorded Who? He only said that the Bible is Kongwuweili hunters, we rest of the things he does not know much about. People tend to the great gift of pride, perhaps-in is like that. Some people think that he did not believe God is the originator of the Babylonian Empire.

省電燈泡 恐致皮膚病惡化







Energy saving light bulbs to the skin may worsen

PRC reportedly pointed out that the British Association of Dermatologists doctors, power-saving fluorescent light bulbs more likely to have some skin diseases in patients with worsening of the illness, especially in light of the sensitive issue of the patients, including the impact of sunlight and skin rash cancer.
Daily Mail newspaper reported that the British Government has a comprehensive plan in 2011 banned the traditional tungsten filament incandescent bulbs, switching to energy saving light bulbs, but there are charitable organizations that may lead to energy saving light bulbs migraine, dizziness, focusing attention, may epilepsy, lupus erythematosus patients feel sick.

British dermatology physician-chairman of the Association Deng stressed that the skin-sensitive patients should avoid contact with the sun, but some energy saving indoor light bulbs with special wavelength, and their condition may deteriorate.

Critics also pointed out that energy saving light bulbs relatively "cold" relatively "green", but also flashes problems. But the British Association of lighting stressed that the new energy saving bulbs flashing light will not only cheaper and lower-quality energy saving light bulbs users will trigger health problems.


Read more news, see the World Journal.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Jan24,08減肥食譜 不可缺牛奶Diet books indispensable milk+創世記Genesis10:1-16

10:1 挪亞的兒子閃、含、雅弗的後代記在下面。洪水以後,他們都生了兒子。
10:2 雅弗的兒子是歌篾、瑪各、瑪代、雅完、土巴、米設、提拉。
10:3 歌篾的兒子是亞實基拿、利法、陀迦瑪;
10:4 雅完的兒子是以利沙、他施、基提、多單。
10:5 這些人的後裔將各國的地土、海島分開居住,各隨各的方言、宗族立國。
10:6 含的兒子是古實、麥西、弗、迦南。
10:7 古實的兒子是西巴、哈腓拉、撒弗他、拉瑪、撒弗提迦。拉瑪的兒子是示巴、底但。
10:8 古實又生寧錄,他為世上英雄之首。
10:9 他在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶,所以俗語說:“像寧錄在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶。”
10:10 他國的起頭是巴別、以力、亞甲、甲尼,都在示拿地。
10:11 他從那地出來往亞述去,建造尼尼微、利河伯、迦拉,
10:12 和尼尼微、迦拉中間的利鮮,這就是那大城。
10:13 麥西生路低人、亞拿米人、利哈比人、拿弗土希人、
10:14 帕斯魯細人、迦斯路希人、迦斐託人,從迦斐託出來的有非利士人。
10:15 迦南生長子西頓,又生赫,
10:16 和耶布斯人、亞摩利人、革迦撒人、
10:8-9 寧錄是誰?聖經只說他是孔武有力的獵人,我們對他其餘的事所知不多。大有恩賜的人容易驕傲,寧錄也許就是這樣。有人認為他是不信真神的大巴比倫帝國的鼻祖。
10:1 Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood.
10:2 The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.
10:3 And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah.
10:4 And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim.
10:5 By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.
10:6 And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan.
10:7 And the sons of Cush; Seba, and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabtechah: and the sons of Raamah; Sheba, and Dedan.
10:8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.
10:9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD.
10:10 And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.
10:11 Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah,
10:12 And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same is a great city.
10:13 And Mizraim begat Ludim, and Anamim, and Lehabim, and Naphtuhim,
10:14 And Pathrusim, and Casluhim, (out of whom came Philistim,) and Caphtorim.
10:15 And Canaan begat Sidon his first born, and Heth,
10:16 And the Jebusite, and the Amorite, and the Girgasite,
Proud of the heart, but people forget the people who are just……
10:8-9-recorded Who? He only said that the Bible is Kongwuweili hunters, we rest of the things he does not know much about. People tend to the great gift of pride, perhaps-in is like that. Some people think that he did not believe God is the originator of the Babylonian Empire.

減肥食譜 不可缺牛奶
乳品中的鈣和乳清蛋白 有助燃燒多餘脂肪


















Diet books indispensable milk
In the dairy whey protein and calcium helps burn excess fat

Increase in the daily diet of milk, yogurt, etc. to help control weight.

[Dairy] - can you thin? Many people think that people easily dairy obesity, often dairy products will be reduced in the proportion of food. Contrary to eat if properly dairy anti-obesity can also help your health and weight control.
Changsha Evening News, the United States director of the University of Tennessee Nutrition Institute, Professor Dr. Maikezemeier study confirmed: The calcium in dairy products and other ingredients, such as whey protein can help burn excess fat, total calorie intake in the same time If an increase in the daily dietary intake of dairy products, and will greatly help to cut excess fat, but can also help you healthy weight control.

"If the dairy to lose weight removed from the menu, it is extremely wrong." Zemeier, he said, the full dose of calcium can help reduce body fat reserves at the same time accelerate the fat-burning speed. Dairy products can help lose weight another important reason attributed to the whey protein.

Whey protein in milk is a naturally occurring protein, about the total milk protein content of 20%. Breast, the proportion of about 80 per cent. Whey protein contains nutrients can stimulate muscle tissue of the building, and this process is the process of burning fat. Research shows that if you want to by reducing the total calorie intake of food to achieve weight loss goals, it will milk or whey protein into the day-to-day eating plan can play a multiplier effect.

Therefore, we can be a reasonable increase in the daily diet of milk, yogurt and whey protein to help control weight. In fact whey protein has infiltrated in many foods, it is not only infant formula milk powder one of the main raw material, in a growing number of public food, for example, yogurt, energy bar, and beverages can be found in foods such as whey protein on the scene.

Obesity harm immune system

In addition, according to Science and Technology Daily reported that the United States oral Boston University microbiologist recently confirmed in a study, obese or overweight can lead to health risks, not limited to the well-known cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases, it may be increase the risk of periodontal disease risk, and even harm the immune system.

From the Boston University microbiologist Saluomeng oral. AMU auspices of the experiments show that obesity will reduce the immune system's ability to resist bacteria, the immune system becomes unresponsive.

United States State University of New York at Buffalo microbiologist Robert periodontal disease. Jike, obesity may be more restrained in a body's immune system tablets called neutrophil cell function. Such cells can kill germs. If its function was inhibited, and may trigger more serious illnesses.

Currently, the population of obese damage is not clear the specific mechanism of the immune system. However, the United States Albert. Albert Einstein College of Medicine infectious disease researchers Herbert. Tannahuishi that obesity causes chronic low-level inflammation may play a role in them. He said: "At present there is ample evidence that obese people in the face of bacterial infection, there were more problems, at least from the hospital collection case reflects this."

Lack of self-confidence more fat women

Life Times quoted British media reports, in relation to self-feeling good girls, those with lower self-evaluation of overweight girls more easily.

Harvard University School of Public Health study of more than 4,000 girls in school for a two-year investigation, the girls, the average age is 15 years old.

Participants were on their own to the popularity of evaluation, researchers at the same time on their weight recorded. The results showed that those who think that the unpopular girls, within two years of body mass index (BMI) increased the possibility of the two units should be higher than other girls 69% of their body weight increased by an average of 11 pounds (about 1 pound a 4.5 kg). The researchers pointed out that, which is now in adolescent girls, body mass index increased in two to two units is not a normal phenomenon. Will be in the eating habits, family income, race and other factors into account, they still find self-evaluation and weight there is a big correlation between the growth.

The study results published in the January publication of "Children and adolescents medical literature". Aidina author of the report. Leimoxiao said: "All measures to prevent obesity should be girls self-evaluation of this factor into account."


Read more news, see the World Journal.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Jan23,08這些人,易中風 These people, easy stroke+馬太福音Matthew10:34-42

10:34 你們不要想,我來是叫地上太平;我來並不是叫地上太平,乃是叫地上動刀兵。
10:35 因為我來是叫‘人與父親生疏,女兒與母親生疏,媳婦與婆婆生疏。
10:36 人的仇敵就是自己家裡的人。’ 
10:37 愛父母過於愛我的,不配作我的門徒;愛兒女過於愛我的,不配作我的門徒。
10:38 不背著他的十字架跟從我的,也不配作我的門徒。
10:39 得著生命的,將要失喪生命;為我失喪生命的,將要得著生命。
10:40 人接待你們,就是接待我;接待我,就是接待那差我來的。
10:41 人因為先知的名接待先知,必得先知所得的賞賜;人因為義人的名接待義人,必得義人所得的賞賜。
10:42 無論何人,因為門徒的名,只把一杯涼水給這小子裡的一個喝,我實在告訴你們,這人不能不得賞賜。”
10:29-31 耶穌說神關心各樣的事情,甚至是麻雀的需要。你比那些小鳥貴重得多,神甚至差遣祂獨生的兒子為你而死(參約3:16)。祂給你尊貴的地位,你不必害怕別人的恐嚇或困難的考驗,這些都不能動搖神對你的愛,也不能把聖靈從你心裡趕走。但並不表示祂將會免去你一切的困難(參10:17, 21),生命的價值就在這些生活的磨難與受辱中承受真實的考驗,在其中屹立不倒就顯出其真正的價值。在困難中仍然堅信基督的人,才真正得到這長存價值,必獲得極大的賞賜(參5:11-12)。

10:34 耶穌帶來的和平,並非那種掩飾彼此歧見而粉飾出來的和諧。選擇跟隨耶穌的人和不跟隨耶穌的人之間一定會有矛盾和不和,但我們可以盼望總有一天矛盾可以化解。(有關耶穌作為和平使者的討論,請參5:9;賽9:6;約14:27。)

10:34-39 委身基督可能會使我們與朋友和所愛的人分隔。耶穌這樣說並不是鼓勵我們違背父母或在家中引起紛爭,反而顯明祂要求我們作決定。由於有些人跟從祂,有些則拒絕,兩者之間必引起無可避免的衝突。當我們背起十字架跟從祂,我們與別人不同的價值觀、道德、目標和決定,就必使我們與他人有距離。不要忽略你的家人,但也不要忘記你對神的委身比他們更重要,祂應該在你生命的首位。

10:37 耶穌呼召我們,不是要我們尋求生命的舒適和安寧,而是要我們承擔一個更高的使命。愛家庭是神的律法,但有時這分愛也可能成為只顧個人利益的一個藉口,叫我們不去事奉神,不去做祂的工。

10:38 背起我們的十字架來跟從耶穌,是公開承認與基督的關係,經歷別人的反對,並願意為祂的緣故面對任何事,甚至為祂受苦受死。

10:39 這節經文顯示出真理的兩面:抓緊生命可能使我們在今生和來生喪失從神而來最好的東西。當我們愈喜愛今生的報酬——享受、權勢、受擁戴、經濟保障,就愈會發現這些東西是何等虛空。因此,享受生命的最佳途徑,就是放棄貪戀世上報酬的心,自由地跟從基督,這樣,我們將會承受永生,並立刻開始經歷跟從祂的好處。

10:42 我們如何對待別人可以用來量度我們愛神之心。耶穌以給一個口渴小孩一杯涼水的例子,作為無私服事的榜樣。神視自己為領受者一樣,注意每一件我們做或沒有做的善事。今天你是否無私地服事他人呢?雖然可能沒有人看見,但神注意著你的善行。
10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
10:38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
10:39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
10:40 He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.
10:41 He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward.
10:42 And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.
Look in a mirror, look, you can see what kind of itself? How do you think God see you?
10:29-31 Jesus said that God concerned about a variety of things, and even the sparrow needs. You much more valuable than those birdies, and even sent him alone God Health son to die for you (cf. about 3:16). He distinguished status to you, you do not need to fear of intimidation or other difficult tests, which can shake your love of God, the Holy Spirit can not drive away from your heart. It does not mean that he will be removed from you all the difficulties (see 10:17, 21), the value of life on the hardships of life in these humiliated and bear true test, in which the show stand up well against its true value. Christians during difficult times still firmly believe that people who really have this longstanding value, will get a big reward (cf. 5:11-12).

Jesus is not peace-jun bring peace? That he has brought about?
10:34 Jesus brought peace, which is not to whitewash and conceal their differences out of harmony. Choose to follow Jesus and not between those who follow Jesus will surely be contradictions and does not, but we can hope that the day will come when conflicts can be resolved. (Jesus as a messenger of peace of the discussion, reference is made to 5:9;赛9:6; about 14:27.)

If your family is asking you to idolatry, you will not kicked up a row with them?
10:34-39 committed Christians we could with friends and loved one separate. Jesus encourages us to say this is not contrary to their parents at home or in disputes, but Xianming, he asked us for a decision. Because some people to follow him, while others refused, between the two will inevitably cause conflict. When we follow her own crucified Him, we are different people with the values, ethics, objectives and decisions is essential to the difference between us and others. Do not neglect your family, but you must not forget that God is more important than their commitment, he should be first in your life.

Caritas Family is not the law of God? He Chuciyan Jesus?
10:37 Jesus calls us, we should not seek the comfort and peace of life, but we should bear a higher mission. God's love is family law, but sometimes it's the only love could also become a personal interest as a pretext, and that we do not serve God, he does not do the work.

Cross the road, a difficult Hangleba, you would take?
We 10:38 on her own cross to follow Jesus Christ is openly admitted that the relationship between the experience of others against, and the reason he is willing to face anything, or even suffer death for him.

"A" and "lost" between the two sides of a coin? How much distance?
10:39 This section shows the truth of the scriptures on both sides: To pay close attention so that our lives may be in this life and the next life from the loss of the best things come from God. When we pay more love this life - to enjoy, power, the support, financial security, the more these things will find that what is empty. Therefore, the best way to enjoy life, is eager to give up the heart of the world pay, the freedom to follow Christ, so that we will inherit eternal life, and he immediately began to experience the benefits follow.

Have to pay, the expectation praise in serving others, in your heart to what?
10:42 how we treat others can be used to measure the heart of our Eros. Jesus in to a thirsty child a cup of cold water example, serve as a selfless example. God regard themselves as recipients, pay attention to every one we have done or have not done a good cause. Today you selflessly serve others? Although people may not have seen, but God attention to your good deeds.

家族有病史 多鹹少運動 暈眩或耳鳴








These people, easy stroke
Family history is a little more movement dizziness or tinnitus

Taichung Mayor Jason Hu and Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu have had a stroke and collapsed. Experts stress that fact is not difficult to stroke prevention, early to ascertain if they are high-risk groups, and to prevent them from everyday life, we will be able to stay away from turmoil.
Experts said that the stroke risk factors can be divided into two categories, first, not to change the risk factors, first, by way of medical treatment or lifestyle changes risk factor. Difficult to change the risk factors are age, sex and family history of three men over 45 years of age, women over 55 years of age, it is easy stroke, stroke risk and men than women. As for the home of 55-year-old male relatives in the past, the relatives of 65-year-old female, had a myocardial infarction or sudden death, the risk of a stroke higher.

Can be made through medical or lifestyle changes more risk factors in the disease are high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, high blood lipids and sickle anemia. In the life style, there are obesity, smoking, drinking, lack of exercise, diet, as well as a partial,嗜eat high-cholesterol food, Changhe coffee, oral contraceptives, such as taking drugs such as amphetamines.

Stroke often precursors, such as eyes or a sudden blurred vision, sudden limb weakness or hemi-facial numbness and hemiplegia, a slow and there is understanding of what obstacles suddenly appeared tinnitus or dizziness and falls for no reason, sudden severe headache of unknown causes , so that once the above circumstances, we must immediately seek medical treatment, the golden time for treatment.

/ Lin education


Read more news, see the World Journal.