Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

May5,08天然偉哥 藏在食物裡Natural food in the possession of Viagra+創世記Genesis 24:1-11

24:1 亞伯拉罕年紀老邁,向來在一切事上耶和華都賜福給他。
24:2 亞伯拉罕對管理他全業最老的僕人說:“請你把手放在我大腿底下。
24:3 我要叫你指著耶和華天地的主起誓,不要為我兒子娶這迦南地中的女子為妻。
24:4 你要往我本地本族去,為我的兒子以撒娶一個妻子。”
24:5 僕人對他說:“倘若女子不肯跟我到這地方來,我必須將你的兒子帶回你原出之地嗎?”
24:6 亞伯拉罕對他說:“你要謹慎,不要帶我的兒子回那裡去。
24:7 耶和華天上的主,曾帶領我離開父家和本族的地,對我說話,向我起誓說:‘我要將這地賜給你的後裔。’他必差遣使者在你面前,你就可以從那裡為我兒子娶一個妻子。 
24:8 倘若女子不肯跟你來,我使你起的誓就與你無干了,只是不可帶我的兒子回那裡去。”
24:9 僕人就把手放在他主人亞伯拉罕的大腿底下,為這事向他起誓。
24:10 那僕人從他主人的駱駝裡取了十匹駱駝,並帶些他主人各樣的財物,起身往美索不達米亞去,到了拿鶴的城。
24:11 天將晚,眾女子出來打水的時候,他便叫駱駝跪在城外的水井那裡。
24:2, 9 按照當時的習俗,把手放在別人的大腿下,是表明跟對方訂立協議或是認可公約,正如我們現在握手、起誓、或者在公證人面前簽署文件一般。

24:4 亞伯拉罕希望以撒娶同族的女子為妻,這是當時普遍的做法,避免與異教徒通婚。當時,娶妻的事通常是由父母來揀選和作決定的,女子十多歲就出嫁,但利百加可能年紀較大。

24:6 亞伯拉罕要以撒留在迦南地,卻不要他娶當地女子為妻。這與夏甲為她的兒子以實瑪利娶妻形成強烈的對比(21:21)。叫以撒留在迦南、結婚生子,或者讓他回去在親族之中娶一個妻子,都比較容易,不過亞伯拉罕順服神的旨意——祂所命定的人、祂所揀選的地方。讓我們也在各方面完全地順服神吧!
And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age: and the LORD had blessed Abraham in all things.
And Abraham said unto his eldest servant of his house, that ruled over all that he had, Put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh:
And I will make thee swear by the LORD, the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell:
But thou shalt go unto my country, and to my kindred, and take a wife unto my son Isaac.
And the servant said unto him, Peradventure the woman will not be willing to follow me unto this land: must I needs bring thy son again unto the land from whence thou camest?
And Abraham said unto him, Beware thou that thou bring not my son thither again.
The LORD God of heaven, which took me from my father's house, and from the land of my kindred, and which spake unto me, and that sware unto me, saying, Unto thy seed will I give this land; he shall send his angel before thee, and thou shalt take a wife unto my son from thence.
And if the woman will not be willing to follow thee, then thou shalt be clear from this my oath: only bring not my son thither again.
And the servant put his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master, and sware to him concerning that matter.
And the servant took ten camels of the camels of his master, and departed; for all the goods of his master were in his hand: and he arose, and went to Mesopotamia, unto the city of Nahor.
And he made his camels to kneel down without the city by a well of water at the time of the evening, even the time that women go out to draw water.

Hands on other people's thigh, is what kind of practices »
24:2, 9 in accordance with the prevailing customs, hands on other people's thighs, that is entered into agreements with each other or approved the Convention, as we now shake hands, swear, or notary public before the signing of documents in general.

Marriage and the faith of Abraham will be the combination of attitude, it will still suitable for modern society »
24:4 Abraham, Isaac hope that the same group of women marry a wife, it is common practice at that time, with the infidels to avoid intermarriage. At the time, get married and things are usually selected by their parents and to make a decision, more than 10-year-old married woman, but the 100-plus may benefit older.

Abraham insisted on God for his fate to be the choice of local life, I chose the……
24:6 Abraham, Isaac to stay in Canaan, is not he married local woman, a wife. This Xiajia for her son Ishmael get married and form a strong contrast (21:21). Asked Isaac to stay in Canaan, get married and have children, or let him go back to the relatives of a married his wife, are relatively easy, but God of Abraham God's will -祂所life for the people,祂所selected areas. So that we are all completely obedient to God!

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Natural food in the possession of Viagra

[Hong Jing Hong-actor on the screen - there are six abdominal, every dissemination of sexy, and energetic, all women love him, men want to become him is real life, not帅气face, the work is too busy, Overtime too late, sports and Tailan, no mention of the "gun" battle, to vibration fatigue, how to do »
Taiwan's Chung Shan Medical University Dean of the Faculty of Health Wang Jin-Kun said, "eat right, get everything."

Nuts sperm motility Mong

Nuts high nutrients, protein, vitamin E, fatty acids, can lower cholesterol levels, the prevention of vascular sclerosis, anti-oxidation, anti-free radical effectiveness, Time magazine has listed as top ten modern nutritional food.

Wang Jin-kun said that sexual function better, to have adequate nutrition, grasping a nut every day (about 25 grams), the body needs the nutrients added, exuberant vitality of the sperm, also will become a good complexion.

Zinc more high spirits

Zinc is an important function of male nutrients, the need to create the male hormone zinc, the quality of sperm quality, and zinc are closely related to adequate dietary intake of zinc, will make men "sex" to the exuberant. Wang Jin-kun said that the loach, Shan Yu Hua Liu, and other categories, shrimp, oysters and other shellfish seafood, rich in zinc, studies have shown that eat seafood food, let men like men.

Yam energy Dabu Pill

Plant food, nutrient-rich Chinese yam, contains a lot of starch, protein, in particular, the yam is full of sticky mucus polysaccharide protein, can be nurtured, strong body, to replace the depletion of energy, but also promote the vitality of the sperm.

Red grapes Fangcui strong physique

Wang Jin-Kun said, eat more red grapes, in particular, even the seeds swallow belly belt, can remove free radicals, but also added flavonoids in, let alone rich in vitamin B, vitamin E, can moderate the nature of strong physique, but We want to eat the grapes before dark effective. Gingko, honey have the same effect, the prevention of premature senility, and promote sexual function.

So most of barbecue and fried

Eat the wrong food can be Chehou Tui!

Wang Jin-kun said that the aging physical, sexual function, "Lu retrogression", fried barbecue fried food, such as fried chicken row, a Crisp, such as chicken, use a lot of grease, cooked at high temperatures, easy to oxidation, leading to increase in free radicals, To physical aging, cancer, Wu Fang once a week to eat, more on the poor.


Read more news, see World Journal.

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