Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Apr14,08漂亮照照我去你的斑點look in your beautiful spots+ 馬太福音Matthew22:1-9

22:1 耶穌又用比喻對他們說:
22:2 “天國好比一個王為他兒子擺設娶親的筵席,
22:3 就打發僕人去,請那些被召的人來赴席;他們卻不肯來。
22:4 王又打發別的僕人,說:‘你們告訴那被召的人,我的筵席已經預備好了,牛和肥畜已經宰了,各樣都齊備,請你們來赴席。’
22:5 那些人不理就走了:一個到自己田裡去,一個做買賣去,
22:6 其餘的拿住僕人,凌辱他們,把他們殺了。
22:7 王就大怒,發兵除滅那些兇手,燒燬他們的城。
22:8 於是對僕人說:‘喜筵已經齊備,只是所召的人不配。 
22:9 所以你們要往岔路口上去,凡遇見的,都召來赴席。’
22:1-14 當時的習俗是,在每一個大宴會以前,主人會對客人發出兩次邀請,第一次請求賓客出席,第二次則通知他們一切已經預備妥當了。這個故事的國王——神,卻是三次邀請祂的賓客,但每一次他們都拒絕了。神希望我們在祂的筵席上和祂在一起,因為這是一直到永恆的筵席。這就是祂一次又一次地邀請我們的原因。你是否已經接受了祂的邀請呢?
And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables, and said,
The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son,
And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come.
Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage.
But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise:
And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew them.
But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.
Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy.
Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage.

"Awaited not come out", but the attitude of modern response to God?
22:1-14 was the custom, in a grand ballroom before, the owner will be given two invited guests, and guests attended the first request, the second time it has been notified of all the proper preparation. This story of the King - God, he was invited three guests, but every time they refused. We hope that God in His feast with him and because it has been to the eternal banquet. This is to invite him once again our reasons. Do you have accepted the invitation to him?


●「白玉無瑕」通常用來形容上等瓷器 ,但不少時尚男女希望自己的臉蛋也和瓷器同等級,斑斑點點,千萬別來汙辱我的美!




















I went to look in your beautiful spots

● "flawless white jade" is usually used to describe the finest porcelain, but many of fashionable men and women also want to face the same grade and porcelain, evil little bit, I should never insult to the United States!
Taiwan on the fields of medical cosmetic dermatology clinics Center physicians Hui-Wen Cheng said, ultraviolet, pressure and other factors in the epidermis have irregular skin pigment precipitation, thus forming spots, but according to the pigment precipitation depth, location, cause of the same " spot ", but can be further broken down different types.

What is your spot?

Hui-Wen Cheng said that the spots can be divided into shallow spots, deep spot, stubborn spots. Shallow spots in the skin epidermis, the dermis layer deep in spots, stubborn spots and not easy to eliminate recurrence.

Most people pay miscellaneous face spots are, at the same time, these deep skin pigment deposition change issues, but also pan-called "of different colors."

Shallow grouper

Shaiban: sun exposure is the main cause, usually in the 30 - to-40-year-old future, but a small number of athletes or favorite outdoor sports because not doing sunscreen, and there early. Often appear in the sun-exposed to the site, such as the face, arms, upper back and chest. Is often different sizes, community fate that was brown.

Elderly grouper (seborrheic keratosis): In fact, the horny, uplift Shaiban, from the elderly to Shaiban grouper, as they age, size expansion convex variable thickness, the colors deep.

Freckles: three-year-old, fair complexion, easy, the small blackish-brown spots, about like sesame seeds, rice grain size, and often appear in cheeks, radius, the amount of sun, especially in the more easily, usually the summer dot colors deepen , more obvious, but in the winter will be smeared out.

Deep spot

Zygomatic parent classes: dermal layer melanoma cell formation, often in the 20 to 30-year-old there, especially Oriental women, and more prominent in the face of the zygomatic site, a brown to blue fog, small point.

Tian nevus too: also fall into the dermal layer of a melanoma cell proliferation, is usually inherent in the gradual expansion of Childhood, a week in the eyes, a blue and grey.

Mole (nevus cells): Some moles have a birth, while others had acquired, may be formed in the epidermis and dermis of the middle, or dermal layer.

Stubborn spots

Liver spots: liver spots has nothing to do with the quality of the liver, mainly because of spot color, shape and similar to the liver and named. Because of pregnancy, child-bearing age women prone, also known as pregnant grouper, divided into light brown (epidermal-type) and the Blue Ash (dermal type), and still others are mixed. A mottled, Flake, multi-distribution cheeks, forehead, nose and chin, and physique, and the sun as well as hormone secretion, and the use of oral contraceptives.


In addition to the above, and skin injuries, the inflammation of the left pigmentation, but also may lead to the formation of Peutz superficial, Adventist Hospital dermatologist Dr. Jennifer C. Lee note, mosquito bites, acne, allergic contact , surgical wounds, the laser wound incomplete Remove Make-or long-term, are the reasons for the formation of pigmentation.

He reminded, a start must be properly cared for skin wounds and reduce pigmentation, in the most general wound 6-9 months after their metabolism slowly, desalination retreated, and not to lose sight of peacetime face eyes, full lips Remove Make-Up.


Read more news, see the World Journal.

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