Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Friday, January 18, 2008

Jan19 ,08皮膚細胞 可複製人類胚胎Skin cells can be cloning of human embryos+馬太福音Matthew10:9-16

10:9 腰袋裡不要帶金銀銅錢。
10:10 行路不要帶口袋,不要帶兩件褂子,也不要帶鞋和柺杖,因為工人得飲食是應當的。
10:11 你們無論進哪一城,哪一村,要打聽那裡誰是好人,就住在他家,直住到走的時候。
10:12 進他家裡去,要請他的安。
10:13 那家若配得平安,你們所求的平安就必臨到那家;若不配得,你們所求的平安仍歸你們。
10:14 凡不接待你們、不聽你們話的人,你們離開那家或是那城的時候,就把腳上的塵土跺下去。
10:15 我實在告訴你們:當審判的日子,所多瑪和蛾摩拉所受的,比那城還容易受呢!
10:16 我差你們去,如同羊進入狼群,所以你們要靈巧像蛇,馴良像鴿子。
10:10 耶穌說那些工人應當得到照顧,應該得到食物和安身之所,作為服事人的回報。你要關心傳道人、宣教士、主日學教師和藉著服事你去事奉神的人(參林前9:9-10;提前5:17)。

10:10 馬可福音記載耶穌要門徒穿鞋和帶備枴杖(參可6:8),而馬太福音和路加福音則記載不要帶鞋和枴杖(參路9:3),好像有出入,其實不是。耶穌的意思可能是叫他們除了腳上所穿的鞋子和手中拿著的枴杖,不要帶“額外”的鞋子。無論如何,原則是他們只要預備自己職責和旅途所需用的東西就夠了,以免行李多累贅。

10:14 為甚麼耶穌告訴門徒倘若某城市或家庭不接待他們,離開時要跺掉腳上的塵土呢?虔誠的猶太人離開外族的城市時,往往會跺掉腳上的塵土表示他們與外族人的風俗無關。門徒跺掉腳上猶太人城市的塵土,表明這個猶太人的城市或家庭拒絕接受彌賽亞,失去了跟從基督的機會,作了錯誤的抉擇,而且這些人與門徒無關。你是否接納從神而來的教訓?假若你漠視聖靈的催促,你可能不再有機會了。

10:15 所多瑪和蛾摩拉這兩個城市極其邪惡,被神降火燒毀(參創19:24-25)。有機會聽福音而拒絕接受的人,在審判時比在這些邪惡城市中從未曾聞福音的人處境更糟!

10:16 法利賽人的攻擊就如兇猛的豺狼,門徒惟有盼望他們的大牧者來保護他們。我們可能也面對類似的危難,要像門徒一樣,不單馴良如鴿子,也要敏銳和審慎,不要迷迷糊糊地被人利用,也不要作虛偽的欺騙者。我們必須平衡智慧和馴良兩方面,去完成神的工作。
10:9 Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses,
10:10 Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman is worthy of his meat.
10:11 And into whatsoever city or town ye shall enter, enquire who in it is worthy; and there abide till ye go thence.
10:12 And when ye come into an house, salute it.
10:13 And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you.
10:14 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.
10:15 Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.
10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
Ministers, priests also need to take care of people? They are not absolutely love not to care for people?
10:10 Jesus said those workers should be taken care of, should be given food and a place to live by, as people return serve. You should be concerned with evangelism, missionary, Sunday School teachers and through you to serve those who serve God (cf. Lin former 9:9-10 in advance, 5:17).

Of course, to carry out shoes, why not for the disciples on the belt?
Mark 10:10 records Jesus to the disciples shoes and carry a cane (Participation may be 6:8), and Matthew and Luke are not recorded with shoes and crutches (see Road 9:3), seems at variance in fact not. Jesus means they may be called in addition to the shoes worn by their feet and hands with a walking stick, not to take the "extra" shoes. In any case, the principle is that they can prepare their own responsibilities and the things required for the journey enough to avoid more cumbersome baggage.

Duo dust off their feet, what exactly does that mean?
10:14 why Jesus told his disciples in a certain city or if the family does not receive them, leaving Duo when the dust off their feet? Devout Jews to leave the alien cities, often Duo said that the dust off their feet and unrelated to the custom of aliens. Duo Jewish disciples feet off the dust cities, indicated that the Jewish cities or family refused to accept the Messiah, and he has lost the opportunity to follow Christ, made a wrong choice, and these people has nothing to do with the disciples. Do you accept the lessons from God? If you ignore the Holy Spirit's urging, you may no longer have a chance.

Sin city, the sad fate; you heard the Gospel for those without a letter of担heart?
10:15 by more than瑪and Gomorrah these two cities extremely evil, God downbear fire was burning (see 19:24-25). Have the opportunity to listen to the Gospel and the people refused to accept the trial in these evil than the city had not heard from the Gospel of the situation even worse!

Smart like a snake, Xunliang like pigeons - not wavering life?
10:16 Pharisee attack as ferocious wolves can only hope that their disciples the Pastors to protect them. We may also face a similar crisis to be as disciples, not Xunliang such as pigeons, but also sensitive and careful not drowsily being used, and do not hypocritical for the Cheater. We must strike a balance between wisdom and Xunliang two, to complete the work of God.

皮膚細胞 可複製人類胚胎
加州科學家發布研究成果 製造人類胚胎幹細胞 進展獲突破



加州團隊製造的胚胎,已在證明它們是複製品的過程中摧毀,未能擷取幹細胞,因此專家對這項研究反應冷淡。哈佛幹細胞研究所的Doug Melton說:「我很難斷定這有什麼重大的新發現。下一個大進展應該是用複製胚胎製造人類胚胎幹細胞,而這個目標尚未達成。」

「幹細胞」期刊17日在網路上發表加州Stemagen公司的研究成績。該公司執行長伍德(Samuel Wood)說,他們正試圖利用這些胚胎製造幹細胞。









Skin cells can be cloning of human embryos
California scientists published research results create human embryonic stem cells progress of a breakthrough

[AP, New York, 17th-California scientists claimed they had used the general adult skin cells to create embryos men replication. This may be the development of highly scientific value of stem cells taken a major step forward.
2005 British scientists have used embryonic stem cells to create a human embryo reproduction, and to train capable of producing stem cell stage, but they did not capture the embryonic stem cells.

California team created embryos that they are in the process of destroying copies failed to retrieve stem cells, the expert on the study, reacted coolly. Harvard Stem Cell Institute's Doug Melton, said: "I find it difficult to conclude that there's any major new discovery. Next big progress should be copied embryos created using human embryonic stem cells, and this target has not yet been reached."

"Stem cells" on the 17th journals published on the Internet in California Stemagen company's research results. The CEO Wood (Samuel Wood) said that they are trying to use these embryonic stem cells created.

Copy of embryonic stem cells, can become disease research, drug screening and other valuable tool operations, and even the future for the production of the materials available for transplant to treat diabetes and Parkinson's disease症等's.

However, this procedure must be in the laboratory to create "human life", and then be destroyed for the benefit of other people, it has aroused strong moral controversy.

Scientists announced in November last year to develop a relatively simple method to the skin cells into stem cells, and avoid disputes of this kind. However, this practice of direct transformation of cells, in theory, could accept this kind of cells of people suffer from cancer, that led many scientists to continue to develop replication technology.

Copy law is to a person's DNA into an egg, and then the egg to grow into about five large embryos, which then retrieve the stem cells. At this stage, the embryo is about 150 cells.

Stemagen team to a healthy young women mature oocyte nucleus removed, the implants Wood and another volunteer skin cell DNA. These modified egg a few of the normal embryo continues to grow, and genetic testing revealed that three embryos and that the two men have the same DNA.

The researchers say this could lead to a breakthrough for specific patients create embryonic stem cells, that is not possible with the treatment of disease treatment.


Read more news, see the World Journal.

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