Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Jan10,08 Hypo清潔牙齒 降血糖事半功倍glycemic multiplied clean teeth+馬太福音 Matthew9:1-8


9:1 耶穌上了船,渡過海,來到自己的城裡。 
9:2 有人用褥子抬著一個癱子到耶穌跟前來。耶穌見他們的信心,就對癱子說:“小子,放心吧!你的罪赦了。”
9:3 有幾個文士心裡說:“這個人說僭妄的話了。”
9:4 耶穌知道他們的心意,就說:“你們為甚麼心裡懷著惡念呢?
9:5 或說‘你的罪赦了’,或說‘你起來行走’,哪一樣容易呢?
9:6 但要叫你們知道,人子在地上有赦罪的權柄。”就對癱子說:“起來,拿你的褥子回家去吧!”
9:7 那人就起來,回家去了。
9:8 眾人看見都驚奇,就歸榮耀與 神,因為他將這樣的權柄賜給人。
And he entered into a ship, and passed over, and came into his own city.
And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.
And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemeth.
And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?
For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk?
But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.
And he arose, and departed to his house.
But when the multitudes saw it, they marvelled, and glorified God, which had given such power unto men.
Jesuit missionaries to look at the base camp when the……
9:1 "own city" means Gabriel farmers, is the stronghold of Jesus missionary period. Fisheries and trade developed here, is a very rich city, located in the Sea of Galilee densely populated areas, the Rome-based, so that cities and stability. The city is also cultural melting pot, by Greece and Rome culture.

"You forgive sins" - the United States more than one, you want to hear?
9:2 Jesus on the first Tanzi said: "You forgive sins," then treat him. God not only to see the ability to heal physical illness, but also to see him forgiveness can heal a person's soul. Jesus saw this person in addition to the health, but also the health of the soul.

They said that Jesus is not, how do you clarify for him?
9:3 claiming to be God and claiming to be God's attributes can be said that unauthorized absurd remarks. Really see Jesus religious leaders claiming to be God, do not understand he is indeed God, it is healing and forgiveness of empowerment.

Jesus confirmed that the action he used the words; you say you Eros, really? But you are also standing okay?
9:5-6 tells people "forgive your sins" is easy, but to make Tanzi is much more difficult to walk! Jesus treated by the Tanzi to support its case, he confirmed that the action if he is true, he capable of forgiveness and healing। Speak very easily, if no action to support what are utterly meaningless. We can say that they love Eros, but no real action these shows love, we are talking about, it will not come true. How do you take action to support their own say so?

清潔牙齒 降血糖事半功倍








Hypoglycemic multiplied clean teeth

[-] In diabetic patients with oral disease is very common, especially for the medication or insulin injections are not the ideal control of blood glucose in patients with severe diabetes, if we can strengthen oral care, oral diseases cured, can control blood sugar a multiplier effect.
According to Health Times reported Xinqiao Hospital, Third Military Medical University, director of endocrine-Xuzi that will lead to high blood sugar microvascular disease, and oral and facial vascular distribution of wealth, in the event of sickness, often cause dry mouth, burning lips mucosa, tongue - drying, taste change, and other symptoms. And diabetic patients suffering from periodontal disease risk has also greatly increased, and often have congestive gums, swelling, calculus deposition, loose teeth loss symptoms.

Through the clinical diabetes group observed that the poor glycemic control more than half of patients with diabetes will be with oral diseases. Through oral diseases and the treatment, patients have decreased blood glucose levels, which have reduced Jinercheng patients oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin dosage. Therefore, the importance of oral care diabetic patients to maintain good oral health help blood glucose control.

Xuzi-hui proposed that patients with dental caries, it is necessary to timely treatment, dental filling Qudong to avoid infection from the root canal pulp surrounding tissue proliferation, calculus should be done with clean governance, or scraping the inner wall of periodontal pocket surgery, such as gingival resection.


Read more news, see the World Journal.

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