馬太福音 |
27:58 | 這人去見彼拉多,求耶穌的身體,彼拉多就吩咐給他。 |
27:59 | 約瑟取了身體,用乾淨細麻布裹好, |
27:60 | 安放在自己的新墳墓裡,就是他鑿在磐石裡的。他又把大石頭滾到墓門口,就去了。 |
27:61 | 有抹大拉的馬利亞和那個馬利亞在那裡,對著墳墓坐著。 |
27:62 | 次日,就是預備日的第二天,祭司長和法利賽人聚集,來見彼拉多,說: |
27:63 | “大人,我們記得那誘惑人的還活著的時候,曾說:‘三日後我要復活’。 |
27:64 | 因此,請吩咐人將墳墓把守妥當,直到第三日,恐怕他的門徒來把他偷了去,就告訴百姓說:‘他從死裡復活了。’這樣,那後來的迷惑比先前的更利害了。” |
27:65 | 彼拉多說:“你們有看守的兵,去吧!盡你們所能的把守妥當。” |
27:66 | 他們就帶著看守的兵同去,封了石頭,將墳墓把守妥當。 |
27:57-58 亞利馬太的約瑟是宗教領袖,在公會中甚有地位(參可15:43)。以前,他不敢公開跟隨耶穌和與反對耶穌的人辯論,現在卻勇敢地要求領取耶穌的遺體,並且把祂埋葬了。而那些公開跟從耶穌的門徒卻逃遁四散。
27:60 放耶穌身體的墳墓,是人工鑿成的洞穴。這些洞穴一般都很大,可容人進入。
27:64 宗教領袖看耶穌復活的預言比門徒還要認真,門徒已經忘記了耶穌所說祂要復活的預言(20:17-19),但是宗教領袖卻記著這些預言。因著耶穌復活的宣告,祂死後與祂在生時一樣令他們害怕,他們嘗試採取各樣預防措施,務求將祂的遺體保存在墳墓中。
27:66 法利賽人害怕耶穌關於祂復活的預言,所以要封住墓門,並派人把守。這座墳墓是山邊的一個石洞,只有一個入口,入口用大石堵住,他們加上封條,封條兩邊又用泥封住。但宗教領袖還不放心,又差派守衛看守墳墓的入口。防備這樣嚴密,墳墓變空的惟一可能只有耶穌從死裡復活。法利賽人並不明白,石頭、封條、守衛、軍隊都無法阻止神的兒子從死裡復活。
27:58 | | He went to Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered. |
27:59 | | And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, |
27:60 | | And laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock: and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre, and departed. |
27:61 | | And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, sitting over against the sepulchre. |
27:62 | | Now the next day, that followed the day of the preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate, |
27:63 | | Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again. |
27:64 | | Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first. |
27:65 | | Pilate said unto them, Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can. |
27:66 | | So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch. |
27:57-58 Ya Lima Joseph is too much of religious leaders, the Association of very strong position (the Senate may 15:43). Previously, he dare not openly object to follow Jesus Christ and the people debate, but now they are brave to ask for Christ's body and buried him to. And those who openly follow the disciples of Jesus is Taodun scattered.
27:60-The body of Jesus tomb, the cave is artificial Zaocheng. These caves are generally great, Rongren entered.
Jesus is dead, those religious leaders also fear what »
27:64 religious leaders see the resurrection of Jesus disciples also seriously than predicted, the disciples have forgotten the resurrection of Jesus said祂要predicted (20:17-19), but religious leaders have to remember these predictions. Because of the resurrection of Jesus declared, and he died when he, like the Health and make them afraid, they try to take various precautionary measures to ensure he will be stored in the body in the grave.
Boulder, seals, soil and hands, enough of the bar, which… Mody, also can not do anything »
27:66 Pharisee afraid of him on the resurrection of Jesus predicted, to shut Mumen, and send people to guard. The tomb is a hillside of Dandong, there is only one entrance, blocking the entrance with rocks, with their seals, the seals on both sides and sealed with soil. But religious leaders is not assured, Chapai guarding the tomb guards the entrance. Preparedness so tight, the only empty tomb may be changed only Jesus is risen from the dead. Pharisee do not understand, stone, seals, guards, the army can stop the Son of God risen from the dead.
[Reuters - French researchers said that taking hormone replacement drug-menopausal women may not take such therapy than women, the probability of thrombosis occurred more than twice more.
The researchers reviewed 17 studies have shown that the first year of receiving such therapy, a significantly higher risk of thrombosis. The report published in the "British Medical Journal" (British Medical Journal).
France波尔布鲁斯Hospital (Paul Brousse Hospital) in the history of Kala Bin (Pierre-Yves Scarabin) and that Unocal kang (Marianne Canonico) wrote: "This analysis shows that the current EC and the use of oral estrogen will increase (thrombosis ) Risk, two to three times. "
Hormone replacement therapy can relieve the Chaohong, and other serious symptoms of menopause, has been very welcome, until in 2002 a study showed that such therapy might make breast cancer and ovarian cancer have a stroke and other serious symptoms of increased risk only after Gradually anti-fever.
However, other experts believe that the study flawed, earlier issued a statement that they repeated dozens of studies found that early use of menopausal hormone replacement therapy safe and secure, aged 50 to 59-year-old woman's risk of heart disease or not High.
There are a number of earlier experiments also believe that hormone replacement drugs and associated thrombosis occurred, but this is the first French comments on a systematic meta-analysis, the review found a number of different research to assess the probability of occurrence of thrombosis in the end how high.
International Institute of menopause (International Menopause Society) Chairman Shi Du Di (David Sturdee) said: "While taking the hormone replacement drug users with no comparison, the relative increase in thrombosis risk, but the absolute risk of actually very low, because This age group, taking hormone supplements to the health of women rarely occurred thrombosis. "He said:" The increase in the incidence of thrombosis rate is very small, and if necessary take the case, will not allow the health of women deterred. "
Read more news, see World Journal.