Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Friday, May 23, 2008

Jun9,08荷爾蒙補充藥物 血栓風險多兩倍Hormone replacement drugs more than twice the risk of thrombosis+ 馬太福音Matthew27:58-66


27:58 這人去見彼拉多,求耶穌的身體,彼拉多就吩咐給他。
27:59 約瑟取了身體,用乾淨細麻布裹好,
27:60 安放在自己的新墳墓裡,就是他鑿在磐石裡的。他又把大石頭滾到墓門口,就去了。
27:61 有抹大拉的馬利亞和那個馬利亞在那裡,對著墳墓坐著。
27:62 次日,就是預備日的第二天,祭司長和法利賽人聚集,來見彼拉多,說:
27:63 “大人,我們記得那誘惑人的還活著的時候,曾說:‘三日後我要復活’。
27:64 因此,請吩咐人將墳墓把守妥當,直到第三日,恐怕他的門徒來把他偷了去,就告訴百姓說:‘他從死裡復活了。’這樣,那後來的迷惑比先前的更利害了。”
27:65 彼拉多說:“你們有看守的兵,去吧!盡你們所能的把守妥當。”
27:66 他們就帶著看守的兵同去,封了石頭,將墳墓把守妥當。
27:57-58 亞利馬太的約瑟是宗教領袖,在公會中甚有地位(參可15:43)。以前,他不敢公開跟隨耶穌和與反對耶穌的人辯論,現在卻勇敢地要求領取耶穌的遺體,並且把祂埋葬了。而那些公開跟從耶穌的門徒卻逃遁四散。

27:60 放耶穌身體的墳墓,是人工鑿成的洞穴。這些洞穴一般都很大,可容人進入。

27:64 宗教領袖看耶穌復活的預言比門徒還要認真,門徒已經忘記了耶穌所說祂要復活的預言(20:17-19),但是宗教領袖卻記著這些預言。因著耶穌復活的宣告,祂死後與祂在生時一樣令他們害怕,他們嘗試採取各樣預防措施,務求將祂的遺體保存在墳墓中。

27:66 法利賽人害怕耶穌關於祂復活的預言,所以要封住墓門,並派人把守。這座墳墓是山邊的一個石洞,只有一個入口,入口用大石堵住,他們加上封條,封條兩邊又用泥封住。但宗教領袖還不放心,又差派守衛看守墳墓的入口。防備這樣嚴密,墳墓變空的惟一可能只有耶穌從死裡復活。法利賽人並不明白,石頭、封條、守衛、軍隊都無法阻止神的兒子從死裡復活。
He went to Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered.
And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth,
And laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock: and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre, and departed.
And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, sitting over against the sepulchre.
Now the next day, that followed the day of the preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate,
Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again.
Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first.
Pilate said unto them, Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can.
So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch.
Ya Lima heard that too Joseph is the status of the Man You, you know him? »
27:57-58 Ya Lima Joseph is too much of religious leaders, the Association of very strong position (the Senate may 15:43). Previously, he dare not openly object to follow Jesus Christ and the people debate, but now they are brave to ask for Christ's body and buried him to. And those who openly follow the disciples of Jesus is Taodun scattered.

27:60-The body of Jesus tomb, the cave is artificial Zaocheng. These caves are generally great, Rongren entered.

Jesus is dead, those religious leaders also fear what »
27:64 religious leaders see the resurrection of Jesus disciples also seriously than predicted, the disciples have forgotten the resurrection of Jesus said祂要predicted (20:17-19), but religious leaders have to remember these predictions. Because of the resurrection of Jesus declared, and he died when he, like the Health and make them afraid, they try to take various precautionary measures to ensure he will be stored in the body in the grave.

Boulder, seals, soil and hands, enough of the bar, which… Mody, also can not do anything »
27:66 Pharisee afraid of him on the resurrection of Jesus predicted, to shut Mumen, and send people to guard. The tomb is a hillside of Dandong, there is only one entrance, blocking the entrance with rocks, with their seals, the seals on both sides and sealed with soil. But religious leaders is not assured, Chapai guarding the tomb guards the entrance. Preparedness so tight, the only empty tomb may be changed only Jesus is risen from the dead. Pharisee do not understand, stone, seals, guards, the army can stop the Son of God risen from the dead.

荷爾蒙補充藥物 血栓風險多兩倍


研究人員檢討17項研究顯示,第一年接受這種療法時,發生血栓的風險明顯較高。這份報告刊登在「英國醫學期刊」(British Medical Journal)。

法國波爾布魯斯醫院( Paul Brousse Hospital )的史卡拉賓(Pierre-Yves Scarabin )及康那尼科(Marianne Canonico)寫道:「這項統和分析顯示目前使用的口服雌激素會增加(血栓)風險,兩到三倍。」




國際停經學會(International Menopause Society)主席史篤迪(David Sturdee)說:「雖然服用荷爾蒙補充藥品的人與沒有使用者比較,發生血栓機率相對提高,但是絕對風險值實際上非常低,因為這個年齡層、服用荷爾蒙補充品的健康婦女不常發生血栓。」他說:「血栓發生機率增加的幅度非常微小,如果有服用必要的話,不會讓健康婦女卻步。」



Hormone replacement drugs more than twice the risk of thrombosis

[Reuters - French researchers said that taking hormone replacement drug-menopausal women may not take such therapy than women, the probability of thrombosis occurred more than twice more.
The researchers reviewed 17 studies have shown that the first year of receiving such therapy, a significantly higher risk of thrombosis. The report published in the "British Medical Journal" (British Medical Journal).

France波尔布鲁斯Hospital (Paul Brousse Hospital) in the history of Kala Bin (Pierre-Yves Scarabin) and that Unocal kang (Marianne Canonico) wrote: "This analysis shows that the current EC and the use of oral estrogen will increase (thrombosis ) Risk, two to three times. "

Hormone replacement therapy can relieve the Chaohong, and other serious symptoms of menopause, has been very welcome, until in 2002 a study showed that such therapy might make breast cancer and ovarian cancer have a stroke and other serious symptoms of increased risk only after Gradually anti-fever.

However, other experts believe that the study flawed, earlier issued a statement that they repeated dozens of studies found that early use of menopausal hormone replacement therapy safe and secure, aged 50 to 59-year-old woman's risk of heart disease or not High.

There are a number of earlier experiments also believe that hormone replacement drugs and associated thrombosis occurred, but this is the first French comments on a systematic meta-analysis, the review found a number of different research to assess the probability of occurrence of thrombosis in the end how high.

International Institute of menopause (International Menopause Society) Chairman Shi Du Di (David Sturdee) said: "While taking the hormone replacement drug users with no comparison, the relative increase in thrombosis risk, but the absolute risk of actually very low, because This age group, taking hormone supplements to the health of women rarely occurred thrombosis. "He said:" The increase in the incidence of thrombosis rate is very small, and if necessary take the case, will not allow the health of women deterred. "


Read more news, see World Journal.

Jun8 ,08早餐喝咖啡 當心血糖飆高Breakfast coffee Beware of high blood sugar+ 馬太福音Matthew27:49-57


27:49 其餘的人說:“且等著,看以利亞來救他不來。”
27:50 耶穌又大聲喊叫,氣就斷了。
27:51 忽然,殿裡的幔子從上到下裂為兩半,地也震動,磐石也崩裂,
27:52 墳墓也開了,已睡聖徒的身體,多有起來的。
27:53 到耶穌復活以後,他們從墳墓裡出來,進了聖城,向許多人顯現。
27:54 百夫長和一同看守耶穌的人看見地震並所經歷的事,就極其害怕,說:“這真是 神的兒子了!”
27:55 有好些婦女在那裡,遠遠地觀看,她們是從加利利跟隨耶穌來服事他的。
27:56 內中有抹大拉的馬利亞,又有雅各和約西的母親馬利亞,並有西庇太兩個兒子的母親。
27:57 到了晚上,有一個財主,名叫約瑟,是亞利馬太來的,他也是耶穌的門徒。
27:51 聖殿有三個主要的部分:外院,聖所——只有祭司才可以進去,至聖所——只有大祭司每年一次為全體百姓的罪獻贖罪祭時,才可以進去(參利16章)。耶穌死的時候,分隔聖所和至聖所的幔子裂成兩半,象徵神和人之間的阻隔已經除去了,現在所有人都可以自由地到神那裡,因為基督的祭已經為我們贖了罪(參來9:1-24;10:19-22)。

連在世人看為最軟弱的事上——死亡,耶穌也帶出了祂的大能 ……
27:52-53 基督的死起碼帶來了四件神蹟奇事:黑暗,聖殿中的幔子裂開,地震,死人從墳墓中復活。因此,耶穌的死不可能不引起人們的注意,每一個人都知道有些重要的事情發生了。
The rest said, Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to save him.
Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.
And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto him:
Among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's children.
When the even was come, there came a rich man of Arimathaea, named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus' disciple:
Jesus died - all of a sudden, the veil split in half! The road to God should not be separated, but today I can……
27:51 Temple has three main parts: the hospital, St. by - only priests can get, the Most Holy Place - only the High Priest once a year for all the people of the crime of Xian sin offering, we can get (see Lee 16 Chapter). When Jesus died, and separated by the St. Holy split in half by the veil, the symbol of God and people between the barrier has been removed, and now everyone can freely to God, because Christ's festival has been for us ransom A crime (to the Senate 9:1-24; 10:19-22).

Even in the world to see as the most weak things - death, Jesus also brought out the big he can……
27:52-53 Christ's death has brought at least four Wonders of miracles: the darkness, the Temple of the veil dehiscence, earthquakes, the revival of the dead from the graves. Thus, Jesus's death would not arouse people's attention, every person know that some important things happened.

早餐喝咖啡 當心血糖飆高







Breakfast coffee Beware of high blood sugar Biao

[CNA] University of Guelph in Canada study found that for breakfast before breakfast or drinking coffee at the same time, could lead to elevated blood sugar rapidly. The study shows that, if the breakfast before breakfast or drinking coffee in general, even if the consumption of low-sugar cereals (cereal), elevated blood glucose levels will be rapid, low-caffeine drink coffee than 250 percent higher.
The study host Graham said, because the coffee will let the body resistant to insulin, thus increasing blood sugar. However, he also said that this did not affect the general health of people, because they can deal with such physical changes in blood sugar.

Graham said that the general public, as long as maintain a healthy lifestyle, more exercise, balanced diet, and weight control, health drinks coffee can be said to be the last study also showed that long-term drinking coffee in fact also help to reduce the suffering from type II The risk of diabetes.

The study report published in the May issue of the "United States of Clinical Nutrition," the journal.


Read more news, see World Journal.

Jun 5,08嚼口香糖 腸道手術復元快Chewing gum intestinal surgery faster recovery+馬太福音 Matthew27:25-32


27:25 眾人都回答說:“他的血歸到我們和我們的子孫身上。”
27:26 於是彼拉多釋放巴拉巴給他們,把耶穌鞭打了,交給人釘十字架。
27:27 巡撫的兵就把耶穌帶進衙門,叫全營的兵都聚集在他那裡。
27:28 他們給他脫了衣服,穿上一件朱紅色袍子;
27:29 用荊棘編作冠冕,戴在他頭上;拿一根葦子放在他右手裡,跪在他面前,戲弄他說:“恭喜,猶太人的王啊!”
27:30 又吐唾沫在他臉上,拿葦子打他的頭。
27:31 戲弄完了,就給他脫了袍子,仍穿上他自己的衣服,帶他出去,要釘十字架。
27:32 他們出來的時候,遇見一個古利奈人,名叫西門,就勉強他同去,好背著耶穌的十字架。
27:27 “營”是羅馬軍團的單位,一般約有二百人。

27:29 耶穌所受的大嘲弄比任何人都甚,信徒可以從而得到安慰和鼓勵。不信者對我們的嘲笑可能會傷我們的心,但切不要讓信心動搖(參5:11-12)。

27:32 被定罪判死刑的犯人要背自己的十字架到刑場,耶穌因曾受鞭打,沒有力氣繼續背自己的十字架,所以,途人西門就被迫去背。西門來自古利奈——北非的一個地方,很可能是來耶路撒冷過逾越節的千萬猶太人中的一個。
Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.
Then released he Barabbas unto them: and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.
Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall, and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers.
And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe.
And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!
And they spit upon him, and took the reed, and smote him on the head.
And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him, and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him.
And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross.
27:27, "Camp" is the Roman Legion units, generally about 200 people.

Dahongpao, crowned with thorns Tuomei - Jesus has been fun in every possible way, I know, but when I was making a mockery when……
27:29 Jesus suffered more than any mockery of the very people, believers can be so comforting and encouraging. We do not believe those of the ridicule may be hurt our hearts, but all not to let confidence (see 5:11-12).

That was not back the cross of Jesus, who is »
27:32 sentenced to death were convicted prisoners back to their own cross to the execution ground, who have been beaten because of Jesus, no effort to back their crosses, so that passers-by Simon was forced to back. Simon from the ancient linezolid - the one place in North Africa, is likely to come to Jerusalem, the Jewish Passover in a million.

嚼口香糖 腸道手術復元快









Chewing gum intestinal surgery faster recovery

[CNA] media reports, the study found that chewing gum helps patients recover quickly after surgery, the hospital may open a chewing gum as medicines for patients to use.
Britain, "The Sun" reported that "national health care system" (NHS) study shows that patients receiving intestinal surgery, if we accept this treatment, physical rehabilitation to return home to rest for the average time on the fast day and a half.

Early in the evening chewing gum will start 30 minutes stomach hormone to stimulate catharsis for these patients than in patients not chewing gum faster return to normal diet.

Nursing consultants of the study chaired by Ms. Wright, the object is a multi-Chester City Dorset County Hospital 67 intestinal surgery patients, lasted six months. They provide half of the patients with chewing gum.

Ms. Wright said: "the general care of patients, surgery will be able to return home after 4-5 days." She said: "However, chewing gum disease, with an average one and a half could be as early as the time to return home."

She said: "We now propose to chewing gum after surgery may help restore intestinal faster."


Read more news, see World Journal.

Jun4,08割包皮 染愛滋機率低Circumcision with a low HIV rate+ 馬太福音Matthew27:17-24


27:17 眾人聚集的時候,彼拉多就對他們說:“你們要我釋放哪一個給你們?是巴拉巴呢?是稱為基督的耶穌呢?”
27:18 巡撫原知道,他們是因為嫉妒才把他解了來。
27:19 正坐堂的時候,他的夫人打發人來說:“這義人的事你一點不可管,因為我今天在夢中為他受了許多的苦。”
27:20 祭司長和長老挑唆眾人,求釋放巴拉巴,除滅耶穌。
27:21 巡撫對眾人說:“這兩個人,你們要我釋放哪一個給你們呢?”他們說:“巴拉巴!”
27:22 彼拉多說:“這樣,那稱為基督的耶穌,我怎麼辦他呢?”他們都說:“把他釘十字架!”
27:23 巡撫說:“為甚麼呢?他做了甚麼惡事呢?”他們便極力地喊著說:“把他釘十字架!”
27:24 彼拉多見說也無濟於事,反要生亂,就拿水在眾人面前洗手,說:“ 流這義人的血,罪不在我,你們承當吧!”
27:19 彼拉多本應是秉行公義的領袖,在這事上卻證實了他更多考慮政治的權謀。他本有幾次機會,去作正確的決定,他的良知告訴他耶穌是無辜的,羅馬法律說明不應治死無罪的人,他的妻子更做了個令她不安的夢,他根本沒有正當的藉口定耶穌的罪,但因害怕群眾而判祂死刑。

27:21 群眾是善變的,耶穌進聖城時,他們歡迎祂,以為祂來開創祂的國度;當祂被捕,他們的願望破滅了,就由擁戴變為憎惡。面對大群攻擊耶穌的面孔,祂的朋友都不敢站出來為祂說話。

27:21 面對抉擇,群眾選擇了巴拉巴——一個作亂分子和殺人犯,而放棄了神的兒子;今天面對同樣的抉擇,人們依然選擇“巴拉巴”,不接納神兒子所預備的救恩。

27:24 彼拉多原知道猶太人是因為嫉妒才把主耶穌解來,本有心要釋放祂,但在猶太人的要挾下只得屈從。歷史資料顯示,猶太人要是向羅馬政府上告他輕忽猶太人的傳統,引起騷動,他就會丟官。在無可奈何之下,彼拉多讓群眾決定把耶穌釘十字架,雖然洗了手,但他的罪仍然存在。洗手只能給他一個平安的假象,並不能清除他的罪。不要找任何藉口,要為自己所作的決定負責任。
Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ?
For he knew that for envy they had delivered him.
When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him.
But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus.
The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you? They said, Barabbas.
Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified.
And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified.
When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.
Tuozui of Pilate to wash their hands, their hearts Po measurement, you can see……
27:19 Pilate this should be done justice leaders, in this matter, but confirmed his more considered political trickery. He has several times this opportunity to make the right decision, his conscience told him that Jesus is innocent, Roman law that should not rule innocent people die, his wife made a more disturbing to her dream, he is not Legitimate excuse for the crime of Jesus, but fear of the masses and sentenced him to death.

Water carry a boat, can capsize them - how to verify » You can see the attitude of the people of Jesus……
27:21 masses are changeable, Jesus into the Holy City, they welcome him, he thought him to open up the country when he was arrested, their aspirations were dashed on the support into hate. Faced with the large group of attacking the face of Jesus, His friends are afraid to stand up and speak for him.

The choice of the former Barraba, today's the same whether »
27:21 faced with a choice and the choice of the Barraba - for a chaotic elements and murderers, but gave up the Son of God; face the same choice today, people still choose "Barraba," not prepared to accept the son of God Salvation.

To a dry wash from the Department of » Whether or not a bit self-deceiving » However, sometimes people always have this tendency……
27:24 Pilate know that the Jews because of jealousy before the Lord Jesus, this want to release him, but the Jews had to yield to blackmail under. Historical data show that the Jews if the appeal to Rome, he overlook the Jewish tradition, caused a riot, he Diuguan. In helpless, Pilate so that the people decided to Jesus crucified, although Xi Liaoshou, but the crime still exists. Wash your hands can only give him a false impression of peace and can not remove his crimes. Do not look for any excuse, for their own responsible decision.

割包皮 染愛滋機率低





為什麼包皮環切術有預防愛滋病的作用呢?下面的解釋似乎可以說明問題:男性包皮內板的黏膜在陰莖勃起後會暴露出來,而包皮內部黏膜含有豐富的HIV病毒的靶細胞,如朗格漢斯細胞、cD4 T細胞、巨噬細胞等。近期有過性傳播疾病感染的男性,這些細胞的數量會更多。





Circumcision with a low HIV rate

[中新网- December 2006, the U.S. National Institutes of Health suspended two male circumcision in the clinical trial, because early data shows that the process has significantly reduced the spread of HIV, on the results of research on the subject was Published in the "Lancet surgeon" magazine.
Guangzhou Daily reported that the two were in the experiment, subjects were from Rakai, Uganda, and Kisumu, Kenya's 7,780 HIV-negative men, the researchers found that when women have sex with, to accept A surgical circumcision of men than of HIV infection by the recipients of the low probability of at least 51 percent. "Lancet" This discovery will be called the editor "HIV prevention and treatment of the new era."

As we all know, the spread of AIDS in three ways: sexual transmission of blood-borne and maternal and child vertical transmission. One by sexually transmitted infections and AIDS accounted for 80 percent. Adult male, an estimated 70 percent of those infected through vaginal sex was, in Africa the proportion is over 90%. In fact, the AIDS epidemic in the world has just begun when, Fink professor in 1986 put forward by male circumcision can reduce the incidence of AIDS.

After years of clinical research and laboratory research, have not drawn the line of male circumcision on AIDS infection is one of the risk factors. In recent years, in Africa, Uganda and Kenya respectively, the two countries conducted a large-scale prospective randomized controlled clinical study more clear: male circumcision can significantly reduce the African male sexual transmission of AIDS through heterosexual risk, and that can trip Circumcision to tie in with other common means of preventing the occurrence of AIDS.

Why circumcision is the role of prevention of AIDS? » Below the explanation seems to illustrate the problem: male circumcision, the board mucosa in penile erection will be exposed, and the foreskin is rich in internal mucous membrane of HIV target cells, such as Langerhans cells, cD4 T cells, macrophages and other cells . Recently there have been infected with sexually transmitted diseases in men, the number of these cells will be more.

But in the glans and the skin on the outside as a squamous cell coverage protection, HIV virus is not easy violations of the human body. Another possible reason is that the foreskin covering the glans, is not easy to get clean, prone to infection, ulcers, sexual behavior likely to cause friction of the glans and foreskin injury, the result of HIV infection.

WHO Ai AIDS prevention and treatment departments and UNAIDS officials said that the circumcision of this new method of AIDS prevention for the confirmation control the spread of AIDS is of great significance. However, they believe that in taking such a means of circumcision at the same time, when men and women during sexual intercourse must also continue to use other preventive means, such as the use of condoms, and so on.


Read more news, see World Journal.

Jun 7,08一天一杯珍珠奶茶14天胖一公斤A cup of pearl milk tea a day 14 days of one kilogram of fat+馬太福音 Matthew27:41-48


27:41 祭司長和文士並長老也是這樣戲弄他,說:
27:42 “他救了別人,不能救自己。他是以色列的王,現在可以從十字架上下來,我們就信他。
27:43 他倚靠 神, 神若喜悅他,現在可以救他,因為他曾說:‘我是神的兒子。’”
27:44 那和他同釘的強盜也是這樣地譏誚他。
27:45 從午正到申初,遍地都黑暗了。
27:46 約在申初,耶穌大聲喊著說:“以利!以利!拉馬撒巴各大尼?”就是說:“我的 神!我的 神!為甚麼離棄我?”
27:47 站在那裡的人,有的聽見就說:“這個人呼叫以利亞呢!”
27:48 內中有一個人趕緊跑去,拿海絨蘸滿了醋綁在葦子上,送給他喝。
27:45 使遍地漆黑一片的是神。耶穌的朋友和仇敵被黑暗包圍著,好像陷入沉寂裡,大自然見證了耶穌之死的沉重。這黑暗是眼見的,但也有屬靈的意義。

27:46 耶穌並不是在質問神,而是在引用詩篇來表達祂所感受到的深刻強烈的苦楚。祂承擔了全人類的罪惡而要與祂的父神分隔,這就是祂在園中向神祈禱時,最懼怕的事,求神拿去的苦杯(26:39)。肉身的強烈痛苦是很可怕的,但更可怕的是在靈上與神分隔,耶穌忍受這雙重的死亡,使我們不必再與神永遠隔絕。

27:47 那些旁觀者誤解了耶穌說的話,以為祂正在呼叫以利亞,因為以利亞不曾經歷死亡就升到天上(參王下2:11),他們以為以利亞會再次回來,將他們從大災難中拯救出來(參瑪4:5)。在每年的逾越節晚飯席上,每一個家庭都會給以利亞留個位置,期望他再來。另外,亞蘭文的神字“以羅伊”與“以利亞”的音有點相近,故有此誤會(參可15:34)。
Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders, said,
He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him.
He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God.
The thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast the same in his teeth.
Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.
And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Some of them that stood there, when they heard that, said, This man calleth for Elias.
And straightway one of them ran, and took a spunge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink.
27:45 to all over the dark one is God. Friends and enemies of Jesus were surrounded by darkness, like a quiet, natural witnessed the death of Jesus the heavy. This is seen in the dark, but there are also spiritual significance.

I really do not understand, they will Jizhi resurrection of Jesus, why then are still suffering »
27:46 Jesus is not God in question, but quoted Psalm to express the profound祂所felt strong pains. He assumed all the evil and with His father separated, which is in the garden he prayed to God, the most afraid of, Pray taken the plight Cup (26:39). The strong body is very terrible suffering, but more frightening is the separation of Hope, and God, Jesus put up with this double death, so that we do not have to be cut off from God.

Jesus did that, he called Elijah is not in it……
27:47 bystander who misunderstood the words of Jesus that he is calling Elijah, Elijah never experienced death rose to the sky on the (Senate-under 2:11), they think that Elijah will come back again, They save big disaster (see Mary 4:5)। In the annual dinner at Passover, every family will stay in Liberia given location, expect him to come back. In addition, Tuaran, the word of God "Roy" and "Elijah" sound a bit similar, it is this misunderstanding (Participation may 15:34).








A cup of pearl milk tea a day 14 days of one kilogram of fat

Taiwan's popular hand-pearl milk tea beverages, not only a cup of staff, has also become Taiwan's internationally renowned specialty, but the drinks containing sugar and high-calorie, not only will cause excessive drinking is of aliasing, the more likely vulnerable to diabetes and other chronic cardiovascular or Disease.

Taiwan's Consumers Foundation Chairman Cheng Ren-hong said that a glass of milk than a bowl of rice, said the heat is also high, if consumers drink a cup a day and lack of exercise, the fastest of 14 days, more than the intake of calories will make one kilogram of weight gain.

In fact, only a small number of pearl milk tea made with milk, most sources are Naixiang Naijing, no milk ingredients, Naijing more from the hydrogenated vegetable oil from, will have trans fatty acids, if excessive intake will increase suffering from heart Vascular disease risk.

/ Wu Meng Ting


Read more news, see World Journal.

Jun 6,08Green tea for sleep apnea from brain injury綠茶護腦 免受睡眠窒息損傷 + 馬太福音Matthew27:33-40


27:33 到了一個地方名叫各各他,意思就是髑髏地。
27:34 兵丁拿苦膽調和的酒給耶穌喝。他嘗了,就不肯喝。
27:35 他們既將他釘在十字架上,就拈鬮分他的衣服,
27:36 又坐在那裡看守他。
27:37 在他頭以上安一個牌子,寫著他的罪狀說:“這是猶太人的王耶穌。”
27:38 當時,有兩個強盜和他同釘十字架,一個在右邊,一個在左邊。
27:39 從那裡經過的人譏誚他,搖著頭,說:
27:40 “你這拆毀聖殿,三日又建造起來的,可以救自己吧!你如果是 神的兒子,就從十字架上下來吧!”
27:33 各各他是亞蘭文的音譯,希臘文為加略山,意為髑髏地。得名的由來很多:(1)山坡形似死人頭蓋骨;(2)這是個刑場,散布著死人頭骨,以死人頭骨為名,象徵死亡。

27:34 酒混膽汁是可以作為麻醉劑的,所以這些酒可以幫助耶穌減輕痛苦,但祂拒絕了,祂在神智清醒的情況下忍受痛苦。

27:35 士兵習慣均分被釘死的人的衣服。這些士兵拈鬮分了耶穌的衣服,正應驗了大衛的預言(參詩22篇)。
And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, a place of a skull,
They gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink.
And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots.
And sitting down they watched him there;
And set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.
Then were there two thieves crucified with him, one on the right hand, and another on the left.
And they that passed by reviled him, wagging their heads,
And saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross.
That Jesus crucified place total of the many names……
27:33 Golgotha is the text-Tuaran, increase slightly for the Greek mountains, which means Dulou to. Named for the origin of many: (1) slope skull shape of the dead (2) This is the execution ground, scattered with dead skull to the name of the dead skull, symbol of death.

Then the pain, if it is me, I will certainly those who drank wine, Jesus is……
27:34 wine mixed bile can be as narcotic drugs, so wine can help reduce the suffering of Jesus, but he refused, he Shenzhiqingxing in the case of intolerable suffering.

Look at those soldiers, on which there was lots……
27:35 soldiers were crucify the habit of sharing the clothes. The soldiers of the points on which the drawing of lots for Jesus's clothes, being fulfilled the prophecy of David (see poem 22).
The death of Jesus more heavy » Kanna nature of the changes……

綠茶護腦 免受睡眠窒息損傷







Green tea for sleep apnea from brain injury

Experts confirmed that green tea can help protect the brain, sleep apnea avoid the injury. (Information of this photo)

● U.S. experts to a new study showed that some ingredients in green tea can help protect the brain from sleep apnea injury.
The University of Louisville School of Medicine experts to join the antioxidants of green tea drinking water rats and mice to hypoxia environment suddenly placed in simulated sleep apnea to the anoxic brain affected. The results showed that green tea can protect the brain of rodents, but whether the ingredients in green tea which has played that role still needs further study.

University of Louisville School of Medicine experts said the results also showed that the general and drinking water compared to the rats, drink, "Green Tea" in memory of rats in a better performance. Experts suggest that sleep apnea patients receiving conventional therapy at the same time, regularly drink green tea.

Experts said that sleep apnea is a respiratory disorder symptoms, because of upper airway obstruction, in the sleep apnea symptoms appear. The disease can lead to human long-term lack of oxygen, chest negative pressure to increase and sleep disorders, such as structure, resulting in multiple organ dysfunction, is complicated by hypertension, diabetes, stroke and myocardial infarction, and other risk factors for the disease. (Xinhua)


Read more news, see World Journal.

Jun3,08男人黏椅子 更年期早上門 Men sticky chairs at the door of menopause+ 馬太福音Matthew27:9-16


27:9 這就應了先知耶利米的話,說:“他們用那三十塊錢,就是被估定之人的價錢,是以色列人中所估定的,
27:10 買了窯戶的一塊田;這是照著主所吩咐我的。”
27:11 耶穌站在巡撫面前,巡撫問他說:“你是猶太人的王嗎?”耶穌說:“你說的是。”
27:12 他被祭司長和長老控告的時候,甚麼都不回答。
27:13 彼拉多就對他說:“他們作見證告你這麼多的事,你沒有聽見嗎?”  
27:14 耶穌仍不回答,連一句話也不說,以致巡撫甚覺希奇。
27:15 巡撫有一個常例,每逢這節期,隨眾人所要的,釋放一個囚犯給他們。
27:16 當時,有一個出名的囚犯叫巴拉巴。
27:9-10 這話出自撒迦利亞書(參亞11:12-13),但猶太人認為耶利米是舊約先知書的編纂者,比撒迦利亞更為人所知,並且耶利米也有類似的說法。(參耶18:1-4;19:1-11;32:6-15;)。

27:12 在彼拉多面前,宗教領袖控訴耶穌不同的罪行。他們因耶穌褻瀆(宣稱自己是神)的罪拘捕祂,但這個控告對羅馬政府來說是不成為罪名的,因此宗教領袖要控告耶穌一些會引起羅馬政府關注的罪行,例如鼓吹百姓不納稅、宣稱自己是君王和引起暴亂,但這些控告都不是事實。他們決意要殺害耶穌,為了達到目的,不惜觸犯了多條誡命。

27:14 耶穌的沉默正應驗了先知的話(參賽53:7),彼拉多驚奇耶穌為甚麼不為自己申辯。他知道宗教領袖們的居心,故很想釋放耶穌(參約19:12),無奈要遵照羅馬政府的旨意,維持管轄地區的和平。最後決定處決這個沉默、看來又不重要的人。

27:15-16 巴拉巴曾經參與對抗羅馬政府的暴動(參可15:7),所犯的罪正是耶穌被控告的罪,雖然他是羅馬政府的敵人,但可能是猶太人的英雄。巴拉巴這個名字的意思是“父親的兒子”,這正是耶穌與神的關係。
Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value;
And gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord appointed me.
And Jesus stood before the governor: and the governor asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And Jesus said unto him, Thou sayest.
And when he was accused of the chief priests and elders, he answered nothing.
Then said Pilate unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee?
And he answered him to never a word; insomuch that the governor marvelled greatly.
Now at that feast the governor was wont to release unto the people a prisoner, whom they would.
And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbas.
From this, Zechariah 27:9-10 (see Asia 11:12-13), but that the Jewish Old Testament prophet Jeremiah is the codification of those, more than Zacharias known, and Jeremiah Has a similar view. (Senate Ye 18:1-4, 19:1-11, 32:6-15;).

Who is really ridiculous, you see them up for the purpose of actually doing --
27:12 Pilate in the face of Jesus different religious leaders denounce the crimes. They desecration of Jesus (that he is God) of the crime arrested him, but the Rome against the government is not to become guilty, and therefore religious leaders to sue Jesus would cause some concern to the Rome government crimes, such as advocating people do not pay taxes, That they are kings and caused riots, but these facts are not charged. They are determined to kill Jesus, in order to achieve their goals that they committed a number of commandments.

The face of injustice, Jesus to be quiet - I think I will not wait for their excuse……
27:14 Jesus fulfilled is the silence of the Prophet (entries 53:7), Jesus Pilate surprised why not for their own defence. He knows the motives of the religious leaders, they want the release of Jesus (the Senate about 19:12), but the Rome government to comply with the will to maintain peace in areas of jurisdiction. Final decision on the execution of this silence, does not seem important to people.

Barraba this name is not interesting……
27:15-16 Barraba have been involved in the riots against Rome (the Senate can 15:7), Jesus is the crimes committed by the alleged offence, although he is the enemy of Rome, but may be Jewish hero. Barraba name means "father's son", this is the relationship between Jesus and God.

男人黏椅子 更年期早上門
動腦少運動或以前動得多卻突然停止 也容易提前進入更年期













Men sticky chairs at the door of menopause
Less muscle movement or before suddenly stop moving much more easily into early menopause

Always sitting in a chair on the inactive men, relatively early into menopause.

● WHO latest survey data show that 30-year-old, the male body of the male hormone began to decline at an average annual decline of 1% to 2%. Shanghai newspaper reported the public health, the study tested from 25 to 70-year-old men of all ages, found that 70-year-old male in the male hormone level is only 25-year-old male hormone level of 10%. In men 40 to 90-year-old, in the epididymis-level of the average annual decline of 1% to 2% of the total decline in the rate as high as 30% to 50%, that men from the 40-year-old will enter a "menopause." The study shows that always "sticky" in the chair of the male mental work than other men who will enter menopause earlier.
Japan concluded a study of several susceptible to the professional male menopause syndrome: the bank staff, teachers, architects, enterprise backbone, and so on.

In addition, in the mental work and little movement, or who previously engaged in fierce campaign suddenly terminated, are easy to enter menopause early. On the contrary, those who go out to regular physical activity or more people, more late menopause. In these types of people, at least four are often fixed at a sedentary work in the state.

Therefore, the proposed fixed sedentary men脑力工作者must give their own creation on bail, the opportunity to smooth through menopause.

In addition, the Yunnan provincial health education, the elderly in the best way for the movement "moderate aerobic metabolism movement."

Experts suggest that older persons in the "moderate aerobic metabolism Movement" should adhere to the "357" principle.

"Three" Jizou once per day, 30 minutes each time, the end of three kilometers.

"Five" campaign that is three times a week -5 times.

"7" or "the movement's heart rate" should read "170 minus age."

Experts believe that the best campaign in the elderly rather than the early morning hours of the evening. (-)


Read more news, see World Journal.

Jun2,08人腦 遇強則強 遇弱則弱The human brain are strong+ 馬太福音Matthew27:1-8


27:1 到了早晨,眾祭司長和民間的長老,大家商議要治死耶穌,
27:2 就把他捆綁,解去交給巡撫彼拉多。
27:3 這時候,賣耶穌的猶大看見耶穌已經定了罪,就後悔,把那三十塊錢拿回來給祭司長和長老,說:
27:4 “我賣了無辜之人的血是有罪了。”他們說:“那與我們有甚麼相干?你自己承當吧!”
27:5 猶大就把那銀錢丟在殿裡,出去吊死了。
27:6 祭司長拾起銀錢來說:“這是血價,不可放在庫裡。”
27:7 他們商議,就用那銀錢買了窯戶的一塊田,為要埋葬外鄉人。
27:8 所以那塊田直到今日還叫作“血田”。
27:1-2 宗教領袖沒有判死刑的權柄,所以要引導羅馬人處死耶穌。從政治方面來說,這樣做對宗教領袖更好,有人對耶穌的死負責,群眾就不會責備他們。他們用一個宗教的罪名——褻瀆神來拘捕耶穌,但是羅馬法庭不受理這類案件,他們便要找一個政治理由來置耶穌於死地。他們要證明耶穌是一個動亂者,祂宣稱自己是王,危害凱撒的地位。

27:2 彼拉多在公元26至36年期間,任猶太和撒馬利亞兩省的巡撫。他喜弄權術,強從聖殿庫房中提款建造高架引水道。宗教領袖對此極之不滿,但要除滅耶穌,也只好將祂解去交給彼拉多。彼拉多曾三次宣佈他查不出耶穌有罪(參約18:38;19:4, 6)。

27:3-4 當初猶大出賣耶穌,可能企圖迫使耶穌去發起一次革命來對抗羅馬,可是當看到耶穌被定罪後,他良心發現,可惜已經太遲了。我們的計劃一旦成為行動就不能走回頭,因此最好在行動以前,先想想計劃可能帶來的後果,免得我們事後後悔!

27:4 祭司的職分是教導人們認識神,並為他們作代求者——幫助他們獻祭以贖罪。但這些祭司長非但沒有幫助猶大尋求赦免,更說:“你自己承當吧!”他們不單拒絕彌賽亞,更拒絕了作祭司的身分。
27:5 猶大出去吊死自己。可能其自縊之樹枝折斷,身子跌下來,肚腹崩裂,腸子都流出來(參徒1:18)。

27:6 這些祭司長付錢給猶大出賣一個無辜的人,卻沒有感到絲毫內疚,當猶大把錢還給他們時,祭司長卻不肯接納,因為他們認為接受謀殺的報酬是錯誤的!他們對耶穌的仇恨叫他們完全失去了對公義的知覺。
When the morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death:
And when they had bound him, they led him away, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor.
Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,
Saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to that.
And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself.
And the chief priests took the silver pieces, and said, It is not lawful for to put them into the treasury, because it is the price of blood.
And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in.
Wherefore that field was called, The field of blood, unto this day.
Religious leaders have exhausted way home in the death of Jesus, they see what the excuse……
27:1-2 religious leaders sentenced to death without the power, so we should guide the Romans killed Jesus. From the political perspective, the religious leaders to do so better, it was responsible for the death of Jesus, the masses will not blame them. They use a religious counts - desecration of God to arrest Jesus, but Rome court will not be accepted in such cases, they will find a home for political reasons to kill Jesus. They have to prove that Jesus is a turmoil, he claimed that he is king, against Caesar's position.

Wash your hands in front of everyone that the Pilate, is what it »
27:2 Pilate in the year 26-36 in the period, the provinces of the Jewish and Samaria Xunfu. He was pleased with Nongquan, strong withdrawals from the Temple of the Treasury in the construction of elevated catchwaters. Religious leaders is extremely dissatisfied with this, but to destroy Jesus, he also had to be handed over to Pilate to solutions. Pilate declared that he had three enquiries not guilty of Jesus (the Senate about 18:38, 19:4, 6).

Judah regret it! What is the matter had to teach you regret it? »
27:3-4 When Judas betrayed Jesus, may attempt to force Jesus to launch a revolution against Rome, but that when Jesus was found guilty, he Liangxinfaxian Unfortunately, too late. Our plans were to become action will not be able to go back, so the best action in the past, to consider the possible consequences, so we later regret it!

"I attach it" - those priests you want to say this right »
27:4 priests of the points is to teach people to understand God, and substituting for them to seek - to help them to sacrifice atonement. However, these chief priests not only did not help Judah to seek pardon, said: "The rest squarely on your own!" They not only rejected the Messiah, rejected the identity of a priest.
Betrayed Jesus that the fate of the people……
27:5 Judas hanged himself out. May be the hanging of broken tree branches, your body or down, Dufubenglie, intestines are streaming out (Senate only 1:18).

They refused to accept the money Judas, is it the guilt »
27:6 the chief priests pay for the Judas betrayed an innocent person, but not feel the slightest guilt, when Judah the money back to them, the chief priests have refused to accept, because they accept that the remuneration of murder is wrong! Their hatred of Jesus ask them to completely lose the perception of justice.

人腦 遇強則強 遇弱則弱


對手厲害 腦袋動更快

美國廣播公司 (ABC)報導,美國國家精神衛生研究院神經科學家卡洛琳秦克等人找來一群志願者打電玩,讓他們與電腦較勁,但騙他們對手是高手或差勁的對手,在這些人打電玩時以磁振造影 (MRI)掃描其腦部。

所有研究對象都在以為對方是真人, 但不知對手實力的情況下與電腦較量,玩的時候腦部特別活躍的區域也都相同,然而要是以為是在與厲害的玩家一起玩時,這些人大腦的腹面紋狀體(ventral striatum)與枕葉頂葉皮質 (occipital parietal cortex)也會變得活躍。


對手太弱 鬥志會減弱




階級意識 猴子也會有



除了上述兩個區域,大腦的海馬旁回 (parahippocampal gyrus)也有類似的「社會分類」功能,協助識別區分與我們同類的人事物,後側前額葉 (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) 也與詮釋階級差異有關。



The human brain are strong, the case is weak-weak case

Research shows that the class consciousness may be innate, in the face and slightly stronger than his opponent's own, distinct brain activity. (AFP)

An roundup: social awareness may be innate. U.S. researchers found that people are stronger than their own and slightly down from its rival, the brain activity significantly different.
Formidable opponent moving faster head

ABC (ABC) reported, the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health scientist Carolyn Qin Ke, who brought a group of volunteers gaming and computer rivalry with them, but their opponent is cheating or bad top opponent, in these When people gaming to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of their brain.

All in all subjects that the other side is a real person, but I do not know the circumstances opponents strength and computer contest, playing a particularly active when the brain regions are the same, but if that is with the full force of the players playing, these people The ventral striatum of the brain (ventral striatum) and the occipital parietal cortex (occipital parietal cortex) will become active.

Ventral striatum people in charge of the money, remuneration and other valuable things response, occipital, parietal cortex and the visual and attention on. The two regions become active, research shows that powerful players more important, should not overlook.

Opponents are too weak morale will be weakened

Study also showed that the views of their players would be more formidable attention to each other's appearance will be impressed, even hair color all remember that the technology is rather poor impression on the audience is not deep.

Qin Ke said that the eyes of the subjects with strong opponents, playing the weak, the brain active regional obviously are different, "the big difference is incredible, so I do two analysis."

In addition, the study think that they can "cut", the brain will be the emergence of new active regions, showed that the brain is ready to "Wang Gaochu climb." Brain ready for promotion, will affect the people's will to fight.

Class consciousness monkeys will be

Research papers have been published in the journal Neuron. Ke Qin pointed out that people would be more outstanding than the ability to pay attention to the poor who are more neglected, "primates also have this tendency to focus attention on the leaders of the monkeys in time, weaker than the others or subordinate to the monkeys-long" .

Their authors of Oldenburg Meier Lin pointed out that the results of this study do not mean that the brain circuit caused social class, "but we are born to recognize social class, and demonstrated to act."

In addition to the above two regions, the hippocampus of the brain adjacent to (parahippocampal gyrus) has a similar "social classifications" function, we help identify and distinguish between people of similar things, the prefrontal cortex posterior (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) is also concerned with the interpretation of class differences.


Read more news, see World Journal.

Jun1,08久坐不重血栓風險加倍Sedentary double-thrombosis risk+ 創世記Genesis26:28-35

26:28 他們說:“我們明明地看見耶和華與你同在,便說,不如我們兩下彼此起誓,彼此立約,
26:29 使你不害我們,正如我們未曾害你,一味地厚待你,並且打發你平平安安地走。你是蒙耶和華賜福的了。”
26:30 以撒就為他們設擺筵席,他們便吃了喝了。
26:31 他們清早起來彼此起誓。以撒打發他們走,他們就平平安安地離開他走了。
26:32 那一天以撒的僕人來,將挖井的事告訴他說:“我們得了水了。”
26:33 他就給那井起名叫示巴,因此那城叫做別是巴,直到今日。
26:34 以掃四十歲的時候,娶了赫人比利的女兒猶滴,與赫人以倫的女兒巴實抹為妻。
26:35 她們常使以撒和利百加心裡愁煩。
26:34-35 以掃娶了異教女子為妻,此事使他的父母心煩意亂。大多數父母都能給兒女美好的規勸,因為他們瞭解兒女的品性。我們未必完全同意父母的意見,但最低限度要跟他們傾談,聽聽他們的意見,這可以幫助我們避免重蹈以掃的覆轍。
And they said, We saw certainly that the LORD was with thee: and we said, Let there be now an oath betwixt us, even betwixt us and thee, and let us make a covenant with thee;
That thou wilt do us no hurt, as we have not touched thee, and as we have done unto thee nothing but good, and have sent thee away in peace: thou art now the blessed of the LORD.
And he made them a feast, and they did eat and drink.
And they rose up betimes in the morning, and sware one to another: and Isaac sent them away, and they departed from him in peace.
And it came to pass the same day, that Isaac's servants came, and told him concerning the well which they had digged, and said unto him, We have found water.
And he called it Shebah: therefore the name of the city is Beersheba unto this day.
And Esau was forty years old when he took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bashemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite:
Which were a grief of mind unto Isaac and to Rebekah.
Marriage event, the relationship with their parents »
26:34-35 Esau married a pagan woman, wife, the matter so that his parents upset Yiluan. Most parents can give their children a better advice because they know their children's moral character. We may not fully agree with the views of parents, but at least they have to talk and listen to their views, which can help us avoid repeating the mistakes to sweep.











反復屈曲關節 定時離開座位








Sedentary double-thrombosis risk

-- [Owners] Office of deep vein thrombosis is the high-risk groups. The latest research confirmed that the day sitting in a fixed desk sit three hours of the people, suffering from deep vein thrombosis risk is that other people twice.
More than one hour sit risk by 20%

Deep vein thrombosis is a common clinical vascular surgery disease. After the illness-causing physical invalidity serious cases can be life-threatening. According to Shanghai Youth Daily report, published in the latest issue of the British "Royal Medical Association-" a study report on that sedentary move will increase with the risk of deep vein thrombosis. The study of the Southampton and New Zealand researchers interviewed 200 died of thrombosis or hospital treatment of heart disease patients, and record these patients every day sitting immobile and the total time for each fixed long-standing Sit immobile time.

"Sedentary fixed before the risk of thrombosis caused not yet been confirmed, the British" Daily Mail "quoted New Zealand Wellington Hospital ‧ Professor Richard Beasley said," This study shows that, whether they are sitting in one day The total fixed a long time or a certain period of time of day sedentary fixed, will increase with the risk of deep vein thrombosis. "

The study showed that more than sit one hour each, with the risk of thrombosis will increase 20 percent.

Sedentary increase in lower extremity venous pressure

The study indicated that, every day sitting in a desk sit three hours more than the owners of the office, suffering from deep vein thrombosis risk than other groups twice as high.

Study, researchers presented a sedentary population susceptible to deep vein thrombosis reasons. In their view, sedentary to the lower extremity venous pressure increased, is likely to lead to deep vein thrombosis reasons. The same argument could be used to explain during the war large numbers of people suffering from fatal thrombosis reasons, because people often had to escape air raids in the air-raid shelter in the sedentary.

Professor Beasley said: "In a small space sedentary, will cause muscle activity decreased, the incidence rate higher." He said that the research team will continue to investigate and study how the work environment of the people suffering from deep vein Have an impact on the probability of thrombosis.

Repeated regularly left the joint buckling seat

For those who need to sedentary, the study gives a deep vein thrombosis prevention methods.

Require long-term sitting in the office desk or owners often use long-distance passenger aircraft, we need to do some leg movement and pace, such as repeated buckling joints, the prevention of deep venous thromboembolism.

The researchers suggested that in addition to exercise, they also need to regularly leave the seat, walk around physical activities.

Professor Beasley said: "We will conduct more research to see whether or not to help design a human leg of the chair normal circulation of blood."

It is estimated that each year about the British 1/2000 population of people suffering from deep vein thrombosis. Pregnant women, obese patients and just accept the End of the surgery are susceptible to deep vein thrombosis.


Read more news, see World Journal.

May30,08膽結石 可以不開刀嗎?Gallstone surgery can not?+創世記 Genesis26:19-27

26:19 以撒的僕人在谷中挖井,便得了一口活水井,
26:20 基拉耳的牧人與以撒的牧人爭競說:“這水是我們的。”以撒就給那井起名叫埃色,因為他們和他相爭(註:“埃色”就是“相爭”的意思)。
26:21 以撒的僕人又挖了一口井,他們又為這井爭競,因此以撒給這井起名叫西提拿(註:就是“為敵”的意思)。
26:22 以撒離開那裡,又挖了一口井,他們不為這井爭競了,他就給那井起名叫利河伯(註:就是“寬闊”的意思)。他說:“耶和華現在給我們寬闊之地,我們必在這地昌盛。”
26:23 以撒從那裡上別是巴去。
26:24 當夜耶和華向他顯現,說:“我是你父親亞伯拉罕的 神,不要懼怕!因為我與你同在,要賜福給你,並要為我僕人亞伯拉罕的緣故,使你的後裔繁多。”
26:25 以撒就在那裡築了一座壇,求告耶和華的名,並且支搭帳棚。他的僕人便在那裡挖了一口井。
26:26 亞比米勒同他的朋友亞戶撒和他的軍長非各,從基拉耳來見以撒。
26:27 以撒對他們說:“你們既然恨我,打發我走了,為甚麼到我這裡來呢?”
26:17-22 以撒他們挖了三口新的井。前兩次發生爭執時,他都離開了。後來找到寬闊的地方,大家都能各取所需。以撒為著和睦,寧可讓步,也不願引起嚴重的衝突。你願意為了保持和睦而放棄重要的地位或貴重的財產嗎?求神賜我們智慧,使我們知道在甚麼時候應當退讓,甚麼時候應當據理力爭。
26:26-31 以撒的敵人既然想跟他訂立和約,他就迅速回應,把握這次化敵為友的機會,大擺筵席慶祝。我們要接納那些想與我們和平共處的人。當別人,甚至是敵人,被神在我們生命中的工作吸引時,我們一定要把握機會以神的愛來接觸他們。
And Isaac's servants digged in the valley, and found there a well of springing water.
And the herdmen of Gerar did strive with Isaac's herdmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Esek; because they strove with him.
And they digged another well, and strove for that also: and he called the name of it Sitnah.
And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.
And he went up from thence to Beersheba.
And the LORD appeared unto him the same night, and said, I am the God of Abraham thy father: fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant Abraham's sake.
And he builded an altar there, and called upon the name of the LORD, and pitched his tent there: and there Isaac's servants digged a well.
Then Abimelech went to him from Gerar, and Ahuzzath one of his friends, and Phichol the chief captain of his army.
And Isaac said unto them, Wherefore come ye to me, seeing ye hate me, and have sent me away from you?
Humility to God's wisdom, will bring about harmony. But when the humility, when the strive »
26:17-22 Isaac they dug three new wells. The previous two had a dispute when he left. Later, to find broad areas, we everybody. Isaac as a harmonious, and would prefer to make concessions, but also unwilling to cause serious conflict. In order to maintain harmony you are willing to give up an important position or valuable property? » Pray thanks to our wisdom so that we know that at any time should give way any time should argue the case.
Turning hostility into friendship, seems to be impossible, but to God's love, but……
26:26-31 Isaac enemy since he would like to make peace treaty, he quickly responded, turning hostility into friendship seize this opportunity to put large banquet to celebrate. We have to accept those who want to peaceful coexistence with our people. When others, even the enemy, God in our lives to the work, we must seize the opportunity to God's love to contact them.

膽結石 可以不開刀嗎?











Gallstone surgery can not?

[LIU Hui-min - Mr. Zhang Jian seized when found gallstones, as if not much, I heard that can not control, but will be the last stomach pain, like that of the right upper quadrant, how to do this, you must surgery » There are no other treatment »
Cathay General Hospital in Taipei branch of gastrointestinal Hsichih director Yang said that nearly eight patients with gallstones Chengdu no symptoms, do not need special treatment, as long as regular follow-up ultrasound examination, change diet, and rest. Gallstones size is not important, gallstones are asymptomatic depends on whether the "mischief" caused pain, but pain caused by gallstones variety, in addition to the Department of the right upper abdomen, was also felt in other locations abdomen, and even shoulder pain.

Whether or not to treatment, we must first confirm whether the pain caused by gallstones, some people aware of their health check at a gallstone, when the abdominal pain appears, since that would gallstone attack, was also worried that excessive, a pain.

Proposal to let doctors diagnosis, through the Wenzhen, doctors will be asked in detail about the feeling of pain, for example, whether After Bao Si Yi pain, eating Weiyao not improve and the history of the disease, also ultrasound to check whether there is a thickening of the gallbladder wall, edema, and other phenomena, Confirm whether gallstones in mischief.

In treatment, if gall stones such as a loose sand, gallstones can be dissolved taking the drug, allowing bile cycle, and about 2, 30% curable. Others may consider surgery, laparoscopic gallbladder removal technology has been quite mature, the wound was much smaller than the traditional surgery, the pain is lower, shorter recovery period, the hospitalization of about 3-4 days to return to work.

Some people worry that affect function of the gallbladder removal, as bile secretion is responsible for the liver, gallbladder, bile in the store, but a compensatory role in the human body, the absence of the gallbladder, bile duct will become so large store bile, so do not have to worry too much.

As for the use of shock waves shattered stones, the results are not necessarily, and sometimes larger stones, but if the earthquake rubble fell into small parts, such as bile duct, but cause problems.

The proposed change in eating habits, and more fresh fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, reduce the high fat, high-protein food, not fast for too long, reducing the probability of gallstone mischief.


Read more news, see World Journal.

May29,08心肌梗塞 咳嗽能自救嗎?AMI cough can save themselves?+ 創世記Genesis26:10-18

26:10 亞比米勒說:“你向我們作的是甚麼事呢?民中險些有人和你的妻同寢,把我們陷在罪裡。”
26:11 於是亞比米勒曉諭眾民說:“凡沾著這個人,或是他妻子的,定要把他治死。”
26:12 以撒在那地耕種,那一年有百倍的收成。耶和華賜福給他,
26:13 他就昌大,日增月盛,成了大富戶。
26:14 他有羊群、牛群,又有許多僕人,非利士人就嫉妒他。
26:15 當他父親亞伯拉罕在世的日子,他父親的僕人所挖的井,非利士人全都塞住,填滿了土。
26:16 亞比米勒對以撒說:“你離開我們去吧,因為你比我們強盛得多。”
26:17 以撒就離開那裡,在基拉耳谷支搭帳棚,住在那裡。
26:18 當他父親亞伯拉罕在世之日所挖的水井,因非利士人在亞伯拉罕死後塞住了,以撒就重新挖出來,仍照他父親所叫的,叫那些井的名字。
26:12-16 神照著祂的應許賜福給以撒,使他事事順利,非利士人就妒忌他,堵塞了他挖出來的井,為要趕走他。妒忌具有強烈的殺傷力,足以傾覆最強大的國家、破壞最親密的關係。當我們發現自己開始妒忌別人時,就當為他們所得的福分感謝神。要發洩忿恨之際,請先想想自己可能會失去的朋友、工作或配偶。

26:17-18 荒涼的基拉耳位於沙漠的邊緣,水源就好像黃金一樣珍貴。人們掘井,是表明自己擁有這塊土地。堵塞別人所挖的井是一種挑釁的行為,是當地最嚴重的罪行。非利士人堵塞以撒的井,以撒本來有充分的權利還擊,但是他寧可揀選和平共處,最後非利士人也因他的忍耐而尊敬他。
And Abimelech said, What is this thou hast done unto us? one of the people might lightly have lien with thy wife, and thou shouldest have brought guiltiness upon us.
And Abimelech charged all his people, saying, He that toucheth this man or his wife shall surely be put to death.
Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the LORD blessed him.
And the man waxed great, and went forward, and grew until he became very great:
For he had possession of flocks, and possession of herds, and great store of servants: and the Philistines envied him.
For all the wells which his father's servants had digged in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines had stopped them, and filled them with earth.
And Abimelech said unto Isaac, Go from us; for thou art much mightier than we.
And Isaac departed thence, and pitched his tent in the valley of Gerar, and dwelt there.
And Isaac digged again the wells of water, which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them.
When I feel angry when the most appropriate way of dealing with emotions is……
26:12-16 God照着His blessings to Isaac promised to him every success, the Philistines on the envy him, he dug up close to the wells, as he should be expelled. Jealousy has a strong mass destruction, enough to overturn the most powerful nation and undermine the closest relations. When we find ourselves at the beginning of jealousy of others, when they received the Fufen thank God. Fenhen the occasion to vent, please think about their own may lose their friends, work or spouse.

The face of unfair treatment, Isaac choice patience, I will choose what »
26:17-18 Jila ears in the desolate desert on the edge, like water, like precious gold. People dug wells, is that they own the land. Plug the wells dug by others is a provocative act, the local most serious crimes. Isaac plug the Philistines of the wells, Isaac had the full right to fight back, but he would prefer to choose peaceful coexistence, the last Philistines because of his patience and respect him.

心肌梗塞 咳嗽能自救嗎?


網路說 疼痛來襲用力咳



醫生說 反應根本來不及






AMI cough can save themselves?

[Chen Huihui - heart attack can also help themselves » Continuously circulated a letter on the Internet, heart attack, forced to remember to cough. Biesha, Taiwan Yadong, director of the hospital cardiac medical Yankee Fitch said that the only way is to ask for help fight where telephone, and the others immediately to do heart massage, can not help themselves by coughing.
Network that incoming pain forced cough

"It is 17:50, you busy on a full day of classes, are driving home the road. Suddenly! You are to have a chest pain, and began spreading to the arm and chin, but from the The nearest hospital about five kilometers away. What's worse, you do not know can be had opened so far. How do »"

"To keep coughing! Strength of the cough! Every cough, must first Shenxi a tone and then forced, deeply, cough and long, deep in the chest seems to cough up phlegm general."

The doctor said there was no time to react fundamental

To address this in a long time on the Internet spread the "cough CPR" message, Yankee Fitch said that did not come so quickly for the arrhythmia, and perhaps effective, this situation under Mengli cough, may play a similar shock effect, see Can resume their normal heart beat, blood playing out, get the blood supply to the brain.

But Yankee Fitch said that many more Youji You myocardial infarction fast, as long as hypoxia 5 to 10 seconds, will be in a coma, even with all the time no response, which in time cough.

"If we can save themselves, there will be no heart physician died of a heart attack!" Yankee Fitch said that the only way is to immediately help a first-aid phone, do heart massage, and now have evidence to show that, even if not blowing, only To do heart massage, but also results.


Read more news, see World Journal.