Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Apr21,08食 療 抗 病 菌 韭 菜 稱 極 品Leek said therapeutic anti-virus Need + 創世記Genesis22:17-24


22:17 論福,我必賜大福給你;論子孫,我必叫你的子孫多起來,如同天上的星,海邊的沙。你子孫必得著仇敵的城門, 
22:18 並且地上萬國都必因你的後裔得福,因為你聽從了我的話。’”
22:19 於是亞伯拉罕回到他僕人那裡,他們一同起身往別是巴去,亞伯拉罕就住在別是巴。
22:20 這事以後,有人告訴亞伯拉罕說:“密迦給你兄弟拿鶴生了幾個兒子:
22:21 長子是烏斯,他的兄弟是布斯和亞蘭的父親基母利,
22:22 並基薛、哈瑣、必達、益拉、彼土利(彼土利生利百加)。”
22:23 這八個人都是密迦給亞伯拉罕的兄弟拿鶴生的。
22:24 拿鶴的妾名叫流瑪,生了提八、迦含、他轄和瑪迦。
22:15-18 亞伯拉罕毫無保留地順服神,所以他得到神極多的祝福:(1)神賜給他的後裔有勝過仇敵的能力;(2)神應許他的子孫要使全世界的人得福。世人認識他和他後裔的信仰,生命就會改變。我們常常以為福氣是供自己享受的,但是,原來神賜福給我們,是要我們把福氣跟別人分享。
23:1-4 在亞伯拉罕的時代,死亡和埋葬死人在禮儀和傳統上是莊嚴的事。對死者不敬就是對其最大的侮辱;不合禮儀的葬禮就等於咒詛。在葬禮之中少不了哀哭,眾親友皆要大聲哭號,讓四周的人都聽到。由於沒有殯儀館、殯儀員,這些親友會幫助埋葬死人。由於天氣暖和,喪禮和葬禮往往在同一天舉行。
That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;
And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.
So Abraham returned unto his young men, and they rose up and went together to Beersheba; and Abraham dwelt at Beersheba.
And it came to pass after these things, that it was told Abraham, saying, Behold, Milcah, she hath also born children unto thy brother Nahor;
Huz his firstborn, and Buz his brother, and Kemuel the father of Aram,
And Chesed, and Hazo, and Pildash, and Jidlaph, and Bethuel.
And Bethuel begat Rebekah: these eight Milcah did bear to Nahor, Abraham's brother.
And his concubine, whose name was Reumah, she bare also Tebah, and Gaham, and Thahash, and Maachah.

Submission for themselves and others bring blessings. I also can be a blessed containers?
22:15-18 unreservedly Obey God of Abraham, so he has a lot of God's blessings: (1) God bestow his descent than enemies have the ability (2) God promised to make his descendants worldwide people singleness. People know him and his descendants of faith, life would be changed. We often think that is good fortune for their own enjoyment, but the original God bless us, we are fortunate to share with others.
23:1-4 Abraham in the era of the death and burial of the dead in rituals and traditions is a solemn matter. Disrespect to the deceased is their greatest humiliation; substandard etiquette is equivalent to the funeral of a curse. The earth will mourn at the funeral of unavoidable, people, friends and relatives are to Daiqingku to hear people around. In the absence of a funeral parlour, funeral, relatives and friends will help them to bury the dead. As the weather warms, usually in the funeral and the funeral held the same day.
食 療 抗 病 菌 韭 菜 稱 極 品

韭 菜 其 貌 不 揚 , 原 來 好 處 多 到 不 得 了 。

在 潮 濕 嘅 春 天 , 阿 媽 經 常 為 屋 企 晾 極 都 唔 乾 嘅 濕 衫 苦 惱 不 已 , 又 濕 又 暖 嘅 春 天 好 易 令 人 病 , 最 好 食 多 啲 可 以 提 高 免 疫 力 嘅 食 物 , 用 食 療 抵 抗 病 菌 侵 襲 , 而 都 幾 受 香 港 人 歡 迎 嘅 韭 菜 , 原 來 係 提 高 抵 抗 力 嘅 極 品 蔬 菜 。

香 味 來 自 硫 化 物
韭 菜 獨 特 嘅 香 味 原 來 係 嚟 自 豐 富 嘅 硫 化 物 , 唔 單 止 可 以 殺 菌 , 仲 可 以 幫 助 身 體 吸 收 維 他 命 A 同 B1 , 令 抵 抗 力 越 嚟 越 好 ,  家 仲 係 流 感 高 峯 期 , 不 妨 試 吓 每 餐 加 啲 韭 菜 。
好 多 人 都 誤 會 咗 只 有 食 大 葱 先 可 以 幫 助 身 體 抵 抗 病 菌 入 侵 , 其 實 韭 菜 都 有 異 曲 同 工 之 妙 , 因 為 韭 菜 嘅 主 要 營 養 成 分 包 括 維 他 命 B1 、 B2 、 C 、 胡 蘿 蔔 素 、 碳 水 化 合 物 、 礦 物 質 同 纖 維 , 每 100 克 韭 菜 就 有 1.5 克 纖 維 , 比 大 葱 同 芹 菜 仲 要 多 , 經 常 食 可 以 促 進 大 、 小 腸 郁 動 , 預 防 便 秘 同 大 腸 癌 , 其 他 對 健 康 嘅 好 處 仲 有 阻 止 膽 固 醇 吸 收 、 預 防 動 脈 硬 化 同 冠 心 病 。
點 樣 煮 韭 菜 先 可 以 保 留 到 最 多 嘅 營 養 ? 由 於 硫 化 物 遇 熱 易 揮 發 , 所 以 韭 菜 要 用 猛 火 快 炒 就 起 鍋 , 建 議 同 豬 肉 一 齊 炒 , 就 係 一 碟 好 美 味 嘅 餸 菜 。 韭 菜 係 就 係 有 益 健 康 , 但 係 千 祈 唔 好 食 過 量 , 因 為 太 多 纖 維 身 體 會 消 化 唔 到 , 隨 時 引 起 肚 屙 , 最 好 每 餐 食 100 至 200 克 , 唔 好 多 過 400 克 , 飲 酒 之 後 都 唔 應 該 食 。
blog 主 : 醫 神

Leek said therapeutic anti-virus Need

Leek Jimaobuyang original benefits to more unnerving.

In the wet spring expense, grandmothers often do not even dry Wuqi dry very generously wet shirt distressed conditions in Youshiyou good warm spring expense of vulnerable people, the best food and more Di expense of food can improve immunity, with therapeutic feeding resistance virus attacks, and several have welcomed by the people of Hong Kong the expense of Chinese chives, increase resistance expense of the original Need for vegetables.

Smell from the sulphide
Leek expense of the unique flavor of the original Li expense of the rich sulphides, sterilization can only Well, the SIN can help the body absorb vitamins A and B1, the more resistant Li better,  SIN-peak period of influenza, could threaten the test meal Canadian Di leek.
Many people have misunderstood Zo only fresh green onions can help the body to resist bacteria invasion, are in fact similar to leek Miao, mainly because of the expense of leek nutrients, including vitamins B1, B2, C, beta-carotene, carbohydrates, minerals and fiber, each 100 g leek are 1.5 g fiber, compared with the celery, leeks Zhongyao, regular water can promote large intestine Yu move to prevent constipation with colorectal cancer, and other health benefits expense仲有stop cholesterol absorption, and the prevention of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.
Cook leek first sample can be retained to a maximum expense of nutrition? As volatile sulfide Heating, leek use Menghuokuaichao on Cook, the proposed together with fried pork, a dish of good expense Song delicious dishes. Leek of the Department of wholesome, but Qianguiwuhao of excessive drinking, because the body will be too much fiber digestion but not at any time cause stomach E, the best meals every 100 to 200 grams, Do not more than 400 grams of alcohol should not even after Fresh.
The blog: god of medicine


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