馬太福音 24:34 | 我實在告訴你們:這世代還沒有過去,這些事都要成就。 |
24:35 | 天地要廢去,我的話卻不能廢去。 |
24:36 | 但那日子、那時辰,沒有人知道,連天上的使者也不知道,子也不知道,惟獨父知道。 |
24:37 | 挪亞的日子怎樣,人子降臨也要怎樣。 |
24:38 | 當洪水以前的日子,人照常吃喝嫁娶,直到挪亞進方舟的那日, |
24:39 | 不知不覺洪水來了,把他們全都沖去。人子降臨也要這樣。 |
24:40 | 那時,兩個人在田裡,取去一個,撇下一個; |
24:41 | 兩個女人推磨,取去一個,撇下一個。 |
24:42 | 所以,你們要警醒,因為不知道你們的主是哪一天來到。 |
24:36 我們不知道基督再來的確實日期其實是一件好事。假若我們知道確實日期,可能會被試探,在為基督工作的事上閒懶,更壞的是會繼續犯罪,然後在最後的時刻才歸向神。天堂並不是我們惟一的目標,我們在世上有工作,就必須繼續工作,直到死或看見我們的救主再來為止。
24:40-42 基督的再來將會是突然和快速的,將不會再給人最後一秒來悔改,沒有討價還價的機會。我們現在所作的抉擇將會決定我們永遠的命運。
24:34 |
| Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. |
24:35 |
| Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. |
24:36 |
| But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. |
24:37 |
| But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. |
24:38 |
| For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, |
24:39 |
| And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. |
24:40 |
| Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. |
24:41 |
| Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. |
24:42 |
| Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. |
Think, if you know that day, whether you will make more efforts disposes workers, or……
24:36 We do not know the exact date of Christ's return is actually a good thing. If we know the exact date may be exploratory, for Christ's work in the lazy idle on the matter, even worse is that crime will continue, and then at the last moment before Guixiang God. Heaven is not our only goal, we have a job in the world, we must continue to work until we die or see again until the Savior.
Jesus in the decision on when to » It may » Is not good »
24:40-42 Christ's return will be sudden and fast, will not give people the final seconds to repentance, no bargaining opportunities. We are now the choice will determine our eternal destiny.
【劉惠敏】所謂「知己知彼百戰百勝」,不過大多數人對自己知道有限,而且我敢打賭,以下這些和身體有關的事,你大部分都不知道! 1.人類大腦的耗電量, 比冰箱裡的燈泡還少 大腦使用的能量為12瓦,大約兩大根香蕉所含的能量,若腦袋需要插電才能運作,電費是滿省的。不過和身體的其化器官比起來,大腦卻是最耗能量的。大腦只占全身重量的3%,但一想起事情,卻得消耗全身1/6(17%)的能量。所以我們吃下去的食物、轉化而成的能量,大部分是用來維持腦部運作。 2.經常性的時差 有損記憶 搭機產生的時差不只是擾亂生理時鐘,常常飛來飛去的人,大腦健康可能受危害。研究發現,經常穿越太多時區的人,大腦可能產生記憶障礙,主要是因體內分泌的壓力荷爾蒙,會損傷腦部和記憶有關的顳葉。 不過一般的搭機乘客不須太擔心,每隔兩周就飛越數個不同時區的人畢竟不多,除非你是航空公司的飛勤組員。不過,工作採輪班制的人,也可能有此風險,頻繁飛行或工時驟變,都會增加腦部和身體的壓力。 3.為什麼在吵雜的房間裡 聽不到電話裡的聲音 在吵雜的房間裡講手機是件困難的事,因為你的大腦同時接收到房間和手機聲音。手機裡微弱的說話聲和房間裡嗡嗡的吵雜聲,對大腦而言,要分辨清楚真是個困難任務。下次在吵雜的地方講手機時,用手圈住嘴和話筒,情況將改善許多。 4.射擊電玩遊戲 可訓練「一心多用」 持續處理多重任務能增加你一心多用的能力,玩動作型電玩是個很有效的練習。這類電玩遊戲通常是和螢幕上多個敵人對戰,在他們開火前搶先擊斃對方,玩家必須注意整個螢幕,發現敵人的動靜並迅速反應。玩俄羅斯方塊就沒有這麼好的效果,因為玩家僅須將注意力放在慢慢落下的單一物體。 5.大腦裡有個「笑話中心」 怎樣才算幽默?每人定義不同。但是聽到笑話,我們自然會咯咯笑。一項理論指出,幽默包含意想不到的成分,是讓我們發笑的來源。聽到笑話時,大腦額葉要先經過「再解釋」過程,當笑話內容和對常理的認知不同,就會想笑。額葉右側受損的病人,會因為再解釋過程有問題,聽到再有趣的笑話也笑不出來。 6.為何忘不掉討厭的歌 某一首歌或某一段旋律在腦海中揮之不去,有時讓人很抓狂,不過連續性回憶在大腦記憶中占有特殊和實用的位置。回想起生活中連續性動作的能力,讓我們得以處理日常生活事務。 當你回想起一首歌或某場演講的片段時,大腦重複這個段落、加強連結,這個過程增加了你下次回想起這個片段的可能性。 至於如何讓腦中不要一再出現那條討厭的歌?專家建議,試著想想別首歌,取代腦內一直播放的這一首。 7.陽光讓人打噴嚏 很多人看到耀眼的陽光會反射性地打噴嚏,打噴嚏基本上是因為鼻腔受到刺激而發生,那麼陽光為何讓人打噴嚏呢? 陽光刺眼時,人的瞳孔會收縮,可能因此帶動眼周的神經纖維或神經元,將刺激反應經腦部傳導到主管噴嚏的腦幹,即延髓外側,人就打噴嚏了。除了陽光,男性在性高潮時也會因為類似原理而打噴嚏。 8.為何人無法搔自己的癢 我們的腦和感官專注於知察外在的事物,主管運動功能的小腦能分辨哪些來自外界或自身的刺激,也能分辨出意料之外的感覺。因此,「搔自己的癢」是一個已被預料的動作,沒有緊張和驚奇的情緒,因此我們不會覺得癢;被別人搔癢則是意外的行動。 9.打呵欠能喚醒大腦 打呵欠通常被認為是睡眠不足或沒有精神的表現,但實際上它能喚醒大腦開始工作。打呵欠能伸展咽頭及喉頭,讓大量的空氣進入肺部,血液運送的氧氣含量隨之增加,人也會比較有精神。 有人說打呵欠會傳染,這是真的,但原因尚不清楚。許多脊椎動物和鳥類都會打呵欠,但人類以外的靈長類動物將打呵欠視為威嚇的表現,狗兒打呵欠則是為了安撫同伴。 10.高處讓人產生視覺幻象 登山客常發生幻視或幻聽的現象而感到恐懼,可能是因為人類處於海拔2,400公尺以上的高度,氧氣減少所致。缺氧可能影響腦部掌管視覺、表情和情緒的區域。(譯自TIME) 右額葉受傷 聽不懂笑話 ●大腦的皮質區負責許多複雜腦部功能,包括語言、思考、記憶等認知功能,共有四個腦葉,分別為額葉、頂葉、顳葉、枕葉,雖然分區各司其職,但又相互連結,才能做出適當反應。 大腦皮質區的額葉與推理、計畫、情緒以及某些語言、運動等有關,右額葉負責情緒起伏,以及接受語言的「弦外之音」,會引起不同腦部反應,當下額葉受損時,人的反應就會變慢或者沒有反應。 額葉受損(嚴格說來是右額葉),聽笑話需要的思考與情緒功能無法作用,聽到再有趣的笑話也笑不出來。 (諮詢/台北國泰醫院神經內科主治醫師陳仁澤) 2008-04-25 | |
Cracked the brain secret 10
[LIU Hui-min - the so-called "知己知彼Baizhanbaisheng", but most people know is limited, and I bet, and the body following the matter, most of you do not know!
1. The human brain power,
Refrigerator than the smaller bulbs
The brain's energy use 12 watts, about the two major banana root contained in the energy, if the brain needs can be plugged in operation, electricity is for the province. But the body and its organs of comparison, the brain is the most Haoneng Liang. The brain accounts for only 3 percent of body weight, but think of things, but in the general consumption of 1 / 6 (17%) of energy. Therefore, we Chi Xiaqu food, transformed from the energy, most of the brain is used to maintain the operation.
2. Prejudicial to the time difference between regular memory
Fly the jet lag not only disrupt biological clock, often flying people, the brain may be affected by the health hazards. Study found that, often through too many time zones, the brain may have memory impairment, mainly due to the pressure of endocrine hormones, brain damage and memory-related temporal lobe.
But the general fly passengers do not need to worry too much about every two weeks to fly over several different time zones, after all, not many people, unless you are the airlines to fly ground crew. However, the work-shift system, may also have this risk, frequent flight hours or sudden changes, will increase the pressure on the brain and body.
3. Why, in noisy rooms
Can not hear the voice of the phone
In the noisy room, said the phone is difficult, because your brain at the same time and room to receive voice phone. Phone weak voice and speak the noisy room, humming sound, the brain, to distinguish clearly is a difficult task. The next in noisy places stress on your phone, hand-lap Zhuzui and microphone, the situation will improve many.
4. Shooting video game
Training can be "bent on the use of"
Continued to handle multiple tasks can increase your ability to use more than one mind, play-action game is a very effective practice. Such video games are often a number of enemies on the screen and Versus, first shot dead before they opened fire on the other side, players must pay attention to the screen, found the enemy's movement and rapid response. On the Russian box on the not so good results, because the audience only slowly came to be focused on a single object.
5. The brain, there was a "joke Center"
What humor » Each different definition. But to hear a joke, we will naturally Kaka Xiao. A theory that contains an unexpected element of humor, let us laugh is the source. To hear a joke, the first frontal lobe brain "to explain" the process, when the joke content and the different understanding of common sense, it will want to laugh. The right frontal lobe damage to the patients, because of a problem to explain the process, to hear a good joke also Xiaobuchulai.
6. Why can not forget the hate song
A song or a certain period of melody lingering in their minds, and sometimes people are crazy, but continuity of memories in the brain memory of a special and practical position. Recalls life in the continuity of action the ability for us to deal with daily affairs.
When you recall a song or a certain speeches of the region, the brain to repeat that paragraph, to strengthen links, an increase of this process you think of this fragment next to the possibility.
As to how the brain will not let repeated那条hate the song » Experts suggested, try to think of other songs, the brain has been replaced by players of the first.
7. Sunlight people sneezing
Many people will see the dazzling reflection of the sun and sneezing, nasal sneezing is basically because in case of stimulated, then the sun why people sneeze? »
Dazzling sunshine, the pupil will shrink, may promote eye-week nerve fibers, or neurons, the brain will stimulate reaction transmitted to the brain stem in charge of sneezes, the medullary lateral, the people sneezing. Apart from the sun, at the climax of the men in a similar principle and also because sneezing.
8. Why can not scratch their own itch
Our brain and the senses focus on the things that external review, in charge of the motor function of the cerebellum can tell which from the outside world or their own stimulation, can also distinguish between the feeling of surprise. Therefore, the "scratch their own itch" is an action had been expected, did not surprise the tension and emotion, we do not feel that itch; others were itching accident is the action.
9. Yawning can wake up the brain
Yawning normally be considered insufficient sleep or not the spirit of the performance, but in fact it can arouse the brain to work. Yawning can be extended pharynx and larynx head, a large number of air into the lungs and blood oxygen content delivery increases, people will have more spirit.
Some people say that yawning contagious, this is true, but why is unclear. Many vertebrate animals and birds will be yawning, but human primates other than the yawning seen as threat to the performance of the dogs yawning is to appease companions.
10. People have a visual illusion of height
Huanshi or regular hikers in the phenomenon of auditory hallucinations and fear, it may be because human beings are the altitude above 2,400 meters height, a decrease in oxygen. Hypoxia may affect the brain in charge of visual, facial expressions and emotional areas. (Translated from TIME)
Listen to the right frontal lobe injuries do not understand a joke
● the brain cortex responsible for many of the complex brain functions, including language, thinking, memory and other cognitive function, a total of four of the brain, the frontal lobe, respectively, parietal, and temporal lobe, occipital, although the district carry out their duties, But mutual links, can make the appropriate response.
The brain's frontal cortex and reasoning, planning, emotion and some language, movement, and so on, right frontal lobe is responsible for emotional ups and downs, and acceptance of the language "overtones" and would give rise to different brain response, immediate damage to the frontal lobe, , The response will be slow or no response.
Frontal lobe impairment (strictly speaking, is the right frontal lobe), listening to the jokes needed thought and emotion can not function, then heard a good joke also Xiaobuchulai.
(Advisory / Cathay General Hospital in Taipei Department of Neurology, Dr. Chen Renze)
Read more news, see World Journal.