Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

May22,08震後自救法After the earthquake of self-help: +馬太福音Matthew26:25-32


26:25 賣耶穌的猶大問他說:“拉比,是我嗎?”耶穌說:“你說的是。”
26:26 他們吃的時候,耶穌拿起餅來,祝福,就擘開遞給門徒,說:“你們拿著吃,這是我的身體。”
26:27 又拿起杯來,祝謝了,遞給他們,說:“你們都喝這個,
26:28 因為這是我立約的血,為多人流出來,使罪得赦。
26:29 但我告訴你們:從今以後我不再喝這葡萄汁,直到我在我父的國裡同你們喝新的那日子。”
26:30 他們唱了詩,就出來往橄欖山去。
26:31 那時,耶穌對他們說:“今夜,你們為我的緣故都要跌倒。因為經上記著說:‘我要擊打牧人,羊就分散了。’
26:32 但我復活以後,要在你們以先往加利利去。”
26:26 這個聖禮有幾個意義:(1)主的晚餐(或稱主餐、聖餐、擘餅):為記念耶穌與門徒共進逾越節晚餐。(2)感恩的表示:感謝神藉基督為我們做的工。(3)相交:與神並其他信徒相交。我們吃這餅、喝這汁時,應當安靜反省,追想耶穌的受死和祂再來的應許;感謝神給我們的恩賜;並因我們與基督及各信徒肢體相聚而喜樂。

26:28 耶穌的血與新約有何關係呢?在舊約之下的人,就是活在耶穌之前的人,只能靠著祭司和獻祭性才可以親近神。現在所有的人都可以靠著信心直接到神那裡,因為耶穌的死已使我們在神的眼中蒙悅納(參羅3:21-24)。

26:29 耶穌再次堅固祂的門徒,祂將要勝過死亡,並且將來他們要與祂同在。接著的數小時內,他們表面上會受到挫折,但不久他們將會體驗到聖靈的能力,並且見證福音迅速地傳播出去。有一天,他們將會在神的新國度裡再次聚集在一起。

26:30 門徒唱的詩歌很可能是詩篇115至118篇,唱這幾篇傳統的詩是逾越節筵席的一部分。

Then Judas, which betrayed him, answered and said, Master, is it I? He said unto him, Thou hast said.
And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.
And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;
For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom.
And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives.
Then saith Jesus unto them, All ye shall be offended because of me this night: for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad.
But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee.
The Eucharist is the Chi Bing, drink grape juice them, what » There are so many mean……
26:26 this sacrament has several meanings: (1) Lord's Supper (or the main meal, communion, Bo cake): In order to commemorate Jesus and his disciples had Passover dinner. (2) of that Thanksgiving: Thank God through Christ as we do the work. (3) intersection: with God and other believers intersection. We eat this pie, drink this juice, it should be quiet introspection, Zhuixiang the death of Jesus and then he's promised, we thank God for the gift, and because we and the disciples of Christ and to meet physically and joy.

The blood of Jesus, New Testament, the Old Testament, the Yom Kippur festival offerings…… so many terms, What are the relations »
26:28 with the blood of Jesus about what the new relationship » In the Old Testament under the people that live in Jesus Christ before the people can only rely on priests and of the sacrifices we can get close to God. Now all the people can rely on confidence directly to God, because Jesus died so that we have in the eyes of God kept悦纳(Participation Law 3:21-24).
Old Testament is a new warning about a shadow children (Senate Ye 31:31; to Chapter 8), point to the day later, Jesus himself as the ultimate sin offering offerings, is not a flawless the lamb on the altar of the offer, but The lamb of God was completely crucify on the Cross. The acquittal of the festival offerings, we called the crime a pardon can all at once, all those who believe that he can be pardoned.

If not saddened by the setback, because……
26:29 Jesus once again solid His disciples, he will be better than death, and their future with him the same. Then a few hours, they will be on the face of setbacks, but soon they will be the ability to experience the Holy Spirit and bear witness to the rapid spread the Gospel. One day, they will be in the new kingdom of God come together again.

26:30 disciples to sing the poems may be Psalm 115 to 118, several traditional singing this poem is part of the Passover feast.
震後自救法:外傷出血要及時按住動脈 2008年05月15日來源:長沙晚報【大中小】

















Some earthquake website


After the earthquake of self-help: traumatic arterial bleeding should promptly hold down 2008年05月15日Source: Changsha Evening News: [Da Zhongxiao

Effective self-help has always been our lives to retain the primary law, psychology earthquake on a "12 second self-chance" that the earthquake occurred, and if the calm composed within 12 seconds quickly hide in a safe, will be able to provide their own final A self-help opportunities. In an interview with reporters, experts said that even if身处ruins, using some effective self-help methods, we are still waiting for rescue to win precious time.

The first step self-help earthquake disaster the first to protect the head

[Information] Xiangya Hospital emergency department deputy director Li Xiang-min, head injury casualties in the earthquake is the highest mortality rates, early mortality rate of 30 percent. Maxillofacial, facial features will cause serious injury dysfunction, blood clots and organizations can shift, causing suffocation. This shows that the earthquake in distress, the key is to protect the head.

[Experts recommend: If students are class, and must quickly Baotou, eyes closed, hiding under their desks. In the playground or outdoor, can be fixed in situ squat, hands cling to the head, avoiding the attention of tall buildings or dangerous. If the home or office, easy to choose a triangular space of places, such as solid furniture, interior wall corner, bathroom and other places, Baotou squat. If in a moving car, facing the direction of traffic, to arm靠在before the upholstery on the seats, Huzhu face, tend to channel the body, two-handed Huzhu head; Beichao directions of traffic of people, to the back of his head handed Huzhu Ministry and carried for abdominal knee, tightening the body, do a good job in defense posture.

The second step self-injury in time to hold down the arterial bleeding

[Information] in Changsha City, deputy director of the blood center are left-wing told reporters that adults of normal body weight of the blood of eight percent. When a bleeding more than 20 percent of all output, there will be pallor, such as pulse Xiruo shock performance. When the amount of bleeding to achieve 40 per cent of total output, have life-threatening. Wenchuan in the earthquake, many people are also due to massive blood loss, can not wait rescue and death. So the key, known to some of their methods to stop bleeding is very important.

[Proposal] experts Xiangya Hospital emergency department deputy director Li Xiang-min, arterial bleeding, blood red, throb, volume, speed and risk of major. If the head and limbs, some parts of arterial bleeding, such as bleeding hands, fingers were available oppression side wrist injury on both sides of the radial artery and ulnar artery, blocking blood flow. Side of bleeding feet, fingers were oppressed脚背Central throb the anterior tibial artery and Neihuai between the heel and the posterior tibial artery. Bleeding in his leg, the injured shall be sitting or lying position, with two-handed thumb forced oppression Shangzhi groin slightly below the midpoint of the femoral artery, blocking blood flow femoral artery. Facial bleeding, with one hand thumb and index finger or thumb and middle finger were oppressed under the bilateral Ejiao about one centimeter before the Depression, the blocking of blood flow.

When the law can not stop bleeding, stop bleeding, the head of the Rubber Band, or can be used to tear the clothes on the cloth, made tourniquet, bleeding sites placed at the top, will Shangzhizhajin, arterial pressure deflated to achieve the purpose of bleeding.

Buried after the third step of self-help to maintain the smooth flow of breath

[Information] According to the information, 20 minutes after the earthquake rescued save rate of 98 percent over one hour after the earthquake rescued save rate dropped to 63 percent, two hours after the earthquake is not the rescued personnel, suffocation The death toll of the death toll of 58%. They are not in the earthquake were killed by collapsing buildings, but choked to death.

[Proposal] earthquake experts such as the ruins buried under the pressure, around is a dark, and after the earthquake, there are often several aftershocks occurred, the situation may continue to deteriorate, in order to avoid a new injury, to try to improve their own which环境. In this extremely unfavorable environment, the first to maintain the smooth flow of breath, Nuekai the head, chest of debris, stability and expansion of living space. Save as much as possible physical, with stones can be audible percussion objects, sent out SOS signals, do not cry, impatient and blind action, which will consume large energy and strength, should do everything possible to control their emotions or Bimu rest.

The fourth step self-help rescued after the good "from the mouth disease," the Commissioner

[Information] in accordance with the general rules of the quake, many victims, plus the sun and rain, the bodies decomposed quickly, would lead to the emergence and spread of the epidemic. Common diseases after the earthquake have food-borne diseases, insect diseases, zoonotic diseases and natural foci of the disease and foodborne diseases. Wenchuan region will also face such a dilemma.

[Experts recommend: Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University infectious disease expert Xu Yang told reporters after the earthquake, it is necessary to do a good job of self-health protection, the good "from the mouth disease," the Commissioner, far away from the disease, should never "Gangchu wolf into the Tiger's Mouth and Waterloo . "

Attention to drinking water and food hygiene to prevent food-borne diseases is the key. Protection of drinking water from pollution, and bleaching powder or bleaching powder fine tablets (water purifying tablets) disinfection of drinking water should not drink raw water.

In order to avoid aftershocks, many people sleep on the streets, to do a good job of mosquito protection, to avoid being bitten. If it is found that patients suddenly developed a high fever, headache, vomiting, neck, such as hardware, it should immediately seek medical treatment.

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