Genesis2 7

Genesis2 7
Bible Verse

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

May 25,08醫生有時也沒轍In the end of what doctors sometimes Mozhe +馬太福音Matthew26:49-57


26:49 猶大隨即到耶穌跟前說:“請拉比安。”就與他親嘴。
26:50 耶穌對他說:“朋友,你來要做的事,就做吧!”於是那些人上前,下手拿住耶穌。
26:51 有跟隨耶穌的一個人,伸手拔出刀來,將大祭司的僕人砍了一刀,削掉了他一個耳朵。
26:52 耶穌對他說:“收刀入鞘吧!凡動刀的,必死在刀下。 
26:53 你想,我不能求我父現在為我差遣十二營多天使來嗎?
26:54 若是這樣,經上所說事情必須如此的話,怎麼應驗呢?”
26:55 當時,耶穌對眾人說:“你們帶著刀棒出來拿我,如同拿強盜嗎?我天天坐在殿裡教訓人,你們並沒有拿我。
26:56 但這一切的事成就了,為要應驗先知書上的話。”當下,門徒都離開他逃走了。
26:57 拿耶穌的人把他帶到大祭司該亞法那裡去,文士和長老已經在那裡聚會。
26:51-53 這個砍掉大祭司僕人耳朵的人就是彼得(參約18:10)。彼得嘗試去保護這看來是失敗的耶穌,並不明白為了得勝,耶穌必須要受死。但耶穌顯示祂完全委身於父神的旨意,祂的國度不是靠用刀劍來拓展的,乃是靠著信心和順服。

26:57 耶穌被捉後,先被帶去見前任大祭司——該亞法的岳父亞拿,然後亞拿把耶穌押到該亞法的家裡受審(參約18:12-24)。他們急於要完成這個審訊,在安息日之前把耶穌處死,當前只剩下不足二十四小時,宗教領袖就連夜聚集在該亞法家中,不等到日間在聖殿中會面了。
And forthwith he came to Jesus, and said, Hail, master; and kissed him.
And Jesus said unto him, Friend, wherefore art thou come? Then came they, and laid hands on Jesus, and took him.
And, behold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest's, and smote off his ear.
Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?
But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?
In that same hour said Jesus to the multitudes, Are ye come out as against a thief with swords and staves for to take me? I sat daily with you teaching in the temple, and ye laid no hold on me.
But all this was done, that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then all the disciples forsook him, and fled.
And they that had laid hold on Jesus led him away to Caiaphas the high priest, where the scribes and the elders were assembled.
Who is this impulse to cut off other people's ears » Why do so »
26:51-53 cut the ears of the High Priest who is the servant of Peter (the Senate about 18:10). Peter tried to protect this appears to be the failure of Jesus, did not understand that in order to win, Jesus must death. But Jesus showed that he was totally committed father's will, he does not rely on the country to expand the use swords, is the confidence and rely on God.

They even such a hurry to death of Jesus, you look at their actions……
26:57 Jesus Pizhuo, the first to be met with the former High Priest - The Asia and France's father-in-law Anna, and Anna to Jesus Yadao of the Asia and France's home for trial (the Senate about 18:12-24). They rush to complete this trial, the Sabbath before the death of Jesus, currently only less than 24 hours, religious leaders gathered on the same night in the Asia Legalists, do not wait until the day in the Temple of the meeting.

到底什麼病 醫生有時也沒轍


急救 輕重緩急有序



小病 醫生興趣缺缺



病患 組團自力救濟

許多不滿的病患自力救濟,組成團體,把自身的症狀、病況公開,供人參考,諸如此類的常見病症,包括導致肌肉與身體其他部位疼痛的纖維肌痛(fibromyalgia) ,以及越來越受美國疾病防治中心(CDC)重視的慢性疲勞症候群(chronic fatique syndrome)。


怪病 醫生也沒答案

美國執業醫師雷納碰過一名雙腿長年疼痛無力,得扶著助行器才能走路的婦女,一直找不出確切病因。她25年前被診斷罹患多發性硬化症 (multiple sclerosis),最近一位醫師以磁振造影檢測她腦部,發現腦部沒有損傷,診斷她罹患的是一種非典型的多發性硬化症,脊椎出問題,而不像一般患者是腦部病變。醫師坦承,這名婦女雖然確診,但未來如何治療、預後如何,許多問題仍沒有答案。



In the end of what doctors sometimes Mozhe

This roundup - doctors are not God, nor is there any都懂, but physicians and patients look at the way the different diseases, the patient's symptoms, the doctor often seems, is ambiguous and difficult to attribute causes. Doctors think that, even though technology has made great progress, medicine is still limited, can not be confirmed inevitable.
First aid priorities in an orderly manner

The New York Times reported that doctors diagnosed it difficult, partly because of wartime origin from the "triage" concept, that is, in case of emergency, health care workers from the most critical and most live with the opportunity to save, where these End , To a lesser extent in dealing with critical patients.

Similar concepts are used in hospital emergency rooms, doctors face of chest pain patients, they should immediately thought this might be caused heart or pulmonary embolism, stomach pain, may be caused by intestinal rupture.

Lack of interest in small doctor

If these are the most likely cause of exclusion, or not find cause, doctors will consider a number of less serious cases, the problem is to this stage, there are some other things to busy patients and doctors have no interest in further detailed study.

For example, many patients with chest pain was diagnosed last costal cartilage inflammation or gastroesophageal reflux, but many doctors to such "small" disease lack interest, the patient if not more serious cases, doctors may be some Satirized as only "wastebasket diagnosis."

Patient self-help groups

Many patients dissatisfied with the self-help, body composition, their symptoms, illness publicly, for reference, and so on the common illnesses, including the loss of muscle pain and other parts of the body of fibromyalgia (fibromyalgia), and increasingly by the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to the chronic fatigue syndrome (chronic fatique syndrome).

Will cause this situation, partly because of the rule of diseases such as heart disease and to effect such as severe pneumonia, patients with symptoms Zhi Buhao always complain, doctors will inevitably get tired. If symptoms particularly difficult, the patient will be more discontent.

Disease doctors did not answer

U.S. practitioners Reyna touched a long legs pain weakness, pulled out a help line to walk for women, has been not find the exact cause. 25 years ago she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (multiple sclerosis), the last one doctor to test her brain magnetic resonance imaging, found no brain damage, the diagnosis she is suffering from an atypical multiple sclerosis, spinal The problem, rather than the general patient is brain lesions. Doctor admits that, although confirmed that the woman, but how the future treatment, prognosis of how many questions still unanswered.


Read more news, see World Journal.

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