馬太福音4:18 耶穌在加利利海邊行走,看見弟兄二人,就是那稱呼彼得的西門和他兄弟安得烈,在海裡撒網;他們本是打魚的。 4:19 耶穌對他們說:“來,跟從我!我要叫你們得人如得魚一樣。” 4:20 他們就立刻捨了網,跟從了他。 4:21 從那裡往前走,又看見弟兄二人,就是西庇太的兒子雅各和他兄弟約翰,同他們的父親西庇太在船上補網,耶穌就招呼他們。 4:22 他們立刻捨了船,別了父親,跟從了耶穌。 4:23 耶穌走遍加利利,在各會堂裡教訓人,傳天國的福音,醫治百姓各樣的病症。 4:24 他的名聲就傳遍了敘利亞。那裡的人把一切害病的,就是害各樣疾病、各樣疼痛的和被鬼附的、癲癇的、癱瘓的,都帶了來,耶穌就治好了他們。 4:25 當下,有許多人從加利利、低加坡里、耶路撒冷、猶太、約旦河外來跟著他。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------加利利海,就是湖吧……4:18 加利利海其實是一個大湖,耶穌的時代,在這個湖沿岸大約有三十個以漁為業的城鎮,迦百農是其中最大的一個。
甘心為主放棄所有,好像不太可能,但看歷代以來的人……4:18-20 耶穌叫彼得和安得烈放棄他們的捕魚事業,成為“得人漁夫”,幫助別人尋找神。耶穌將他們從有豐富收益的行業中呼召出來,在屬靈工程中做更有果效的工作。我們每一個人都要參與得人靈魂的工作,跟從基督的榜樣和教訓,與人分享福音,就可以像漁夫用網把魚拉到船上一樣,使身邊的人歸向基督。
彼得他們可不是糊裡糊塗跟隨耶穌,甚麼,你是?!4:19-20 彼得和安得烈早已認識耶穌,耶穌曾在這地區傳道,曾跟他們說話(參約1:35-42)。耶穌呼召他們時,他們認識祂是甚麼人,也願意跟隨祂。他們不是糊裡糊塗地跟從祂,他們完全明白跟隨祂會改變自己的一生。
門徒立刻回應了耶穌的呼召;耶穌也在呼召你,對於你所當做的工,你做了多少?4:21-22 雅各和他的兄弟約翰、彼得和安得烈是耶穌第一批呼召與祂一同工作的門徒,耶穌的呼召使他們立刻起來,放棄了自己的職業。他們並沒有找藉口,說現在不是適當的時間,而是立刻離開自己的崗位來跟隨耶穌。耶穌呼召我們跟隨祂,我們也要像這些門徒一樣,立刻行動。
你看耶穌挺辛苦啊,走遍了加利利,你曉得祂做了甚麼?4:23 教導、傳道和醫治是耶穌主要的工作。“教導”表示耶穌重視人對真理的理解;“傳道”表示祂重視人的委身;而“醫治”則表示祂關注人的健康。祂醫治的神蹟證實祂所教導和傳講的信息是真實的,也顯明祂真是從神而來的。
猶太會堂人真多,職責卻不明;可曉得我們教會內充滿的是一些甚麼人?4:23 耶穌很快就開展了祂有力的講道工作,常到各會堂去講道。在大部分的城市中,每十多個家庭就有一個會堂。安息日,會堂是宗教聚會的地方;平時,會堂則作為學校。會堂的領袖,與其說是傳道人,不如說是行政人員更合適,他們的工作主要是安排和邀請拉比(教師)來教導和講道,邀請過境的拉比講道也是一個慣例。
對於神的福音我的理解是——4:23-24 耶穌將福音傳給每一個願意聽的人,這福音就是:天國已經來臨了,神與我們同在並且關心我們,祂能夠醫治我們,不單是肉體的疾病,也包括屬靈的疾病。沒有一樣罪惡或問題是太大或太小,以至於祂不去處理的。耶穌所說的話就是福音,為我們帶來自由、盼望、內心平安和與神同在的永生。
有時候我也覺得奇怪,竟有那麼多人跟隨那個沒有佳形美容的耶穌……4:25 低加坡里位於加利利海東岸,是外邦十城聯盟的一分子,這十個城為了有更活躍的商貿活動和共同抵禦外敵而組成聯盟。耶穌的話一出口,就吸引了猶太人和外邦人從遠方來聽祂講道。------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Matthew4:18 As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 19 "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." 20 At once they left their nets and followed him. 21 Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them, 22 and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him. 23 Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. 24 News about him spread all over Syria, and people brought to him all who were ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed, and he healed them. 25 Large crowds from Galilee, the Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea and the region across the Jordan followed him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Sea of Galilee, it is the lake ... 4:18 Sea of Galilee is in fact a Great Lakes, Jesus era, in the lake about 30 coastal fisheries for the industry to the towns, Ka-100 is one of the largest agricultural one.
Willing to give up all the main seems unlikely, but history has been to see the people ... 4:18-20 Jesus called Peter and安得烈abandon their fishing industry and become "a human fisherman," and help others to find God. Jesus would have enriched their proceeds from the industry呼召out in the spiritual works in the results of doing more work. Every one of us must take part in the work of a human soul, to follow Christ's example and lessons, and share the Gospel, we can network with like fisherman on board as the fish pulled so that people around the归向Christ.
Peter is not vague they follow Jesus, what you yes? ! 4:19-20 Peter and安得烈have long realized Jesus Christ missionary in the region, have talked to say they (the Senate about 1:35-42). Jesus呼召them, they understand what he is, he is willing to follow. They are not to follow he vague, they fully understand that he will follow the changes in their own lives.
Disciples of Jesus immediately responded to the呼召; Jesus also呼召you for the work you as you done? 4:21-22 Jacob and his brother John, Peter and安得烈that Jesus first batch呼召and he who works disciples, Jesus呼召them immediately, and gave up their career. They are not looking for excuses, saying that now is not the right time, but to leave their posts to follow Jesus. He Jesus呼召we follow, we have to like these disciples, immediate action.
You see, Jesus quite hard ah, traveled the Galilee, you know what he has done? 4:23 teachings, and mission of Jesus and the treatment is the major task. "Educate" people that Jesus attention to the understanding of the truth; "preaching" that he attaches importance to the committed, and "curing" he said concern about people's health. The miracle cure he confirmed祂所teach and Chuan said the information is true, he is also visible from God before he came.
Synagogues were true, but unknown functions; know we can within the church is filled with what? 4:23 Jesus, he soon launched a powerful sermon, often to the town halls to the sermon. In most cities, each family had a more than 10 halls. Sabbath, Hall is the religious gathering places; peacetime, then as a school halls. Hall, the leaders, is not so much preaching, as it is more appropriate administrative staff, their work is primarily arrangements and invited Rabbi (teachers) to teach and preach, invited Rabbi sermon transit is a practice.
For God's blessing is my understanding that -- 4:23-24 Jesus, the gospel will pass each willing to listen to the people, this is good news: the advent of the Kingdom of Heaven, God with us and in our concern, he can heal us, not just the physical disease, but also spiritual diseases. No issue is as evil or too much or too small, so he not handle. Jesus said it is the Gospel, brought us freedom, hope and inner peace in the same God and eternal life.
Sometimes I also find it strange that竟有so many people that did not follow good shape beauty of Jesus ... 4:25 low slope in the Canadian east coast in the Sea of Galilee, Union City is外邦10 members of this city for ten more active business activities and worked together to resist foreign enemies and formation of the alliance. Jesus话一出口, attracted Jews and外邦人from afar to hear he sermon.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------女性吃豆類 少罹腦梗塞 停經女性 效果更佳
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閱覽更多新聞,請看世界日報。---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Women eat less brought to cerebral infarction beans Better results menopausal women
[CNA] Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and a large-scale survey, eat tofu, natto and soybean paste and other soybean products of women suffering from cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction difficult, and soybean products for post-menopausal women with special effects. Thick the province a study group from 1990 onwards, more than 50,000 had not been suffering from heart disease or cancer, 40-year-old to 59-year-old men and women (men and women equal numbers) health tracking survey, and based on information will be daily consumption of soybean products weight, divided into five groups to analysis and the incidence of myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction relations.
Investigations revealed that eating soybean products most women suffering from cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction risk rate of only women eat soy at least the 0.39 times, if post-menopausal women, the rate is more dangerous to only 0.25 times. As for the men, the groups of the survey does not show a different.
Inquiries revealed that eating soybean products largest group, the weight of the day is natto third block of a small plastic bag or tofu.
Investigation of that soybean has a role similar to the female hormone content of a lot of soy isoflavones, and vitamin E, and other rich content, the effect of more than one component with easy and vegetables and seaweed, and other characteristics of their match. (CNA)
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Read more news, take a look at the World Journal.
Friday, December 7, 2007
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