創世記 3:1 耶和華 神所造的,惟有蛇比田野一切的活物更狡猾。蛇對女人說:“ 神豈是真說不許你們吃園中所有樹上的果子嗎?” 3:2 女人對蛇說:“園中樹上的果子,我們可以吃; 3:3 惟有園當中那棵樹上的果子, 神曾說:‘你們不可吃,也不可摸,免得你們死。’” 3:4 蛇對女人說:“你們不一定死, 3:5 因為 神知道,你們吃的日子眼睛就明亮了,你們便如 神能知道善惡。” 3:6 於是,女人見那棵樹的果子好作食物,也悅人的眼目,且是可喜愛的,能使人有智慧,就摘下果子來吃了;又給她丈夫,她丈夫也吃了。 3:7 他們二人的眼睛就明亮了,才知道自己是赤身露體,便拿無花果樹的葉子,為自己編做裙子。 3:8 天起了涼風,耶和華 神在園中行走。那人和他妻子聽見 神的聲音,就藏在園裡的樹木中,躲避耶和華 神的面。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------撒但,悖逆而墮落的天使,我要如何面對牠?3:1 撒但本來是天使,因悖逆神而被逐出天堂,卻偽裝成狡猾的蛇來引誘夏娃。牠既是受造之物,能力就是有限的。雖然牠引誘人偏離神,卻不會得到最後勝利。神說撒但將要被女人的後裔——彌賽亞擊敗(3:14-15)。
撒但為何要試探我?要抵擋試探,我該……3:1-6 撒但為甚麼要試探我們?撒但試探人,是要使人向牠屈服,不按神的旨意生活。牠成功地引誘夏娃犯罪,從此牠不停地引誘人犯罪。牠甚至試探耶穌(參太4:11),但是耶穌並沒有犯罪。 我們怎樣才能抵擋試探呢?首先我們要知道,受試探並不是罪,除非我們在試探中屈服,才是犯罪。抵擋試探必須(1)求神賜我們力量,(2)避開試探,(3)當我們明知是錯事時,就要拒絕。沒有在試探中屈服的人是有福的,主必賞賜祝福他們(參雅1:12)。
只專注一己所無的,而看不見自己所有的——會帶來甚麼危機?3:1-6 那蛇就是撒但,牠引誘夏娃懷疑神的美善。牠暗指神是嚴厲、吝嗇、自私的,不讓夏娃擁有分別善惡的能力。撒但使夏娃忘記神所賜給她的一切,而把焦點集中在她所沒有的一件東西上。當我們不去細想神賜給我們的無數福分,而只在那些沒有得到的幾件事上鑽來鑽去時,我們也會陷入苦惱之中。當你為自己缺少甚麼東西而垂頭喪氣時,就該想想你所擁有的一切並感謝神,這樣你的疑慮就不會使你犯罪了。
“自由主義”與真正的自由是兩樣不同的東西,我到底要哪樣?3:5 亞當夏娃為得到分別善惡的能力而犯罪,且付出慘痛的代價。有時我們會有錯覺,以為自由就是“想做就去做”,但神說真正的自由是由順服和自律而來。祂約束我們是為我們好,使我們不至作惡。我們有自由走在風馳電掣的車輛前面,但是我們不必等到被車子撞倒了,才知道這樣做是愚蠢的。不要聽從撒但的引誘,我們不必以作惡來獲得更多的經驗,來認識人生。
追求屬靈成長是好的,只是我在跟隨神,還是在追求像神般的權力?3:5 撒但利用正確的動機——“你們便如神”來引誘夏娃。夏娃希望像神並沒有錯,這是人類最高的目標,我們本應當這樣做。但撒但誤導夏娃不按正途來達到這目標,叫她藐視神的權威、取代神的地位、自己來決定甚麼對自己最好。其實撒但乃是叫她作自己的神。 要像神並不是成為神,而是反映出神的性情和承認祂在我們生命中的主權。我們也像夏娃一樣,常常抱有理想的目標,卻用錯誤的方式去達到。就像政治家為要當選而賄賂選民一樣,一旦他這樣做,服務百姓就不再是他最高的目標了。 自高自大會叫人背叛神。當我們因自己的計劃而離開神,我們就是把自己放在神之上,這正是撒但的心願。
夏娃的經歷說明美好的事與正確的事並無必然的關係,那麼,我可以做甚麼來避免犯錯誤?3:6 撒但想使夏娃以為罪是好的、令人喜悅的、令人愛慕的事。能分別善惡似乎對她無害。人常常選擇錯事,因為他們相信那些事是好的,最低限度對他們無害。罪惡並不常常以醜惡姿態出現,那些令人喜悅的罪最防不勝防。要當心令我們著迷的試探,我們不能每次都防止試探出現,但總有一條出路讓我們可以避開(參林前10:13)。神的話和屬神的人都能幫助我們去抵擋試探。
我怎樣避免踏出犯罪的第一步?3:6-7 請注意夏娃的動作:她看見、摘下、吃了,又遞給她的丈夫。試探開始時我們往往只是想看看而已,卻不知道這已踏出犯罪的第一步,繼而陷入試探的掙扎中。按保羅的忠告,逃避少年人的私慾(參提後2:22),我們就能勝過試探。
罪最大的危機性是叫我們輕視它的危險性,我可掌握其中真義?3:6-7 犯罪的影響是會散播出去的。夏娃犯罪後,亞當也跟著犯罪。我們犯了錯,為了減輕自己的罪咎感,常常會叫別人一同犯罪。罪惡就好像倒在河裡的毒物一樣,轉瞬間就流淌開去。盡快向神承認自己的罪並悔改,切勿用我們的罪去污染周圍的人。
我有勇氣在犯罪後,立即來到神面前悔改認罪嗎?3:7-8 亞當與夏娃犯罪後感到罪咎,看見自己赤身露體就覺得難為情,這種罪咎感使他們想要逃避神。當我們做錯事後,良心會受到責備,然這是神放在我們心裡面的警鐘。消滅這些罪咎感,而不消滅犯罪的動機,是最壞的一著;就好比僅吃藥止痛,而沒有就醫一般。我們應慶幸能有罪咎的感覺,使我們可以對罪警惕,以便能祈求神的赦免,並改過更新。
誠實能使我們跟神的關係更親密——這是我與神相交的原則嗎?3:8 亞當夏娃二人想用無花果樹的葉子遮蔽身體,以躲避無所不見、無所不知的神,真是幼稚得可笑。他們何以笨到這樣的地步,以為自己真的可以躲開?其實我們也是一樣,以為神不知道我們的所作所為。我們應當勇敢地向神表達我們一切所行所想的,不要想向祂隱藏甚麼,這根本沒有可能。誠實能使我們跟神的關係更加親密。------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Genesis3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? 3:2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 3:3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. 3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. 3:8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Satan, rebellion and fallen angels, I have to cope with it? 3:1 Satan was originally an angel, because rebellion was expelled from paradise God, but disguised as a crafty snake to lure Eve. It is受造之物, capacity is limited. Although it lure people from God, it will not be a final victory. God said to be Satan was a woman's descent - Messiah beat (3:14-15).
Satan probing why should I? To keep the test, the ... I 3:1-6 Satan probing why should we? Satan test, it is to yield to the people, not living according to God's will. It successfully lured Eve crime, since it constantly tempted crime. It even test Jesus (the Senate too 4:11), but Jesus did not crimes. How can we resist the test? First, we must know that the crime is not subject to testing, unless we yield in the test is criminal. Testing must resist (1)求神thanks to our forces, (2) avoid the test, (3) when we known to be wrong, we must reject. Not to sound out of yielding the benefit of the people, the Lord will grant blessing they (the Senate AGB 1:12).
By not only concentrate on our own, and see themselves all - about the crisis? 3:1-6 that snake is Satan, which tempted Eve doubt God Mei. It implied that God is harsh, mean, selfish, respectively good and evil from Eve has the ability. Satan Eve forgotten by God to give her all, and to focus on her, not a thing. When we do not think carefully God bestow our countless portion, but only in those who did not get a number of things to drilling to drilling, we are also a frustration. When you lack something for themselves and were left crestfallen when you think that by all and thank God, so that you will not doubt the crime you.
"Liberalism" and the real freedom is different from different things, I in the end to哪样? 3:5 Adam Eve to be the capacity of each good and evil crimes, and have to pay a painful price. Sometimes we have the impression that freedom is the "want to do it", but that God is real freedom comes from obedient and self-discipline. He is bound us for our good, that we are not to do evil. We have the freedom to walk in front of the drill vehicles, but we do not have to wait until being knocked down by a car, will know this is stupid. Do not listen to Satan's temptations, we do not need to do evil to gain more experience to understand life.
The pursuit of spiritual growth is good, but I follow God, or in the pursuit of God-like powers like? 3:5 Satan use the correct motive - "You just like God" to lure Eve. Eve like God and hope no mistake, this is the highest goal of mankind, we should have done so. But Satan Eve misled by the right not to achieve this goal, called her defiance of the authority of God, God replaced the position to decide what their best. In fact, Satan is called her for their own god. God is not to become like God, but God's disposition and that he recognized the sovereignty of our lives. We also like Eve, often have the desired goal, but used the wrong way to achieve. As for the politicians to bribe voters and the election, if he is to do so, people in the service he is no longer the highest objective. Conceited be very betrayed God. When we plan for our own and leave God, we have put ourselves in God above, this is Satan wish.
Eve experience that better things to do with the right is not necessarily related, then I can do to avoid mistakes? 3:6 Satan would like to think that crime is good Eve, it is joy, a love thing. Respectively good and evil seems to her sound. People often choose wrong, because they believe that those things are good, at least they sound. The ugly crime is not to be able to appear often, the joy of those crimes is the most impossible. And if God is a God who can help us to keep the test.
How can I avoid taking the first step in crime? 3:6-7 Please note Eve actions: She saw, won, eating, and handed her husband. At the beginning of our test often just want to look at it, do not know that this crime has taken the first step, then a test of floundering. According to Paul's advice to evade the desires of Juvenile (to the Senate after 2:22), we will be able to better than exploratory.
The biggest crisis of crime is tell us to underestimate the danger of it, I can grasp them true meaning? 3:6-7 crime impact will spread out. Eve crime, Adam also followed in crime. We made mistakes, in order to reduce their guilty feeling, self-often called others to crime. Crime fell on the river like the poison, suddenly open to the flow. Recognized as soon as possible to God and repent their crimes, not to use our offense to pollution around them.
I have the courage to the crime immediately after the guilty plea to到神面前repentance? 3:7-8 Adam and Eve after the crime is the crime of blame, to see his naked body exposed to feel embarrassed, blame for this crime to evade their sense of God. When we make mistakes afterwards, conscience will be blamed, Ran This is God on our hearts inside the alarm. Elimination of these guilty feeling, self-motivation rather than the eradication of crime is one of the worst; can be compared only pain medication, but not for medical treatment in general. We should be glad to blame for the guilty feeling, so that we can alert to the crime, so that they can pray for God's pardon and rehabilitation update.
Honesty would make our relationship with God more intimate - this is my God intersect with the principles? 3:8 Adam Eve They want to use the fig tree leaves obscured the body to avoid no-no, the omniscient God, really naive derisory. Why they do笨到where it is that they can really miss? In fact, we are the same, we do not know that God has done. We should all express our bravely by God to think, not what to向祂hidden, it is not impossible. Honesty would make our relationship with God more intimate.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------老人吃魚 有助保持記憶力
●一項最新研究顯示,多吃魚有助於老年人保持記憶力。 據路透報導,此項研究在挪威進行,研究成果發表於「美國臨床營養學雜誌」。研究人員在對2031名年齡在70歲到74歲之間的老年人進行測試後發現,那些經常吃魚的老年人在記憶力、視覺概念、空間運動技能、注意力、方向感和語言流暢性等測試中,表現都要好於不常吃魚的老年人。
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閱覽更多新聞,請看世界日報。----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elderly eating fish help maintain memory
● a new study shows that eating fish help the elderly maintain more memory. According to Reuters reports, the study carried out in Norway, the research results published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition." Researchers in 2031 aged 70 years to 74 years between the elderly testing found that elderly people who frequently eat fish in memory, visual concept, space motor skills, attention, a sense of direction and language fluency, etc. test, the performance should be better than the old people rarely eat fish.
* A study for Dr. David Smith said: "Of these six cognitive tests, the elderly people often eat fish more excellent performance." He also said that if the daily intake of fish can reach 80 grams , then the outcome will be more obvious.
Dr. Smith said that they will continue to study, hoping to ascertain whether the ingredients in either role. He said that the role of the people may not have been aware of omega-3 fatty acids. (ANI)
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Sunday, December 2, 2007
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